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Rules & Guidelines

Mpreg Central Forum Rules

Clashing with these rules can result in account warnings, muting (the inability to reply to or make threads), and an eventual ban. Severe issues may lead to IP bans. The administrative staff reserves the right to change or add to these rules at any time as new issues arise within the community.

1.   Age Restriction: Do not join if you are a minor.
    - A minor is anyone under 18 years of age.
    - This is not up for debate, regardless of regional age of majority.
    - Violators will be banned without warning.

2.   Incest Prohibition: Do not post content depicting incest.
    - Incest is defined as sexual intercourse between two blood-related individuals.

3.   Bestiality Prohibition: Do not post content depicting bestiality.
    - Bestiality is defined as sexual intercourse between a person/human and an animal.
    - Anthro, kemonomimi (neko), human hybrid, werewolf, etc. content is allowed.

4.    Minor Prohibition: Do not post content depicting pregnant minors, sexualized minors, or sexual intercourse with and/or between minors.
    - A minor is anyone under 18 years of age.
    - This is not up for debate, regardless of regional age of majority.
    - The age of majority is different from the age of consent and does not affect this rule.

5.   Off-Site Content Linking: Do not link to off-site sources hosting content depicting incest, bestiality, or pregnant minors.
    - Only link to user profiles, not directly to the content.
    - State the title of the story, art, etc., involving mpreg for users to find relevant content.

6.   Private Information: Do not share private information, such as phone numbers and addresses.
    - Share such information via Private Messages only.
    - Be cautious about whom you share your information with.

7.   Content Ownership: Do not post content that does not belong to you.
    - If you have permission from the original creator, state it in your post.
    - Share links to the original creator’s platforms where viewers can find their current content (e.g., Twitter or Patreon).

8.   Avatar Restrictions: Do not have obscene avatar pictures.
    - No exposed female breasts or nipples.
    - No exposed penises, vaginas, or other genitalia.
    - No birth scenes with exposed genitalia.
    - No sexualized or pregnant minors.
    - No excessive violence or gore.
    - No self-harm.
    - No bestiality.

9.    Harassment and Spam: Do not harass or spam other members.
    - No harassment on the boards.
    - No harassment through private messages.
    - No harassment through emails.
    - No harassment through social media.
    - Harassers will be banned.

10.  Language: All posts and threads must be in English.
    - If more comfortable using your own language, provide an immediate English translation.
    - Example: "Todos los mensajes en todos los canales deben estar en inglés. Entendemos que el inglés no es el primer idioma de todos. Si se siente más cómodo usando su propio idioma, puede publicar su mensaje en su propio idioma, pero debe ser inmediatamente seguido de una versión traducida al inglés." (All messages on all channels must be in English. We understand that English is not everyone's first language. If you are more comfortable using your own language, you can post your message in your own language, but it should be immediately followed by an English translated version)
     - A Free Translator Can Be Found Here or Here | Aquí o aquí encontrará un traductor gratuito

11. Roleplay Rules: Do not violate any rules set in the Roleplay section, found here

12. Discord Rules: Find our Discord Rules here.

If unsure or unclear about the rules, please send a private message here or on Discord to an administrator or moderator. You can also post to the “Questions, Comments, Concerns” board. We are always happy to help.

We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these rules, and you will be contacted if such an action is taken.

Last Updated: March 24th, 2025
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