Game Over (Looking to Redo)

Two College Students have it all; great career choices, good grades and a decent standing among their peers. The difference is that one is gay and the other is a bit chauvinistic in his ideas. He harasses the other every chance he gets, but what he doesn't know is that there's something supernatural about the smaller male as he will soon find out.

Adam Smith was the star baseball player that the university. Very charismatics guy and relativity easy to get a long with, if you shared his ideas and beliefs. He was 6'2, 200lbs of muscle, light brown eyes that looked like honey when the light hits it just right, and sandy blond hair that he kept in top top condition because the lady's loves it. 

Adam was on his way to practice, when he was handed a flyer. It read: GSA meeting in the quad. Time this Saturday. Adam crippled the paper with out a second glance and through the paper on the ground. He could not stand the gays and there propaganda to support them. They were all slick disgusting vile scum that did not deserve to be treated like him.

((Is this okay?))

(That's great so far!)

Kristopher Campbell was looking forward to the Gay-Straight Alliance Meeting. As Junior Class Representative, he felt the school needed to expand their horizons a bit further. "Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life" he said to himself in front of his mirror, effectively citing Morihei Ueshiba and his stance on the Art of Peace. With the meeting, perhaps it would allow anyone with ill feelings to see that everyone was alike and while he was against the notion of forcing lifestyles in people's faces, this massive university was still a bit stuck on being mean to people of differing views, especially the jocks. While Kris had a lean physique that would clearly make it apparent he was not a "twink", a term he honestly disliked, he could not say he was the kind of person that would enjoy building his body past the usually 180 pounds.

He fixed his short dark brown hair a bit before adjusting the bowtie on his red dress shirt.

"Eh, showtime." He smiled before heading out the room. One would think that after speaking in front of crowds for the time he's spent within the college, he would be used to it by now. Truthfully, the Mass Communications major just freaked out after handling certain situations. His mind was cleared of doubt however as a few others within the Alliance were outside the old gymnasium handing around flyers and other things. It was simple: get up and speak for a few and then leave out while some kind of party was thrown for him to change clothes.

(Hope this is alright.)

Adam had a slight scowl on his face as he walked into the locker room to change for practice. One of his teammates seems to notice and calls attention to it.
"Yo Adam, what's up? Get into a fight with your girl Sarah again?" The room echoed with laugher at this remark. 
"Very funny Kris. Sarah not my girl and no. These stupid fags are the problem! Why do they think they can shove their gayness in my face," Adam stated as he got his workout shirt over his head and onto his body. Everyone knew Adam was homophobic but they never really said anything about it since of who he was. 
"Ah don't worry bout them. Let them do them and you worry about scoring them home runs. Kay bro?"
Kris was trying to change the subject because once Adam got started he was next to impossible to make him stop. 
"Nah. It's no right. Someone needs to teach these fags a lesson," he shut his locker with such ferocity that it sound of it closing echoed in the room causing everyone to fall silent. Everyone saw it in Adams eyes that he has a plan. "Tell coach imma be right back."
Before anyone could stop him, Adam made his way to the quad. He had a few things that he needed to tell these abomination about and he wasn't afraid to use force to get his point across. 

Kris sat down at a table after speaking for a good few fifteen minutes as people got up to share their experiences. His blue eyes dropped lowly a bit as he would rather spend himself at another poetry contest than this as then he would not have to host it. He always felt nervous about how these events played out and he had no idea how right he would be. When the little assembly was thought to be over, Kris took himself back to the podium while generally thinking to give a few closing remarks.

"Anyways, the local club is hosting a party tonight with some sort of rave theme. We're having a Festival of Colors in yardspace near the cafeteria in a few. Foods provided, that sort of thing. Any questions or should I stop talking and end this thing already?" He chuckled a bit as a few others were quite ready for it to end.

((Sorry about naming the teammate after your a character lol))

Adam arrived just before the meeting came to a close.

"Uhh yeah I got something to say." Adam did not wait for himself to be acknowledged by the speak at the podium. He made his way to the small crowd and up to the stage. Pushing the speaker out the way he cleared his thought and made sure all eyes were on him. 

