An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"No! I've got it! The metal rose you're gonna propose with? Lets find someplace to start on that!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "Even better."

"My instructor told me that the castle has its own smithy. If our instructors will vouch for us, I bet we'll be allowed to use it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I still want to look around the shops."

"Okay. I wanna get a toy of some kind. Maybe a stuffed flouret. Those things are freaking adorable."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "Sounds like a good idea." He finished his meal.

The two paid and left, an made their way to the marketplace. Delas looked around the jewelry store, captivated by all the sparkly things.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac looked around the crafter's market and found a shop filled with glass figures and statues. Off to the side of the shop was a woman molding the molten glass with metal tongs and pinchers. She worked quickly while keeping the glass hot. Within mintues she was done and had crafted a rose blossom that cooled to be a brilliant red.

"Cormac, all of these things are so shiny and sparkly!" Delas said as he ran over to him. "You have the money, can we go to the toy store now? Please please please please puh-leeeeaaaaasse?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Uh. Sure. We can go to the toy store," Cormac said.

Delas bounced with excitement, grabbing Cormac and dragging him off. Inside the toy store, Delas was looking at all of the stuffed animals, hugging each one to see which was the fluffiest and the softest.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac looked at the toys, remembering the collection that Wyn would share with him.

"See any you like, Cormac?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm a little old for toys," Cormac said. "I think I'm going to make Wyn's flowers out of glass."

"I think it'd be a bit too fragile for the exciting kind of life you live, but I guess it'd be just as pretty. By the way, you're never too old to like stuff. I bet Astien would love on of these." Delas looked to the floor a moment, before looking back up at Cormac. "What if we got a little bear and sent it to Marius with a note it was from Astien? I know it's dumb, but…"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I don't know... It might end up causing more trouble between them." Cormac rubbed his neck. "Besides," he picked up a large, baby blue, plush bat. "This is what you'd want to use for that kind of ruse. Astien loves bats."

"Then what if we got the bat, gave it to Astien, had him write the note, then give it back to us so we could deliver it? Kind of a runaround, but then it wouldn't be a ruse."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Don't you mean Marius?"

"What? No. The whole point of the plan is to give Marius something from Astien."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I don't know," Cormac sighed. "I'd rather not get between them. They really need to figure things out for themselves. We can still get the bat and stuff."

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