An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"He was really sad earlier." Delas pointed at the letter siting on the table. Astien came in and picked up the letter. He gasped, and sat on the edge of Cormac' bed, and pulled him into his arms.
"Cormac, it's okay. It's okay. There's nothing to be sad about."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius looked over the letter. "How...How did he get a letter from somebody who died?" He looked at Cormac and something just clicked. "It makes sense now..." He knelt beside Astien. "He doesn't want to loose his family again. No wonder he works himself so hard."

"I know. Cormac, dry your eyes. Come on, it's okay. Your father loves you. Please stop crying."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac groaned and wipe away his tears. "I'm trying."

"Cormac, your father sent you that letter because he loves you. He didn't want to make you cry. So smile. He said he's watching over you, y'know. So smile for him."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and managed a small smile. "I know...I know."

"There you go! That's what he wanted to see!" Astien looked up toward the ceiling. "Dengen? I'm taking care of your son. Well, doing my best anyway. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. You don't have to worry about him. I worry enough for both of us!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled and ruffled Cormac's hair. "I'm here for him too, Dengen. He's a good kid. We'll keep it that way."

"That's right. So don't cry Cormac. Okay?" Astien smiled.

"I'm Here too, ya know." Delas said.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and wiped his tears. "Thanks."

"Can we all go out now? We seriously need to have some fun. We're all going insane!" Delas pouted.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled. "Fair enough. I think Cormac could use a night out."

"Yes, let's all get going now." Astien lifted himself off the bed and pulled Cormac to his feet. "Come on, lets get going while there's still time left in the day."

As much as he had insisted on going out for some fun, once they had arrived at the dance hall, Delas was suddenly hesitant to go inside. "We can tell the people who run the place to let me in, but not the people dancing, and the musicians could just start playing horribly to get back at us. We wouldn't be having any fun at all! May be you should go in without me."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What are you talking about?" Marius asked. "You suggested we do this. Just stay close and they won't bother you."

"It'll be fine." Astien assured him.
"But-" Delas couldn't finished as he was dragged inside.

The dance hall was filled with people, swinging, dancing, laughing, and drinking. The bar was in another room, guarded by a bouncer, to war off the younger patrons. A few people complained to the owner about Delas' presence, and subsequently left, but a fair amount stayed behind and kept on dancing. The band didn't seem to bothered by him either, much to the young man's relief. Once he was certain that nothing was going to go wrong, Delas hopped onto the floor and began cutting loose.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Do you want a drink Cormac?" Marius asked. "If that's alright with Astien, of course."

Astien placed a hand on Cormac's shoulder. "Are you okay? You seem a bit out of sorts lately."

(Back later, off to work.)

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm fine. Just been overworking myself, I guess," Cormac assured Astien.
"Nothing a few drinks can't cure," Marius said with a chuckle. He clasped a hand ot Cormac's shoulder and whisked him off to the bar. "I won't let him drink too much, Astien. Nothing like spirits to get in good spirits."

(May or may not be on later tonight. My sister's back from France. :D)


Astien wasn't convinced, but let Marius take Cormac away. In the meantime, Rila and Alma were back, and both begging their instructor to dance with them.

The bartender was a young, heavily tattooed dwarven lass. "Welcome to Rique's. tonight we've got a special on the house special, the cherry bomb. Now, what can I get for ya?"

(Also, get on Deagon Age already. I dropped $30 on that shit!)

I'm just here for a laugh

(I'll get to it. I promise. I'm really busy with stuff. >_>)

"We'll have two of those to start," Marous said as he plopped Cormac at the bar. "Don't look so nervous, Cormac. It's just a few drinks."

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