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From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Printable Version

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From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-25-2014

Christmas Day 2014. For years, humanity has been going down the crapper, or at least that's what my lord says. I'm an angel of God, creator of this Earth, and he's not the only God so to speak. Each planet has it's own creator and overseer, and this planet is ruled by a God like any other. 

For years, people have been buying into that this Jesus fellow was the messiah/son of God, when he was not. Still, God thought now was a good time to really carry his child, and he's assigned me to find someone. He told me to go to this city and find someone he found worthy, apparently I'll know who he's talking about by giving me his "eyes" but really is a pair of glasses that gives me the ability to see what he sees. He also gave me the power to make anyone pregnant, though I wonder why he wants me to impregnate somebody on pregnant on Christmas instead of 9 months before, but whatever.

It's pretty cold, and I've been walking everywhere to find this person. I decide to go into a bar and order some drinks, and to the corner of my eye I see a guy with extended belly and light emitting from him. "What the fu-" I take of my glasses to see the guy again and he did not have the extra features. "Glasses on" light show, "glasses off" nada, "Glasses on," pregnant belly" glasses off, "normal dude." So god wants me to impregnate a guy... okay then. Guess I'll go for it. I walk to the man sitting alone and say

"Hello there, what are you doing on this fine Christmas?"

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-25-2014

"Getting drunk to drown my sorrows," I smiled tightly at the man. He seemed kind, polite, but I was so very not in the mood for anything. I had been layed off, dumped, hell, I had been abandoned by my beliefs. It was awful. A terrible bloody christmas.
"What do you want, anyway?"
I let my mind wander around while the stranger stood. What would be good right now? A full, heavy belly would be wonderful. Very, very wonderful. He'd always wanted to be pregnant, but y'know, man with no vagina cannot conceive.
"Well, stranger? What do you want?"

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

"I want to give you," I thought to myself, what they heck should I say? I'd never tried to get someone pregnant before, much less a drunk man on Christmas day. Plus as a woman, was that even possible? Oh yeah, god powers, now anything is possible. But I breathed in and said "I want to give you a very Merry Christmas," I said that as sexual as possible, hoping that this man will be swooned by by sexy way of saying Merry and Christmas. I'll be amazed it if works.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

(Also sorry for not replying sooner, stuff got in the way)

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-26-2014

"A merry christmas quickie?" the man laughed. "Go ahead, in the loos, now."
I didnt feel too good about it, but maybe it would help to take his mind off things with some mindless, stupid sex. Besides, what's the worse that could happen, really?

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

We both went into the female restroom because there was no one there. We went inside the stall for handicapped people, meaning there was a lot more room for us. I started to take off my clothes as a sign for the man to do the same thing too. And in that second, I got a flash of new knowledge from god telling me how to make the man pregnant... through the belly button. God, wtf?

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-26-2014

I pulled my clothes of quickly, this chick, she was h o t. "C'mon baby, get some," I grinned at her, pumping my cock hard.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

I see the man with his dick out, and all I thought to myself was 'oh he is not getting any of that tonight,' but he had his shirt off, with his navel exposed. So either way I had to kneel down to get to him, and so I did. I was on my knees and I was trying to place my head where his belly was, but the man was trying to get his cock to my face. Why did G had to pick a drunk man for this? "Would you stay still?" I asked, "I want to take things... slow," The man stopped and I finally had a chance to do what I was sent for.

I had my eyes staring straight onto his belly button and my lips started to glow. And with the only way I knew how to impregnate this man now with the stuff going on with my lips, I kissed his belly button and licked it inside with my tongue.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-26-2014

"So if this is slow, this is feckin' weird.." I puzzled. This wasn't normal. Her lips were glowing and she was licking my bellybutton, like, who does that? Really?
"I-I thought I was getting sucked.."

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

The glow from my lips started to fade, and the navel I was licking was beginning to dim, and then it shinned brightly. I got up and waited for a reaction so I could explain myself once he was done, most likely freaking out. I have a guess he will, and then freak out more when I tell him the truth.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-26-2014

"So, uh, what the fuck?" I asked the young woman. "Care to tell me what the fuck you're doing?"

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-26-2014

"First off, put your pants back on, and while you're doing that, I'll tell you something you need to know but it's something you probably wouldn't want to hear," The light continued to glow from the mans belly area, "You're currently pregnant with the child of god, and I know that's a lot to take in, but feel your belly."

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-26-2014

I placed a hand on my belly in shock. It was.. round. Moving. Creepy.
"Man, what the fuck?! Lady what are you on?!"

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-27-2014

I breathed in, making the man wait even more, though I was breathing to prepare myself for the shit-storm I'll face.
"I am an angel of god," I flash brightly and my clothes change into what many consider the stereotypical clothes of an angel, with a long white rode that covers most of my body and a halo over my head, and I grew wings as well, even though the modern deception of an angel is a tad inaccurate. "And he sent me to get you pregnant with his child," I get close to the man and proceed to rub his still growing belly.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-27-2014

"Haha, I can't be pregnant, I'm a man!" I laughed at the woman. "Jeez, you're high."

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-27-2014

"Oh really? Then explain why you're growing larger as we speak? And also, feel your belly, feel for any kicks."

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-28-2014

I gently place a hand on my rapidly expanding belly. "Oh my god.." As I rest my hand on my skin I feel a kick from within. "Oh god!"

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-28-2014

Eventually, the belly stopped growing, and now looked like the man was ready to pop. He looked about full term, so birth was coming around the corner soon. I went to the man again and I started to rub his belly, "It's going to be alright," I told the man, kissing his pregnant stomach for reassurance.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Z_lastname - 12-28-2014

"I- I uh- Oh-okay.." I finally conceed. "Can we at least go back to my house? I wanna get comfortable," I say as I rub my belly.

RE: From Heaven (closed between calder_archer and Enceinte_Boy) - Enceinte_Boy - 12-28-2014

"Sure," I said. I place my hand on his head, and I instantly teleport both of us to the mans home.
"No one should see us y'know, that's why I teleported us,"