Game Over (Looking to Redo)

"I only slept with one person, you disgusting pig!" She retaliated as the guards had gotten her to a distance a bit far away from the male. There were a few other females that were beginning to join in on the alleged assault soon after. Some had a few visible bumps. Perhaps a publicity stunt, but a few figures in the crowd, his teammates especially, could confirm he had some flings with several of them before and could gather with suspicion as to why he would "hit it and quit it." 

"He should be a sin" some of the men that Adam accused earlier said back as they chuckled. "Let's go back." Some of the crowd began to head back inside the club. Some threw condoms telling him to practice safely. If it was not made apparent, some of them had already had enough of him for one day already. 

"Dude, let's just go" his friends simply said as staying obviously warranted some more situations to occur and from the looks of it, Adam was already ready to blow over with rage.

Adam rolled his eyes. He heard enough of this bullshit. He was done for the night. The others girls claiming the same thing as Sarah was seriously icing on the cake. This day was a disaster. He didn't want to seem weak but he knew when to claim defeat. When his friend suggested that they leave he gladly complied. He did not feel like adding anything else to increase the fire burning within him. 

Adam arrived to him apartment with an array of emotions. He was furious and frustrated and annoyed and humiliated. How the hell is his life unravelling so fast? It possible can't get worse. He kicked off his shoes and made his slow lonely walk to bedroom where he continued to strip off until he was in his boxers. He would have in much less if Sarah didn't come and cock block so hella hard. 

"I hope that stupid bitch has a miscarriage," Adam mumbled before calling it a night and falling asleep. 

Kris merely sighed as everything climaxed a bit well. He could not help but wonder if this was a stunt pulled by the girls in an effort to get the chauvinistic male to calm his testosterone. Either way, whatever it was had worked. He wasn't there to spread hate any further. He could only hope tomorrow would play out a bit well but seeing as that was going to be a Sunday, chances were the male was going to do something even more stupid. Kris returned to his room and laid himself on the bed, his eyes glancing at the pendant again. Could he use such a device again?

The last time it was used, it was used because someone really needed it. While Adam was an asshole, he hadn't done anything like taking bashing to the extreme that warranted someone to come to him for help. While he would like for the male to change his ways, chances were he would not unless some convincing came into play.

As the next day had arrived, the situation from last night was already being handled by the coach and few other authority figures. Of course Adam would get away with it. That was the kind of school this University was with its athletes, but chances were he would have more of his two cents to force on the rest of people. Kris stood out at the field hoping this Color Festival would turn out well without any interruption, but that would asking for too much right? He sat down, watching various people run around with squirt guns and others playing with color chalk in its dust-like form.

Adam spent his Sunday morning listening to a leatcture given by Coach l. It mostly consist of Caich telling him to keep his dick in his pants and that he had an image to uphold at the school. Adam simply nodded and promised never to do it again. Coach knew it was a lie but he accepted it anyways. Adam was his star athlete and he didn't want him to lose him. He nor the team could afford to lose him, especially since the season was about to start. 

Adam decided to walk around the campus and see if you could make up for the fact he wasn't able to smash Dannis. He was sure so eager lady would be willing to have a go at the Adam Smith. 

A few moments later Adam saw a group of the people covered in coloured powder and whatnot. He thought it to be strange, having no idea what event was taking place and decided it was best to stay clear of it. One of the people, one of the attendees, was unaware of Adam's goal of starting away from the event and brought it upon themself to help him join the festivities. The random student threw a handful of pink powder all over Adam's abdominal area. 

Fury began to ride to the surface of Adam's face. All the anger and pent up feelings from last night bubbled over. 

"Just what the hell did you throw on me?!" Adam roared at the random being. 

The colour seems to drain from the student face as fear quickly replaced the joy that was there moments before. The student was at a lose of words as they attempted to aplogise. The student was about to be in serious trouble if help did not arrive soon. 

