Game Over (Looking to Redo)

Kris returned the lustful advances Adam made towards him. If the man was believing that this was because of some twisted concept that oddly was sensible because of his rejections as of late. Kris could only tell because of his sexual eagerness. This was the same eagerness that had gotten some girls pregnant and it would be this same eagerness that made Adam completely blind to what was going on.

"Don't worry..." He said while slipping his shoes off. "I'll take good care of you, big guy" he rubbed Adam's growing belly before pulling on it with his free hand. "Help me out my clothes?"

He knew he didn't need to ask as the athlete was already pulling on his fabric, but it didn't hurt to remind him. As Kris's shoes fell flat to the floor, his hand tugged at Adam's tight skinny jeans as once the button was undone, the bigger male was offered a sense of relief at last. When Kris was fully undressed aside from the sling that held his arm and his bandaged face that partially hid away a black eye, He hopped on the bed while holding Adam's hand before letting it go as his boxers dropped, revealing his large throbbing cock. He patted on his lap, insisting the bigger male get on top of it and once he did, Kris made sure his wounded arm was out of harm's way as he gripped Adam's firm bubble butt and pulling his rather feminine briefs off.

"Is...this...what you want?" His face was red but so long as the scent emanated off of him, Adam would be compelled to it's power, but he had a will to fight it off. If Adam said yes to this and took it, giving in to his sexual desires, the athlete would be aware of what he did and once it was complete, he could say goodbye to wanting to have sex with women period. Kris believed that was an effective measure on his little pregnancy scandal.

Adam blushed slightly when Kris began to rub his stomach. Usually there was a rock hard six pack but as of late it was a small pouch. He was aware of this and was slightly self conscious of it. He made a mental note to put forth better effort at the gym. He was taken out of his thoughts when Kris asked for assistance with his clothing. Adam wasted no time stripping Kris of his clothing. He wanted to see Kris in all his naked glory. Adam was not disappointed at what he saw. The smaller male was packing more than one would thought he did. Today was full of all kinds of surprises.

Having his pants finally undone, Adam let out a sigh of relief. He rather large cock was freed from its tight fabric prison, allowing for it to grow to its full potential.

Adam was taken back when the young male got on top of his bed signaled for him to join him. Kris wanted Adam to sit in his lap. Was that a safe thing to do? Adam was at least twice the size of Kris. Adam was reluctant but complied nevertheless. Adam cautiously made his way to Kris's lap. Adam gave a startled yelp when he felt Kris assault his ass but he didn't move. It felt oddly comforting to be like this.

In the back of his mind, his conscience was telling him to leave. He need to leave now. His body was saying otherwise. It craved this attention. Once he gave into the desire his fate was sealed. There was no going back.


Kris simply nodded at this request. He may have been addicted to the scent, but it was his mind and lips that had given the answer.

"Turn around" he said as he positioned Adam to have his rear and backside exposed to him. Despite a few injuries, he was going to show that he was still a dominant figure despite his size and stature. Besides, there was seemingly a drawback coming on to the smaller male each time they had sex. Perhaps this was a great time to test the theory. As Adam sat upon him, Kris used his only free hand to firmly grip the back of Adam's shoulder as the athlete's hole was plunged right on top of Kris's throbbing cock. The smaller male wasted little time in beginning to pump inside of Adam as his cock was hitting nothing but several pressure spots inside of the bigger man. To think that Adam was truly a natural at being a receiver. Sure enough, the young mystical being had a part to play in the matter, but all of this happening was nothing but Adam's doing. When he was done, perhaps the male would truly be happy with himself.

The thoughts carried into his mind as Kris literally fucked Adam into an erection of his own, his cock ultimately doing what Adam probably would not want it to for the sake of trying to prevent the change that would ultimately befall him: spilling a large orgasm from deep within his body out onto almost every fabric of his clothes that rested on the floor below. With it went a part of Adam's "manly" traits he inherited from his mean father and just as that left him, another replaced it. Adam would no longer care to have sex with women ever again. Kris was far from done as upon releasing inside of him, his seed provided nutrients to the child or children and their pheromones in turn caused another change inside of Adam grew a bit more. It was the nature of being maternal or in essence motherly. Adam probably would question why he would begin to have certain traits being instilled into him such as becoming a bit sassy and flamboyant, but nonetheless the spell was complete and upon finishing, Kris's scent had changed to make Adam a bit more relaxed as he was certain Adam may have began to freak out if he didn't.

"We should get cleaned up and rest a bit." He chuckled as he saw the massive load on the floor, knowing exactly why if was such a big mess. "And get you some clothes." He kisses the back of Adam's neck as he motioned for him to hop off. "The bathroom is just around the corner. Mind starting the shower up?"

