First silicone belly inbound!!

So after years of birth simulation with punch balloons and water and air and orbeez I've finally taken the plunge and ordered a silicone belly.

I went for this one

Mainly because it's heavy and I think the weight and discomfort and pressure that creates is important. It's also fairly big and you can order to fit your waist size.

Scheduled delivery is Tuesday although my experience is that with Fedex things can appear earlier than scheduled from China. This is good because it means my missus will be out at work!! I held off ordering for so long partly because delivery from China is a bit unpredictable and my fear that she might be the one to take delivery and to ask what it is!! Having said that Fedex say it's already at Stansted UK airport and its status says "International shipment release" which I'm guessing means it has already cleared UK customs. I know that Fedex to deliver to residential addresses over the weekend in the UK so I'm on tenterhooks worrying it could come today when she is around or tomorrow when I think she might take the day off from work following some dental work!! So it's tense here waiting for the new 'arrival' lol!!!

I have to admit though I absolutely cannot wait to receive it and to be able to strap it on, put on my TENS/EMS pads for strong rhythmic contractions and to insert my inflating butt plug to give me some serious pressure in my back passage!! Then I shall slip on my two bump bands to help hold it in place (I suspect given it weighs 17lb they may be needed!!), put on my favourite sexy black bodycon maternity dress and roleplay a birth...

Just walking around the house alone and breathing through the contractions will be such a thrill!!!

Here's hoping it lives up to expectations and the significant cost! I've waited a long time for this....

On a different subject those of you in the UK may be aware of the escort site I have always longed to have a female midwife or girlfriend to help me give birth in person - rubbing my back, belly and thighs, kissing me, suggesting changes of position and coaching me with my breathing. I decided to post what's called a reverse booking on there where you post what you want to do with an escort and offer a sum of money for them to do it. So I explained I wanted a midwife/girlfriend for my homebirth. To be honest I half expected a load of abuse in response but to be honest I was astounded to receive around 6-7 offers to do it from female escorts who said they were really intrigues/into the idea. I decided to wait until the belly arrived and in any case I'm not sure if I actually have the bottle to go through with it and to birth in the presence of someone else but I don't mind admitting its a very exciting prospect for me...

Sure it's morally a questionable thing to do but to be honest my missus and I are essentially in a sexless marriage anyway and she absolutely wouldn't be into this at all. I didn't ask for this fetish and I'm not getting any younger so I figured I might as well try and make this fantasy a reality. I've never had any females on here offer to do it (and to be honest that would be my preference) so we'll see what happens.

Anyway the belly is the first thing!


I'm trying to post some previous bellies done with balloons - not sure it's working!

Hopefully you'll end up taking the delivery! "International Shipment release" does generally mean it's been cleared through customs. If it still had 'pending' or 'waiting' anywhere in it's description, I'd be preparing for a wait. I work for a company that does import some goods from outside the UK and if anything gets pulled over to be checked, you could be looking at a delay of anywhere up to a week before it's released - depending on whatever backlog the airport has at the time. I know we've had issues with Gatwick before now... 

Not a bad looking silicone belly as they go for the price. I bet that would look decent under a tight t-shirt and a t-shirt which you could 'ride up' to make it appear more like a crop-top where the bottom half of the belly is on view... 

This is something I often say but unfortunately I don't have one of those fake bellies and as I don't live on my own - it's currently not even an option to consider for me. My pregnancy fetish (yet alone MPreg...) is very much a 'private' thing for me. If I lived on my own however, I absolutely would be saving up and buying one. Until such time (and that could be years down the line...), I'm going to have to stick to the likes of carefully shaped cushions and pillows if I'm going for the heavily pregnant/third trimester look. However, I do prefer pushing out my own real belly when it comes to realism. 

Please keep us informed with how it goes!

