What's Your Pet Peeves?
Now the definition of a pet peeve is "annoying specific behaviors of someone close, such as a spouse or significant other," but I'm going to modify this for a fun little topic :3

So what are some of your pet peeves? Something that just really rakes your nerves raw, to the point where you are screaming in your brain. Everyone has them! I haven't met a person yet that did not have any.

These peeves do not have to be personal, just every day vexations.

Here is my List:

Bad drivers. Now I'm not claiming to be the king of all driving but damn it all, at least I know how to use a turn signal! Or know that the left lane isn't for slow traffic. I have developed the worst Road Rage from when I got my license four years ago...

People who breath loudly. I know that in some cases that they may not be able to help their breathing volume, like if they are sick or something. But people that just breath loudly all the time not only annoy me, but also freak me out.

General rudeness. It's like people are so full of themselves anymore, that or I have extremely high expectations. Don't you think it should be common courtesy to hold a door open for some one? Or when you are talking to some one and they start texting. They always say, "I'm listening, go on," but I know they are not.

Buffering, who doesn't hate that? I mean, I got DSL and YouTube insists on buffering right in the middle of a good song. Grr.

Friends that always bum rides or cigarettes and NEVER pay me back. Gas isn't cheap, a couple dollars or even pocket change would be appreciated... mooch.

There is more but I won't go into a full tirade XD So what are you minor annoyances?
Tangerine Queen and Archduchess of all Citrus
George Carlin once said that, despite all cultural boundaries and differences, we are all united in the idea that we all believe are are FANTASTIC DRIVERS.

You outta regale me with your peeves? D: So I won't step on em when casually talking.

I have very few peeves, as Im generally an agreeable person.

I will say that die-hard 50's tards like Rush Limbaugh get my goat, along with customers who try to bully me into giving them free food.

Another would be a peeve more in myself, in that I find it difficult to stop going too far with things >:3 namely because I like exaggeration.

Another would be people whom are consistantly depressed. I can understand the occasional sadness, but dude, Cynicism is SO 1980's doncha know? And No, not in the least referring to bio-chemical imbalances such as Bi-polar disorder and neur-chemistry imbalances. I'm referring to the people with Munchausen syndrome, or who think that doom and gloom is around the corner or that the end is coming. It wasn't funny the first time. Humanity survived Y2K, we Survived the second coming of jesus no less than 28 times (according to their variosu predictions dating back as far as 1821 A.D.), we survived the end of the world twice both in May, and October, and the comet that was supposed to veer by in 2009.
Its very easy to overlook the beauty we have, and that things are getting better. After all, the news can't sell their rags unless there's accident photos on them. D: people get off on gloomy shit, and as a result the media reflects this.

REMEMBER THE KILLER MANMADE VIRUS? Turns out its cytoplasm easily gets demolished...by soap and water.

Also? Pro Lifers. Like, not the concept itself. Just the people whom blindly crush medical scientific advances just because it don't jive with their jeebus mess. Or threaten the lives of women by putting the life of the infant above the woman D: I'm sorry, but if My beloevd was laboring and the choice between saving the infant or my beloved came into play, I'd pick my beloved every time. >.>'''

Mormons, also. For no other reason than the forced Child bride thing. they said they stopped doing it, but come on man. What goes on behind closed doors? Not to say that the mainstream in the light is capable or culpable of such. But there's things that keep cropping up lately that let one realize that even though the church may take an official stance, its adherents whom have been born and raised on that mess arne't likely to jump on the change bandwagon so easily.

Also Luddites. Because their argument is invalid, I have the Singularity.
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
(03-09-2012, 06:41 PM)BaronVonCroydlypants Wrote: I have very few peeves, as Im generally an agreeable person.

I'm hardly agreeable, you know that well. But that is over the intertubes, in real life I'm such a damn doormat. It's like I attract dickheads to me so they can shower me in their absolute rudeness.

I guess that is a peeve about myself, I lack a back bone. I'm the quintessential Fluttershy in everyday life.

Tangerine Queen and Archduchess of all Citrus
Quote:Another would be people whom are consistantly depressed. I can understand the occasional sadness, but dude, Cynicism is SO 1980's doncha know?

I assume you're talking about negative people, not the ones with real, serious, debilitating depression, right? Because... that's not a choice. We can debate what CAUSES such depression, but it is a real condition.

