Game Over (Looking to Redo)

He was not doing bad so far, his mind thought as the male did arrive and dropped the assignments near the table. Kris attempted to get his book bag from off his back with his only functioning arm.

"Uh, thanks..." He noticed the cashier call his name with what appeared to be two plates. "I know this is a bit difficult, so I kinda got you something..." He stared away, not wanting to comment on Adam's appearance. "You mind grabbing them?" He was certain after hearing his name called again, Adam was feeling some kind of way again. Depending on how he performed the rest of the day, Kris may reward him with something. He did not need to probe his mind to know what he was currently desiring to prove he wasn't losing his mind. "I won't bother you much if you don't want to though."

Adam felt sympathetic toward the man as he saw him struggle to get his back pack. He let down his tough guy demeanour to lend a hand to him. As he got closer to Kris, he heard his name being called. A pleasurable feeling washed over Adam. He knew exactly what was going to be happening next. 

"Shit," he mumbled under his breath as he felt his dick once again strain under his pants. It was kinda hard to hid the noticeable bulge growing under his pants. Images of him and Kris doing lude acts together plagued his mind once more. Out of all the places this has to take places, why now? He didn't want to make such a scene about it. It probably wouldn't even look right if someone noticed. It looked like Adam was getting a hardon being in the presence of Kris. After what took place yesterday, people would definitely believe that. 

After hearing Kris's request, how exactly was he going to go about doing that? With his growing situation he stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wanted to help Kros because he felt responsible and he felt oddly comfortable in his presence.

Thinking about Kris allowed the images to become more detailed and graphic. Oh how he wanted that to happen now. He wanted to feel Kris hot breath on his ear as he pumped his dick in and out of his ass. Going harder and faster as he was about to climax. 

Adam let out a low deep moan as he grabbed the back of Kris's chair to steady himself. He was pretty sure Kris heard it but he was too in the moment.

Hearing Kris speak again brought him to reality. He was slightly flustered when saw what he as doing and took a step back. His erection made it awkward to move away but he managed to.  

"What the hell is wrong with me?" He thought aloud as he made the slow, slightly painful, awkward walk to pick up the food Kris had ordered. 

"Everything...alright?" He thought to ask as the moment he noticed Adam place a hand on his chair, he got a full sight of the large bulge in his pants building up from hearing his name be called twice. Kris felt a little bad for him and as he walked off, he waved a hand a bit to relieve Adam of his situation. The zipper fell down silently, though he was certain the moment he had returned, he would notice there was a huge amount of relief in his pants now. Kris said to himself mentally he would relieve him, but did not make it clear how he was going to do it. The male pounced on him and brutally hurt him after all. Some more humility would be needed. Of course a few people noticed, but Kris waited until Adam was near the table with the orders to say something.

"Umm, you zipper is undone..." He said a bit quietly to him as not to alert anyone else, though from the sight of his package, he was going to need something to truly cover himself with. Kris wasted little time in handing him a bag to cover himself up with, place his own lunch inside and scurry out. Judging from some chuckling murmurs, some of which were of the female variety, Adam would be embarrassed beyond his wits. To say that Kris would be done with him for the rest of the day would be a lie. Adam still had practice and as far as he knew, one of his teammates shared his exact same name.

Now there was the last situation. Kris was not certain what it was Adam would enjoy eating, so he kind of piled the order up a bit. Of course Kris knew what it was really for and as Adam would soon find out the moment he left to spare himself of anymore public embarrassment, it was that he had an underlying appetite amid his sexual fantasies.

Walking back Adam felt slightly better. Mentally he was a wreck. He kept having very vivid sexual day dream about another guy. Not one day in his life has ever thought about being with a guy. Why is it happening now? He thought if the reoccurring thing in all of them. It was Kris. "It's all his fault," was Adams grand solution. Everything was fine until he walked his faggot ass into his life. One way or another he'll get down to the bottom of it all. 

Adam hear many snickers as he leaked back to the table. He had just gotten somewhat use to the idea of wearing the overly pink v-neck. He stared to become self conscious about it once more. He quickly arrived to the table that Kris was waiting at. 

Upon arriving, Kris delivered him the embarrassing news. Sure he could have given Kris hell for looking in the direction of his dick but he was too embarrassed care. How long had his fly been down? No wonder he felt a bit relived on his way back. Adam groaned as he hid his face behind his hand. "Uhh thanks," he told Kris as he tried to fix his not so small problem at hand. 

When Kris, handed him the bag before leaving, he felt some relief in the kind act he had preformed. And am gave him a small smile to show his gratitude. 