I can't say I've ever been made aware of the 'adultwork' website before, but pleased that there are some women out there who appear to be intrigued by it. I know they are out there as we have had a few female members here before, but they seem so few and far between. Well, unless they're a bit like me and would rather keep the Mpreg fetish to themselves out of fear what others are thinking!

For some reason, despite being in the UK I see the bump you are buying. If anyone can screen shot so I can see that would be nice. Hopefully it a good bump!

Life would be great if men could get pregnant

Feel free to message me about anything

Hi guys, well it came Monday thankfully when I was the only one in the house!! I only had time to take some pics quickly before the missus arrived home that day but on Tuesday I had the house to myself for a whole 7 hours so I managed a long enjoyable birth roleplay in it!! I'd love to post pics as I have loads of it now so if somebody can tell me how I will share all you want! Do I just use the 'add attachment' option - I tried that and it didn't seem to work?

I will also write a full review of my impressions of it.

OK here's an update for those of you thinking of buying one of these. The first thing to say is wow!!! This thing is heavy at over 17lb/7900g - and I think the weight is really important actually to giving a sense of carrying a baby. The good news is that the belly does in fact stay up on its own elastic velcro strap around the waist. Size-wise I think it's actually bang on for a woman's full term 9 month tummy - if I put this on my wife she would look absolutely ready to drop. On me it still looks good and realistic but it certainly isn't as enormous as some of the punch balloon bellies I have had!!

Where it scores over punch balloons though is in the shape which is just perfect! There;s a real feeling of it being part of you which I never had with the punch balloons or other padding and I love the texture and feel of it especially when it warms up against your skin. I'd say it's got a very firm feel, perhaps a bit more 'contracting' belly than soft belly and it's tougher for example than the skin on my thighs. Having said that it's not too different from the real pregnant bellies I have felt - I recall feeling my wife when she was expecting and being rather surprised that her belly wasn't at all squishy the way her tummy normally is - I guess real babies are well protected by that rigidity.

One disapppointment is that they let you supply a waist size on ordering and I thought they would make the straps longer for my 40" waist but what they actually do is send you an extension strap which velcroes on. Luckily I found that the belly just fitted me without needing the extension strap.

Overall the feeling is just awesome and I am so thrilled I finally ordered it!! I cannot wait to sleep in it when the missus goes to stay with her family in Ireland!!!

Some other points noting - they quote it as being 15.5cm deep but in fact I would say it's more - maybe more like 25cm in terms of how far it protrudes from your stomach. I use a TENS/EMS for birth contractions and one issue I ran into is that it sometimes starts to pull away at the gel pads on the TENS if for example I lay on my tummy on the side on the bed and that caused me a few ouch moments because with less of the pad in contact with your skin you end up with what I would term a hot area where the current going through you is localised over a small area which doesn't feel very nice. I'm going to try putting my other bump band over the TENS pads and under the belly to prevent this. Note - this only happened when I lay on the tummy sort of on my side, it didn't happen in any other position...

Was it worth £300 including expedited shipping - I would say absolutely!!! Its really nicely made, it feels amazing to wear, the weight and shape are bang on!!

Hoping I can attach some photos and you can see them. Here goes:


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

And here's some pics of the belly with me dressed

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Many thanks for the update on this and apologies for not replying any sooner (I've been busy recently...). 

I have to say, it looks pretty realistic in the shots with you lying down. Better than I imagined it would in that respect. I'm glad it can also simulate that pregnant belly 'feel' about it too. I doubt any fake belly will simulate it perfectly, but if the makers of them are getting to the stage where it's a reasonable enough representation, then that's a positive thing. Obviously, it would be an enormous step-up from using basic pillows and cushions as I sometimes do! 

I'm happy that you think it's worth the money. There's nothing wrong than spending a lot of money on something you want, waiting a while and then it turns out to be a bit of a disappointment. 

Again, if I do ever get a chance to greatly improve my levels of privacy, buying a fake belly would be quite high-up on my list of priorities.

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