Illegitimate Heir (closed)

Lucas washed his face and did his best to clean off his clothes. "What should I say then?"

"Think of what you can, I cannot lie to my father, you can though." she whispered to him after she managed to fix his hair into a braid that seemed fit for a mage of his status, it was fastened with gold silk and the like.

She went down the caravan and helped Lucas off, she approached the gate and called out for a maid, the maid looked up at the woman and smiled. "Young mistress is back sir, she's back!" she called out to a man with salt and pepper hair, roughly about 56 years old, a stern face upon him. He approached the gate and opened it, his face creased into a smile, "Welcome back Silette." he said kissing his daughter on the forehead, his gaze drifted to Lucas, his eyes narrowed and asked, "Who is this?" more to Lucas than his daughter who stood there keeping her eyes to the ground.


"I am Lucas, your daughter is helping me visit my family just across the border. My coach was raided and she was willing to help me." Lucas said with a straight face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Good, and my daughter was a saint all over again?" he asked gruffly, Silette blushed as she shook her head, "Father, I am wondering if it were possible to allow this man to stay?" she asked, her father nodded. "Very well, also, Felix is here, he has been here since a week ago." he said, walking into the house. Silette stopped walking and spluttered out, "Surely you are joking father!" "Oh no!" her father replied with a jovial laugh, "He truly is here!" he said as he left the two alone to unload their baggage.

"Who is Felix?" Lucas asked as he helped Silette with her luggage.

"A boy who has been pestering for my hand, he has my father's approval but he will never get mine." she said through grit teeth, her eyes expressing her rage as they walked in the house to be greeted by a lanky boy with wild red hair. "Hello Silly Lettie." he greeted placing his arm round her waist, Silette stiffened and shoved him away, "Don't you DARE touch me Felix Tiede! Don't you dare." she hissed, her body in a defensive pose, the boy only laughed, "Silly, no need to be like that, come now, let's just have a simple dinner together, your father likes me so why should you not?" he asked as he forcefully kissed her lips, causing her to start panicking, showing signs of what appears to be trauma from him.


Lucas firmly grabbed Felix's wrist and pulled his arm off of Silette. "The lady said not to touch her," he said sternly. "A proper gentleman would not force themselves on a lady."

Felix then yanked his arm away before eyeing Lucas, "Yeah? And what are you to her?" he retorted, Silette was shaking as she was thrown against the wall, he turned to look at Lucas, "You're nobody really, nobody to her." he said before turning to Silette and saying in a sickly sweet voice, "I'll see you later Silly Lettie."


Lucas narrowed his eyes as he watched Felix walk down the hall. "Well," he said while he offered a hand to Silette. "He's pleasant. Are you alright?"

Silette stood up and buried her face in her hands, "Y-yes...but....I have...I have to go..." she said bolting upstairs to her room, the most visible room there, a convenience to Felix Tiede and for her father, a great distraction.


"Very well then..." Lucas' voice trailed off. He suddenly felt uneasy and the flutters in his stomach had returned. It'll be fine, little one. Though the assurance was more for his sake than the child's. His mind wandered back to the prince, Henry. He would be getting married tonight and he, Lucas, was supposed to be standing at his side. Royals and nobles really couldn't have a life with a partner of the same sex. Heirs produced from two men weren't legitimate and were seen as unholy in the upper circles. He shook his head. That life was behind him and he had a future to look towards.

In a time which seemed to be an hour, Silette walked out, her clothes were changed now but she was still trembling, another shawl covered her shoulders which bore the burn scars and her hair was still in the same braid, she looked about before walking to Lucas, "Lucas, may we have a walk?" she asked as she did her best to prevent herself from trembling in Lucas' sight.

"Of course," Lucas said kindly. "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Have you...loved that prince of yours?" she asked after a long pause, she was chewing on her bottom lip, nervous, frightened and perhaps, even worried for the answer.


Lucas sighed and nodded after a few minutes of thought. "I cared deeply for him. I still do, actually. It's not a romantic love though, despite my current condition. He...He was very passionate so to speak."

"Eros, the physical attraction..." she mumbled, she smiled weakly, "At least you cared for him." She led him out to a garden and began walking, "D-did you know of the Gervais' clan scandal?" she asked him, "That the only heir and daughter was carrying the child of a powerful man?"


"I think I heard somebody gossiping about it a while back."

" happened, but not according to the story, I was raped by Felix and upon learning of my pregnancy, I was beaten by him and his father, no one believes that part of the story..." she said, she inhaled sharply, "I only told you this due to my having to get this burden off my chest."


"I'm sorry that happened to you," Lucas said gently. "Not even your father believes you?"

She shook her head, "None at all." she said as she sat down on the grass ground, playing with a daffodil. "I lost the child due to my bein beaten and Felix wishes to have my hand." she said, clenching her hands together into fists.

"Lettie, are you spreasing lies again?" a dangerously low voice asked from behind.


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