Kris was busy toying around with a squirt gun and hosing someone down when the matter happened again. Adam was seemingly bossing his way around at something that happened by accident and honestly with that colorless getup he called clothes, he was asking to get hit with something. If he wasn't such a dick, Kris actually enjoyed how the pink looked on him, which made him smirk a bit as he hefted some of the powder into his hand and flung it at Adam in an effort it would make him drop the other male and target him instead. The male clearly kept acting like some high school student and something had to be done. While Kris was smaller than him, he had the event at his side.

"Someone needs to lighten up" he chuckled as he neared the two with a rather calm demeanor. "It's just chalk. It'll come right off with water." A loud splash made contact with Adam's face, a water balloon hitting him. Some of the water would wipe bits of the chalk off, but not enough. With that, Kris took off running, chuckling as the male more than likely would chase after him. If he was going to be a grouch today, Kris would make his angry actions into some good of which the athlete would be participating unlnowingly.

Adam had just balled his hands into a fist, as he grabbed the younger student by the collar. The guy bartending at the rave yesterday had came to intervene.

Adam quickly released the younger student as soon as a water ballon had made contact with his face. Sure it helped some of the pink chalk from his clothing but that's not what Adma was focused on. He could not believe that the smaller guy had the audacity to throw soemthing at him, even if it was a harmless substance. He ignored what the smaller guy said as his eyes began to redden.

 "What the living fuck?!"

He didn't bother wiping the last few droplets from his face. As Kris made his retreat, Adam was quick on his trails. He was not about to let him get away with that. He had no right. 

Adam ignored the others that contributed to painting his body with the chalk substance as he closed in on his target, Kris.

Adam easily caught up with Kris, all thanks to being extremely athletic. He dragged the guy to the ground pinning him underneath him. Now Kris was at the mercy of Adam. What could he do to make him pay?

Kris had given the male a bit of a run for a little while. When he was dragged to the ground, Adam was certainly looking festive with a lot of colors all over him and parts of him totally drenched.

"There. You caught me..." He simply said not entirely too nervous about the situation. It wouldn't be the first time someone bigger than him was on top of him. It wouldn't be the first time that certain figure was some kind of an aggressive bully. "I don't suppose you won't let me go easily, huh?" He began trying to wiggle himself loose to put emphasis on getting away. Unknown to Adam though was that a picture was being taken of him giving off a certain impression if it was to be placed on a few websites, particularly the GSA.

Adam was breathing slight hard as he looked Kris in the eyes. He was hoping the look he was giving would knock som fear in the boy but he simply laid there, willing to take whatever Adam was going to do to him. He was slightly taken back by this. Sure the guy put forth a lame effort to get away but it wasn't what Adam wanted. He had plenty of reason to justify throwing a few punched at him but it oddly didn't feel right now that he looked at the whole picture. He shook his head as his anger began to  dimishes. He didn't want the other male to know that though. 

He leaned down close to the male and congered up the most threatening voice he could as he whispered into his ear, "If I ever catch your faggot looking ass near me for whatever reason, I swear on the ever living Lord I will not hesitate to end you pathetic excuse of a life. Got it?"

Adam lingered over Kris awaiting a responds. From outside spectators perspectives, it seemed that soemthing else was taking place. Who ever was taking the picture, would embellish this story to make it seem just that. Boy was Adam in for a huge suprise. 

"Sounds like a date" he whispered back as those nearby had finished taking their pictures. Of course he knew what he was doing and if Adam was looking for a response, it came in the form of a tight squeeze to the athlete's rear with Kris sticking his thumb out at a few people with camera's as he gave a smile. Kris slid out from the hold instantly as a few people chuckled before sending the photos off to a few other figures. The way it would turn out was quite obvious if Adam had trouble figuring out what was going on. "No hard feelings, eh?" He simply asked. He could have taken it a bit further by planting a kiss on his lips, but with the athlete already giving a threat to end his life, he figured some form of retaliation was going to happen and in case he didn't notice, Kris was kind of anticipating it. As he had thought before, he just needed to have a definite reason to enact a certain plan. That was if the Athlete was just all talk with his threats and not anyone to truly worry about.

"Ugh, not in your wildest dreams." Adam would rather eat his own stomach acid than date a guy. Figuring that was all he was going to get from the small guy, he moved away getting ready to get off of him. A squeeze of his ass made him yelp in surprise and reflectively get off of him. 

