The Mpreg Birthing Center

"Sure." she smiled, resting a hand on his shoulder. Within a few minutes, another nurse had brought the ice chips he had requested and the two of them were now walking around the room, chatting between contractions.

"Have you been able to get in touch with your folks yet?"

Jason thanked the nurse for the ice chips as they began to walk around the room, "Yes, I contacted them this morning when my contractions were getting stronger, and they were going to board the next plane here." Jason smiled knowing one his baby would arrive he was going to move in with his folks, as his mom wouldn't take no for an answer.

She smiled. "I'm sure they're excited. You know, you're very fortunate to have them helping you out."

"Yeah at first, I was scared although I then remembered my mother's love of wanting a grandchild. When I finally got up the courage to talk to them, they were both excited already putting together a baby room in their home stating I was moving back. I agreed only if they wait for the baby to be born here, and then we both go with them." Jason smiled rubbing his stomach as they were continuing to walk until a contraction came over him and he held onto Elisa waiting for it to pass.

Feeling Jason grab ahold of her, she let him squeeze harder as the contraction neared its peak. "Come on Jason; you've got this. Just a little bit longer."

Jason nodded remembering to breath just like Elisa had taught him, nodding as it started to ease up, "Can I get into the tub now, I'm starting to feel some pressure."

She nodded. "Actually yeah. I think that would be a good idea." Within a few minutes, the tub was filled and Elisa was helping him into the tub, smiling as she noticed the obvious relief on his face as he let himself relax. "Now if your water breaks or you start feeling the urge to push, you need to let me know, okay?"

Jason nodded wondering why his water had yet to break so far, but figured it would soon as he started pushing. He had a few more contractions, but the warm water helped with them, until the pressure he was feeling started to build, before he let Elisa know, "There's alot a pressure now, I got to push."

"Okay." she said, getting in position at the edge of the tub. "Go ahead and get yourself in a comfortable position, let the contraction build and then give me a good push"

Jason nodded propping himself up against the end of the tub, and placing his legs against the sides, far apart as they would go, Then as the contraction came, Jason bared down hard, "Ooohhhh....aaahhhh!!!"

"You're doing great Jason. Keep on going." Elisa encouraged as he pushed again, his teeth grit as he gave what felt like a hard balloon a good shove.

Jason nodded pushing hard, although the babies head was feeling almost rubber, instead of a solid surface. Baring down to push again, Jason could feel his baby at his opening, "Ohhhh...aaahhh!!!!"

As Jason pushed again, Elisa's eyes widened as instead of a head, the cloudy bulge of the bag of waters began to emerge. As he stopped to rest between pushes, she took the chance to press a cool cloth to his forehead.

"Your water still hasn't broken yet. That's why you're having a harder time with pushing. I know you said you didn't want me to break it but..."

Jason nodded hearing the news his water hadn't broke yet, however still refused, "No...I want it done on it's own..." Jason panted a few times before a contraction hit as he gathered his strength pushing harder, "Aaaahhhh....ooohhhh...nnnghhh!!!!" Jason could feel the sac along with the babies head starting to open him up some.

Elisa nodded at his request. After all, they were both still in good shape; she wasn't one to intervene unless it was necessary. As he pushed again, she could see the baby's head starting to crown.

"Keep it up Jason. She's coming."

Jason took a short breather before pushing hard as he could. With each push, Jason could feel the sac along with the baby's head opening him more and more. Although it was harder with the sac, Jason refused to let Elisa break it. As a strong contraction started, Jason gripped the tub pushing harder, "Nnnnghhh....aaaaahh!!!!!"

"You're doing great. Keep going." she encouraged as he pushed again; more and more would emerge with the effort. And before long... "Head's crowning Jason. Blow." she instructed as it reached its widest point. "Can you see?" she asked as he panted.

Jason began panting when Elisa let him know the head was crowning. Looking down, Jason smiled seeing the top of his babies head still emerged in the water sac. Panting through the contractions, his babies head was emerging nice and easy, before he had to start pushing again but gave small ones as Elisa instructed him to, "Ooohhh...can't believe my water is still around my baby...."

(((Hey I know we are on a role, but I'm tired thought I head to bed. But I be on tomorrow night so that we may finish this one and start on Rory having a baby boy :) ))))

((That's cool. I'm really tired too. I'll try to get on tomorrow. :) ))

"I know. This doesn't happen too often for me either." she grinned. Within a few moments, the next surge was starting and with a few gentle pushes, the rest of the baby's head had emerged; her face still covered in the bag of waters.

Jason couldn't help but gasp when his babies head was fully out. Looking down, he couldn't believe being able to see his daughters face in the water sac. Knowing the head was a little hard to come out, Jason gulped thinking about the shoulders, "Will the shoulders be hard to come out with the sac still around my daughter?"

(((And I'm back, for a moment, going get food in little bit, then coming back ;) ))))

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