The Ship (closed w/ SRuiz)

In 2442, Humanity has started to explore the Galaxy to find new planets. The Earth Alliance Corporation, or EAC, has launched a new state of the art, self sustaining ship with the intent to land on new worlds. The EAC Ahab has a crew of over 300 people on board. What humanity doesn't know is that almost all of the crew are aliens. EAC made a secret agreement with an alien race. Their agreement was simple, the alien race gave EAC the technology to travel deep into space, and in return, EAC gave the aliens a chance to repopulate their doomed race.

One human was chosen to lead the expedition, and he unwittingly joined without realizing what will happen to him.

Name: Ryne
Age: 18
Race: Human
Description: petite, blonde, pale skin, blue eyes.

Ryne sat in the command chair, looking over the ships diagnostics, making sure nothing was wrong. He was the youngest captain chosen to lead the Ahab and he was glad to serve in this ship.

Name: Deimos
Age: Appears in his early to mid twenties, but is centuries old
Race: Valaurian, a humanoid like race that mostly resemble humans, but the scleras of their eyes are pitch black and their irises glow to the color of their natural tint. In Deimos's case, they look neon dark green.
Description: slim but buff, black hair that's long and curly, but sleeked back mostly into a band , medium olive skin, tall. Underneath his human body lies a much gruesome beastly form, one the crew would soon realize a little too late on.

He laid in a bed, shirtless, watching everything through a screen. By everything, he was selectively viewing various people on the human ship. By account, they all now belonged to his race now, a shady deal done by their own kind, but the eighth prince in line liked to explore his assets and see what was suited to his interests. Of course they had given him a chosen candidate already.

"Why...?" He found himself saying as he eyed the apparent captain. He was small, possibly puny, his age told off on him...Was it hard to ask for better? To him, the a bit...inadequate, yet he would still have to see if appearances were just deceiving. "My family will get a kick out of this one..."

He rolled out the bed and began to put a thin layer of weave synthetics on his body. He never preferred wearing heavy armaments as honestly, his race didn't need it. They could take on most damage and heal effortlessly. It didn't mean they didn't have a few issues on repopulating, which is why they turned to the most flexible creatures made for breeding in existence: Humans. At least they were good for something other than cannon fodder.

He stepped out his room and took his seat at the station's commanding chair. The humans would be arriving at the Valaurian's post operating station soon, a place where trades and other diplomatic policies were made at, one of the numerous stations they had. Presently, he was underwhelmed, but could beggars be choosers?

Ryne looked over his shoulder and noticed Deimos. "Oh Deimos. The doctor called, he said he wanted to speak to you in the medical bay." He said, unaware that the doctor was a Valaurian too. "You didn't miss your shots today did you? We're supposed to be entering a new system in 2 weeks." Ryne said teasingly.

Deimos merely stared at the male, his tone a bit expressionless.

"Oh, right..." he feigned a yawn and left his seat, trailing off down the hallways as soon as the double doors slid open. He would make himself down to the med wing after travelling through the mess hall. Upon entering, he inhaled the air a bit by sniffing several times. It was a code of sorts to the other Valaurian.

"What's up?" He asked the doctor, the male taking seat in one of the spinning and rolling chairs.

The Doctor was a young male by Valaurian standards, but he appeared middle aged in his human guise. He wore a body suit in a greenish blue colour to show that he was a doctor for those in need. He bowed to Deimos. "Prince Deimos. I'm glad you are adjusting to space. I know that it can be difficult for any Valaurian to adjust to the artificial gravity and the isolation of space. Not that we are alone. In any case. Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 begins immediately. It's time to impregnate the young captain. Do you remember the plan?" He asked to make sure the prince knew what to do.

"No need..." he shrugged. "Space is something I'm used to. War is common for us, which explains the current situation I now face. Still..." Indeed he was the youngest of them all within his family and perhaps now his personality would begin to truly show. He stuck his lower lip out in the form of a pout. "How did he become a captain exactly? Humans tend to age faster than we do, but I see those older than him taking orders from him?"

Of course he knew the plan. The ship was supposed to head to the trade station, but they weren't supposed to make it back. Not in the sense that they would be exterminated, but rather, their new lives would begin. He rested his head on his hand as he neared a window that allowed him to stare out and see some of the humans and hidden Valaurians eating like they were just common soldiers. "Can't I just eat him? Father said it's not good to play with food..."

"You know we can't do that. We need humans for their ability to breed. But regarding our captain, he managed to score highest in the flight training. That may have given him command of the ship, or he's a relative of someone important. Regardless, you need to sleep with him without him knowing it." The Doctor said.

"Sleep with him, huh?" He sighed partially before stepping away from the chair. "I suppose if it makes that much a difference. I hope I don't break him..." He said a bit sarcastically.

