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new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

I have a story idea for a RP I need someone who is interested

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

Plot: Two men taken and being held captive by unknown people wake up and find themselves heavily pregnant and ready to give birth (can be to live babies or eggs) They expect to be let go after they are done but every two to three days they get pregnant again, giving birth to more each time.

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

Name: Lucas
Age: 20
Pregnant: Yes
How many times has he been pregnant: 1 (first time)
Due: Now
Babies or Eggs?: Both
How many?: 4 of each

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

Lucas woke up to a dull pain I his back, his head pounding. He tries to sit up but is unable to for a reason unknown to him. He opens his eyes a bit more, looking around the room, not recognizing anything and desperately trying to remember how he got there. Then he looks down and realizes the reason he cant sit up.

"What the fuck?" He says, out loud as he stares down a the huge orb his stomach has become over night. He slowly places his hand on his swollen belly hoping that it is all just a dream. As soon as his hand reaches his belly he feels a kick underneath it. "Holy shit. This is real. I am pregnant. How did this happen?"

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Name: Adrian
Age: 21
Pregnant: Yes
How many times has he been pregnant: 1 (this is his first time)
Due: Now
Babies or Eggs?: Both
How many?: 3 eggs and 2 babies

Adrian groggily begins to open his eyes and lets out a low groan. He scratches his head and begins to look around, trying to figure out what's going on and why he feels so sore.

" anyone there?" He calls out. "What's going on? Where am I-" His last thought is cut off, as he looks down and sees his stomach jutting out from his middle, looking huge and swollen. "W-what the hell!?" He places a hand on it, realizing that it's real. "What is this?!"

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

Lucas hears the new voice and looks around til he spots Adrian. "hey what is your name? Do you know how we got here? Or what is happening to us?"

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian looks over at the other person in the room with a combination of shock and relief. Shifting in his seat, he tries to calm himself down before answering Lucas' questions.

"Adrian, my name's Adrian." He then places a hand on his belly, feeling around the large orb. "Unfortunately I have no idea what's really happening, or how I got here! I was hoping maybe you'd know something. This...definitely isn't normal."

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"I'm Lucas. I wish I did know what was going on. Maybe then I could get us out of here." Lucas looks down at his huge stomach again "I'm not imagining it am I? W-we are pregnant? How the hell is this possible?"

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian smiles at Lucas. "Well, I wish it was under better circumstances, but it's nice to meet you Lucas." He then jumps slightly as he feels a particularly strong kick from inside his belly. "Well...this feels pretty real to me!" He exclaims, then lets out a groan as he feels another kick.

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"Nice to meet you too" He rubs his belly afraid of what is going to happen and how soon it would be seeing as they both looked long overdue with sextuplets. "When do you think this will happen? I mean when do you think we will g-give b-birth?"

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian pauses, and shakes his head. "I have no idea. J-judging from our sizes though...I think it's going to be a lot sooner rather than later." He then begins to rub his sore back, as he feels a few more strong kicks from whatever is growing inside him.

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"y-yeah but I mean how can we give birth? We are men!" he stops to rub his belly again as whatever was in there kicked him hard in the side

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

"I-I'm not sure!" Adrian felt himself start to panic. "I'm assuming they have to come out some way...I'm sorry but this is all too weird!" The young man dropped his arms to his sides. "I're right! We're men, so we shouldn't even be pregnant in the first place! Plus we have no idea what the hell we're even carrying and who, or what did this to us!"

(Were there any particular birthing methods you were thinking of or wanted to try out?)

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"I-I agree, this cant be real. we hit our heads or something and this is all a dream. It has to be!"

(well what would you prefer?)

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian shook his head. "No...I'm pretty sure it's not!" He then let out a small gasp as a few more kicks shook his belly, making some visible impressions on his skin.

(I'm really not picky actually! I just like labor and births in general. Feel free to let me know what you like!)

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

(ok so long difficult anal birth? So when should it happen and should it be one than the other or together?)

He tries to stand up, working against the weight of his belly. After many attempts he does and goes over to you, slumping down next to you. "Well I guess we are in this together then"

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian nods his head and smiles weakly at Lucas. "Yeah...I guess so." His hand traces over the swollen orb in an attempt to calm the motions down. "I just hope we find some answers soon, and we can get out of this place."

(That sounds good to me! It can start whenever you're ready, and I'll admit it can be easier to do it one at a time if you want one of us helping the other, but it can be fun to do it at the same time too! Maybe one of us can start, then the other starts going into labor halfway through his birthing.)

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"yeah I hope we can too man. I wonder why no one has come in here"

(yeah same time one of us goes first and then the other halfway through. You have more so you should go first if you want?)

RE: new RP idea - BubbleBelly321 - 01-22-2014

Adrian shrugged his shoulders. "Same here. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm glad we're not alone in here, but it'd be nice if we had some answers...or some help."

Adrian's eyes then went wide for a second, and he leaned forward. Clutching his belly tightly he let out a groan and shut his eyes tightly. He clearly seemed uncomfortable, and he began to slowly rock his body back and forth.

(Okay! Sure!)

RE: new RP idea - missingyou421 - 01-22-2014

"woah woah, hey are you ok?" Puts his hand on Aidan's belly "dude your stomach is rock hard!"