He rubbed his ass where he was violated and glared his honey brown eyes at Kris. 
"You're really trying my patience, fagot." 

One more smart reply or action and all bets were off. He did not care if he got caught by coach. He had his manhood and pride to protect. Besides, how bad could the repercussions be. At the most he would have extra cardio or whatnot at practice. Nothing he could not handle. 

That moment his phone vibrated in his cargo shorts. 

Adam's face became a pale colour as he looked upon his screen. There a picture of Kris and Adam was displayed across the bright LED screen. It was as if Adam's nightmares were coming to haunt him in reality. Adam always thought it would be a cold day in hell before he would allow anyone to mistake him for a homosexual. He dug his free hand into the grass and he tried to comprehend what he was witnessing. 

A light laught brought his attention to the man laying next to him. 

"Him," Adam thought with acidity. 

Without any warning, he threw his phone on the ground and pounced on him, hitting him left and right as he accused him of the picture and for ruining his image. He did not care how much he might have been hurting Kris. He deserved every last feeling of pain that Adam had brought him. 

It had taken two male students to peel Adam off of Kris. He was too occupied with his anger that he failed to notice all the blood that covered his knuckles and shirt. Some of the spectators rushed to Kris's aid. 

It happened a bit fast, but at least Kris knew what kind of a person the athlete was. While everything began to escalate, Kris managed to grab Adam's phone, hiding it away in his sleeves as the male beat down on him all while he attempted to get the bigger figure off of him, throwing in the occasional "Sorry" to attempt to calm him down. Kris was bleeding a lot, but on the bright side he was next to the infirmary and with the help of a few students, he was rushed inside. While others were panicking, Kris was not overly concerned, though they just assumed maybe he had been knocked in the head one too many times from what had just occurred.

As the day went on, Kris had returned from the Hospital with a bag of ice over his face as two other male students brought him back while also hoping he would be alright. He opened the room's door and rested on his bed, the male a bit heavy on meds at the moment, but his brown eyes soon glanced over at the same thing he glanced at for the past few nights. He waved at his friends before they left out the room, the two embracing each other's hands. When he was in High School, there was a student that was in the exact situation he faced; an overgrown bully that needed to be taught a couple of lessons. He was an athlete too at that, but that career option took a detour when Kris had saw firsthand what the bully did to the student. After Kris got ahold to him, the athlete wasn't even much of a frightening figure anymore. He was smaller and weaker and above other things, his views towards somebody had turned to that of love.

Kris gripped the pendant and pulled out Adam's phone. It was time to play with a few array of abilities once more. The device floated in the air supernaturally as the screen unlocked itself. Kris began browsing through everything which allowed him to find Adam's apartment and with a pink array of mist gathering around his body, he was gone, his wounds healed, though he left the bruised eye and fractured arm just to have emphasis of the next following weeks.

He appeared inside of Adam's apartment like a ghost, transparent in form of which the male would not be able to see or hear him if he was present inside the place. He entered inside his room and placed the phone on his bed. Now it was time to work some magic around.

"Don't worry" he said to the unsuspecting male. "I won't change you too much. After all, you have a shot for the League and that's a major payload to waste right there, but let's just say your perspective of things are going to change a lot." He waited until the athlete was sleeping in his bed. As he rested, Kris planted a deep kiss on his lips of which it would ignite a wet dream within the male's mind, the thick pink mist from before beginning to fill Adam's lungs as it pushed deep within his body towards his belly. Kris rubbed the stomach a bit and began to recite something. "Everytime you wish to force your views on someone, know that you'll be forced to become things you dislike. Have a pleasant dream cause it may be all you'll have by the time I'm done with you and just to initiate the first night, this one is on me." He snapped his fingers as Adam's wardrobes were imbued with magic. His underwear would begin to change into bright colors alongside his socks and even some of his other accessories, mainly his baseball bats. His shower gel was replaced with one that had a fruity smell to it. It was now time to take a male chauvinist down several notches. He left him to his dreams of which the trick to what was done would do something to him deep inside as he appeared back into his own room, the male beginning to rest as some of the magic had drained him a bit.

