The Mpreg Birthing Center

Addison could only give a grateful nod to Margo, allowing her to help him shift and spread his legs. All embarrassment about being naked before vanished. The blue-eyed man lay against Angel lightly, breathing through the last of that contraction, before immediately starting to push on the next. He had to pause near it's peak, but with a short cry, ended with a few gasps. He looked to both of them, hoping to god that he was doing the right thing.

"Margo..." he whispered, staring down at her, "I... I feel..." he placed a trembling hand over his lips, his previous nausea had returned. Taking deep breaths through his nose, he stared at them both, pale as a ghost. He couldn't hold it back.

Margo had seen the color drain from Addison's face and knew from experience what was coming next. Quickly she grabbed a vomit tray from a nearby counter and brought it to his face in time for him to empty out the contents of his stomach. "Sorry..." he mumbled as his stomach gave another lurch.

"You don't have to be sorry." Margo softly smiled as she handed him another cold cloth for his face. "That's completely normal."

Angel rubbed his shoulder, "Don't worry about it. At least be glad Margo was quick with grabbing a tray. When I first had started here, I had more than one man vomit on me." Angel chuckled trying to keep him calm.

Margo chuckled a little as well at the memory and nodded a silent thank you to Angel. Maybe if he could relax, then the rest of the delivery would go smoothly.

"You're doing a great job Addy. She really came down with that last one."

Addison closed his eyes, willing the cool cloth to stay on his sweaty face forever, though, of course, it was taken away. He sat there, breathing heavily for a few moments. He could feel her, so close to showing. All the pressure was uncomfortable. He shifted a bit on the stool, nodding to both of them to let them know he was fine.

He held Angel's hand and bore down once more, only this time it ended with an Aruba gasp, his blue eyes horridly wide, "It b... B... Ah, it burns...!" he bit into his lip, "G-god..." he remembered this with Eric. It was the part of it that was hell. When he couldn't push and also when he tore. Addison took shallow breaths, working himself up. He didn't want to tear again. Not this time. Wasn't he supposed to not push here? Or was that later on? He didn't know! His mind was going into panic mode!

As he pushed again, Margo couldn't help but be excited as with the latest push, she could just see the start of a tiny head of hair; only for it to disappear from sight as he started to panic from the feeling of his body lighting on fire. The memories of the birth of his first child were surfacing and it terrified him.

"Listen to me Addy." Margo said firmly, forcing him to make eye contact with her despite his trembling. "She's right there. But you've gotta take it calmly so that you won't tear. Now I want to give me a good push and once her head's crowning, then I want you to pant so that'll give time for the muscles to stretch around her head. Do you want a mirror so you can see?" she asked, hoping that it might help distract him from the pain.

"Come on you are doing so well Addison." Angel cheered him on, knowing this was tough on him, "A mirror is a great thing to be able to see your little one entering into the world."

"N-N-No," he whispered, probably against both of their thoughts. He didn't want to see, he just wanted this to be over. Besides, he couldn't stand the sight of blood. Addison closed his his eyes, taking a few raspy breaths, "N-No mi-mirror..." he breathed, "Water...?" He was parched. Hopefully they would allow him to drink.

Addison took a deep breath and gave a good push, but it ended just as the other did when he felt a searing pain between his legs. "Aaahn!" he cried, gasping, "Margo! Margo, ah, wha..." he closed his eyes, unsure of what to do. He could only breathe and moan at the moment. Was he supposed to stop pushing here? Oh, he could feel her... Addison dug his nails into the stool, fighting the urge to push. Her head was visible, beginning to crown as his contractions tried to force her out. " guuuh!"

"Don't worry, we won't force you. Your doing really great, just take some deep breathes." Angel assured Addison knowing he was probably so close.

"Of course you can have water." Margo nodded, bringing the glass of water to his lips. As Addison pushed again, he was only able to for a few moments before letting out a scream of pain as her head fully crowned.

"Okay Addy, blow." she instructed as he started panting for all it was worth while Angel wiped his forehead again with the cloth. "You're alright. Your body's getting her out on it's own; nice and easy. Just wait for the next contraction and you can go ahead and push." She softly smiled at him. "She's got your hair Addy..."

Addison gripped the sides of the stool, feeling tears roll down his cheek. He had forgotten how much this part hurt until just now. He gasped and panted in breaths, but one moment, just had to push. He couldn't fight it. It was a weak one, doing no damage, but he bit his lip and whimpered, laying back against Angel. He took a few more breaths, before he alerted Margo, "I... I have to... Uhn... P... Pu..." he was trying so hard not to. Her head wasn't fully expelled just yet.

"Just keep blowing Addy. She's coming." she encouraged, trying her best to make sure he didn't tear. At one point, she realized that he was pushing, albeit weakly, and didn't make an attempt to stop him knowing he was trying as hard as he could to follow what she said.

"Alright Addy. Her head should be out with the next contraction. Go ahead and give me a push."

Addison wasn't blowing now, he was gasping and spluttering for breaTh. he had such a low pain tolerance, and bad never been stretched so wide before... "AaaAAAAAAaaahnnnUuun...." he moaned, resting his head on Angel's shoulder. Holding on to the sides, he gave a shaky push, which was cut off when he sucked in a breath. Her head was out. Addison took shallow breaths, "Is... She... Aah... Okay...?" he whispered, knowing that if the cord was around her neck, it wasn't very good.

Margo did not response to Addison's question at first, only asking Angel to come from behind him to get a bulb syringe and clamps. "I need you to hold off on pushing for a bit. The baby's fine but she's got a cord around her neck and I need to loosen it up to get it off or I may have to cut it now if I can't. Just keep blowing."

Oh god, more blowing. Addison gave Margo a look that told her he couldn't last much longer. He truly did try his best, gritting his teeth and panting hoarsely, but he had to push soon. He Couldnt help it.

Margo grit her teeth in frustration. She couldn't get enough slack on the cord to get it loose and Addison wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Something had to be done now. Making a decision she took the two clamps and started attaching them to the cord still wrapped around the babe's neck.

"Addison, I need you to focus okay? I can't get the cord loose so I have to cut it now. But once I do, I need you to push as hard as you can so that we can get her born since she won't be getting oxygen once the cord's cut." She hated that it had to come to this, as scared as he was already, but this was their best chance.

Addison looked up at her with wide eyes, but nodded, shifting his position just a bit. Sweat had gotten into his eyes, the salty liquid making him irritated and tearing up. He blinked constantly, but focused on Margo, looking at her hair instead of his child. He waited for her to tell him so, already ready to get his daughter out.

Angel hated leaving her position from behind Addison, but knew it was only for a moment to get what Margo had asked for. Handing her the clamps she asked for, Angel stood by in case she was needed.

Holding her breath, with a few snips, the cord was cut and unwound from the baby's neck. Now it was a race against the clock.

"Alright Addison. Push as hard as you can. We've got to get her out now." Margo instructed him with all seriousness. She looked over to Angel. "Get a warming tray ready. We may need to do some stimulation on the baby once she's born."

Angel nodded going over into the corner getting a warming tray set up. Coming back, Angel brought a towel to help clean off the baby.

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