Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
"With your tongue?!"He snapped in retort,"Fuck you, you're only thinking about yourself."His face twisted up in pain and he growled with the contraction, turning over onto his side and whining as his stomach tightened painfully. He panted and gripped onto the pillow beneath him, his hips rocked slowly with the next loud, drawn out moan that escaped him. There were a thousand other things he could think of that he wanted to do besides give birth to whatever spawn had made its home inside of him due to the priest fucking him within the first month of knowing him.

"You aren't helping me... You did this to me! And now you want to fucking help me- Argh!" He cried out, tears fell from his eyes and down his cheeks and it was obvious that he was terrified of what was happening to him, turning over slowly onto his knees. Reaching out to grip the steel bar of the headboard, he felt like a beached whale and that was putting it lightly, now that his water broke, labor was intensifying at too fast of a pace for him to keep up with. His stomach hung low, pressure forcing its way down against his pelvis, he whined as he contracted again and shook his head firmly.

"You want to fucking check me? Or open me up or whatever? Just fucking look at me, it's coming right now."He said simply, groaning and bearing down.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie didn't like it one bit how every move of his was shunned by Morrison. He had nothing but good intentions, yet time after time the stubborn omega shoved him away, spatting out the crulest words possible - at least to the priest - to him. He tried to convince himself not to take offence of that, but sometimes he couldn't help but that feeling of frustration from building up.

"I did this to you... but that didn't mean I couldn't help you now!" Jamie attempted to argue back, but soon enough he realised that was useless. He wouldn't get his ideas through with how deep into labor Morrison was. Jamie had experience in this enough to recognise the signs, and right now most probably Morrison was in transition and the pain was going to cloud his judgement and thinking.

He sighed and actually toughened himself up. "you stay put! now do you want me here or do you want to do this alone?" he said climbing onto the bed as well, pushing open Morrison's legs, he spread his buttocks to check his progress, visually, and saw nothing but his hole flaring open at his push.

"It's your choice. If you want to fight with me, you can choose a better timing. Now stay focus on my instructions if you want to deliver OUR baby." he said ducking his head to see through his opening. The head was too deep within Morrison to be seen, it was coming out, but definitely not nearly as quick as Morrison thought. 
Morrison buried his face in the crook of his elbow with a weak sob, whimpering and shaking his head as he trembled there on his knees in the bed. His hands gripped onto the headboard tightly and he knelt there, unable to keep the pain at bay,"Fuck me for being so stupid... For being what I am... I fucking hate it... Argh!" He tensed again, his teeth digging into his lower lip as he groaned aloud, blinking in fear at what Jamie said and his facade fell apart.

"N-No, please." He sobbed again,"Don't leave me. It hurts so bad-" He gasped, feeling as Jamie pushed open his legs to check him, whimpering and forcing himself to breathe before he passed out. His hands not moving from their place on the headboard, turning red in the face at what he said, unable to argue as he started pushing again. Belly tightening and eyes rolling back from the pain that consumed his entire body, back burning like hellfire and belly uncomfortably tight.

Despite not wanting this child of theirs, he couldn't force his body to not do what it was made to do, the baby was coming and he couldn't stop it. Nor did he think Jamie would just let him or the baby die, he sank against the pillows again and moaned, arms wrapping tightly around his middle.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The push did little other than allowing a smoother access for Jamie to check Morrison. The elder man was not getting anywhere with his cervix not quite yet dilated fully, but Jamie made no effort to stop the omega from pushing. The strong pushes would have helped with the last effacement. "Alright, you will have to cooperate with me if you want this to work out." From between Morrison's legs, he could see the bottom of his heavy belly, dangling low looking like it could drop any minute.

Even Jamie wished it was this easy. He couldn't quite imagine how big the baby could be considering how big Morrison managed to get.

"I'm stretching your canal. if you feel like pushing, go ahead." he said keeping his fingers in, pressing along the rim of his opening to stretch the tight skin. Morrison was tight, Jamie had to scissor his fingers to prepare it as much as possible. There were times when Morrison would tense up so much, he arched his back and howled.

The process continued. With time, Morrison was fully dilated and Jamie started rubbing along the sides of his belly, hovering himself behind the omega in the way he was taught would help mov ethe baby down. To Jamie's worry, he could feel one twin was rather high up in the womb. But either way it could be done one at a time only. Jamie concentrated on helping the lower twin descend into the canal.