Deimos returned back to the deck, where the captain was no doubt still commanding everyone else.

"You know..." He said as he sat on the arm of the chair Ryne was sitting on. "You should probably get some rest." He placed his hand on the other male's shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"I still have some work to do." Ryne said as he typed away at the computer. "Have you seen that robot anywhere? It has something I need to sign." He asked as the very robot entered the room. The robot was a mixture of human and Valaurian design, having a sleek, thin body and arms, a flat faced head with a screen for a face. The robot was adept at communications and repair and thus it was named the Soundwave TX-34.

The TX-34 walked up to its master, handing the papers to Ryne as it secretly served Deimos and the other Valaurians.

Deimos rolled his eyes discretely. His business with whatever human affairs did not matter, but the Valaurian could not break the ice just yet. When the robot arrived to hand Ryne the papers, Deimos twisted his wrist slightly as the robot released an invisible spray out onto Ryne. It was a pheromone spray, something that would help him get distracted enough to ward him away from his "duties," which in all honesty were made up to make the male believe he was actually doing something important.

"You sure you don't want to get some rest?" He rubbed the Captain's arms slightly. He knew the male had to be attracted to him in some for or matter.

"I...I don't know. I feel a little woozy. Maybe I need some rest." Ryne said weakly as he leaned back in his chair, wondering what got into him so suddenly.

Deimos had only smiled. The male was not tired to say the least, but if that's what was needed to get him into his bedroom, he would take the chance.

"Maybe you do. You seem a little off balanced." A little was a bit of an understatement. As soon as Ryne moved a bit, he was partially falling out of his seat to which Deimos caught him, bringing him into his arms bridal style. "Let's get you to bed."

He hid away a smile as he could successfully say he had gotten the male where he needed him and despite what he wanted to do, he would trust the "Doctor's" words and not eat him. Maybe Ryne would try to fight some of the pheromones off, but once he was trapped, he was trapped and that was beginning to occur. Deimos walked past the Captain's room and instead into his. He placed Ryne on the bed and simply watched him curiously like an animal did with it's prey.

"I do have to admit you're a bit fascinating" he mused with curiosity.

Ryne slowly tried to get up when he was taken to Deimos' room. "This isn't my room. Take me to my cabin." He ordered weakly.

"But your room is a bit boring." Deimos could not lie. It was extremely boring. For his tastes, at least. Maybe he was just some kind of a spoiled brat, but he looked at Ryne. "Sides, we're gonna have ourselves some little fun together."

"No! I should get back to my room." Ryne said sternly as he tried to get up, but his legs felt weak, making him collapse from his own weight.

"You're not in any position to try and leave." Deimos looked at the male and picked him up again. This would allow his natural pheromones to take place. "Just relax. Everything will be alright soon enough."

Once the pheromones set in and the male stopped resisting, everything else would soon fall into place.

Ryne slowly became drowsy and weak in Deimos' grasp. He tried to wiggle his way out of his Deimos' grip to no avail. "No. Stop." He said weakly.

These pheromones were clearly having another effect on the male because instead of him becoming aroused, he was just getting extremely sleepy. The scent faded away as Deimos pushed the male on the bed.

"Guess I'll make use of this then..." He brought his hand down to the male's crotch, groping it hard. "Need you to wakey wakey up here and down there." He grinned a bit sadisticly. "Not if you value your life, that is."

"What are you talking about?" Ryne said as he tried to push Deimos away from him. "I'll have you reported for this sexual assault." He warned.

"You're really beginning to become a buzzkill..." He pushed the male against the bed with the palm of his hand, supernatural strength radiating as he continued to put the captain in a state of arousal. "As if your petty reports matter to someone like me."

He move the hand away and the sound of fabric tore. Ryne's shirt was torn and out of the roughness, a cut across his chest from the razor sharp black nails Deimos was beginning to sport.

"I'll play this game though, but don't say I didn't warn you." He had marked the male with a mating cut, a toxin slowly working its way into the male's bloodstream. It wouldn't kill him, but it would certainly put him in the mood. "Go make that debaucherous request. It makes the hunt more thrilling."

His bones began to crack as his body shifted. Human skin melted as mounds of fur began to grow. His mouth distorted into canine's. His legs began to twist into a digitgrade form. As he let out one powerful roar, claws replaced his hand as his height grew to eight feet, a large purple cock oozing with liquid coming out a sheath as three tails formed on his back.

"Ruuuuuuuun!" His voice commanded like some feral King, the voice sounding demonic and dual in tone: one lighter voice talking in unison with one deeper tone. Let the male see just how screwed he was and if his so called authority would listen.

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