Quote:Also? Pro Lifers. Like, not the concept itself. Just the people whom blindly crush medical scientific advances just because it don't jive with their jeebus mess.

They are a pet peeve of mine too. The idea of banning abortion is so dangerously irrational, I can't believe people even argue for it.
It is purely emotional, not based on reality. If I try to explain the necessity of abortion to them all they say is, "But it's MURDER! Those sweet innocent babies! *SOB*" I'm a mother myself. I know how precious and amazing babies are. That's why I choose to keep unwanted babies from having shitty lives, and focus on improving the lives of LIVING, CONSCIOUS people.

Quote:Mormons, also. For no other reason than the forced Child bride thing. they said they stopped doing it, but come on man. What goes on behind closed doors?

I was raised Mormon and I can tell you for a fact that there is no child-bride stuff going on in the mainstream church. It happens a lot in certain off-shoots of the mainstream church, but the huge multi-billion dollar monstrosity we all think of as the "Mormon" church, really, truly doesn't do that stuff anymore.

I am now atheist, if you were wondering. I'm not trying to defend the church, just share my inside experience of it.

But anyway... pet peeves? Well, I spend a lot of time debating religion and also parenting practices. I am a home birth and breastfeeding advocate, so I get into it with a lot of women. There are a few catch-phrases that REALLY grate on my nerves. Some are,

"I don't care about studies and statistics. I do what's right for MY family!"

As if their children are so magically different from all others????????

And, "No, you don't understand. I REALLY couldn't breastfeed! I couldn't produce any milk!"

Then you find out that they gave birth in a hospital, and their baby was supplemented with formula from day one. Gee, I wonder WHY you didn't produce milk??? You can't claim innocence if you did nothing to PREVENT the problem in the first place.

Anyway... there's a lot more but I'll stop there for now lol
People who say "ax" instead of "ask."

Loud chewing.


Lack of proper grammar/punctuation/capitalization in writing -- Pretty much ANY kind of writing, including text messages.

Also, people who act like their shit don't stink and people who don't practice what they preach -- like my coworker who goes complaining to the boss about things I do then turns around and does the EXACT SAME things she complains that I do.
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...
(03-09-2012, 11:16 PM)Goddess Wrote:
Quote:Another would be people whom are consistantly depressed. I can understand the occasional sadness, but dude, Cynicism is SO 1980's doncha know?

I assume you're talking about negative people, not the ones with real, serious, debilitating depression, right? Because... that's not a choice. We can debate what CAUSES such depression, but it is a real condition.

I hope he is talking about negative people .__. I hate when people say that others with depression just need to suck it up. It's not that at all.

Also, cynicism doesn't fit in that statement. A cynic is a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions. Being a cynic I'm not depressed, I'm just pissed off all the time.

(03-09-2012, 11:33 PM)Buggy Girl Wrote: Also, people who act like their shit don't stink and people who don't practice what they preach

Hypocrites and King Shits on Turd Mountain, I'm well acquainted. I have a "friend" that loves to compare his life to mine, tries to be subtle about it, but I can tell he's being a dick. He also goes on and on about issues around the world and how we need to help others, but turns around and says that people in other countries that are staving do not need help and they should all die because they were too stupid to live anyway.

I had to resist the urge to punch him in the fucking face. Although a cynic I'm a massive humanitarian. Hearing that string of utter bullshit made me see red. How can anyone justify letting people starve to death? "Population is already too high, we don't need more people depending on us for welfare, they will never learn. Better off letting them die, it will be better for the planet." Okay, then lets start another mass genocide, and you're first buddy...

This the same person that says he can fluently speak Spanish, French and MACEDONIAN *coughdeadlanguagecough* All he knows is words and he will never be a native speaker. But I would never tell him that, I'll let him sit on his little high horse until the damn thing dies of exhaustion.
Tangerine Queen and Archduchess of all Citrus
I was referring to negative people who like, refuse to even admit to some degree of optimism. Not people who have the misfortune of glandular disorders/neurochemistry imbalances. Dude, D: I may have pet peeves but even I can't hate on the neurologically afflicted D: Sorry I didn't clarify as much in my earlier post!

And I don't hate ALL Mormans, or even the concept of religion outright. D: However, I do quite dislike all the ills that seem to crop up under the blanket of such. Every culture, sub-culture or mainstream, is capable of producing its fair share of lunatics and assholes. And on the whole? It can also foster a kind of smug complex even if the message is peace and love.