Not making any contact with anyone, he soon fled the scene of his embarrassment. He arrived to his apparent soon after, stripping himself of his pants. It felt so nice being in the comfort of his home, away from peering eyes. 

Adam looked at the clock that read, 12:24. He didn't have anything to do until 3. That's when proactive began. He really wasn't in the mood to go but he had to. Coach would kill him if he missed one. Giving an exasperated sigh, he opened up the bag which help his lunch and decided to dig in. 

Kris merely smiled back at Adam's smile. The male had quite the impressive sight to him when he wasn't being all aggressive. That made Kris want to bring out the lighter side to Adam even further, but Kris was not going to keep pushing him all in one day. His magic had to remain inconspicuous after all. That meant all Adam was going to get from him today was just the simple arousal spell, but everything else in his apartment remained, from his changed clothes to other life accessories. After all, this magic was crafting Adam into someone much better than how he had been currently treating not just the homosexuals, but the women he fooled around with. That was still a matter of review in his head. While he could not be certain if Adam was going to be the father of Sarah's child and perhaps a few others, there was one of more children currently baking inside of the athlete and the hormones they released were bound to send him over the edge. Kris stared at his pendant as only he could see the view of the male in his Apartment getting ready to eat down on the numerous things Kris ordered for him. He figured the male may question how he was going to be able to eat that all without even getting full yet, but that was for another time. For now, he was going to leave Adam to his own devices in figuring out just how more bizarre his day could become. He bet the male had yet to get a kick of how his baseball equipment had changed.

Kris's day could not be fully focused on just making Adam's life a living nightmare. While he was still advised to have the week off, which meant Adam would be seeing a lot more of him around from the professors idea, he still had to focus on campus activities. In light of what had just happened, another GSA event was around the corner in terms of teaching people tolerance. Of course Adam's name was written all over who would be forced to attend it at the Anonymous event, but how he would react was entirely up to him. Kris wanted him to have free reign after all.

It was ironic that Kris had to also host the Baseball team's pep rally and their fundraising dance which was a few weeks from now. Adam was going to be in for a huge surprise then, especially if the team threw their little party at his apartment for the weekend afterwards. That was enough future planning. Kris had to figure out how Adam was going to prove mentally to himself that he was still a proud heterosexual male. Was he going to find some girl with acceptance issues to screw again? Kris may allow it to happen because tomorrow, the athlete was going to go down some more notches. For now, he was back to watching the view through his pendant, intending to see how baseball practice went

Pulling out the food, Adam noticed how large the portion was. Maybe he had some of Kris's food or he ordered the wrong thing. He could eat some now and save the rest for dinner. That was originally the plan until Adam scooped one forkful into his mouth. He didn't realise how hungry he was until he devoured the large meal. He let out a satisfying burp whilst rubbing his extended midsection. He laughed a bit as he poked at his food baby. Give it of couple of hours and it would be nonexistent. 

The rubbing motion on his abdomen was quite calming and slowly it lured him to sleep. 

A frantic buzzing from his phone woke him up. He wanted to ignore it but it kept on ring. With an angry gruff he pulled himself off his couch and went to retrieve his phone from his pants on his floor. He had six miss messages. "What is this about?" He questioned as he looked at the time. Realisation hit him hard when it read 4:02. He was an hour late for practice.

Rushing to get ready, he didn't bother checking what condition his equipment was in. He pulled on a pair shorts, they were on the short end but they would have to do. Quickly leaving his building he rushed his way practice.

He walked into the locker room where Kris and Ryan were in chatting. They laughed as they saw their beloved captin finally join them for practice. 

"Woah Cap'n looking sharp," he jokingly stated as he saw the work out clothes Adam had on. It was different from his normal clothing but he couldn't help it. Something happened to his actual clothes but he didn't have time to do anything about it, yet. Adam gave a fake laugh as he pulled out one of his bats. His eyes widen in shock as he saw what happened to it. Sure it was the same metal bat but now there was a rainbow of colours on it. He didn't mind people messing with his clothes but when it came to his babies(his bats) he did not mess around. Someone was going to pay deeply for it. 

"Who the fuck did this!?" His growled aloud throwing his bad across the room. He was extremely mad at this point. 

The joking had ceased the moment their little captain began throwing around his equipment. A few we're nervous around him acting like that, but others weren't.

"If you're going to have a fit, at least make sure your ass ain't in the wrong" Kris, his teammate spat. "All of this is yours. You're the only person to mark his bats a certain way." It was true. Kris only changed colors and his clothes around. Adam's bright colored bats were still the exact same in every detail he made on them. It wasn't just his bat though, but all his other equipment as well.

