An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"What?! No, I'm his assistant," Cormac sputtered.

Cormac's reaction only made the elf laugh harder. "Aw c'mon now! There's no shame; I'm not judgin' ya!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac's nose wrinkled as he frowned. "We're. Not. Together."

Again, he only laughed harder. "I'karis, please! I didn't call you here to be cruel! Do you have what I asked for or not?" Astien shouted. Now that the pregnant man had called his attention back to business, his laughter quickly faded, and he pulled out a few sheets of folded paper. He handed one to Astien. "I always deliver. Here's the estimates for the baby shit, and NO, they're not the black market prices." As Astien looked at the numbers, his face showed confusion. "Why is the total number 0?" I'Karis sighed. "Because I already got it all for you. I dropped it off at your place; you don't need to buy any of it, and before you ask... yes, I actually bought it all. None of it's stolen... you damn boring goody two shoes." It took Astien a moment to process that a thief hadn't stolen his gifts, and I'Karis just rolled his eyes and looked around. "Hey, do I have to get baby shit for that guy too?" He asked, pointing at Darol.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm pretty sure they can share or somethin'," Cormac shrugged as he played with his practically rusted through dagger.

"Thank you so much I'Karis, this really means a lot to me." Astien gushed. The elven man simply rolled his eyes. "Another thing I needed, I need to know where to get some quality daggers." I'Karis raised his eyebrow. "You never mentioned that in your letter." He eyed Cormac's dagger. "But, if he's your assistant, I suppose he'd better be able to defend you too. Especially in your delicate condition, heh heh." He approached Cormac. "Where'd you learn to hold 'em, boy? I can tell, you've never had lessons. No, no you learned through necessity. Through the need to defend yourself. Looking lean and hungry... Yes, you learned the hard way. Through the need to survive." He circled the young man, looking him up and down. "Some dagger you've got there. Can it even cut butter?" He examined his posture. "Stance could use some work. Potential, though. Certainly potential. Yes, I can see great things from you." He took a step back, still eying him.

"Well, here's what I can do for you. I've got an old pair of daggers I've been looking to sell. Recently traded up, y'see." He pulled out a dagger, matching the one he had been twirling earlier. They were very well-crafted, the work of a master. Recently sharpened, from the look of them. The handles looked a bit worn, but all in all they were an incredible pair. Certainly they would fetch a high price. "Whaddya say, kid? These look good to you?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "They look like they could get the job done."

"Ah, but get what job done? That's my question for you." I'Karis put his arm around Cormac's shoulder, and walked with him a few paces. "You see kid, I could sell these and get a lovely price for them. But, I can see potential in you. But for what though? I wonder... Actually, no, no I don't; not really. But I owe that guy there," he pointed to Astien, "A veeeeerrryy big favor. You're his new guard, assistant, whatever, so helping you would be helping him. Still, I am a businessman, so I could still sell them to you for a large price and he'd understand."

"But, what can I say, I got a soft spot for young kids looking to find their place in life. I'll give these to you, but you use them for something that means something to YOU. Use them to kill wicked people, use them to steal stuff, use them to go on a killing spree, I HONESTLY don't care, so long as you do something that matters to you. I'll give these to you, no charge, completely free, no strings attached, but promise me you'll use them for something that matters." He extended the daggers to Cormac, but as he reached for them, he pulled them away quickly. "And promise to NEVER use them against me."

(Gotta go, time to sleep. Be back on after work tomorrow. Heart)

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm not dumb enough to take on an elf," Cormac stated. "Nor get in a drinking contest with a dwarf."

"I knew there was something iffy about him." Darol looks at Astien (talking about I'Karis).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

Astien could only shrug at Darol, as I'Karis walked p the robotic man. "Everything in this world is iffy, friend. I'm iffy, and so are you. You'd do we'll to remember that." Turning back to Cormac, he handed him the twin daggers. "Take 'em, kid. And remember what I said." He paused a moment. "And don't say that thing about the dwarves again. That's just racist, man."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and took the two daggers and handled one of them in his hands as he had to get used to them.

"Thank you, I'Karis, now what about-" Astien was interrupted by the elf. "He's in Riverside right now. I'd look for him at either the temple, or the hookah lounge. If he's not at either of those places, he's probably hanging someplace really obscure. Like the highest rooftop he can find. I'd get to him soon, if I were you. He probably won't be there long, and you look like you could pop any second." Astien blushed. "Well, he does know a lot more about male pregnancies than I do. Also, he said gesturing to Cormac, "we need-" again he was interrupted. New clothes for the kid? Yeah, I figured. I used to dress that way, y'know. Anyway, there's a place in the west marketplace, called Dent's. he's got a nice selection. Drop my name, hould get you a nice discount. And here." He handed another piece of paper to Astien. "You know what that's for, right?" Astien nodded. "Good. NOW would you say we're even?" It was know I'Karis' turn to be laughed at, as Astien chuckled. "Not quite." He said, an the elven man groaned.

I'm just here for a laugh

(Would it be too much to ask that you start a new paragraph when a different character is talking? It just all blends together and it's hard to read.)

Cormac secured the sheaths for his new daggers to his hips with a worn piece of fabric that he used for a sash.

"I know what you mean." Darol looks at Astien. "Just that politicians on Earth use similar words. Can go both ways, depending on how the person saying the words projects them. He might be useful later on, so I wouldn't say goodbye to him just yet."

(I was thinking the same thing about the wording and not starting on a new line when different characters are speaking, as it's confusing).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

(I'll keep that in mind.)

"Okay, so, daggers, clothes, baby items, information... I think that's all I needed. Thank you, I'Karis." Astien said.
"Sure, sure. Unless either of these two need something. Perhaps him?" I'Karis motioned toward Darol.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm good to go," Cormac stated.

Darol is confused.

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

(The elf wants to know whether or not Darol needs baby shit)

I'Karis looked at the confused look on Darol's face, and grinned. "Like I said, friend, you're 'iffy' too." He turned back to Astien. "Well, if that's everything, I suppose I have no other business here. But before I go, dear, dear Astien... How about I take you for a nice roll in the hay?"

Astien's stuttered as his face turned an incredible shade of red. "Wait, what?!" Again, the elf laughed.
"Come on! You said you weren't tied to any of these guys, so why not? Aren't pregnant people supposed to be horny anyway?" He sashayed to the pregnant man while he was too stunned to respond. "Besides, you look really ,REALLY hot right now."
Astien buried his face in his hands and mumbled. "Please tell me you aren't serious."
The elf kept laughing. "Only if you say no, friend."

I'm just here for a laugh

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