Adam was escorted to the deans office. It wouldn't be the first time he was brought here for some misdemeanour. He say waiting to hear the same old speech. Like always it went inone ear and out the other. Like all the meetings he was let off with a warning which means that he got off scott free. He knew that was going to happen.

He didn't feel like being bothers with anyone for the time being so he secluded himself in his apartment. What was he going to do about that picture. He had to find a way to rif the world of it. He had so few options that it was somewhat frustrating. Not was all that faggots fault. Hell he might as well blame all the gays of the world. If they just didn't lead such vile lifestyles, he would not be in the predicament that he was in. Thinking like that made Adam feel a bit better. 

Adam made his way to to is shower to cleans himself of both physically and emotionally. He figure that a good night sleep would bring a better tomorrow. It was always good to be optimist evey know and then. 

Laying in bed and allowing his breathing to become shallow and even, he welcomed the dream that was beginning to form. 

Adam saw that he laid naked in his bed watching as an unknown being stated to trail kiss upward on his torso. He smiled having a good idea where this going to lead. He moaned as the person go to his neck. It felt really good, almost as if it was happening to him. His body reacted the way it usually did when he was turned on. 

As he got into the sex more, he was able to focus on who was making him feel the way he was. He was hopping it to be some hot model chick but he it was quite the opposite. It was a guy. It was Kris. Adman wanted so bad to wake up. He was not going to get of to a guy but the more Kris touched him, the more he wanted him to continue. Just what was going on with him?

As Kris found himself resting, an erection of his own had formed up in his sleep as their dreams linked. Adam was finding himself in a position of being a bottom as the smaller male began to ride him like crazy. Kris smiled as this was part of the spell. While it was safe to assume part of it was already working its way into the males system, a more natural approach was needed and since he could not physically touch him without him knowing, the other route was his dreams. He kissed Adam on the back of his neck passionately before his throbbing member had exploded inside of him and just like every wet dream usually ended if a person was not able to catch it in time, Adam was more than likely to have found himself soiling his underwear with his own seed, the spell completing itself.

Kris awoke in the morning with nothing but a "dry" orgasm. His seed had been deposited inside of Adam through dream in actuality. He groaned a bit in pain at his fractured arm and bruised eye. He was given a few days off from class to recover, but that did not mean he could not roam the campus a bit. He was in the student council after all. After he showered, he used his pendant to turn the television on that brought Adam into view in his room. He wanted to see the beginning of an asshole's descent. While that spell he laced him with the night before was damaging enough, Kris had a few more tricks up his sleeves.

Adam found himself begging for Kris to cum within him. Something about feeling Kris's cock deep in his ass felt right. As Kris reached his climax, Adam was able to do the same. His orgasim sent waves of pleasure though out him. He laid in his bed catching his breath as he basked in the slight buzz he got from the orgasim. 

Adam was awaken from his strange dream with sweat slicked over his body and a small pool of his own cum in his boxers. He groaned as he made his way to his bathroom so he could shower. 

"What is wrong with me?" 

Adam could not believe he had a sex dream about another guy. He wasn't gay. It probably was mistake. Maybe his mind was under a bit of stress from the picture ordeal. He just needed to fuck a female soon so that he could feel manly once more. 

Pleased with his resolution, he picked up his soap and began to lather has body with it. Two things seemed to be wrong. One was his soap. He could remember having something that smelled so fruity. Maybe so girl left it and he happens to pick it up. It actually smelled quite nice so he didn't seem all that bothered with it. He could just mask the scent with cologne of anything and the second thing was this fullness he felt in his abdominal area. After rinsing off the soap, he noticed he was slightly bloated. Not putting two and two together, he just wrote it off as him being lazy. He needed to put in extra effort at the gym now. 

Being satisfied with his wash off, Adam got out his shower and began to get ready for his morning class.

"Now what to wear?" 

Pulling open his closet door he was puzzled to see what was hidden within it. Too many bright, flamboyant colours. These weren't his usually neural or dark tone attire. A frown crept into his face as tried to come to a conclusion of where his actual clothes went. Maybe he would have better luck in his drawers. No such luck there either. Where were his actual clothes. 

