Past Members
I've noticed that alot of once active members, such as: Kilix, Visser5, and Sugar Kitten(to name a few) have either unregistered and closed their accounts or have been inactive for a series of months or years. Is anyone still in contact with these members or have they completely vanished without a trace? I don't mean to sound nosey or obsessed with them, but It shocks me that they're no longer apart of something that they seemed passionate about.

Kilix was thorough and insightful about his attitudes toward mpreg, and was featured in a failed documentary in regards to the subject.

Visser5, in my honest opinion, was the best and one of the first padders that I encountered when I first stumbled onto this site, that was six years ago! It's a shame that he deleted the thread that featured his bump. His work got me into padding and has me constantly perfecting my techniques.

Sugar Kitten, Kilix and Visser5, was a padder. I remember the thread in which he described his technique with photos.

In all honesty, it's sad to reflect on Mpreg Central on the past six years and see members come and go, as well as seeing overall activity dwindle. Now, I'm not placing blame on either members or the staff because I understand that people have careers, start families, pass away, go to prison, or generally lose overall interest, but it's the members that make a community, in this case, a forum thrive!
I've not seen or heard from any myself. I do tend to come and go just the same. Though, I'm not as active as the others were, I've been here for several migrations.
Don't be famous, be infamous...

PS: My name is misleading, I'm not into much of the dark RP stuff...
It's a sad fact of life, unfortunately. People come and go when it comes to forums. I will say this is one of the 'quieter' ones I'm involved with and I'm very much "guilty as charged" when it comes to lengthy absences on here during my membership. For me, my interest in Mpreg is always there. Some days/weeks/months it's stronger than others. It's never wholly consistent. Mainly, 'real life gets in the way' when it comes to quiet spells. I suspect that will be the case for other members too. 

I'm a member of several forums and that's been the case since the early 00's. Infact, I can go back to when they were better known as 'Bulletin Boards' n the late 90's when the internet really started to 'take off'. Two of those earlier forums are still quite active I'm pleased to say. Probably about 75-80% as active as they were 10-15 years ago. Another one is almost silent these days after being very popular until about 2016/17. It still plods on with occasional new threads and posts but I think it's only a matter of time before it's gone... A few have sadly closed down due to near-complete inactivity and whoever is paying for the upkeep no longer sees it as being worthwhile (sad, but understandable).

Sometimes there are forums which have certain well-known members which, when they depart for whatever reason, the forum seems to be notably worse-off for it. The one I mentioned above, having been much quieter in recent years is such an example where a handful of 'big names' drifted away. Both this forum and the one which is still currently active have been gong for so many years that they've seen a couple of members actually pass away. 

Other forms of social media have sadly seen many forums take a dip in traffic in recent years. People seem to be more interested in posting one or two lines of text on non-forum social media sources rather than spending five minutes or so typing something out communicating properly with others. 

Personally speaking I would love to try and be more active here, but I do feel as if others may see me as being a little 'attention seeking' for posting more than others - if that makes sense. It's just something I have in the back of my mind. Maybe I think a little too much, I don't know! I know I've tried to improve my contributions here in recent months. 

I wish you all the very best. 
Tonight is the first time in a long time that I've been on. Just a lot happened. Now I am finally getting back in the groove of things.
When it seems like no one else loves you, remember that I do.

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