Rules change concern
I have a concern about the rules change. I did not see it noted in the revisions but underage content will always be something I'm against, it is appreciated that there is a limit to how young but are you removing the sexual content clause for said stories?
Yes, all clauses are now optional.
ok.. I am still confused... I read the rules like a gazillion times. Can someone please explain the new rules to me in tiny words? My brain is so not processing them right....
Aw, Elvira, ^^;

Basically, we are lifting the ban on pregnancy and minors. You don't have to censor them anymore.

Characters 14 and under are still off limits, but if your story features a pregnant character 15 years or older (even if it contains sexual content) you are free to post it up as it is.

Same goes for incest and beastiality. We decided to lift the ban on those as well.

MINORS ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED TO BE MORPHED! We are allowing drawings and other forms of art to feature fictional minors 15 and over, EXCEPT for photos.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->
(08-15-2012, 07:57 AM)Jesse Wrote: Aw, Elvira, ^^;

Basically, we are lifting the ban on pregnancy and minors. You don't have to censor them anymore.

Characters 14 and under are still off limits, but if your story features a pregnant character 15 years or older (even if it contains sexual content) you are free to post it up as it is.

Same goes for incest and beastiality. We decided to lift the ban on those as well.

MINORS ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED TO BE MORPHED! We are allowing drawings and other forms of art to feature fictional minors 15 and over, EXCEPT for photos.

Oooh... This is awesome... I was just starting to write a story about house kitties getting mpreg... they not anthro either. I was sad i wouldn't be able to post here. But now i can!! YAY!!
haha go for it :)
Not everyone will embrace the new changes, and that's fine.
Remember that if you don't like certain content here, you are not being forced to read it. As this is an adult website, it is expected that our members are mature and competent enough to decide for themselves what content they choose to read/ignore. To all who wish to move on from Mpreg Central we wish you only the best!
My problem is that you will have to label underage content for that reason. In doing so the webcrawlers will find that and post it to search engines. Any said content could be picked up by Predator as well. It leads back to the possible loss one way or another.
What you are doing is a horrible horrible thing. I don't know how you sleep at night knowing that you have opened the flood gates for people to roleplay underage minors in sexual situations. I'm sorry if this sound harsh but seeing this really wants to make me report you.

Instead I'm asking to have my username deleted from this site immediately. I refuse to be associated with a site that think this is ok.

I pray that you will change your mind and not allow this, but I'm sure you won't so I'll just go and hope your site gets tagged by every single search browser.

Guys, before you get any futher, please remember that the rule is 15 or over. This means that we are still prohibiting the use of minors who are 14 or younger.

It also only applies to FICTIONAL minors. We are not allowing real life minors to be featured AT ALL, in stories, RPs, or in art. This includes celebrities and normal people.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->
I think it's well-known that I'm a fan of giving warning labels, especially in the case of under-18 Mpreg stories. I think it's safe to say that if we were to create a list of "Controversial Mpreg Topics," that even if it didn't make the numer one spot, it would still be right up there, especially since most (if not all) under-18 Mpreg stories out there indicate the pregnancy occured as a result of sex, usually gay sex (even if the sex itself is never described).

It's not without reason that people should be mindful of sexual activities involving those under the age of 18 (those of us in the U.S. are very aware of just why Penn State and its once-heralded football program has been in the news lately).

At the same time, if Lyric and the other mods start banning every fictional story that contains something that might be offensive to someone somewhere, pretty soon there'd be nothing left, and we might as well not even bother having an Mpreg Central website at all. (Hey, Mpreg stories containing tenticles or egg laying creep me out, but at the same time I'm not demanding that Lyric ban such stories.)

Yes, I'm having a bit of trouble seeing how simply allowing posting of certain types of stories is going to "promote" the idea that such activities are acceptable in real life. I have written several stories (including a few Mpreg stories) for another website, where there have been minors engaged in sexual activities. I've also read some of the other stories there (that were written by others), a lot of which involve describing sex involving minors, and yet I have never once felt any urges to go out and engage in sexual activities with minors.

True pedophiles don't need any encouragement from frictional stories to commit their crimes (just ask Jerry Sandusky), and I've never heard of anybody committing a sexual crime on anybody else, minor or adult, simply because of a story (I'm sure that there may have been cases of people committing sexual crimes in which their defense attornies have blamed in part of the perpatrator having read sexual stories or looked at porn prior to committing the crime, but I'm also sure that they haven't been able to prove that the crime would not have happened without the stories/porn - there would always be other factors involved that helped contribute).

(Similarly, I don't see how any automated webcrawler could scan a label like "15+" and know that it's a label on a story that might contain sexual conduct involving minors.)

I hope everyone understands that I'm not trying to bash anybody else's viewpoint here. Yes, some people are worried about any mention of sex involving under-18 people, even if those people are only fictional characters, and I would like to be the first to say that there's nothing wrong with that concern. I hope you will give others the chance to explain why they beg to differ.
Everyone's viewpoint on this is valid. The problem I foresee is not in the promotion but guilt by association. Pornography itself also is more than pictures, stories can and have been classified as such. I'm just being a devil's advocate for the most part here, and I thank everyone for the level heads we keep for this very touchy subject.
(08-17-2012, 03:31 AM)dspreg12 Wrote: What you are doing is a horrible horrible thing. I don't know how you sleep at night knowing that you have opened the flood gates for people to roleplay underage minors in sexual situations. I'm sorry if this sound harsh but seeing this really wants to make me report you.