Adam gave a irritated sigh as weighed his options. He could miss class and try to find the culprit behind this crime joke or go to class and look like one of those gay faggots. If he miss class he wouldn't be aloud to tend practice. Sure one practice missed would be okay if you were a normal athlete but he wasn't normal. He was the star athlete and he had and image to uphold as one. 

With much hesitation, Adam picked up a pink v-neck. It was slightly more tighter than he would have liked. It added emphasis to his bloated stomach area but he had to deal for the time being. He pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and some black vans. He didn't want to bother looking in the mirror. He knew he was a sight to behold. Praying no one of importance would see him, he walked out his front door and made a quick walk to class. 

Kris watched as Adam did freak out a bit, but eventually he went with the flow. The poor soul would have no luck in finding any of his "old" clothes though as they were all repurposed for his new attires. When he entered his class, of course he was garnered with attention. The male usually wore darker colors and yet here he was with something not only bright, but pink, a color they pretty much swore the male hated.

"Bro...everything good?" One of his friends stared at him bizzaringly, trying to make out what he was wearing. "Coach isn't making you do this from what you did the other day is he?" After the photo leaked here and there, it was generally assumed Adam led the victim on and when photos got out, he attacked him.

Kris examined the male and noticed the gut. It seemed his spell was already taking hold. Something else would have to do however. He whispered to the pendant. Everytime he heard the name Kris, a spontaneous erection with a wave of thoughts with said male. Seeing as they took classes together, Adam was going to have a hard day.

Adam walked into class and every eye fell on him. He wanted so badly to turn back now but alas he could not. He walked pass a few people that whispered a few things about him. Adam mentally cringed as he thought about the things he was saying. 

"They all probably think I'm am faggot lover now. could this possibly get any worse?," he thought as he mad his way to his usual seat. His teammate, Ryan, commented on his apparel as he gave Adam a quick glance over. He knew Adam pretty well and Adam would never consent to something so...bright. 

"I don't want to talk about it," he simply stated as he scoped out the class for another seat. Perhaps if he sat near the back, less people would even bother to look at him. 

Adam gave a slight grin when he spotted one, it was perfect except for one thing; Kris was sitting next to the seat he wanted. Maybe he wouldn't try anything. Hopefully he learned his lesson from yesterday. Something else creeped into his kind, his wet dream. A slight blush began to show on the checks of his face. Good thing for his tanned skin or it would have been very noticeable. He really didn't want to sit there but it was his only chance to get out of people line of vision. 

He made the walk up there, ignoring his friends slight confused face. Some of the student were concerned that Adam was going up there to finish what he stared yesterday but no that was not his plan. He pulled out the seat and scooted it as far to the end as possible and sat down. His arms crossed over his chest, he sat down not nothing to make eye contact with anything but the board. 

If he acted like Kris was not there then maybe Kris would act like he wasn't there. Sounds like a logical plan, right?

Kris had stepped inside the classroom with a cast over his arm and a bruised eye. He saw his attacker in full sight, but rather than acknowledging him currently, he was bombarded with a few figures, most notably females in an effort to wish him a speedy recovery. As he took his seat, he noticed the male in his bright clothes sitting near him, but moving his desk a bit. Kris simply moved a bit further away just to play the victim role. As the professor stepped in, she glanced around a bit.

"Kris, what are you doing in here?" She asked simply, unaware of just how those simple words would send a wave of pleasure into Adam's mind. "I received an email regarding yesterday..." Her eyes then glanced over at Adam, wondering if his getup was some kind of a sick joke. "You need to go recover..." A thought formed in her head. "The person covering you for notes and assignments will be Adam. Think you can handle that, Mr. Big shot?" A few of his classmates chuckled as Kris simply got up and left. "Your academics is on the line if you get out of hand again..." As a professor who did not tolerate violence of any form, Adam had just made a list of students she was keeping a close eye on.

"Is that alright with you Kris?" His name was called again.

"Uh, sure..." He said before walking out the room quickly.