"What the hell is your guys problem? Why do you choose to participate in such vile things. Everyone ones that being a fag is a sin. It's all about a guy and a girl being together. Lesbians don't count though because they are hot but you gay fags are disgusting!" Adam went on and on about his anti gay speech. He had gotten some horrified looks from the crowed be what did he care. He knew what he was saying was right so anyone who disagreed can talk to him personal.  When he was satanised with what he had to say, he gave one last disapproving look at the crowed and made his way to practice. 

(lol I was bit confused by it, but no worries)

Kris rolled his eyes as the asshole literally pushed him out the way.

"You know half the shit you just said was contradictory right? I wonder if stupidity is a sin." He had no issues in saying it out loud to the idiot making his way back to the baseball field. It was clear that if he was going to call one group homosexuals that should be burned and others that were essentially the same thing not, he needed to recalculate his thinking. How he even got into college, unless of course the school literally did allow jocks to slide by. All in all, Kris was annoyed at the fact the fool had to make his way to the event just to be an ass. He turned back to the others he was with stating to resume everything as planned. There was no need to allow an imbecile to try and ruin some spirits. This is exactly why the meeting was made in the first place.

Adam returned to practice in a better mood than which he first arrived with. Hopefully those homos got the message and that they would stop. His practice went relatively smooth. He was a natural born athlete so practice usually was a cakewalk for him. 

After practice in the locker room, one of the teammates mentioned that there was going to be a mixer later tonight and they should all go. Adam was never one to turn down a party. Plus it was a the weekend so it gave him even more reason to go. He hadn't had sex in a week and that was the longest he was willing to go. Hopefully there would be some hot chick that he could shack up with for the night. He agreed to meet up with is buds at eight so that they could all head over together. 

What Adam was unaware of was the party he was invited to was the party that the GSA members had put together.

Kris had returned to his dorm when the pleasantries were done and over and the towering figure, at least towering to his five-foot-nine height, had ran himself back off from wherever he came from. He looked at his choice of clothing for the night activities, a yellow hoodie, black sweatpants and yellow shoes to go with them. When he glanced over at his desk, he noticed a pendant resting on top of it, but glancing at his choice of colors, the purple Emerald just did not match. He ran the hot water for a shower and put the thought aside for the time being.

Kris exited the dorm again minutes to an hour later as the second he exited the dormitories, the sun setting was almost complete as the night stars had revealed themselves. He pulled a camera out from his black bag to take a shot of the scenery. When he examined the photo in the camera's memory, he began walking towards the club. There really was no need for him to drive when the place was actually just a walking distance from the University. When he got to the doors, he shook hands with some of his fellow council members and some of the GSA members before heading inside. He had to limit how many people got certain drinks for the night and in case their rude friend showed up, someone could show him the door if he got too rowdy. He stepped inside the dark room that only had a bright array of fluorescent colors like paint everywhere. It was a rave after all and while Kris liked to assume that he was in to a lot of gay trends, though this honestly was not one of their trends, this was actually his first time attending a rave. He took a red cup full of Gin and something else as he partook in the booming party.

Adam had plan to leave his dorm around 7:50 in order to meet up with the guys. Being that he slept in a bit later than planned, he ended up waking up at 9:02. By far his time the guys would have been at the party. The blinking screen from his phone confirmed his theory. His phone had 5 miss messages. Three of them them stating that the guys were either waiting and the last two stating that they were already at the mixer. Adam sat up in his bed and rubbing the sleep out his eye. If he really pushed himself he could make the party in less half an hour. 

Adam have himself one last look over. He was wearing a light yellow, almost pastel button up and a pair of washed out jeans. Perfect party apparel.  He made sure to have the necessities, a condom, keys, and his phone and wallet, before leaving his apartment at 9:17. He made the the short walk to where the mixer should be, texting his friends he was on his way. Before making it to the entrance he heard the deep repetitive bass from outside. He smiled as he thought of the many possible hook ups he may be able to experience. 

"Ah sweet, a rave!" He thought as he took in the scenery. Bright vivid colours seem to splatter across the black walks, falling whichever way they please. Judging by the attendants of said party, there seemed to be an over abundance of guys.

 "Such a sausage fest," Adam disappointedly shook his head as he made his way to the bar to get himself a much needed drink. 

