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The Games (Closed with SierraHigh) - Klayko - 11-23-2016

Plot: Humans are diverse. What else can they deny about this abundant race? The problem was their ingenuity and it constantly had an effect on the races they dubbed as supernatural or aliens, who had to live on the same planet as they did. There was a way to fix all of this however. Supreme beings gathered together to make a new world for them, but the damage was already done. To solve this matter, games were held every year, humans pulled from their homes and forced to play. If they won every game in the year, they were free to return, time seemingly standing still from their point of abduction. If they lose however, the species that held that game within the arena (Reminiscent to the Colosseums back in ancient Greece and Rome claim right to secure these losers and force them to a life of bringing back their on the verge of dying races.

Name: Sergio Torres
Age: 30
Height: 6'0
Weight: 165 lbs.
Bio: A premier soccer player from Spain, Sergio was selected because of this aspect, the male being close to what most consider a gladiator or Olympian Athlete. He was taken away from his wife and son.
Description: Short messy red-brown hair, complete with a slightly shaven beard. His body frame is lean, but muscular, from the sport he plays, slight thick calves however from years of running.  

Name: Vector Dalios
Age: Appears in his early 20s, but has been around for centuries.
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 245 lbs of solid muscles
Bio: A prince of a race known as Torians, what most mistake for aliens.
Description: He's quite slim for his race's kind, but that's hardly saying much. They naturally tower over humans and some of the other races with bulk, but are most known for their pale colorful glowing skin. In his case, his skin is a faint purple, his hair short and messy, but platinum blond all the same with facial hair. His eyes glow a neon blue.


He was there for what seemed to be a week. That was how the wonky calendar read at least. The months and the days read differently than when he was on Earth. This planet was similar yet different. More forests were grown, the skies were red during the day and the stars and cosmos apparent at night. It was like a paradise in a way if some of the customs weren't restricted to just the medieval and Greco-Roman periods in time.

He had played their games for days, surviving each one so far. The male had everything to lose with this situation, a wife and a kid back at home waiting on him. That was most of his driving force and when he was forced to fight against other humans in these games, he felt bad for them because they would lose and have to stay there, some with the same motives and purposes as him. He walked town the merchant street, looking to buy food for the night with the coins he had earned from each experience.

RE: The Games (Closed with SierraHigh) - SierraHigh - 11-26-2016

Name: Nixon Owens
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Bio: Nixon comes from a political savvy family on the east coast; he got his first name from the favorite president of his parents, funnily (or pathetically) enough. Despite his background and what he was supposed to become, Nixon has instead gone against his parents and delved into marine biology at school. He's been in college since he graduated high school and has similarly been on his own since. Other than participating on the school lacrosse team, Nixon isn't the body builder health guru. He's averagely athletic.
Description: Olive skin tone and short curly dark brown hair, complete with green eyes and glasses on days he's not playing lacrosse or doesn't want to wear contacts. His cheeks are freckled and he's built with a usual build, nothing particularly outstanding save for normal muscles that come with his sport and swimming.

Name: Za'kara
Age: Appears late 20's but has been around for a few hundred years
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 193 lbs
Bio: Za'kara is the second heir to a species called Akteh's. Akteh's have the lower half of a lion body but their top build is that of a human. Za'kara has never had any interest in taking the throne from his older brother despite it being tradition for any amount of siblings to dispute the chair. He partakes in the games, but punishment for his losers isn't the norm.
Description: Za'kara has brown skin and ebony colored hair situated messily atop his head, topped with the curled ears of lions. He adorns his human half with extravagant jeweled clothing while his lower half is commonly unclothed but riddled with ringlets and jewelry as well, the most noticeable being the pure gold chain wrapped about his waist and to the end of his tail. His eyes are a piercing feral gold and most people tend to make out his large incisors when he cracks a smile. He's muscular but most Akteh's are. He prefers mind games over physical challenges and could riddle someone for hours if they let him.


Nixon had been expecting to lost many of the trials initially, and he'd sort of come to accept his fate stuck on this world even though he was still sure literally a newbie. But he'd surprised himself and had gone above and beyond - somehow - in his first couple of challenges. He'd been a bit too proud, and maybe it was a good thing that the other contenders had told him not to get too stoked or excited just yet. But really, it was hard not to when he won. He wasn't cocky, he was just... pumped. The faster he could get back home, the better. Half of these aliens probably didn't even know they were cutting into his research time back home. He had nothing to lose but a degree and a college education, which was actually everything so this whole thing was sort of important. Probably not as important as the reasonings of other contenders, but it seemed to be every man for himself here.

The merchant street wasn't somewhere Nixon liked to go but rather somewhere he had to go. He tried to get in and out as quickly as he was able, but occasionally he got distracted. Tonight the distraction took the form of his roommate, or cell mate - one of the two. "Oh, hey Sergio!" Nixon called out in greeting, picking up his pace to catch up to the other man. "If I'd known you were coming out here I would've asked you to get me stuff too." He gave a wry grin. "I hate coming here... I try to avoid it if I can, kind of like the local grocery stores."

