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C Teacher's Mistake - Printable Version

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Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-06-2023

Nathan corrected his unruly hair near his forehead with a comb. After agonizing for a while, the young man was satisfied with the result.

Today was his first day of work. He was about to start working at a high school as a math teacher. This was his first serious job after college so he was taking it very seriously.

Dressed in a smart shirt and pants that fairly hugged his buttocks, he emerged from his small studio apartment, which he had only started renting for a month.

Even from his youthful years, his appearance more closely resembled a woman's shape. He had rounded buttocks, slim thighs and wide hips. He was of medium height. His defining feature was his long eyelashes.

He had a bit of unpleasantness in his school days because of this, but decided to become a teacher nonetheless because of his teaching skills. He was very excited about it.

He was just riding the bus towards his new workplace. There were already several students on the bus. He recognized it by the uniforms they were wearing

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor loved school. His handsome face and muscular body ensured that many people crushed on him, he was very popular. He was also known for being in a boxing team in which he fought people from around the country, he had never lost a fight. Taylor had a secret though, he was bisexual. He wasn’t ashamed of it but he much rather people didn’t know.

Being in his final year of sixth form meant that he had just turned 18 and was able to purchase alcohol for him and his friends. Which is exactly why he woke up late for school. They had been drinking on the Sunday night, forgetting about the consequences.

Taylor sat up in his bed and yawned, wincing at how bright it was outside. He frowned reaching for his phone, jumping out of bed once seeing the time. 8:17am. School started a 8:15.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan had his first lesson with a senior class. He noticed in the introduction how many girls were interested in him. Probably because he replaced their senior professor, who was said to be really strict.

As a young teacher, he didn't want to discourage them too much, so he tried to learn about their knowledge and skills first. When he checked the attendance list, he began to teach the lessons.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor rushed into the classroom, hating the fact that he was late and still had a raging headache. He just had to ignore it and pray that the class worked silently. He looked up from where he was stood, closing the door and felt his eyebrows raise in shock. He had heard rumours about there being a new teacher yet he didn’t expect them to be this young. Or attractive.

“Sorry I’m late sir”, he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked around the room trying to see where his mates were and saw that they had saved him a space at the back.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan was just writing something on the blackboard when Taylor entered the classroom. He looked at him rather gently, but then licking his lips, he nevertheless decided to comment on his tardiness. However, he had to draw consequences from the student.

"Since you made it in time for the end of class, why don't you solve the last example from page 69?" he suggested looking in his direction.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor huffed, wasn’t this just great? His eyes and head were hurting, now he had to actually do some work. He moved the pages of the books to page 69, elbowing his mate for snickering at him and then read the question. Maths wasn’t his best subject so he didn’t really understand how to answer it.

He looked over at the class nerd who was basically bouncing in their seat, eager to answer the question and gave him a glare. Watching as the fellow student slowly stopped moving and withered under his gaze. “Sir I really can’t be asked to answer this”

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan looked in his direction with seriousness. He had seen everything. And he didn't like his behavior. I guess he'll have to give him some lessons in good manners.

With a confident step, he started walking toward him shaking his hips unconsciously. He reached for his book and looked at the question and then at the student.
"That's the basis... Don't you understand? A colleague can't take responsibility for your shortcomings. Stay after class. We'll talk," he replied, and a moment later the break bell sounded

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Sighing he agreed, “yeah whatever”, he honestly didn’t care, the pain in his head seemed to be growing. He told his mates not to wait and asked them to get him some pills from somewhere. And so as the room emptied he sat and waited for the teacher to finish up.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan tidied up his desk and then the whiteboard. Then he looked at Taylor, walking toward him with a slow step.
"Okay... Then maybe let's talk directly. I guess math is not your favorite subject."

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

“It’s isn’t, I’m shit at it”, Taylor began, “and it most definitely doesn’t help when my head is pounding”. He huffed and laid his head on the desk waiting to be scolded for his attitude. He titled his head up and took the chance to look the teacher up and down, looking at his curves and feminine features.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan sighed quietly and caught his chin to make him sit up straight.
"Listen..." he began and let go of his jaw while looking into his eyes. Taylor was truly charming. "I know you're at an age where you can do a lot, but please don't curse at school."

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor raised an eyebrow, and grabbed the teachers chin back and got close to his face. “I won’t curse if you make me good at math”, he countered. He wouldn’t need to curse if the issue was fixed, right? “Thanks sir, now be a good boy and get ready for your next lesson”.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan was a bit shocked. He couldn't say a word. He just continued to sit in his seat, watching Taylor leave the classroom. He touched his fingers to his lips, and then a blush appeared on his cheeks. What was that?

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor smirked to himself as he left the classroom, he loved making people react like that. His teacher was young and he was attractive so it wasn’t difficult to make him blush. He wondered off to find his mates and finally get rid of his headache.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan finally sobered up from his emotions and blushes. He needed to ventilate the classroom. He still had Taylor cologne in his nostrils. He had to get back to himself. He had another lesson in a while.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor checked his timetable and saw he had maths last the next day, he didn’t mind so much. Maths would be interesting from now on. Especially with a teacher like him.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan had to drink lemon balm to calm down before his last lesson. He had to get ready to look Taylor in the eye again. He also undid a few shirt buttons.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

The next day, Taylor wondered into math, more joyfully than he ever had. He sat down in his seat prepared to watch the teachers every move. It didn’t take long for him to notice his shirt had a few buttons undone compared to earlier- when he had seen him in the hallway.

RE: Teacher's Mistake - justpush - 08-07-2023

Nathan tried to avoid Taylor throughout the lesson. He didn't look in his direction or draw him out for answers. He tried to conduct the lesson calmly.

Meanwhile, Taylor's classmates laughed quietly at the back of the class.
"Ey... He has a woman's shape. After alcohol, you could be mistaken."

RE: Teacher's Mistake - Whoknows - 08-07-2023

Taylor thought that the teacher ignoring him was quite funny, he noticed that when he would look around the classroom his eyes would go around him. Once he overheard some of his mates talking weirdly about the teacher he rolled his eyes, “stop talking, you’re distracting me”, he told them, making them stop.