Illegitimate Heir (closed)

"You've already taken her form me! Please don't take our child! What good would it do you?" Lucas sobbed. "She promised me...We...We got married...We were going to have a family..."

She looked at Lucas then to Henry, she laughed, "But you have a replacement, why want something old?"

"Henry can't replace Silette...Nobody can." Lucas choked.

She rolled her eyes, "My god, I am straying from my mission." she said as she produced some flames, she paused, "But wait, let me have you live with a fear instead." she said as she broke off a piece of wood from the bed "If this burns, your daughter will die." she said throwing the piece of wood near the fires, "As for this child...I cannot say what will happen." she said before disappearing.

Lucas grabbed the wood and held it close, keeping it from the flames as he fell to his knees. Henry helped him out of the house and found that a royal carriage was waiting for them. He covered Lucas with a blanket and one of the servants disposed of the afterbirth. Lucas held his daughter, letting her feed from his breasts.

((Could we do a timeskip? Sorry if it's getting annoying....))

The sorceress returned to Silette's father, "They are not dead but they live in fear and sadness." she said, the father smirked and nodded. "Perfect."

(Nah it's cool. Do you want to decide when to skip to?)

((How about when the daughter is slightly older?))


Lucas watched over Calantha, his and Henry's daughter, as she wandered about the garden of the cottage. She was nearly five years in age, now. Henry had set him up wit this house a few months after their daughter's birth. The cursed wood had been locked away in a secret location. He hardly saw Henry anymore, only on Calantha's birthday or for the rare visit. It was only natural after Maria began having children.
"Papa," Calatha's sweet voice rang. Lucas blinked and snapped out of his trance. "You were thinking of Mama again, weren't you?"
Lucas smiled softly and took his daughter into his arms. "You remind me so much of her."

The sorceress bore a mute son, pure and content. He was raised to learn magic, his mother though cruel was gentle with him, muttering that his real mother will come one day. While his grandfather would teach him to hunt. He was in town one day when he met her, a radiant woman with ink black hair.

Her name was Calla Lily who is called the Lily of the Valley, a writer fond of adventure was walking when she saw the boy, she smiled and saw his heavy bundle, she helped him and they passed by a house with a man and his daughter, the woman began singing to the boy a love song she never even heard.

I would walk a thousand miles
I would live a thousand lives
I would search the depths of hell
Or scour the heavens up above
For the knowledge of you beside me.


Lucas braided Calantha's hair.
I would walk a thousand miles
I would live a thousand lives
I would search the depths of hell
Or scour the heavens up above
For the knowledge of you beside me.

He softly sang.

Calla Lily paused in her walking and saw Lucas, she shrugged and walked on with the boy, when his mother appeared at the doorway, her face paled, "Friedrich, inside. NOW." the boy nodded and ran, Calla handed the basket to her and bowed before walking back, still humming the song. She took was playing with her books by balancing them on her head when she tripped, she got up and laughed before picking the books back up and running past the man with the girl and slid down the path, falling face first again, her laughter becoming muffled by the pavement.

"Are you alright?" Calantha asked as she rushed to the fence.
Lucas walked over. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, all fine my good sir, fret not for me!" she said still laughing, she shook her head and stood up, brushing away any dirt of her skirts, "I only tripped, no harm done." she assured, when she spotted something on her luggage, she picked it up before smiling, "The Friedrich boy left a sweet for me, how kind." she said as she pocketed it, she bowed to the two before going back to her walk.

"She was funny, Papa," Calanthe giggled.
"Don't be rude, Callie."

The whole day, Calla spent writing, oftentimes having to stop as a child asks for a story, and a story was produced, night fell and the children went home. Calla stayed outside, being a drifting writer, she would sleep nowhere but the open air.

However, the sorceress, Friedrich and Silette's father were out that night, spreading fear everywhere, Friedrich ran to Calla and pulled her away from the square and near to Lucas' home, he knocked rapidly, he bore Silette's face, everything of him was Silette save for his eyes which were Lucas'. His knocking grew desperate hoping for an answer.

Lucas cracked the door open and quickly shut it. "What the hell do you want?" he demanded.
"Go back to bed, Sweetie."

The boy took out a note and slipped it through the door. Please take the kind lady who helped me. I wish to save everyone but Mother does not wish for me to do so. Please, I beg of you! I shall even pay you five hundred gold pieces if you wish, just save the lady!

Calla was curious, "Um...Friedrich can't talk...I think." she said picking the boy up when she sighed, "You know sir, don't worry, I can fend for myself." she said as she planted a kiss on the boy's head, picking her luggage up, she began walking from the house, humming the song again, resuming her cheery attitude.

Lucas opened the door. "Wait! That song...How...How do you know it?"

Calla stopped walking and turned around, "Well...I don't know...I think I knew it somewhere because five years ago I heard someone or something sing it, she said I need to go here but I don't know why." she said shrugging when the sorceress pinned her to the ground.
"Hello there, nice to meet you." Calla gasped out, chuckling, the sorceress' eyes narrowed, "You don't fear me?" she asked, Calla shook her head, "No, why shouldI when death is at everyone's heels?" she asked, as the grip on her throat tightened, her smile never left, her hands were only on the sorceress' hands, not pushing nor pulling it away from her throat.

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