A mix of emotions surged through Adam as he prepared himself for what was going to take place. He felt giddy and nervous and confused all at once. This was what he wanted...right? His array of emotions came to a fault as he felt his virgin hole bring penetrated by Kris. He deeply inhealed his breath as he registered what was taking place. Tears pricked his eyes as Adam tried to get use to Kris's well endowed cock being in his ass. Kris gave no time for Adam to get use to the feeling of being so full of his cock before he began to pump in and out of him. Adam cried out feeling the friction between the two. At first he felt pain and discomfort. He wanted so bad to tell Kris to wait but his mouth could form words at the moment. The pain was short lived because it soon turned into pleasure. Kris was hitting all the right spots. Adams cries became one of pleasure. He had never felt pleasure like this before. He felt wave after wave of pleasure coursing through him as Kris continued to pump within him. Adam's dick leaked with precumm as it prepared to climax. Adam bucked his hips as he felt the peak of his orgasim. Thick ropes of cumm shot through his dick causing Adam through back his head in pure ecstasy. Never in Adam's life has ever had felt so good releasing his load.

Unknown to Adam, the pent up laid he released all over the clothes on the floor, was not the only thing that was leaving his body. He would no longer be the same person he was before walking into the room. Adam was going to be embracing his more feminine traits for now on.

Soon after realising his own load, Kris followed right after. Unlike Adam, Kris's load was deposited within Adam. It would prove nutrients for whatever was growing inside of Adam at the moment. That wan another thing Adam was oblivious to as well. Along with losing his more masculine traits Adam had developed maternal instincts. Third would came in handy for another time.

Adam sat for a while basking in the aftermath of sex. His mind was clearer now and he took this moment to really assets the situation at him. His mind was in pure panic mode. Adam just really realised what took place. He just had sex with another male and my just and male but with Kris. What was he thinking? Adam would have truly reacted to the situation if it wants for being in Kris's presence. Something about him just clams him.

"Uhh yeah. Shower sounds good," Adam responded as he followed Kris instruction and made his way to the bathroom. It was an awkward walk to the bathroom. Adam didn't know what to make of the whole situation. His initial plan was to drop off some work to Kris but in the end it turned into sex. The best sex he had ever had in his life. Sex that he won't mind having again. Adam stop on his tracks as he realised what he just said. He shook his head and slapped his cheeks. He wasn't thinking right. What just happened was a mistake. It would have been easier if he was drunk. Maybe he was dreaming. That had to be the case. It was just one great sexy hyperlistic daydream and he was bound to wake up any second.

"Come on Smith. Wake up. Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup!!" No matter how many times he chanted that or pinched himself, he still found himself naked and in Kris's bathroom. He inwardly groaned as he tuned on the shower. This wasn't good. How was he going back to explain this one to himself. He wasn't gay. He loved women. He had to love them but there was no denying that this was the best sex of his life. Images of what transpired between Adam and Kris began to fill his mind. He inwardly groaned as he recalled how good everything felt. "I'm not gay," he told himself but he was having a hard time believing himself. That wasn't a good sign.

Kris waited until Adam left out the room and upon doing so, he nearly doubled over, moans escaping his lips as the ritual continued. His body was becoming leaner and buffer, but rather than gaining any height, he gained a little more muscle mass. His arm, which was conveniently hidden away by the sling, had more markings appear and this time, they were becoming very visible and dark like tribal rings. He groaned as he got up, but he barely recognized his voice. It was like a sore throat, where his voice would become deeper, but only there was no cold. He was now struggling to have it maintain a usual soft as his Apple went lower it seemed. Kris knew this would continue to happen. All of Adam's pent up energy had to go somewhere and within the right hands. While Adam would remain the same on the outside, it was very clear what was going on internally. Kris was becoming the dominant one and Adam was becoming the nurturing submissive.

"You made quite a big mess in there. I have some clothes you could wear" he said entering inside the bathroom with his sling still on. "Let's get each other cleaned off and in bed. You look a bit exhausted." The pheromones made Adam calm, but he was more than able to speak his typical chauvinistic mind. Kris pulled out some shower gel and another towel from the drawers, the gel smelling like a soft cherry. With a simple spell, he hid away the markings to reveal his bruised up arm when taking the sling off. He held the arm up as much as he could without it before stepping inside the hot steamy water.

"Everything alright? You seem a little...tense..."

Adam's heart began to race once Kris entered the bathroom. He recalled the prier arrangement of showering together but everything just seemed so surreal to him. He looked away from Kris, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Uhh, yeah. Thanks. Sorry about the uhh mess back there." Adam tried to keep his attention away from Kris by focusing on other things in the shower. The situation felt way more awkward to Adam than it originally was. He worked up the bever to take a peek a Kris. Guilt ate away at him as he saw Kris taking off his sling. It was his fault that Kris was like that.

"I'm okay but come here. Let me help you wash off," Adam insisted as Kris step in the shower with him. Being on close proximity of Kris seemed to calm Adam's nerves. The situation didn't seem as bizarre as Adam was making it in his head. Adam grabbed the cherry shower gel and began to apply some of it to a washrag before gently lathering Kris with it. He made sure to be careful of the bruised areas of his body. Adam started from the top of Kris body and slowly made his way lower. The lower he got the more reluctant he was to continue.

