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Edmund smiled as he listened ti his wife "you seem free as you talk about being more femenine" he observed "That is all I wish and desire for you, to be happy, hower you like to present yourself." he smiled and kissed his wife "and we should get you more nightgowns" he said with a small wink and a chuckle.
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Charlie, blushing, smiled sweetly and kissed his husband. They had a nice time outside that day. They fed each other fruit and cheese. In the afternoon they went by boat to the lake, and in the evening they drank some wine together, ending with a bath in hot springs, where they had sexual intercourse. They moved to bed, where they couldn't tear themselves away from each other.
Two days later, they returned to the mansion in a carriage, huddled together. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. At least they were rested and in great love.
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Edmund sighted as they arrived back to the family estate, yet helped his wife get down the carriage as their family was waiting for them. "we still got time to get to the carriage and ask to be taken back to the mountains" he whispered his wife yet had to stop as Althea came to greet them
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Charles just smiled broadly at his husband's words, and then they were greeted warmly by Althea.
"Thank you for this opportunity to relax, Mom," he said very kindly to his mother-in-law as they gently hugged each other.
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Edmund hugged his mom and smiled "we are well mother as you see." he said with a smile taking Charlie by his hand as they entered the home.
Back in their room all had been set for them and all of Charlie's things had been unpacked and placed in the closet. "it feels a bit strange to be back, but hopefully it can be as fun as our first two weeks as husband and wife." he said looking over the papers left for him at his desk.
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Charles smiled slightly as he looked around his husband's office. He looked at the large collection of books on the walls.
"I think I'll visit you here often," he laughed softly as he looked at a few books.
After a while, Althea entered the office. Charlie looked at his mother-in-law.
"I have to go, Edmund... I'll see you at dinner," he said and kissed his husband lightly on the cheek. He had an appointment with Althea to explain to him something about life as a wife in the mansion.
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"Well, I will be more than glad if you do come around here." he said looking how his wife seemed fascinanted by the amount of books that were avaible at his office. Most were books about law or adminstration that aided him in his work. "We do have a library though, I can take you to see it if you want to" he offered yet his mother came in, with clear intent of taking his new wife away from him. He sighted and nodded gently to Charlie as he hraded out with his mother.
"Well, you must tell me how it all went, darling" Althea said with enthusiasm. "Ive talked with your mother and know you already know how to run the house. So legs make it easier and you might ask me any doubts you have"
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Charles walked slowly with his mother-in-law at his side, looking toward her with kindness. She also belonged to his family now, so he wanted to have a good relationship with her, especially since she seemed really friendly.
"First of all, thank you very much for the privacy in this country estate. We have used it in a productive way..." he replied with a small blush, then grunted quietly "We have become very close. I'm grateful, Mother," he replied formally, knowing it was the right thing to do "I'm still an inexperienced wife, so I have a lot of concerns, but for now I think I'd like to get to know my new home and servants," he concluded.
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"You dont have to thank me dear, you're now my son-in-law and that makes us family as you said" she said gently "Im glad to hear things are going well. If my son has been anything but a gentleman with you, you tell me, and I will scold him and make sure he treats you right" she assured him.
"and whenever you think you need it, you just tell me and I will call the doctor to see you. All right?" she asked him and smiled "Very well, let me show you around the state and introduce you to the servants so they get to know you. Feel free to make any changes in the decor if you wish. This is your home now."
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Charles walked with Mother through the first floor, observing every nook and cranny.
"Thank you very much for the kind welcome to the family," he replied kindly and adjusted his corset slightly at the waist. He squeezed it a little too tightly. "Edmund is a very caring husband. Please don't worry," he said with a small blush.
When they entered the living room Charles looked around the interior and noticed a few small changes that could be made.
"Doctor?" he asked, "Ah, about that. My body is a little unaccustomed to married life. I suffered a bit of bleeding in a country residence," he explained in a whisper.
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Althea smiled glad to hear Edmund was living up to the education she has given him. Not like Ernest... "I'm glad he is behaving as he should. Yet feel free to come to me if any problem arises, dont think I will side with him, for him being my son. I was a wife too and for many years. I know me are not kind to women or men like yourself" she said bluntly.
"Yes a doctor, in case you believe you might be with child" she said gently and smiled. "Dont worry it happens to all of us on our first time." she assured him.
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Charles nodded, then looked at the terrace door, where a large garden was hidden. He absolutely wanted to see it.
"Thank you, Mother..." He bowed slightly and then adjusted his dress. He felt really tired today. "Edmund and I are planning to expand the family, so surely the heir will appear in the near future," he sent her a smile.
In the garden, Charles cheered up and felt an innocent, childlike joy. He walked on the grass really dreamy. "Does Mom know any good habits to get pregnant faster?"
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Althea followed the young man out and into the gardens. "Im glad to hear so Charles, legs hope all goes well. Im looking forward to a small Radford. Its been along time since a child has run through these hallways.
"well some foods might help, and positions too" she said getting red not used to talk of this so openly.
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Charles looked at Mother with a small smile, and then approached her slowly, grabbing her hand.
"Don't be ashamed, Mother. Maybe I asked too directly, but I just want to have Edmund's baby," he replied with a small blush on his cheeks. After a moment, the blush also appeared on his nose. "I hope you can help me when I'm expecting an offspring. I'm still so inexperienced."
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Althea gently pated his hand and smiled "Im glad you think and feel that way. Try keeping your legs up as he finishes. Stay like that some twenty minutes. Thats how I got pregnant with Edmund. With Ernest it was easy but the rest of my kids I had to really seek them. If you want I'll also brew a tea, it helps to be fertile. I took it as well when trying for Ed. It might make you feel... How I say this.. More eager to meet your husband? "she said blushing" and if you notice getting... "she whispered the next words" wet" she seemed patined to be talking of this "it means its the ideal time and you should seek your husband. It matters little if he's busy or at work. If your body is specially fertile you should take advantage.
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Charles listened to her words with more blush, but after a moment he calmed down and nodded with understanding.
"I understand... Thank you, Mother. I will certainly take this advice," he replied and squeezed her hand slightly, sending a small smile. He looked up at the sky, which was shrouded in clouds. It will rain in a while.
When they got back inside, Charlie leaned over to his mother-in-law.
"I'd love to drink those herbs you recommend today, Mother."
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Althea smiled and nodded "then I will prepare them for you tonight and make sure a maid brings them to your rooms so you can prepare, feel free to ask me any questions" she said smiling at him glad Charles seemed eager to try for a baby for the new family he and her son were building together.
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Charles in the afternoon already knew more or less the layout of the mansion as well as all the servants working for the Radford family. Dinner time was just approaching. This was the first evening together not only with Edmund, but also with his family. Charlie wanted to look good in front of them, so he asked one of the servants for help. He wanted to put on a new dress, and for that he needed a corset. So he held on to the bed rail while the maid squeezed the corset.
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The maid did as told and made sure to secure the corset as it was meant to be used and bring out the figure of the Lord's new wife. She was young herself, yet the new Mrs of the estate seemed even younger than her. "Is that okay Madame?" she asked yet blushed unsure how to call him for he was a man, yet his role was another and his body well... She understood it was different too "Im sorry I... Dindnt meant to ofend you sur" she said she would get into trouble.
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Charles felt the corset wrap around his body and cling to his skin, presenting his nice figure. He looked at the servant with a small smile.
"Relax... You can use both Madame and Sir," he said and looked at the tailored gown, "Susan, right? Can you help me further? I would like to present myself impeccably in front of my husband's family" he replied with a smile.