"One solid push, following my instructions!" he yelled through Morrison's primal moans, applying some pressure on the butt that he was feeling through Morrison's womb. 
"Okay... Okay." He sobbed softly,"I'll do it." His body trembled as he forced himself to stay upright with the help of the headboard, whimpering into his arm and shifting as Jaime pushed a finger into his ass. Stretching him open to feel for the head of the child making its way out of him, groaning as his ass burned with how Jamie braced against his skin as the first head came forward slowly. The omega sat back on his heels as the priest held him, he leaned into Jamie, his warm body warming his back and hips as he was held, fingers pushed up into him and hand braced against his belly.

His head fell back and he moaned, squeezing his eyes shut and planting a hand against the wall, pushing his ass back into Jamie's hand. He groaned, pushing down as hard as he could, forcing out the child from within him, his belly tightening hard like a rock with a harsh contraction. "Mngh!" He grit his teeth, arching his back and pushing harder, turning red in the face as he tried pushing harder and harder. Until he felt faint, panting and collapsing against the headboard, holding onto it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(For some reasons I'm loving how Morrison finally leaned back against Jamie as he pushed - this was so beautiful and i interpret that as Morrison sorta admitting Jamie's someone worth depending on ;P)

THe whimpering was nothing that Jamie had ever heard from the tough man. He had complained a lot, agitated even more from the pregnancy and the heat, but never did he whimper as pathetically. Jamie bit his lower lip but stood his ground, not wavering a bit withdrawing his finger. He had to stretch him wider to allow for the baby to pass - especially when there are two. He still hadn't broken the news to Morrison, but soon enough he'd know.

He clasped Morrison's buttocks tight while he pressed his head back to his shoulder giving a massive push. HIs finger remained within Morrison's spasming canal, the baby making painstakingly slow progress. He shifted his finger to press in deeper, and finally was able to touch the head of the baby.

"I can feel the head.... good job Morrison. You're doing this beautifully." he said looking down at his butt cheeks jiggle as he crashed forward. "Focus all your energy on your lower belly, that would make the push most effective." he scissored his fingers some more. "The baby will drop further into your canal and it's going to burn, burn even more than now, that's what it takes ot birth a baby. don't fight your body, go along with what it told you to do." he added, stretching hard towards the bag that was left at the side - he could help lubricate a little wiht some oil. 
((That's what I was going for. XD))

Morrison's head fell back against Jamie's shoulder, his belly hung low with his cock throbbing against the firm dome of flesh, he was in an agonizing ignorance of not knowing there were two babies within him. His ass quivered, some fluids dripping out around Jamie's fingers, moaning when he felt the slight resistance within him,"What're you doing?" He asked in a weakened voice, his hands reached out to grip the headboard of the small bed again, it creaked beneath his weight as he moaned.

"I feel like shit in a sock." He complained with a whine as his stomach contracted again, tightening into a hard ball of flesh. Gasping and arching his back as Jamie scissored him,"I don't want to." He gasped,"It hurts too much." He sobbed again, he was repeating himself, but of course his complaints changed nothing, the babies were coming and he could do nothing about it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(yayyy~~ Jamie's finally achieved something xD)

"I am stretching you open... you are way too tight I'm afraid you might tear if we don't prep you properly." Jamie said. He had gotten what he reached out for and was applying an ointment on his gaping hole, lubricating the way further as he reached in. "This will help your muscles relax as well." he said, using the formula from his teacher back in the church. morrison was among one of the most difficult "mother" he had dealt with, his situation further complicated by twins... but he oculd make it. he knew he could , he had to, for the sake of their babies and Morrison himself.

Jamie bit his lower lip. "you have to, you have no choice. Focus your energy, you can do this... feel my hand? that's the part you should be using for the push.Come on Morrison, you are stronger than this...." the labor had progressed fast and intense, the overwhelming pain seemed to have crushed the omega's spirits.... Jamie couldn't believe he would live to see morrison sob, yet here he was, crying like a baby... he could only imagine the amount of pain it required to reduce Morrison to such mess. "NOW! PUSH!" Jamie raised his voice above the sobs, forcing the omega to focus as he gave a push.

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