"If you're gay, then that's your problem. Don't go having a fit the moment you bring your ass in here an hour late acting like a queen."

"I bet he feels real big and bad hurting Kris like that. Bet he won't try that shit on us." The male's name was called again, but rather than having Adam become aroused from a sexual scene, this one that would form into his mind was of Kris laying under the bigger male, telling him to just calm down, his hands rubbing the athlete's chest to relax him.

Kris did not have to do anything magic wise other than that however. Most of his teammates were getting fed up with his attitude, especially after helping him get out of the situation he placed himself in which he should have very well been sitting in a cell somewhere for. How it was looking like was that Adam simply painted his equipment or something as nobody else could have done it within that short of a timeframe when he had his bats of normal colors the day before at practice.

"Enough!" The coach erupted from behind. "Everyone, as you were. Smith, you owe me 50 suicides for being late and for whatever the hell is going on with you." It was mostly directed towards him throwing his bat around, which made him pinch the bridge of his nose. The male was his team's captain and one of his best players who was already being placed under heavy consideration for major league. "And get your act together, son. If this is some acting out routine for what you did yesterday, there are tons of other ways to speak out." He said to the male while the rest of the team were resuming their normal routines. "Fortunately for you, a counseling sessions has already been provided. I want you to attend it regardless of how "they" make you feel. It was what the Dean and I had to work out on order to save your hide from being landed in the slammer. You better take it."

Kris chuckled as he watched behind his pendant. The Anonymous sessions were now secure. This anger of his was just even more hilarious. At least he knew the male would have plenty of energy in the bed when the time came for it. Kris wondered if he should bother him for the night or if the male had had enough for the moment.

"Don't ever call me gay! I'll fuck your mom to prove how much of a man I am!" He retorted back Kris with the same venom. There was no way in hell that he was going to take this shit from his so called friend. He was already under enough stress.

Hearing the name Kris brought forth an mixture of emotions. As he pitted the smaller male soothing him. He was able to think a tad more clearer than before.

"I know what the fuck I did to Kris. I think having to see him everyday is reminder enough. I was wrong okay. I get it. I don't need to be hearing this shit from you."

Before the Adam could go off on a tangent about the injured male, Coach walked in to stop him from indulging further.

Adam stood there and listened to what Coach had to say. Considering how the last few days went Adam wasn't really up for playing baseball at the moment. He had too many things on his mind to focus on.

"Sure thing Coach, I'll go to these sessions...," he simply said as he made his way to the field.

"Just take it easy, Adam. You're getting out of control..." The other Kris simply said to him before running off with the rest of the team, leaving Adam to whatever the Coach instructed him to do. When the night had become chilly to the point it was a bit effortless go continue, the coach called it quits for the night. Hearing the male at least admit he was feeling a bit guilty made Kris think he should reward him some way. Of course, his rewarding was always a bit twisted in that Adam was not going to like the end result.

Kris had spent enough time to know a lot about Adam. He knew despite his whole cruel disposition to men who liked those of the same sex, there was a soft side to him nobody really knew and that was in his volunteer work at the animal shelter. Who would have thought the male had a soft spot for animals, especially kittens. Kris knew just how to make that like a nightmare for him that would be nice at the same time. He suspected Adam was not the kind of male to shower in the locker room seeing as his apartment was right next to the university. That being said, he was more likely to head to his apartment and clean off the day's amount of stress. Kris was going to add a bit more depth to some of the changes he made to the males attire. It was mostly centered towards his underwear and his bedroom. The sheets, covers and pillows were replaced with a bright array of pink and numerous Hello Kitty merchandise, his underwear especially.

That was not the cruelest misdeed though. Kris did say he would see how his cards would play for the night and that came in the form of a female he ran across before jogging through the night. Dannis was running by the apartments and if Adam was lucky, maybe he could invite her to the apartment. Kris had changed some things that were hidden in the safety of his drawers and closet. Now the new changes were out for all to see who entered inside his room. Kris also had the liberty of changing all the beer inside his fridge to wine coolers with numerous flavors, but if he was to drink them, they would provide him with nutrients for the child growing inside him that gave the appearance of being drunk. Kris waited to see how his standing against the girl would go again, though he already knew the answer the moment they entered into that apartment for some action.

Adam was hella exhausted from practices. It wasn't like him though. Usually he would have a surpluses of energy that he would practically beg coach to extend practice an extra hour or so. Gladly coach call him out in it and allowed the tired athlete to calm it a night.

Since he had gotten on the bad side of the team, decided it was best to just go straight home. Good thing he lived relatively close to the university.

