Fat Admirers

I find this concept so completely fascinating, and I was wondering if those of you on the site who identify as this, would explain it to me a little. This is the first time I ever heard of such a thing, and it's been mentioned a few times now.

Is it mostly the feeling towards a partner or sexual subject, or is it for overweight people in general?

I am bombarded regularly with the most vulgar and shameless hatred because of my weight, that it's almost hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of pride for being overweight, or pride in liking it.

I mean, for me, I find big, curvy women to be incredibly sexy, and even more sexy than thin women. (I actually feel kind of the opposite about men - I like 'em skinny - maybe because in my mind a woman's body looks more natural with the extra pounds?)

I live a healthy lifestyle, so the fact that people can't get past my weight clearly has mostly to do with their opinions or culturally influenced ideals of appearance.

Recently my ex told me he came to the realization that he really does like larger women.
Most of the women he's dated were bigger, and he always figured it was accidental, and he just didn't mind it, but now he's decided he actually is attracted to it and he has found freedom in that.

So, is all that even what it's really about? lol

As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem

Its difficult to say as it varies on a case by case basis.

I think for me, there's both a comfort/hurt feel to it, where one feels comfortable being embraced by larger frames (comes from us really wanting to bang our mums vis a vis Freud), but for me there's also the deconstruction of making someone larger through subtle means.

Also there's the lovely self confidence in "Im fat, but you know what i feel fucking gorgeous anyway". That goes a long way. But, admiration is just that in the end. Admiration. We find the larger frames more 'larger than life', so they stand out more.

[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]

I am a woman who loves big women.

I can't really explain WHY though, especially because -even though I don't want to date one- I find tall, lanky guys really hot.

I just think big women are beautiful. My ex from the one real relationship I had easily out-weighed me by at least fifty pounds, and I weigh over two hundred pounds myself. I thought she was gorgeous.

I've had a lot of crushes on larger women. One of my coworkers weighs more than me (we were talking about getting told to lose weight by our respective doctors and she told me that I "look good" and she'd be "happy being [my] size" and I wanted to be like "But C. you are fucking breathtaking!") and I think she is really beyond pretty.

Some women just wear it well and look good heavy. She does. My ex did. But they are also women who know how to dress to their body's advantage and that might be part of why they look good. Neither of them look fat or dumpy, because they wear clothes that accentuate rather than hide their curves.

I definitely don't condone gaining huge amounts of weight on purpose. I don't really like the idea of stuffing, because it can't be good for you. But I do find larger women to be sexy and attractive.

I think it might be like sexuality -- I don't believe any one makes choices about being gay, straight, bi, trans, pan, asexal, etc. I also don't think any one makes choices about what they find attractive -- It's just the way you're born; the way your brain is wired. Just as I didn't ake up one morning and decide "I'm going to be a lesbian", I also didn't wake up and say to myself "my, I think fat women are fuckin' beautiful."

It's just the way I am, and though I have a lot of issues with my own body, I accept that I <3 other women with more to love.

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...


I am a fan of larger women. Sometimes just a bit of softness adds to ones beauty, sometimes it's the glutteny of a well fed woman that is tantalizing. But there are also a lot of beautiful skinny or toned girls. I think there is more to atractiveness than just size, or shape, or whatever. In matters of the heart, I always stick by one simple phrase: I'll know it when I see it.

PS. I'm tall and lanky. wink wink

You know, I was kind of wondering when this was going to come up...
I want to firstly say that I am a proud FA.
I guess I can say I've always ever been attracted to larger women because [as others have already stated], I think a larger figure on a woman is more natural. And beyond that Ive kind of surmised that its just a part of my "programming", as there have been many times where I just couldn't "perform" for a skinny woman [147-160 lbs], where it was extremely easy for me to do so with a plus-sized woman [210-280]
BBW and SSBBW alike are like the average man's supermodels to my minds eye, and I van only hope to meet me a good one...

Heart ☣️ Heart ☣️ Heart

I wouldn't necessarily say that I am attracted to bigger women or men, but. can say for sure that I find women with a few extra pounds much sexier than size zeros. Girls who would be considered plus size look natural and healthy to me, and that equals GOOD.

I think it's a biological thing. Bigger means better access to nutrition, and that means bigger, healthier, and more frequent babies. I took an art history class, and most of the earliest depictions of fertility goddesses or ideal women were round, sometimes obese looking feminine sculptures or paintings. When I say obese, I mean boobs down past the belly button, and rolls so big you couldn't even see her genitals.

I think it's just programmed into some us, whether we see it that way or not. It's a primitive instinct that some of us still go for.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com

I've always been interested/troubled by this topic. A healthy woman is a beautiful one, no doubt...the ones who look like bean poles (especially on purpose)...just, no. I realize it is often a deeper issue than this but if you lack the respect for your body to keep it at a good weight then you need to worry far more about what's weighing down your heart and mind instead!