That said. No one should have their marriages chosen for them. No one. NO ONE. It shows in those cultures that extoll them how they value their children as commodities rather than inheritors or human beings.

Atheists and even humanists are not immune to this. ( there's tons of atheists on youtube that have the argument "YOU SORT OF BELIEVE IN SPIRITS YUORE MENTALLY ILL" thing ) Its the human condition and there's little we can do over it.

And atchya, Tangerine: If your friend brings up that kinda mess around me, D: I won't punch him. BUt I will scold him. Heatedly. Nobody deserves to die just because they have the misfortune of coming into being in a terrible area. Nobody can choose their parents, otherwise the rich would have every child on the planet XD
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
Men not being able to get pregnant..

If I actually answer this question, I will make a speech. It is unavoidable.

I work in retail. I don't like people. That is all.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
(03-11-2012, 04:22 AM)Sugar Kitten =^_^= Wrote: Men not being able to get pregnant..


ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Content-lite overpostings...that's it for now.
My Stories:
     Thinking Back (NSFW): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=553
     Subscribers (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=627
     Subscribers, Part II (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=2071
     Post Partum Pain and Pregnant: http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=3328
     Adventures of an Amateur Stripper (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=5920

     Unexpectedly Pregnant (M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=13548

People who use false information to support their beliefs. It's pretty common - people who believe a certain thing will seek out "proof" that they're right, and will simply go on insisting that they have evidence for being right, even if their evidence is false. Look, dude, you don't have to change your mind - but if you're in the right, why do you rely on false evidence to back up your case?

Other people have commented here about pro-lifers, and there is a huge tendency within that camp to do these sorts of things. Just in 2009, there was a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research claiming that abortion led to all sorts of mental health issues. Evidence has now surfaced showing that the study was terrible - so much that the journal has withdrawn it. Essentially, what it did was claim that, if a woman had ever been diagnosed with any mental health condition and had also, at some point, had an abortion,then the abortion had caused the mental health problem. Even if the mental health condition happened first, twenty years previous to the abortion. Even if the woman was depressed BECAUSE she had an unplanned pregnancy and no longer felt depressed after the procedure - this study still counted it as "abortion causes depression."

Science is important, facts are important. Science does NOT tell us what the moral way to live is, that's not it's job. What it does is give us evidence about what is true and what is effective, and we then use philosophy and theology to determine what the moral choice is. If you throw false garbage into that system, you'll end up with harmful beliefs - and harmful laws.
(03-15-2012, 09:22 PM)Please Stand By Wrote: People who use false information to support their beliefs. It's pretty common - people who believe a certain thing will seek out "proof" that they're right, and will simply go on insisting that they have evidence for being right, even if their evidence is false. Look, dude, you don't have to change your mind - but if you're in the right, why do you rely on false evidence to back up your case?

Other people have commented here about pro-lifers, and there is a huge tendency within that camp to do these sorts of things. Just in 2009, there was a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research claiming that abortion led to all sorts of mental health issues. Evidence has now surfaced showing that the study was terrible - so much that the journal has withdrawn it. Essentially, what it did was claim that, if a woman had ever been diagnosed with any mental health condition and had also, at some point, had an abortion,then the abortion had caused the mental health problem. Even if the mental health condition happened first, twenty years previous to the abortion. Even if the woman was depressed BECAUSE she had an unplanned pregnancy and no longer felt depressed after the procedure - this study still counted it as "abortion causes depression."

Science is important, facts are important. Science does NOT tell us what the moral way to live is, that's not it's job. What it does is give us evidence about what is true and what is effective, and we then use philosophy and theology to determine what the moral choice is. If you throw false garbage into that system, you'll end up with harmful beliefs - and harmful laws.

Along the same vein, I hate it when people and politicians think that by making something illegal, they will also make the problem go away. What they fail to remember is that women have been performing abortions for THOUSANDS of years. Midwives used to have a list of herbs that would cause miscarriages for that reason. And more recently, teenagers would stick things up there to dig their babies out. All legalizing abortion did was give these people a place to do it safely.

And things like gay marriage. Making illegal for gays to get married is not going to stop them from being gay, making commitments to each other, or raising children together.

