The Barn (closed) {NSFW-Birth}
I was thinking a shortish RP where the carrier is ready to give birth and they ride into an abandoned barn to do so. Doesn't need to be super complicated unless you want it to be. Let me know what kind of relationship you'd like for the characters to have.

Benjamin Thayne
Golden Blonde Hair with dark brown eyes.
Above Average Height(Teetering on the edge of tall)||Slender and muscular almost prince like looking
Personality: Ben is a trouble maker and loves nothing more than to have fun. He can be childish at times. Being from an important noble family he finds it hard to fit in as he has no desire to follow such a life style. He is a kind and over all happy go lucky person who despite being a prankster genuinely enjoys helping people. It's unusual for him to ever be completely serious and he does enjoy his foul language.

He can play either Seeder/assistant or Carrier. I'll try and make my starting post vague enough so any response would be logical.


"Finally, somewhere out of this rain." The rogue sighed with relief the horse pulling up to an abandoned barn. It wasn't a pretty barn but it was still standing strong despite how worn the wood looked. There was a dry pile of hay off in the corner. That would be the perfect place to have this impatient baby. The steed snorted upon entering shaking its head and body in an attempt to dry itself. Their sopping wet bodies dripped water all over the dusty dirt floor.

"Jesus, steady!" Ben barked. The mount immediately stopped being the well trained war horse that it was.
He hadn't expected anyone else to be near by. In a single swift motion the rogue drew his bow training his arrow on the quirky character. The tough act was short lived however as the blonde grimaced lowering his bow. His grey cloak covered most of his body hiding any signs that something might be amiss with the young gentleman.

"And here I thought I'd get a chance to be alone." He slung the weapon back over his shoulder clever enough to know he was in no condition to fight his way out.

"Well, if you aren't planning on killing me. Yes. Help would be lovely." He slumped over his horse slightly half expecting this stranger to make a move to end his life.
Benjamin took a pause to process what was happening. This man was clearly crazy, although seemingly harmless and to be fair the young master Thayne was absolutely self-centered. He slid off of the palomino coloured equine breathing ragged despite having done little to cause it.

"His name is Aaron, although I'm sure he's already told you that." Ben played along offering a weary smile.

"Augh, fucking hell." He cursed clutching his stomach leaning against his steed. Aaron turned his head around to sniff his master knowing something was off.

"I know...I was an idiot. If I die from this there will be no one to feed you. My but I am a selfish man." Ben panted softly before stroking the beasts velvety nose.
"Oh, what kinds of horrible things? I've done a lot you know, it's hard to keep track." The guy was starting to freak him out but also oddly enough a welcomed distraction. He'd just have to keep playing along and hope the odd man didn't completely lose his mind.

Ben pushed himself away from the horse stumbling his way over to the welcoming looking pile of straw. He proceeded to fall back on it always keeping his eye on Tripp. As he leaned his head back it was now suddenly obvious the blonde had a distinct bulge to his stomach.
If he wasn't in so much would have laughed and thought it was an excellent name for such a noble steed.

"You are a messed up little man. Do you even know what I'm saying half the time?" He raised a single eyebrow and waved a hand as if perhaps even questioning the existence of him. Perhaps Ben had gone completely loopy himself and was hallucinating a person talking to his horse.
A espera de uma continuação, por favor quando surgir um tempinho atualizar essa história que parece ser promissora. Está de parabéns pelo trabalho aqui iniciado.

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