Taking the short walk home, Adam replayed the events that took place. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he had no idea he was about to collide into someone.

"Ah shit, sorry," he apologies as he helped the person he numbed into up. By the way there persons hand felt he knew it was a lady. He put on his award winning smile as he made eye contact with who it was. It was no other than the one that got away; Dannis. His smile got even wider.

"Someone need to watch where they're going..." She said, brushing herself off before glancing to see the same goofy grin from Saturday night on the males face. "Oh its you. Adam right? How's it going?" She need not dare ask him how his days had been. He had baby mama drama apparently, he gay bashed someone and the fashion statement from earlier...actually scratch that. What he was wearing now was worth talking about. "Even under that smile of yours, you look worse for wear."

Well it seemed he had her at an isolated area, his apartment near at that. "I suppose you don't have any bottled water on you?" She pointed at the ground to reveal the male had caused her to spill her drink all over the pavement.

"Uhh thanks...I suppose," he in a skeptical tone, not really enjoying the insult but he didn't want to scare her away again so he just went with it.

"Oh yeah, we are actually in from of it now," he pointed to his apartment door. Adam leads Dannis to his foot, unlocking it, and allowing her to step in first. Adam was not to crazy about the colour scheme but as long as he got Dannis in bed with him, that was all that matters. He allowed Dannis to take a look around in the leaving room area

Adam made his way to the kitchen, opening his fridge hoping to find some water and maybe a beer or two. He silently let out a string of curse as he saw containers for wine coolers.

"What the fuck?," he silent mouthed as he read the many different flavoures that was on display in his fridge.

"Uhh Dannis, I don't have water, would be you be okay with a a different beverage?"

Dannis walked into the apartment and glanced around. Despite what he was wearing, the place looked like a man cave per say. Maybe she'd give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, there were women claiming he slept with her. She glanced at her phone, texting away to some friends while Adam worked his way around into the kitchen.

"Like what exactly?" She knew the obvious answer. She was in his apartment, he could have fixed water from the sink, but while searching through his fridge, he found some beer or other alcoholic beverage and wanted to share some. She set her phone down and made her way to the kitchen silently. When she stepped inside, her golden brown eyes spied several assortments of wine coolers. That was not anything wrong with a man drinking them, but for someone like Adam, she thought he would find them as faggotry; homosexual in nature. "Guess I'll take the watermelon one" she said while clearing her throat to announce she was watching. She brought out her hand to grab one of the bottles and when it was handed to her, a hidden smirk on her face was given when she turned around. This would be an interesting documentary to make. Closeted homosexuality in the Alpha Male. She was thinking ahead of herself a little too much though. Maybe his performance in bed would prove things wrong a bit.

Adam was skeptical about offering her the drink. He knew that he could have offered tap water but he needed to impress this girl a bit.

He let out the breath he was holding in when she picked a flavour. Maybe the night would be so bad after all. After he gave her the desired choice, quickly grabbed one and headed back to the living room where they come of chitchat for a bit before they got to the good stuff.

Adam opened up his bottle and took a precautionary sip. It heavily covered the taste of alcohol with what seemed to be fruit juice. Usually he would not go for something like this. It's what the fags would drink and he is no fag but being under his own roof, the same rules didn't necessarily have to apply all the time.

Dannis took a few sips before setting the bottle down on the table.

"I could've sworn you as the beer kinda guy" She joked while nearing him a bit, her hand running through his hair partially. "You're full of surprises it seem." She smiled a bit as the hand left his hair and moved near his arms, her light touch more than likely garnering a response within his body. Kris chuckled from the comfort of his own room as he watched every little detail that was taking place. All he needed to happen now was for Adam to take her into the room when he was aroused enough. "So how many of these things does it take to get you in the mood?" She whispered talking about his drinks, her voice a bit mysterious and seductive as her appearance at the club was two nights ago.

The soft warm hands of Dannis, felt rather good to Adam. His body respined accordingly, as arrousal began to dance though his body. He wanted Dannis badly and it seemed she wanted him too.

"I think one more might do the trick," he responded playfully as he finished off his wine cooler. He then proceeded into the kitchen to grab two more, just incase Dannis would have liked another. Setting down the one, Adam popped open the top and allowed the cool fruity beverages to cascade down his throat. He was oddly enjoying the drink, unaware of how the drink was true affecting him. A lopsided giddy grin played on Adma's face as he moved down to fm give Dannis a hard yet passionate kiss. He wanted her so bad.

