Illegitimate Heir (closed)

Lucas nodded. "I'm glad you made it back. We should try to find a healer though."

"I'm fune Lucas, no harm " she said smiling.


"Are you sure? I don't want anything to get infected."

She laughed, "Yes, I'm not hurt too badly." she said shrugging.

Lucas sighed with relief and nodded. "Dinner should be ready soon."

"Alright, I'll fix the table." Silette said rushing off.

Lucas checked on the soup and tasted it to make sure he didn't over season it while Silette was away. The bought of light-headedness had finally passed and the pain was fading. He touched his belly as the child inside him stirred. "I hope you didn't feel any of that," he said quietly. "You've had a stressful day as it is." His mind wandered back to Henry and the hurt he saw in the man's eyes. Perhaps the prince had stronger feelings for him than he previously thought. Lucas shook the thought from his head and served up two bowls of the soup and began slicing some bread to go with it.

Silette paused at the sight of a letter, she held out to it and took it, she frowned, "Lucas, you've a letter from the palace." she said handing the folded paper to Lucas, it had the prince's signature above it.

Lucas took the paper into his trembling hands. He broke the wax seal and opened it.

It read as:

I know that you have decided to live a new life and for that I wish you luck, but is it possible that we at least meet for lunch? With our significant others with us of course, I would very much like to meet the special person you now have.


"Shit. Shit. Shit." Lucas muttered. He knew Henry was expecting a man to come with him, given his current state, but Silette was obviously a woman. Perhaps he should just come clean to the prince? No, that would make him even more involved and cause a scandal within the noble ranks.

Silette paused in her fixing the table, "Is there something wrong Lucas?"

"I...I told Henry that I was seeing somebody in town and that they're the child's father...Now he wants to meet them..."

Upon hearing the words, Silette frowned before a thought struck her, "Remember my apprentice? Bienvenu? I can have him act as the father and I as your caretaker." she suggested.


"I suppose that will work as long as it's just this one time." Lucas sighed. "I'm sorry about this. I didn't think he...I didn't think he'd care so much."

Silette smiled sadly, "Lucas, he cares because he too has gained emotione for you." she explained before she turned her back to him and took out a powder of some sort, "Bienvenu, apprentice of Silette Gervais and loyal helper to the heir of the Gervais manor, I summon you." she said as she threw down the powder, smoke enceloped the room to reveal the young man dressed in a more elegant garb than the prince, a dragon's ring on his small finger, with long, flowing silver hair which was tied ornately, golden markings upon his pale alabaster skin, his ruby eyes instantly fell on his master and he dropped to one knee, kissing her hand immediately.
"Master, what do you need of me?" he asked, his rich deep voice resounding through the walls.
"Bienvenu, I must ask you to act as Lucas' lover, his spouse if you may." Silette told him, his brows furrowed.
"And why is that Master?" he asked.
"We will be meeting the prince for lunch and he expects to find a man as the father of Lucas' unborn child." she explained, Bienvenu simply nodded, not asking further questions, "As you wish my Master." was all he said, he then turned to look at Lucas before waving his hands and giving Lucas a more regal piece of clothing complete with a circlet and an emerald choker with golden slippers, "The Bienvenu family is powerful and wealthy, surprisingly, not even the kindom can match up to us, so you must be dressed as I , to make this look real." he explaibed before turning around to face Silette who was now dressed in a gown and a veil covering her face, flowers adorned her hair and clothes and gloves covered her hands, he smiled, "Master is now dressed in a servant's garb, we now must take leave." he said as he looked at the time, "We will be housed in an inn so as not to make any person suspect of our being here, we will by tomorrow evening. Now Sir Lucas, I suggest you get changed, Master will fix your hair properly, I will wait outside." Bienvenu said leaving the two alone in the house.


"H...How did...How did you get him to...?" Lucas stumbled over his words as he began removing his shirt. He quickly changed his clothes.

"How did I get him to what?" Silette asked as she fixed Lucas hair into an ornate braid


"To be your servant and all..."

"Oh, he's my apprentice, his family sent him to me to learn magic, he is a good student too." Silette said as she wrote a reply to the prince to tell them where they will be lodging and what time they are coming. "Come Lycas, we must get to the horses." Silette said leasing him outside, "You will sit in front of Bienvenu on the same horse and I on a separate horse." she instructed, Lucas was then lifted and placed on the horse and his 'spouse' sat behind him, Sikette signaled for them to start the journey and Bienvenu clicked his tongue, the horses then began to make itsway back to Prince Henry's kingdom.

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