The station
Jace curled into him a bit and sipped at the water. The next few days were filled with the same, Jace being sick, then being okay and then being sick again and he was actually a little glad when they left for the doctor. His fears started to eat away at him and he was shaking a bit, his hand quite sweaty inside Gears as they went inside the small office.
Gear stood beside him, he did the checking in at the front desk and then they waited in a chair for a bit. He kept Jace close to him finding himself wary of any strangers. He didn't like being here either but it had to be done. There wasn't a choice really. Eventually, they were called back and Gear sat in a chair next to the bed waiting with Jace for the doctor.
Jace sat in a chair too not wanting to sit on the bed just yet, they reminded him too much of the time on the station and he already was scared of coming to a doctor never mind getting on the bed. He laid his head on Gears shoulder sighing slightly as they waited for the doctor
A few minutes later a woman entered, she smiled kindly looking at the two. Gear had spoken with her on the phone, he hadn't told her much but had made her aware of the situation. "Hello." She said looking at the two. "What seems to be the problem today?" Gear let Jace try and answer first before jumping in.
Jace bit his lip curling into Gear's side a little more "Um....I've been sick but only on and off for the past few weeks, I feel fine now, it just comes and goes, a little light headed every now and again and some foods won't stop tasting off to me for some reason, foods I normally really enjoy" he said quietly squeezing Gear's hand nervously
"Alright well, hop up on the bed for a moment an lets take a look." She took a step back so that Jace could get up without feeling threatened. When he was up she would proceed to gently press on his belly. "Does this hurt at all?" She asked softly. "I also think we should run a blood test if that's ok?"
Jace bit his lip and nodded as she touched his tender stomach which was almost hard to the touch "Yeah, it hurts a little" he said quietly and but his lip "Yeah...a blood test would be fine" he said nervously and looked over at Gear giving him a tight smile
Gear stayed close watching Jace, the woman took blood a bit later and told them to wait around for the results. When she returned she looked surprised but not as much as she could have been. After all, she had been filled on some of the history. "Well-" She trailed off. "I know why you are sick, at least, I'm pretty sure I know but I'de like to do one more thing to make sure. She pulled out an ultrasound. "You're pregnant." She muttered softly.

Gear's eyes widened he tensed for a moment looking at Jace and then back at the monitor.
Jace looked at Gear shocked and then at the monitor as a small bean like shape appeared on it "Woah..." he said quietly feeling his heart thumping quickly he looked over at Gear and swallowed roughly "Gear....babe....what do you think about this?" He asked biting his lip a little
Gear smiled came closer and gave Jace a kiss. "Will have a child of our own, it's alright." He muttered softly. "What do you think?"He asked looking back at JAce, studying him trying to figure out what was going on in the boys head.
Jace kissed him softly back and smiled gently "I'm terrified...but in a good way?" He laughed as he almost contradicted himself "I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling" he laughed softly. He looked at the doctor biting his lip lightly "How far along so I look?" He asked nervously
"About a month or so. It seems to be progressing pretty normally, however, I'de like to see you back here in two weeks for another checkup. Sound ok?" She handed a towel to jace to wipe the gell off his belly. " I can give you something for the morning sickness to if you want it. It'll probably help so you won't be as sick all the time."
Jace bit his lip and nodded "Yeah, sounds good. And yes please, it would be nice not to feel sick all the time" he chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his neck lightly looking up at Gear smiling gently as he wiped the he'll off himself.
Gear smiled, he seemed happy. After all the weird stuff that had happened to them at least, this wasn't so ... unhappy. At least now they had control over the situation. He stood with Jace taking his hand they picked up the prescription and then headed home.

((So, instead of gear deciding he wants a baby to I'm thinking of waiting until they get captured again and having Dr. White do something to him but instead of hateing the child. This time he winds of attaching to it. ))
Jace took some of the medication and it did help him quite a bit. He slept a lot but nothing too much considering his predicament. He got some strange cravings that Gear quickly discovered not to mention or point out like he was currently eating potato chips dipped in jam.

(Yeah, whatever you would like, what if the Doctor they see is in cahoots with white but like pretends she's friends with them and invites them on a night out after the baby is born and that's how he gets them?)
Gear studied him for a moment but quickly shrugged it off, it wasn't strange anymore. Or, it was but Gear wasn't even going to try and ask about it. "How are you feeling?" Gear asked as he came over and gave the boy a quick kiss on the forehead.
Jace smiled brightly up at Gear "I'm good babe" he said happily munching on his snack "Come cuddle with me for a while" he said happily. He was clearly showing now, at least when it was mentioned the bump could be immediately seen.

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