"I know it's something you're probably not used to. I wouldn't even be surprised if you got
up and left---" he found himself partially cut off by Adam's words. He stopped rambling on about what he was going to say and merely obeyed Adam in a false sense of security he would allow the athlete to believe he still had. With Kris being the smaller guy, it would genuinely appear that way as well and when he saw Adam's lower frame, a part of him actually blushed at the gut that was poking out, the baby inside easily eating away at Adam's years of hard work. It was amazing to say the least how they both created something unknowingly to only one of them, and it was transforming them both, but more specifically it's mother. Maybe more lied within, but it was still too early to check and confirm.

Kris could detect a bit of reluctance in Adam as he got lower, but Kris would let his scent, that grew in power alongside continuing to recondition his former aggressor into enjoying the concept of the scent from the gel. The way Kris continued to imagine it within his mind, Adam would appear like a man on the outside, maintaining his appearance he worked to maintain other than the growing bump, but it would be very clear everything was different from the inside.

"I got you" he smiled warmly as he turned to face the taller and bigger male. As Adam had done, Kris began to wash him off, rubbing the gel on every frame of his body before using another towel to wash him off with. After a good thirty minutes, Kris stepped out the steamy bathroom, drying himself off as he headed back into the room. "I had a few baggy hoodies, but I wasn't sure about the t-shirt, underwear and shorts on if they would fit you too tight. Bright side is I had yet to wear them, so I guess they're yours for now." He looked at the thermostat, turning the air conditioner on. Before Adam stood a different set of sheets on the bed alongside his clothes nowhere to be found. "I asked a friend to wash the sheets and clothes and I'll get them from them later. Don't worry, they don't know anything." Adam was inside the bathroom preparing at the moment, so he didn't know that the male instead worked his magic to tidy everything up and clean his clothes, but stored them away in his dresser. He may not gain Adam's full mass as he also transformed to meet the athlete's hidden desires, but he was going to need to increase the size of his clothes eventually and it was better for him to also learn Adam's size as well so he could make another spell for his growing situation. He imagined the skinny jeans would need some elasticity to it after all. "Wanna rest up before practice?"

After washing off Kris, Kris had volunteered to wash Adam off. Adam was going to politely decline the offer but as soon as kris's hands mad contact with Adam's skin he shut his mouth. Adam was enjoying the sensation he got when Kris touched him. He mentally cured himself for enjoying it. He couldn't help it though. It was as if Kris had magic in his hands. He stood under the water allowing Kris to clean of his body.

The shower between the two lasted about a good half an hour. Adam accepted te towel offered to him and filled Kris back to his bedroom. He was surprised to see how fast it got cleaned. Kris had a really amazing friend to have cleaned that all up for him. It also was a relief to know that his friend wouldn't know about who the clothes belong to. Adam didn't knew how he would deal if people found about about that took place between Kris and him. It would just ruin him.

Adam took a look at the clothes that was laid out before him. "Thanks," he picked up the undergarments to exam them. They were on the smaller side of the spectrum but beggars can't even choosers. He slid them on, having slight difficulty getting them completely over his ass. It was a tight fit as the waistband dug into his under belly. Kris had already done so much for him that he suck it up and get out his hair. Adam quickly put on shorts and didn't bother putting on the tee shirt. He slid on the hoody and mad his way to the bedroom door.

"Uhh thanks for everything. I think I overstayed my busy for the Uhh time being," he gave Kris a sheepish smile before he left. Sure he wanted to stay but he didn't know what to make of the whole situation. He need to be on his own a while. Baseball always cleared his mind so maybe he would go to practice early today.

Kris wouldn't pressure him into staying. Being persistent in his powers could lead to a bad side effect. Kris did not learn that all himself, but he heard the stories. His uncle had attempted to try and make the person change too much and too soon and ultimately, the poor man ended up committing suicide. On another hand, the changes happened too much, the person had become a slut to almost any and every thing. He sighed heavily, knowing all that he's done is more than enough to make Adam contemplate his life for the better without any of those negative consequences. He was cautious in his approach after all. The process was meant to take time, not be instantaneous. As they concluded with sex, more things within Adam's apartment would change.

Adam would find himself busy already however. His scent was still in effect alongside the name spell. He lost some more of his masculine essence as Kris noticed the male had a partial sway in the way he was walking across the bridge. He had a few matters to clear up with his team. After all, him and his best friend had a "civil conversation" earlier that morning.

Upon him making it to the gym, he could see his teammates present with the exception of his friend. From the way that they were talking, only to grow silent when seeing Adam enter, it was apparent Daniel told them what happened. Adam made a pass on Daniel and snuck in a kiss.

"Sup, Cap..." Kris, his teammate, said to him as he walked towards him. "Everything alright?" His nose twitched a bit as he smelled a strong yet enticing scent.

(Anyone want to continue this one?)

I will

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