Closed Full moon (closed with 018Luxio)
Tobias panted harshly, resting his head on Chris' shoulder. The pup was still stuck and he still had more to birth. "Maybe....laying down will move things...." he panted, slowly laying himself back. "Maybe....push....push and rub my lower belly..." he said, crying out with another strong contraction.
Chris helps Tobias to lay down before following his suggestions. The pups still inside continued to move, waiting for their own chance to enter the world.
Tobias tried rocking his hips as Chris rubbed his belly. His breath hitched when he felt something move down. He bore down, crying out as the pup slid lower.
Chris continues to rub his stomach before Chris moves to cut the cord of the other pup, carrying it over to the basket before coming back over to Tobias to get ready for the next one.
Tobias looked exhausted, covered in sweat and trembling. His long hair sticking to his face. He wiggled himself out of his oversized shirt between contractions, trying to cool himself down. He groaned through the next one, spreading his legs as the pup began to crown....but it wasn't a head. The pup was breech, but was coming out quickly. Tobias gave one last good push and it popped free.

The next pup wasn't quite ready, so Tobias took his chance to rest. Sprawled out and panting, his swollen belly shifting and rolling with each contraction.
Chris cleans each of the pups off, waiting a few minutes before cutting the cords and carrying the pups over to the basket to lay them down. He once again goes to wet a rag before coming over and wiping Tobias down.
Tobias made a soft pleased noise when Chris wiped him down with a cool rag, closing his eyes and enjoying the momentary relief. He groaned as the next pup moved into his birth canal, shifting himself and pushing hard. There seemed to be more resistance than usual, even though the pup didn't feel unusually large. When its head popped free, it became obvious what was wrong. It had its umbilical cord wrapped tightly around its neck, and when it slid free, it was completely lifeless...It was unlikely it would revive...
Chris gets the pup, cutting the cord before unwrapping it from around the pups neck. After a minute or two of attempting to revive it with no luck Chris wraps it in a towel before laying it beside the basket with the others.
Tobias opened his eyes when he didn't hear the gurgling cries of the newborn, making a distressed noise when he saw Chris trying to revive it. He shifted himself, reaching to pull the lifeless pup closer. He picked the bundle up, unwrapping the pup's head and whimpering. He gently dried it's face off before giving it a small kiss on the head. He needed a moment to grieve for his lost pup, but his body wouldn't wait. So he held the lifeless pup even as his body pushed the next one down, eyes closed tight as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Chris gives him a minute or two to grieve, watching as Tobias' body worked the next pup down, preparing it for birth.
Tobias couldn't help crying, sniffling between choked sobs and grunts as he pushed. He set the bundled pup beside him, gently petting it's head before he had to push again. He cried out as the next pup began to crown, it's nose pink and it's fur pale white unlike either parent...
Chris quickly scoops it up and cleans it off, passing it to Tobias after getting it cleaned off.
Tobias gasped when the white pup slid free, it was somewhat smaller than its siblings, making it easier. He looked surprised when it was passed to him, lifting it to get a better look. "Albino?" He asked, tilting his head. He set the pup back down, letting it latch onto a teat, helping to stimulate his labor to continue.
"Looks like it" Chris runs his hand along Tobias' stomach, seeing if he could feel how many pups were left.
Tobias sighed, knowing if the pup was albino, it would have some other problems as well...but it seemed strong despite its smaller size, so he hoped it would be alright. He looked down at his belly, now significantly smaller, shifting slightly to push the next pup out. There was only two left.
Chris continues the same routine he had been over the last few hours. He would cut the cord before cleaning the pup up, bringing it over to Tobias so that it could become accustomed to his scent before carrying it over to the basket with the others, they could be fed later.

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