Upon learning the name of the guy who violated him, something strange occurred. Hearing the name Kris sent an array of pleasure coring through him. He closed his eyes and but his lip to mute the moan that was threatening to escape from his lips. His mind began to flood with images of both him and Kris having intercourse. It was almost like what took place in his dream but way more vivid. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the desk. It was the only thing keeping him grounds in reality. His dick twitched to life as it reacted to what was taking place in his mind, slowly swelling underneath his pants. Laying his head down on the table, Adam tried to wipe the vision from his mind as he concentrated on breathing and calming himself down.

"Fuck," he let out in a shaky voice as began to regain control. His dick was slight hard but it would return to its dormant state if he left it alone, but that was the least if his problem. What just happened to him? One moment he was normal and the next he was relishing in the thought of having Kris fuck him like some horny teenager. He shook his head trying to remove the images that seem to have found a permeant place in his mind. 

"I'm not gay!" He angrily thought in his mind. He kept repeating hoping it would rid him of his impure  thoughts. 

He took in a deep breath before he opened his eyes, returning back to the real world. No one seem to have noticed what has happened to Adam so that was good. He slightly cringed in his seat when he took an actual look at the guy. His arm was in a sling and he had a nasty bruise over his eye. That was all because of him. Oddly, he felt guilty for it. When the professor suggested that he take notes for the injured man, he had no problem doing it. It was partially his fault. 

The professor confirmed this with Kris, stating his name one again. Unaware that his name was a trigger, Adam was once again filled with pleasure. It took him by surprise that he couldn't suppress the moan that escaped mouth. If anyone heard, he did not care. It felt so good having this feeling. He shut his eyes and he once again as he saw lucid images of Kris and him having sex. It seem so real to him. He could feel Kris's hands rub over his naked form, his body begging to be touched by him. He wanted more. He craved for Kris attention, begging to give into his body's plea. Without hesitating, Kris complied  rubbing his erected dick at Adam's puckered hole. He shuddered at how good he felt. 

Adams slightly flaccid dick began to swell once more. He curled his toes feeling the strain. His eyes shot open as he realised what was taken place. He was getting turned on by the thought of Kris. 

"Oh god," he inwardly groaned as he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. He looked around to see if anyone had witness what had taken place. Luckily he saw no one, they all seem to be busy watching Kris leave, some sending him on his way with wishes to a speedy recovery. Adam did not want to take a look in that guys direction, not trusting how his body would react to seeing him. 

Adam sat sheepishly in class trying not to replay the recurring images of the two guys. Today was not going to be his day. 

This just the beginning. As the rest of his morning continued, Kris's name was mentioned several times. People murmured it around him when wanting to keep quiet, others openly talked about upcoming projects which involved the male and now with the end of the noon class.

"Make sure you take this to Kris" Professor Keating said with a smile. All it took was one professor to mention about how kind and noble a star athlete was being in helping someone in need for other professors to jump on board. To think if Adam had just walked away, he would not be in the situation that was taking a turn for the worse on him.

Kris was sitting inside the cafeteria, ordering from one of the restaurants rather than sitting to eat whatever the main lunchroom had to offer. He was supposed to meet Adam to get a few assignments from him, but it wouldn't surprise him if he was already fleeing for the hills as his mind was being plagued with thoughts of him. Kris could imagine the poor soul was having blue balls by now. He sipped on some Coke as he awaited his food and the athlete to show.

Adam wanted to kill over. He was not enjoying how his body was betraying him. Every single time Kris was mentioned he would find himself being turned on. He hated it so much and now he has to go meet him. He could have just let someone else take the work to Kris but he wanted to see him. 

Adam stop mid walk as he just realised what he thought. He wanted to see the guy that was plaguing his thoughts. That couldn't be right. He shook his head, as he continued his walk to meet up with Kris. On his way there Adam had to continued to remind himself that he was not gay. 

Seeing Kris sit there drinking his beverage, remained him of the thoughts he had of him and caused a red tint to wash up on his cheeks. He wanted to badly to leave. Mentally blocking the images, he walked over to Kris. 

"Here," he stated curtly and he threw the notes and assignments on the table between them. Adam stood a good length away from him making sure he was a comfortable distance from Kris. 

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