By the time the rave had reached its first full hour, Kris was behind the bar serving drinks for the time being. He was originally taking photos for numerous couples, whether they were gay or straight or somehow inbetween -the thought of that made him shudder entirely but it was to each their own-, but now the 19 year old was mixing various drinks while the other person tended to the photos. As of right on cue, the monster had stepped inside the place. Adam had arrived a little later than his friends, though from the looks of it, his teammates were enjoying themselves with or without him. Kris gulped a bit as he neared the makeshift bar, the male hoping some kind of confrontation wasn't going to occur.

"Can I get you anything?" He simply asked, pointing to the menu of available drinks. The names should have been a bit self explanatory with the names. Some of the various drinks labeled Neon Pink were not exactly bright as the colors that lit up the dark place, but maybe the asshole could get the gist. The Froot Loop one was even self explanatory; it was the only frozen drink to have various colors in it like a slush. If those were too "girly" for him, there were the beers and drinks he could have straight like Rum and Gin. Kris just waited to hear what the male wanted.

Adam looked at the menu seeing the various names of the many causations. "What the fuck? All theses sound hella girly and shit. Something that these flaming faggots would enjoy.," he stated adding emphasise to the homophobic slur. He curtly retured the menu back to the bartender. "Gonna have beer...that is if you have something manly back there," he chuckled to himself thinking that his joke was clever. "What kind of rave is this?" He asked to no body in particular. He saw a lot of guys dancing and grinding on each other. It was a revolting sight to see. "Just look at those sick fucks," he pointed to a couple making out on the dance floor. "Can you hurry up with my beer please. I dying of thirst here!" He impatiently tapped that makeshift bar. Where could his friends be? This was not at all what Adam was hoping for. 

"You know if you don't like it, you can always leave." He said as he walked away to heft up a cold bottle of Beer into his hands before placing it on the counter. "That's two dollars and you must have good eyes to spot just men grinding on each other and making out. I see plenty of women and others dancing around unless there's something you're not telling us..." he retorted back with a joke. He better find his friends soon because if he did something reckless as he had done earlier, he had a one way ticket out of there already in the form of security guards. Kris merely glanced around to see some athletes, some foreign and others familiar, talking to a few girls nearby. With any luck, maybe the Baseball star would stroll off in their direction. He just hoped a soon to be drunk reckless athlete would not do anything stupid, but that was asking for too much. People like Adam always did something crazy, especially when under the influence. "Would you like some glo-sticks or anything else?"

"The ones who need to leave are the faggots," Adam grummbled under his breath as he payed the bartender with a five. "Keep the change," he told as if he was doing the guy a favour as he ignored the mans hidden joke. As his eyes flocked left and right through the crowed, he finally spotted his buds. With a lopsided grin he grapped the beer and made his way to them. He greeted them with handshakes and what. He turned his attention to the girls that had mingled there way into the group. 

He gave his award winning smile to on that caught his eye in particular, "Hey I'm Adam, Adam Smith but you probably already know that." Confidence always got him the girl. They loved that. Taking a sip of the beer in his hand to give off the appearance of being chill and laid back. 

((Would you like to play the girl? If not I don't have a problem doing it.))

(Sure thing!)

Kris merely rolled his eyes as the other male left him five dollars. He placed it in his wallet alongside all the other bills he made from working at the new station and dancing occasionally. If the athlete assumed he was doing him a favor, he really wasn't.

She stepped out into the scene with her friends, the figure wearing a neon orange fishnet top that stopped halfway at her abs, a black bra underneath. Her black baggy pants trailed through the dark room as the shirt lit up partially like the orange lipstick on her lips and the pink eyeshadow on her right eye as her long black hair covered the left, giving a mysterious, yet alluring look. After dancing for a bit, the dance instructor took a seat near some of the athletes where she met the Baseball Captain.

"Oh yea" she said with an exuberant smile. "The one that got across the stage and acted like an ass. How could we forget that? I'm Dannis Haughton; Dance Captain, Radio personality, just scored a record deal. Maybe you've heard of me?" The other girls she sat with all giggled as she drilled him a bit. Confidence was a good thing a man could have indeed, but for someone like Dannis, she had to make sure the man was really worth the time talking to or if he was just some scrub. "If I seem to recall, you liked girl on girl action, but damned everything else? How's that working out for you so far?" Her neon orange nails trailed through the dark cold air as she motioned for one of her friends to get her and her apparent friend another drink.