Wasn't trying to make this political. Just backing you up. Ditto. Yes.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
(03-15-2012, 10:40 PM)The Kicking Wrote: Along the same vein, I hate it when people and politicians think that by making something illegal, they will also make the problem go away. What they fail to remember is that women have been performing abortions for THOUSANDS of years. Midwives used to have a list of herbs that would cause miscarriages for that reason. And more recently, teenagers would stick things up there to dig their babies out. All legalizing abortion did was give these people a place to do it safely.

And things like gay marriage. Making illegal for gays to get married is not going to stop them from being gay, making commitments to each other, or raising children together.

Wasn't trying to make this political. Just backing you up. Ditto. Yes.

Don't forget getting married elsewhere :3 You can always get legally married elsewhere and it sticks regardless. This causes insurance companies no end of greif, but it could be simpler if they just accepted that they got married. In North Carolna, we're one of few southern states that go through the process of Civil Unions. D: its baby steps, but it will eventually lead to outright marraige ceremonies.

Barring that, there's always Canada! :3 Go to Niagara falls, get hitched, and take in the sights of the great white North!

I wonder if the same is viable in Vegas? If they can have drive through chapels, I want my gay marriage plz.
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
(03-16-2012, 02:17 AM)BaronVonCroydlypants Wrote: Don't forget getting married elsewhere :3 You can always get legally married elsewhere and it sticks regardless. This causes insurance companies no end of greif, but it could be simpler if they just accepted that they got married. In North Carolna, we're one of few southern states that go through the process of Civil Unions. D: its baby steps, but it will eventually lead to outright marraige ceremonies.

Isn't a Civil Union the same as Common-Law Marriage? That was what my parents USED to be until Missouri ditched the idea. Its like ... the perfect system of marriage. Live together long and enough and BOOM state recognizes you as sorta married. No ceremony, no license, just live together. That means no messy divorces either, you have to sort that out yourself in common law.

Tangerine Queen and Archduchess of all Citrus
Ok people using or saying things such as..

Hit me up. (What ??)
Netspeak on a constant basis.(Using full words works better for me. I do understand some of it.)
Constant typos.(There is spell check. It is free. I use it.)
I have to say it, I really dislike twilight and anything to do with it. I love vampires and this series completely obliterated everything that it is to be a vampire. Plus it is a very bad story for girls to be following and using as a measure in their own world of what is acceptable in a relationship.(My opinion I know. But it is how I feel)

Anyone that actually goes on and on about republicans and democrats liberals and conservatives as if they really were separate entities. They aren't. They are different heads on the same beast.(No I am not joking)

Any type of racist intolerance is unacceptable to me. (Come on really ? there is no need for that )

People that hate anyone that is homosexual, lesbian, transgendered, or bisexual or just is not sure. (Not ok in my book. Acceptance and love is what is needed there)

Religious intolerance. Really ? Believe what you want and leave me alone.

People that find out I am vegan and ask ..where do you get your protein from ? <.<

Animal cruelty and not just cats and dogs. All animals.

People that litter.

Anyone that just spouts out ignorance and hate in any form just because whatever it is scares them. Read a book and learn to love your fellow humans.

Oh and my final pet peeve the whole girl versus boy thing. No I will not join your sisterhood or say men are this and that. No I will not think it is funny that you think all women are... and so on. Get over it.
(03-18-2012, 02:44 PM)TangerineTitillation Wrote:
(03-16-2012, 02:17 AM)BaronVonCroydlypants Wrote: Don't forget getting married elsewhere :3 You can always get legally married elsewhere and it sticks regardless. This causes insurance companies no end of greif, but it could be simpler if they just accepted that they got married. In North Carolna, we're one of few southern states that go through the process of Civil Unions. D: its baby steps, but it will eventually lead to outright marraige ceremonies.

Isn't a Civil Union the same as Common-Law Marriage? That was what my parents USED to be until Missouri ditched the idea. Its like ... the perfect system of marriage. Live together long and enough and BOOM state recognizes you as sorta married. No ceremony, no license, just live together. That means no messy divorces either, you have to sort that out yourself in common law.

It is basically common law marraiges, however in this particular regard you get the tax perks.

