Illegitimate Heir (closed)

Lucas nodded. "Almost halfway then..." He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "It's going to be quick then. Henry's nearly a day away...If anything he'll get here after the birth." He managed a light chuckle. "He's never handled traveling by magic all that well."

Silette smiled, despite it all, Lucas still found time to joke about tjings more than she did. She can't help but laugh, "Well, such a shame, after all, he would be missing a beautiful moment." Silette whispered as she kissed Lucas again.

Lucas chuckled and kissed Silette. "I'm not sure how beautiful pushing a baby out of my body will be." He sharply inhaled as another contraction hit.

Silette blushed, "Well I just find it beautiful altogether, nothing wrong about that." she mumbled rubbing her nose.

Lucas nodded and groaned. A few hours passed before he felt a change. "Ah... I...I think they've dropped."

Silette smiled, "That is good news then!" she said as she decided to check him, "You're nearly there." she encouraged him.

"Thank goodness..." He closed his eyes for a moment before there was a quick knock at the door followed by quick footsteps.
"Lucas!" Henry huffed as he entered the room. He was pale and trembling.
Lucas smirked. "You traveled by magic."

Silette smiled and bowed low, "Your majesty." she returned to check on Lucas before she inhaled sharply, "Excuse me for a moment." she said as she ran out of the house, ignoring the cries of those behind her.


"Silette!" Lucas called. He tried to get up only to have Henry hold him to the bed.
"Easy there," Henry said.
"Where is she going? Silette!"

Silette looked back with a mournful gaze, she sighed and continued running, she stopped upon leaving the city and leaned her head against the wall of the city, her breathing was ragged, she muttered some words before seeing her father's image, he smirked, "Coming back or suffering?" he asked, Silette signaled something and whispered something to the wind, the secret behind her leaving, her secret duting her stay with Lucas, the secret behind her nightly walks.
"I'm....going back Father." she muttered as the wind took away her heart to make her emotionless, she looked back before whispering to the wind her final message, take care of Lucas for me...Henry.]/i]

Her message, the first one mind you, was brought to Lucas' and Henry's ears, her second message was for Henry alone.

[i]Lucas...Henry...I must leave...your lives are in danger....if I stay, father shall...he shall kill you and your child or children...I loved playing make believe....a make believe family....but all games must end sometime right?.....the nightly walks without you is my meetings with father, discussing my fate.....I will go back...Henry, I must say I am envious of do not have to ruin your love with anyone....I left quickly for my father placed a dagger to you... though you cannot feel it, I not search for me for your beloved Silette will be gone, your poor unhappy Silette shall be dead, her heart is taken by the wind as is arranged....and do not try to retrieve it, for I shall not care for your cries....I am now a sorceress of the Skye, able to curse and kill, your beloved Silette....ha! weakling that she is has become more powerful and heartless! I believe that my words will change with you two for I am still fighting with the inner Silette....Have you met her? My promised title? Lucas...I love you....goodbye...


Lucas blinked back tears. "Silette...? Silette..." He broke down sobbing. "Why...? Why..." He gasped as his body trembled.
Henry took Lucas into his arms. "It's going to be alright."
"You... You'll have to deliver..."
"I can get a midwife, Lucas."
Lucas shook his head. "They're not...They're not in town. Silette went earlier...."

Silette was taken from the city, she kissed the hand that struck her before looking at gim fearlessly. Her father smiled evilly, "Kill them." she bowed and black smoke surrounded her as she disappeared to the house she once lived in peace. She threw her flames at it, passing by its burning doors untouched. "Lucas, Your Majesty. I have come back." she said with a mobotonous voice, her voice was still Silette's byt it was cold and unfeeling.

Lucas blinked. "Silette...?"
"Oh thank the gods, the baby's crowning," Henry said. "I...I don't know what to do once it's out."
Lucas groaned as he pushed.

Silette stared at them, "I care not for your whelps, but my fatger demands your heads on the mantelpiece." she said as she played with the lightning flying from her fingers, nearly touching Lucas' distended belly only to fly back to her fingers, "Tsk! Typical of Silette to bless you! But I could have that fixed." she said wickedly, she then shoved her hand inside her chest and threw out Silette's soul, pure and white, she was wearing a dead one's garbs, "Undo your blessing!" the soul looked at the labouring Lucas then to the heartless woman, "I am dead, what can I do?" she threw back haughtily, the.sorceress.laughed, "You are a powerful mage my dear, so powerful that even hades cannot take your powers!" she said before she paused and shot a look at Henry and Lucas, she knelt down amd pulled the soul closer, "Your Majesty, tell Silette that you were only pretending to let Lucas leave because you fear Silette, and Lucas, admit it, you weren't thinking of Silette but your loving Henry as you fucjed each other right?" she said mockingly, her hands closing into a fist around the soul, "I can make the dead suffer more by killing them twice if you don't agree." she hissed at them Siltte's soul, trying to unclasp the hand that suffocates her.

"I had no reason to fear Silette," Henry stated. "I just want Lucas to be happy."
Lucas groaned as he adjusted the shoulders of the child and it slid out and began to cry. "Hah....Ha....It...It's a girl..." He held her close. "Silette...It's a girl..."

The soul smiled, "Then I pray you may be happy." she whispered as jer back.was forced forward and her head yanked off, "I shall admit it, killing a soul is twice the fun." she said laighing mercilessly, "But to kill a child..." she said as she placed her hands on her still flat belly, "To kill a child born of love so pure and let the child of lust live." she said smirking, knowing Lucas does not know of Silette's secret.

"Wha...She...She was..." Lucas' brow furrowed as tears streamed from his eyes, dripping onto the crying child in his arms. He healed the cord away. He swaddled the child. "Henry...Take her..." Henry blinked and took the child into his arms as Lucas slowly got to his feet. "We were going to... We were going to have a new life together...She just wanted to be happy!"

The woman laughed, "Then you did not succeed in giving her her happiness." she said as she glanced at the three of them in disdain, "How about instead of killing you I show you your future? The very future Silette showed you once upon a time." she said as she let a ring of flames appear and showed them the picture of Silette and Lucas, she smirked, "But I wonder what is in store for you now." she said waving her hand, her face paled. "No...hiw can that be?" she muttered, the image was unchanged save for the fact of Silette being changed into.Henry, "Apparently, replacements these days are so cruel." she said shooting a glance, "But let me kill your one memory of Silette." she said as she pressed down on her belly slightly.


"No!" Lucas bellowed. "Don't!"

She smirked, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't"

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