Dannis smiled as the male was becoming intensely satisfied with her actions. That confirmed a few things for her and as he hopped up to go get more drinks, Kris began to have the unsuspecting female play in to the male's desires and interests even further. As Dannis downed the alcoholic beverage, she would experience a buzz, but when Adam's lips made contact with hers, he was going to get more than he bargained for. The same pink mist escaped his mouth and into his as the nutrients from the wine she down was beginning to make Adam aroused and drunk even further.

"Let's go to your room" she said influenced by the young male that Adam assaulted as she pushed away from him a bit. "There's much more room to be had on the bed than in here." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, intending for him to carry her away. Kris's hold on Dannis would release the moment she stepped into the doors, allowing her and him to see what had happened, which he was certain by then Dannis would not want to stay around. Still all that energy of Adam's would not go to waste. Kris would pay him visit the moment she left and with the male heavily intoxicated, he'd probably think it as if he passed out at some point, which opened a lot of doors to the fun the two were going to have that night. Kris rolled out of his bed, pulling the cast off his arm ad the pendant healed it alongside the bruise on his eye. He would go back to appearing hurt the next day, but there was no time like the present to make Adam do some things, while he was aware at that, in the presented reality.

Lust clouded his eyes as he held Dannis closer to him. He was more than eager to explore her naked form with his hands. He could not wait. Lifting her and trying to keep his balance, Adam made his way to his room. He had no idea what laid behind his bedroom door.

He gave Dannis sloppy wet kisses on her neck as he fumbled to open his bedroom door. He gave a satisfied grin as he placed Dannis on his oddly decorated comforter, pulling of his shirt. He resumed kissing Dannis, not paying attention to how her whole body languaged chafed upon entering the room. He was pretty drunk and preoccupied with the thought of fucking Dannis that he didn't notice.

As the lights flicked on and the door had fully opened, Dannis had resumed her rather normal disposition. Her eyes widened to the sight of pink colored walls and as she landed on the bed, she gasped at the sight of Hello Kitty plushies and pink covers.

"Oh my gos..." she attempted to get out before a wet sloppy kiss was placed over her. She pushed off the athlete instantly and took a good look at the entire room, pulling her phone out to take several pictures before putting it back in her pocket instantly as she was certain the drunk male was still thinking he was kissing her on the bed. "Over here, lover boy." She was certain once he looked in her direction, he would see everything she was presently seeing, which was his room was decked out like he was some little girl. "You know what? I'm thinking I'll take you up on this offer some other time..." She was freaked out again and began to walk off rather quickly for the front door, the female hauling out the moment she made it outside. When Adam gave chase after her, it was when he appeared in the room, laying down on the bed as he awaited the moment Adam would return. When he did, that was when the door to his room would slam shut and lock for the night. Kris did think over this rewarding thought again and grinned as he expected the male to try and attack him as this was not a dream after all, but in Adam's head, what with all the nutrients the four bottles of wine cooler had provided him, he would assume that he now had free control in his dream like state to try and fight the person who was causing him to behave a certain way.

"I wonder which one he'll react to more..." Kris pondered about what he was going to do with the male.

Adam felt Dannis push him off of her, sicked by what she saw. Adam lated on his bed as his sluggish mind, tried to understand what took place. He thought everything was going well. The sound of a camera going off, took him out of his drunken thoughts. He turned his head to see Dannis place her phone in pocket leave his room quickly.

"Baby, where ya going?" Adam slurred as he mad a vain attempt to stop her from leaving. He ran his hands through his messy hair as he mad his way back to his room. He was both sexually and mob tally frustrated. Everything was going so well until he walked into his room.

The door quickly shut and stayed that way as Adam stood looking at it puzzlingly. He didn't do it, did he? He shrugged as he faced his attention to his bed. Sitting on top of it was Kris. He shook his head as tried rubbing his eyes. Maybe he was imaging him. He stubbled a bit backwards as his eyes looked upon the man sitting on his bed.

"W-what are you doin' here fag?" He stubbled his way over to Kris, poking him to see if he was actually really. To his amazement, it seemed to actually be Kris.

"Am I dreaming again?" He thought back to the many sexual drama he had of the man, "Cuz I don't wanna have sexs with you. That's gay"

A hiccup and then a laugh came from the intoxicated man. He somehow found the while delimma funny. Then he remembered that Dannis had left him and he stars to get mad.

"This is all your fault," he accused Kris as he made his way back to the boy getting all up in Kris's face. "It's all your stupid faggoty fault!"

Adam pushed Kris on the bed, getting on top oh him, trying to over power him. The alcohol in his system was making it hard but he somehow had managed. "I hate you!" He spat and he tighter his grip on Kris's arms. "I hate your ways and your very existence!"

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