Now there's a law going before North Carolina's senate committe to finally define marriage between a man and a woman. D: They better not pass that shit or so help me I am going to like...Scream? Fuss? MOVE TO CANADA. THEY ARE A VERY TOLERANT PEOPLE!
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
(03-09-2012, 11:33 PM)Buggy Girl Wrote: People who say "ax" instead of "ask."

Loud chewing.


Lack of proper grammar/punctuation/capitalization in writing -- Pretty much ANY kind of writing, including text messages.

Also, people who act like their shit don't stink and people who don't practice what they preach -- like my coworker who goes complaining to the boss about things I do then turns around and does the EXACT SAME things she complains that I do.

Wow, that pretty much sums it up!

This space intentionally left blank*

People who ask me, "Can I ask you something?" Wow, didn't give me much of a choice there, did you?
(08-15-2012, 11:59 PM)Mark Wrote: People who ask me, "Can I ask you something?" Wow, didn't give me much of a choice there, did you?
That's when you have the right to be a total smart-ass and say "You just did" and walk away. :D

1: Pro-Life Advocates -- This seems to be a big one here, and I'm not going to argue ideology. If it's to cover-up an affair or something like that, I'm against abortion. Those bitches should own up to the fact that they screwed around and were total idiots and now have to live with consequences. This does -admittedly - extend into teenage pregnancy a bit. But if there's something wrong with the child, or the mother is sick, or the child is endangering the mother, or the mother was raped (thank you, Candidate Akin), then I think it's completely okay for a woman (or man, if all goes well in the future) to have an abortion. My personal philosophy is to let people do what they want to do and leave me out of it. The pet peeve here is that the Pro-Lifers are so damned annoying about it! "Abortion stops a beating heart!" So, what if NOT having that abortion would stop the MOTHER'S heart? What if that "beating heart" was created in violence? Leave the option open and go find something else to b-tch about, or I'll beat you over the head with your freakin' picket sign. (/end rant)

2: Religious Intolerance -- I am a Christian. That said, I'm not going to force my religion down your throat. -gasp!- A Christian that WON'T tell me I'm going to hell for not believing in Christ?! See, that's my issue. My best friend/sister/future wife (we plan to get married when we're 35 if we're still single) is a Wiccan. Another friend is a Pagan. My "adoptive daughter" is a Buddhist. And I have a scattering of all kinds in my web. I was baptized Catholic but spent much of my life an atheist. What changed me was a failed suicide attempt. If you get down to the bear bones of religion, they all have the same basic principles and instructions to be a good person. So when someone says one of my friends will go to hell for not believing in Christ, I flip them the Bird and tell them if that's true, at least it'll be warm.

3: Homophobic Assholes -- I'm bisexual. I have friends on both sides of the fence and a lot sitting on it. I was in the GSA in high school and saw the result of homophobes harassing others. We can't help our sexuality! If we could, why would we chose the misery of being bullied and being scared? I mean really. Watch and learn, ignorant pigs. --> FckH8 on Gay Marriage PS: Studies show that people with the strongest outspoken homophobic view secretly harbor stronger desires for the same sex than people who are less homophobic. ;) Suck on that a while.

4: People who think others with depression are "just having a bad day". -- Oh really? So I've "just been having a bad day" for 2 straight years? Huh. Well that clears up the feelings of uselessness, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts I've been having! Thank you, you narrow-minded a$$hole. Seriously, having a bad day wouldn't do this to you. A bad day is just that: a day. Not three days, a week, a month, or a year. So before telling someone to get over it, realize that it's something wrong with their BRAIN, not their ENVIRONMENT.

5: Bad Drivers -- Yep, something this mundane. I work in two different stores, and they're both 10 miles from my house by interstate. Bad drivers seriously get on my nerves if I'm spending seven hours a week around them.

6: Disrespecting another human being just because they aren't college educated and are working in a store for minimum wage -- Can you guess? This has happened to me. By my best friend. Not that she realized what she was doing, and she's become more aware when she does. College isn't right for everyone, and not going or not finishing doesn't have any bearing on whether someone is smart or driven.

7: Complete butchering of the English language -- liek omg isnt dis so kewl?! That's all well and good for texting or IMs, but if you actually talk like that, and you aren't 12, something is wrong. They teach you English in school for a reason! Use it!

8: Cheaters/liars/abusers -- I've been on the receiving end, and it's not fun. And really, there is NO excuse. Only pure selfishness.

I'm probably going to add to this list, but these are the big ones. :D
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.

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