Instead I'm asking to have my username deleted from this site immediately. I refuse to be associated with a site that think this is ok.

I pray that you will change your mind and not allow this, but I'm sure you won't so I'll just go and hope your site gets tagged by every single search browser.


Firstly, Mpreg Central in its beginning didn't even have underage rules for the most part. That rule didn't even appear until much later. No one freaked out then, nothing terrible happened, and it's certainly NOT illegal to have underage males having sex and getting pregnant. Males can't get pregnant. It's fictional.

As for search engines "flagging" us; that's ridiculous. There are porn/adult sites MUCH worse than ours who won't get flagged. We don't even have filthy content worthy enough for a flag. Your fears are entirely misbegotten.

If you would like to find a new mpreg home elsewhere, we wish you the best of luck. You're more than welcome to stay or come back if you change your mind.

(08-17-2012, 06:45 AM)darkfanboy Wrote: Everyone's viewpoint on this is valid. The problem I foresee is not in the promotion but guilt by association. Pornography itself also is more than pictures, stories can and have been classified as such. I'm just being a devil's advocate for the most part here, and I thank everyone for the level heads we keep for this very touchy subject.

No worries Darkfanboy. I understand that this change can seem a little shocking. We aren't opening Hell's gates here; we still have a 15+ age limit for stories/art/RP, and all members of the website must be 18+. All content dealing with underage characters is pure fiction, just as mpreg is pure fiction. I think we all need to understand that this entire genre is not even possible in real life, which casts a very heavy safety net on all of us.
(08-17-2012, 06:45 AM)darkfanboy Wrote: Everyone's viewpoint on this is valid. The problem I foresee is not in the promotion but guilt by association. Pornography itself also is more than pictures, stories can and have been classified as such. I'm just being a devil's advocate for the most part here, and I thank everyone for the level heads we keep for this very touchy subject.

I do understand that you're just looking out for us, and the site. Like Lyric said, no worries. :) I just logged on to notice that he's taken extra steps to block out the site from casually peering eyes by making access to the content here for members only.

Also, as Lyric noted, everything here is fiction. If anyone who reads our stories can't tell the difference between fact and fiction, then there's a whole lot of stuff we should be worried about, and keeping the "no minors engaged in sex" rule wouldn't change any of that.

This is, after all, not the first place that has ever allowed underage sex to occur. Just to give an example, I read a lot of fantasy, and even published authors (meaning actual physical books like you find in any public library) have had youth engage in both heterosexual and homosexual sex, and even (female) pregnancies. Raymond E. Feist, Mercedes Lackey, and Todd McCaffrey (Anne McCaffrey's son, who's been working with her on the last few Pern novels) have all done so, just to name a few bestselling authors I can cite off the top of my head (in one of Mercedes Lackey's books - published back in 1989 - a 15 year old character who's in a homosexual relationship with a 17 year old learns that his 13 year old brother got their mother's maid pregnant), and I'm sure other Mpreg Central members could name other authors who have done so, and civilization hasn't collapsed around us. Certainly, those authors, like us, do not actually condone the violation of any Age of Consent laws in real life.
I forgot about Misty's books! Almost all of her characters lose their virginity and engage in sexual activity at a young age. Talia and Skif tried to get it on when they were 14 in her first Valdemar book. But I thought Vanyel was 16 when he and 'Lendel got together. It doesn't matter-- Van also mentions that he's "bedded enough women" before he and 'Lendel met, which has to make you wonder when he did all the bedding. At 15? 14?

And while it was never explicitely said in the books, there is the implication that Harry Potter and Ginny did some fooling around in HBP. Remember? People kept asking her what kind tattoos he had on his chest, and she kept telling them it was a hippogryph because telling them the truth (and saying that he didn't have any) was not as dramatic.

Tamora Pierce also has young characters exploring sexuality, but they are usually at least 16.

We could honestly go on and on about this stuff.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->
(08-18-2012, 12:10 AM)Jesse Wrote: But I thought Vanyel was 16 when he and 'Lendel got together. It doesn't matter-- Van also mentions that he's "bedded enough women" before he and 'Lendel met, which has to make you wonder when he did all the bedding. At 15? 14?

They get together when Van is still 15 - they later stage the "fight" in the rain to make everyone think that they're not lovers, and it's this fight that Van's mother makes reference to, in the same letter that mentioned both that she's writing it on his birthday and that Mekeal got Melenna pregnant.

(08-18-2012, 12:10 AM)Jesse Wrote: We could honestly go on and on about this stuff.

Yeah, but of course the point is very well made, I think. I guess what really bothers me here is the idea that just because some people write about underage sex, that some people think that it somehow means we're "encouraging" breaking the law when we're doing nothing of the sort (if simply writing about someone committing a crime really did encourage other people to break the law, all writers in just the mystery amd true crime genres alone would have been forced out of a job a long time ago, and more than a few other genres would look a lot different).

Can underaged sex be a bad thing? Sure. There's more than enough evidence of that (just ask any of Jerry Sandusky's victims). But I hope that nobody thinks that the full-blown banning of the writing of underage sex in a strictly (and obviously, here on Mpreg Central) is going to make one bit of difference in the end. If anybody reading this is really put out by the idea of underage sex, I think (and please take this in the context it's intended) that your time and energy would be better spent in the support of organizations like victims' advocacy groups. Please help target the real problem.

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