I've been troubled by the topic because, while my BMI is normal, I have the curse of carrying most of my fat in the belly. It has not done me any favors over the years and has left me self-conscious and feeling very unattractive.

I find myself in this boat as well. I know throughout my high school years I was blinded by the BS brought on by the media, but finally had my eyes opened by the few women in my life that made me see things straight. There is obesity and there is beauty, and you can tell when someone is just plain fat. Some people just don't care about themselves. And then there are people like my wife who have a glandular issue. After discovering she was diabetic and a simple dosage of metformin her weight is well under control. She eats right, tries to exercise, lives right, but she's still a big woman. I love her none the less. I find it funny that society used to prop up big women as beautiful signs of fertility, now they are just stick figures of sexuality. It's sad really.

(03-21-2013, 07:05 AM)theKicking Wrote:  I think it's a biological thing. Bigger means better access to nutrition, and that means bigger, healthier, and more frequent babies. I took an art history class, and most of the earliest depictions of fertility goddesses or ideal women were round, sometimes obese looking feminine sculptures or paintings. When I say obese, I mean boobs down past the belly button, and rolls so big you couldn't even see her genitals.

I think it's just programmed into some us, whether we see it that way or not. It's a primitive instinct that some of us still go for.

Exactly. I love those sculptures. It makes a good point that it isn't just modern people that are bigger. People have always had diverse shapes and lifestyles.

When I was pregnant my butt grew a lot and the shape changed LOL (I don't think I would have believed it if someone told me that would happen) and one day I came across a picture of this one goddess sculpture and it looked just like my ass!! I was totally thrilled by that haha. It made me feel really beautiful, instead of weird or gross like I had been feeling.

As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem

I am a great many things, but above all I am a fat admirer first. I'm even more involved in that community than the mpreg community. I am a columnist for one of the largest online size-acceptance publications where I have a relationship column from the FA perspective, and I am a major staff member for the largest, most active size-acceptance social and singles group in the state. I have been an FA my entire life, and am currently in a domestic partnership with an SSBBW (super-sized, big, beautiful woman).

It's hard to explain why exactly someone finds something attractive or beautiful. For me, there's something soft and cuddly about plus-sized people, but at the same time intimidating because of their size compared to mine. Like you, I prefer to remain a slender guy because I like a stark contrast between me and my partner. It's on these same grounds I've always found taller women attractive too (but, being six foot tall myself, I abandoned hopes of finding a woman taller than me years and years ago; that and it's not as appealing to me as larger women). It does rather directly tie into my submissive nature too and my interest in D/s relationships. There's just something about having a partner that could literally just sit on you and kill you that I've always found oddly erotic... Most of all though, I just find the overweight female frame to be extremely aesthetically pleasing both in terms of sexual attraction and just simple beauty as one would appreciate art, with curves, bulges, rolls, and general "softness" in all the right places.

I'm sorry you've faced fat discrimination. In a way, fat discrimination is one of the most insidious forms of discrimination alive today because it is the only form of discrimination where those being discriminated against are often convinced that they actually deserve to be. That's exactly why we have our social group and why the magazine I write for was founded; to create a positive, more accepting, and empowering environment for people of size.

And remember, weight =/= health. Our current Surgeon General is a big proponent of dispelling that misconception because she herself is a plus-sized woman; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvUYWms8P...g&index=60

Kilix stockpiled 3!


Not one word on fattened, rounded males, either? I mean Fat Admiration is a more generalistic term, but stilll D: *sobs grossly in a corner*

[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]

It doesn't matter to me, I never believe all the media brainwashing telling me what I should and shouldn't find attractive anyway, and I think everyone else should reject that and make up their OWN mind too.

I never really think of "fat women" as "fat women" anyway. And I actually do find them very attractive. I've always had a thing for curvy feminine bodies, hehe.

(03-24-2013, 09:53 PM)BaronVonCroydlypants Wrote:  *tsktsk*

Not one word on fattened, rounded males, either? I mean Fat Admiration is a more generalistic term, but stilll D: *sobs grossly in a corner*

Hey hey, now, large men are fun to look at, too!

Heart ☣️ Heart ☣️ Heart

Big ole guys are nice, in every way. ^)^ Usually they're kinder and more understanding (more fun to cuddle with too) than some tool with a six-pack...to me that is much sexier than a sculpted body.

(03-25-2013, 05:25 PM)InMidnightBlue Wrote:  Big ole guys are nice, in every way. ^)^ Usually they're kinder and more understanding (more fun to cuddle with too) than some tool with a six-pack...to me that is much sexier than a sculpted body.

I know I know! It just seems to me that urrgh there's too much epmhasis on "omg let's make this fat chick feel better." Fat PEOPLE in general are given so much shit its literally a fat-shaming society.

[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]

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