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The New Rule (Closed with HeIsKing) - Printable Version

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The New Rule (Closed with HeIsKing) - Klayko - 11-14-2016

Story: When news of his father's death reached his ears from poorly made decisions of a wrongfully appointed heir (Prince becoming King even though said dying king gave the position to this characters now slain father), he waged war. Victory would have been easily assured for him had he not gone against his word, the male seen as quite young and otherwise incompetent than the other to have have thorough decisions. He was ambushed and death should have been given to him by the false King's banner, but there was something a bit more humiliating to be deal than to slay him outright. Better to unite a strong opposing force back under the king's banner than to destroy it outright, eh? This "traitor" will find out there is something else in store for him.

Name: Damian Vaalros
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs
Personality: Bears an aggressive streak to him otherwise unfit for a King. He typically masquerades such bad thoughts by acting noble, but he's certainly someone to flare with a temper tantrum. Maybe his mother babied him too much, but he makes up for this with combat. He is strategic and is otherwise capable of fighting. Despite his size, he had slain one of the largest and even brutal warlords roaming the lands and is the reason why one of his uncles can no longer fight (cut his hand off), which was seen as cowardly. Now that he is king, he has done a lot of unfavorable decisions which has left a once stable society in shambles with rebellions. Now, however, he has caught one of his strongest oppositions and with this idea suggested by his mother, the rest of this army will have no choice but to comply.
Description: Medium Brown skin, golden eyes, puffy short dark brown hair, muscly in appearance. Has facial hair that connects to his hair by the jawline down to his chin, dimples hidden away. Beautiful on the outside, in a way, but ugly on the inside. His family banner is of a Crocodile and such a large creature beyond normal means actually accompanies him.


Victory was finally his at last! One of them anyways. He managed to take everything this rebellious male had ever loved through crafty manipulation. His best friend had turned against him at the last minute, taking his town under his nose, a pact this so called Warden made with another kingdom, gone down the drain because he couldn't keep it in his pants to honor a deal to commit to marriage for such a treaty to work. That was how this false king was done in. He went back to the same kingdom to try and still honor the commitment through other means. When he thought all was well with both sides, that was when the blow was dealt. His wife was slain in the onslaught and though the male screamed to be killed as well, it was actually Damian and the other Warden who suggested such an idea for the "Dishonorable" male.

He was spared, but something far worse was going to happen to him. He was from that day onward engaged to Damian. Better to unite their kingdoms together under his rule so that no other could oppose than to kill him outright. Sides, because of his family's Warden status to the East kingdoms, he was by all accounts royal blood.

Pregnancy could happen to a man, with a few magic tonics by the least. However, the man who was found in such a situation, it was made clear they would forever be shamed given the patriarchal chauvinistic society they ran. Damian felt it better to just behead him like he had done the male's father, but he could see the other perspective and hired the best doctors to concoct such a medicine as well as something to help get the male into the mood. Much as people like to paint him as a monster -they weren't lying- he had a heart in some things. This included not forcing himself on someone else. If the bedding ceremony was to commence after the wedding, it would be done where both sides found pleasure in the situation. How it was explained to him, this tonic would not make the man drugged out or anything. It would simply make him highly suggestive to things so that ultimately he would find shame later down the road -if he was sitll feeling reluctant about the situationn as he was presently- in realizing it was him who had agreed to the idea.

"Put it in his wine" he said while he was being fitted in his clothing adorning his family banner's colors of bronze and dark green. Tonight, he was getting married. "The alcohol should work into getting it around his body fast."

He was quite the romantic in that he wanted things to go right. That illusion fainted when the large snap was heard. The large crocodile began to move through the shadows, seemingly giving instructions that for the sake of those around the two, they had better made sure the wedding and everything afterwards went well.

(( Hopefully this is alright to start with.))