RE: The Games (Closed with SierraHigh) - Klayko - 11-27-2016

Sergio was examining the fruit. It would be wise for him not to touch anything that did not look normal to his eyes as he was told by other merchants and from something he witnessed himself. He watched some people lose their challenges because they either passed out from the food they ate or began to act really slutty or otherwise. The point was that he kept with eating food that he knew like apples of red or green colors and not the kind that radiated with blue skin or otherwise. That was when he heard his name and turned around to hear the voice. It was none other than his cellmate Nixon.

"It was actually last minute" he stated. "I got pulled into some random challenge by a monkey king or something like that and paid here a visit after it was done."

He put on a brave face of course. He was older than the other male and obviously tried to remain strong for the things he could potentially lose back at home. Long as he was winning, it would seem like he was still out practicing before heading back to his family for the evening. The idea did cross him that he could lose and that would be the end of ever seeing them again. "I hate it too, but anything we can do to survive, huh?"

Sergio presently wore a brown cloak over the traditional Greek attire he was forced to wear, the male resembling everything like a Gladiator, from the little to no protection on his body save for the upper region of his chest, only one arm being long sleeved. His lower body were modern day compression pants and flexible shoes. He couldn't be picky in what he was given to wear, but only to make due with it.

"So what were you looking to buy?"


As the night was approaching in the large city, a council was being called in the large castle itself that held the games. Their bodies faintly glowed through the night air, cloaks covering most of it as they stepped inside to be around various figures of different races, from Satyrs to Minotaurs to even not so well known species, conversing either amongst themselves or with other races. The figures took their own seats as they waited for everyone else to arrive. It was to discuss who would go next for the games, though for this particular race, they usually liked to go last against some of the humans who were close to winning their freedom. Still, they enjoyed the games either way so that they could size up potential candidates.

RE: The Games (Closed with SierraHigh) - SierraHigh - 12-02-2016

"A monkey king?" Nixon scoffed, shaking his head. He had a few coins buy what he wanted her, although Nixon was skeptical of many of the goods that were sold in the market. He only bought what he knew would be alright to eat and strayed far from the foreign alien foods despite the insistence of the good effects they'd have on him by their respectful merchants. Nixon knew any of them would do what they could to get a pretty penny out of him, or simply mess him up in an attempt to lose one of the challenges, but he had to be smarter than that so he'd been taking after sticking close to the challengers who consistently won their trials. The consequence for losing was a bit disconcerting, but Nixon had hopes he'd walk out of this completely off the hook and would be returning home to get back to his studies. If only his classmates knew where he was now...

Nixon shrugged a little, eyeing a passing merchant handing out samples of some kind of glowing purple fruit to humans and other aliens alike. While it was tempting to ask for some, the last thing Nixon needed was to be screwed over now. "Yeah, if you ask me, these challenge things are pretty ridiculous. Like, some others here can barely make it up a stairwell without being totally out of breath by the time they get to the top. How are they expected to win?" Nixon laughed crudely. "You'd think that if all these aliens wanted to see people fail, they'd choose the people who were most unfit for this kind of thing."

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Nixon tipped his head. "I was going to see about buying dinner or something for the next few days but I'm gonna hold off." The regular food they provided them back in their holding cells - cells but they functioned more so as mini dorms - was good enough. It wasn't the most delicious thing in the world, but Nixon could live. "Wait until I get more coins and then really buy something good," he grinned.

(Unsure if you were setting up to bring in Vector, so I'll add Za'kara in the next post if you do haha)

RE: The Games (Closed with SierraHigh) - Klayko - 12-06-2016

"Yea" Sergio chuckled. "He had the tail, hairy body ad all. "

It was done though. He survived an impromptu challenge and was there presently without having a need to mope at the idea of being dragged away by guards, like a figure before them was doing now, the woman in tow pleading to deaf ears. Some of course tried to fight the guards before, but they "lost" a hidden challenge about fighting against authority figures and suffered something a bit worse. They became known as pregnant beggars, which the area around them was mostly filled with, men and women from varying stages of it, trying to find the person who impregnated them from a blindfolded incident.

"I completely understand" he stated to the male about those that were otherwise unable to complete the challenges physically. "But maybe they've something else planned. Some of this seems a bit easy otherwise."

He didn't want to tell him that he was probably on the verge of losing and not because of physical prowess. The figure was trying to be vague in context through most of the situation, trying to trick him. "Maybe in a way they're looking for a challenge. Would seem a bit unfair to choose them if they were unfit or not intelligent or something."

Either way, he was celebrating and looked at some of the wine, buying a blueberry one.

"Maybe with enough coins, we could get out of here a lot sooner. I heard some things from walking around here about a black market with a lease. I'll explain more about it when we get back to the room."

He purchased what he needed for a few days and waited on Nixon.

Within the large castle, more figures began to gather, ready to discuss the games for the next course of events.

"When everyone has gathered" a voice boomed through the skies as if it were the lightning itself. "We can discuss who will hold the next chain of events."

The figures that were faintly glowing just observed. They usually never got involved right away and for good reasons. They, in a way, liked the strong and it was too early too tell. Still, they came to the meetings to see how the games would play out and size up potential candidates.

(I was in a way, but it was mostly to reveal how they plan their games. If you want to introduce him, you can.)