Illegitimate Heir (closed)

"I'm...a little surprised, that's all. Far from disturbed." He looked at the wet paper in his hands then to Silette's trunk. "Don't go...I...I've been feeling things towards you as well...And it's just not gratitude."

Sikette looked at him, hopeful of what he said, "Then you feel the same?" she asked as a small smile came to her lips.


Lucas blushed deeply and quickly nodded. "I do."

In an instant, Silette rushed to him and embraced him, but pulle away from him, "Wait...what aboyt the bonding magic I told yoy about?" she asked, concerned for him.


"I can handle it," he assured her.

"If you are sure then I think I can handlr whatever pain you will feel." she said planting a kiss on Lucas' cheek.


Lucas smiled and gently hugged her. "Thank you so much, Silette. For so much."

"And thank you for making me feel something..." Silette paused, her hands twitching "Lucas...I have to go...someone is harming my father..." She said as she raised her arm to show what appears to be a stab wound, "He is one of the few people I hold a bond with." she said, hissing as she feels something split her skin, "Lucas, whatever you do, do not leave the cabin, not for anyone not for anything, you will not feel my pain because it is not mine alone so you are fine." she said smiling bravely as she began waving her hands wisps of smoke appearing as it prepares to take her to her old home.


Lucas nodded and locked the doors and windows to the cabin as soon as Silette left. He then occupied himself with reading in the bedroom.

Silette was brought to her home where she saw her father being beat up by
Felix, she paused and breathed hard, "Felix, what are you doing?" she asked furiously, the man laughed, "He won't tell me your whereaboits so I thought I should try it myself to get you here." he said smirking as he took her arms firmly and dragged her to the basement of the manor.

Lucas couldn't focus on his readings and began milling about the house. Straightening up pillows, adjusting curtains, even checking the stew in the kitchen.

"Let me go, Tiede please!" Silette pleaded with him, she was thrown against the wall which xaused her to black out, the last thing she saw was a branding iron being taken out of the hearth.


Lucas stumbled as he suddenly felt light headed. He braced himself against the wall and took a deep breaths. "Silette..."

Silette woke up, bound in chains and a bruise on her face, she looked around, Felix was not about, with hope in her, she began trying to go back to the cabin, whowever as she was starting to go free, she was struck in the face by something sharp, she cried out and looked at her assailant, it was her father, the sense of betrayal was clear and with tear stained eyes, she stood up and despite her bindings, she managed to come back to the cabin, bleesing and hurt, upon her arrival, she collapsed.


Lucas hurried over to her. "Silette!" He wheezed and his body trembling. He hurried off to get the healing kit and began treating Silette's injuries. His own body ached in places all over, all corresponding to the young woman's injuries. He wasn't much of a healer, but he knew enough about practical medicine from the years of growing up with a rowdy prince.

Silette winced as she was being treated by Lucas, taking the pain as an opportunity to hide her emotions, she let her tears stream down her face, all the while remembering her father's betraying her. "Traitor." she mumbled as she continued to weep hoping that Lucas would not see.

Lucas gently hugged Silette after he finished treating her injuries. He didn't say anything and just held her.

Silette held Lucas close, holding on for dear life.


"It'll be Ok," Lucas said quietly. "Everything will be fine."

"Hopefully." she mumbled, she then looked up at Lucas before smiling brightly, "At least they don't know where we are." she said, trying to find comfort in their situation.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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