Adam was taken back as he watched the young lady shot fired at him, well literally. He would have walked away but his friends were spectating, saying oh or ah as Dannis pointed out the stupid things he would say. Honestly all the things that he said sounded stupid when repeated back to him but he was not going to admit it. He rolled his eyes as he waited for her to finish stating his stupid opinions. 

"Well Dannis, you are entitled to your opinions  and I am entitled to my facts. But that's beside the problem baby. Why focus on these fags and their problems and just focus on what you and me can do."

Though he highly doubted it would work, he wanted Dannis to move on from the former subject. "What do you say? How about me move this little party to a more secluded area?"

Her eyebrow raised itself at the word baby. Was he really that sure of himself he could handle a certain situation and that she would be as willing to go anywhere with someone she had just completely met? She did not think so.

"Maybe..." she simply rolled her eyes. "But something tells me you're the kind of guy that likes to hit it and quit it, you know if we're being factual and all." As one of her friends returned with another bottle of beer for the male, she got up. She knew him very well and knew a little of his streak. While she enjoyed someone that was a little dangerous, she was not thirsty nor desperate. Maybe he would follow her though, something she was intending to let happen. She looked back in his direction, smiling a bit before heading out the front doors. She was curious to see where this was going to lead.

That maybe practically meant yes in Adams. He shook his head in amusement hear that his reputation around the campus. He didn't mind it though. He had things to do and places to go and having a permanent "lady friend" would just hold him back. 

Adam most certainly got the took the junto to follow when Dannis made her exit, not endorse turning back to give Adam what seem to be a smile.

"She wants me," Adam smugly thought aloud as he looked at the direction Dannis left it. "Ay guys imma be heading out so catch you guys later."

His friend, the ones not off somewhere else, all gave him a smirk of some sort, accompanied by small nods acknowledging his departure. 

Adam rubbed his hands together as he made has way to the exit. He was mentally making sure he had everything and was ready to get this night fully started once Dannis gave in to him. Why would she not want him. He was Adam fucking Smith after all! Star baseball player that was soon to recruited by the LA Dogers once her graduated. Everyone wanted him and he wasn't afraid to give the people what they wanted. 

He probably would have scored, but from the next array of events played out a bit differently. As if things for the male could not get worse, at least in his head he could do no wrong, the appearance of a familiar face greeted him with a slap to the face as soon as he made his way outside.

"You sick son of a bitch!" She scowled as Dannis moved to the side, chuckling as the other woman went off on him. Of course it stirred a crowd, one of which was Kris who was attempting to get guards to break the situation up if it had gotten out of hand any further. "You fucking got me pregnant and then you come in here trying to screw another woman!?" His teammates knew who the girl was. It was Sarah, one of his "victims." She began throwing rocks from the ground at him before the guards began to drag her away, which made Kris and a few other students chuckle, some of whom had some feminine traits in their laughs. Dannis merely brought a hand to her forehead as they shaped the letter "L" to signify him as a loser before sticking her tongue out and walking away. 

The star player was humiliated a bit, but hopefully he would just walk away from the situation. After all, he was the cause for the issue, not everyone around him. Again, that would be too much like right as he already made it clear what he hated and the very fact that some of them were laughing at him was certain to ignite a spark.

Adam grabbed his cheek as he assessed what just took place. There before him was an angry tiny lady who held the name Sarah. Adam remembered Sarah. She was a good fuck. So good that he went back to her a few times. She may have gotten the impression that she was his girl but Adam did not do permenat "lady friends". Instead of humiliating she, like she did now with this huge scene, he simply stopped talking to her. 

"What the fuck?!" Adam had to control his anger. He was not about to do something he would regret soon after. He dodge the rocks as he tired to listen to what the psycho bitch has to say. He heard her say she was pregnant. It couldn't be his. He always wore a condom or so he thinks he does. It doesn't matter because she claimed she was on the pill. 

"Well it's not mine bitch. Last time I checked, you would open those pretty little legs of yours for anything with a pluse," he smirked at his snide comment. It had gotten a reaction from the crowed like he had hoped. 

Dannis was not at all pleased with his performance or what had taken place. He mentally cured Sarah and Dannis left. He was so close to adding her to his list. 

Truning back at the problem at hand, he wait to see how Sarah would react to alleged accusations of her sex life.

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