Would like to hear some thoughts?
hi, im new here but benn simulating pregnancy for as long as i can remember.

this is the method i use and wud like to hear what people think and if the have ideas to improve it. i made it on a budget because an empathy belly is just way too much.

items: lycra/spandex basketball top. beach ball(size depends on preference), lots of ducktape.

step 1: put ur bball top on and inflate the beach ball( or a bin bag, if u want to test first) with air slightly smaller to the size u wud like to be and then put it under the top.

step 2: make sure u position the beach ball exactly where u want it, now just move it upwards slightly. also the tighter and stretchier the top is the better. when u have the beach ball where u want it make sure the top "hugs" it nicely( no folds or creases).

step 3: now get the ducktape. start wrapping the tape around the belly. the way i do it is i wrap around the lowest part first, as i will use this as a guide to where the bump/belly would start from where the vagina wud start. then i wud wrap around the belly. i just kept wrapping around my belly and back.try to spread the tape around ur back. i dont wrap all the way up to the top to where the bump wud meet the chest. i wud go about 3/4 of the way up, as this wud let u take the beach ball(or bin bag) in and out. MAKE SURE U CAN TAKE THE BEACH BALL IN AND OUT WITHOUT TEARING ANY DUCKTAPE

step 4: when ur happy with the duck tape all around, covering the cloth. deflate the beach ball and take it out. once thats done u will notice that the ducktape keeps a bit of a structure to the shape of the belly u wanted. its not a hard structre which is perfect.

step 5: now fill the beach ball with water, to the weight gained to the stage of pregnancy u want. make sure u when u fill it with water the beach ball doesnt end up being bigger than it was when u used it to shape ur belly.

step 6: now insert the beach ball in and there u go. if the beach ball doesnt fit, as in the amount of water in the beach isnt the same size as the air u had in at the start the inflate some air if u want to make it fit.

i know u cud use bandage wraps instead of ducktape but i find bandages dont keep the structure as good as ducktape. the tape also doenst stretch as much as the bandages. the tape sort of acts like skin as though it was stretched like it wud if u were pregnant and is soft enough to touch like a pregnant belly wud. plus the fact it doesnt stretch and that it kepps it structure when u will the beach ball with water and put it in the top the tape that wraps around ur back is very tight so therefore it is difficult to bend over and makes it very uncomfortable in certain positions just like what i wud feel like as though i were really pregnant.

i wud really like to hear ur thoughts on this and if u do try it let me know what it was like.

also if a female who has been pregnant and tries this please let me know how it feels to the real thing. as in the weight the difficultness of moving. please it wud help a lot. because this is only what i IMAGINE being pregnant is like.

the aim of this method is to replicate the empathy belly. so if anybody has any ideas as how to improve it like fetal movement and any other symptoms of being preg.

That's a lot of work compared to a balloon, a swimsuit and lycra clothing.
Firstly, welcome to the forum!

As much as I do like simulating, I've rarely used the basic balloon method. I find they move around too much due to the material of them and there's always that fear in the back of my mind that it'll pop if you try adjusting it or putting it under a t-shirt which may just hug it a little too tightly...

However after saying that, I'm very interested in your method using tape as I've never tried that myself, but it does seem rather 'labour intensive' with all due respect. I've never had it to hand when simulating (I often have to improvise using just about anything that doesn't involve borrowing things or costing money...). Usually, I don't get the amount of personal time to do something like this or I may be in something like a hotel room...

However if it works for you and you have the time and sources at hand to do this - brilliant!

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