Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Stay calm" Merin tells him "its probably a resault and residual effects of whatever they dosed you with... with my dna mixed if from when you bit me." He resumes massaging the paw "itll be ok, youll work it out..." he pauses and turns to look at Eric

"how did we go from comforting me and my suicidal depression to comforting you so quickly?"

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"This isn't good!" Eric nearly shrieked. "If it's showing up while I'm my normal self apperance wise then...then....that means...."

Eric put his hands against the sides of his head and bunched up in a slight ball. A few tears leaving him with a whimper. He was losing what made him look human, sooner or later what made him feel human would go out the window too. There was nothing wrong with mons in his eyes, it was just....he felt like he was losing himself piece by piece now.

"The world is strange that way..." Eric answered.

Merin sighed and continued to massage "eric... look at Chazz... he isnt any less human than you are now" he says with a purr "only difference is he got his changes by having sex with us and having cubs"

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"It's not the same." Eric retorted. "Chazz's mind isn't affected by his changes, he's in control of the new things he gets. I'm not! My mind goes and comes with changing! I'm unstable Merin, completely unstable!"

"Not right now your not" he says pauseing in the foot massage "sure your panicing, but you seem pretty stable to me... besides, im sure that whatever they dhot you with will stand out like a sore thumb, it may even make you getting control easier"

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A frustrated sigh left Eric.

"My genetics are unstable Merin, even if I don't show it physically all the time." Eric explained. "There's no telling how short of a life I'll have or how long of one. There's also the fact that....I probably can't have things like everyone else."

"You think you wont be able to have kittens?" He asks and shifts to pull Eric close to a hug while checking out his changed eyes

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"Kids....a family other than my mons....basically yes...." Eric said though he raised a brow as he was pulled forward.

"Just... checking your eyes" he says and blushes a little "their a nice colour... unlike mine, hidious purple they are"

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"They're...still my normal eye color....right?" Eric asked. "Your eyes are fine, unlike mine in my other form."

He nods "they are...your pupils are just... feline... like mine" he says "wonder if anything else changed..."

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"oh boy....I bet there's more changes in...the other form." Eric said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe" he says softly "but i was thinking more... this form"

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"Well, I haven't a clue honestly." Eric answered.

"Well... why dont we have a look hmm?" He smiles and leans in gining him a soft kiss and starts helping him out of his jacket.

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"P...pardon?" Eric asked confused.

Though he honestly didn't resist when Merin took off the coat he'd been wearing. The poor lab coat was so badly torn up it was useless almost.
(And fade to black. ^^)

Merin purrs softly and nuzzles into Erics cheek "well looks like it hasnt changed making any of that work" he says with a chuckle "and look, just in time for your machines to finish"

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Eric was pretty shocked by what just happened though he couldn't complain honestly. Reaching for his torn up coat, he put it on and went over to the vials. What he found made him sigh.

"Well, they've added a couple of things....all of em just making it worse." Eric said.

He nods slowly watching "but look here" he says pointing "this chemical here, in its amounts in your system its clearly not supposed to be there, if you make something that surpresses that you should be able to control it better"

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"Perhaps." Eric said. "Though it'll take a lot longer to create a test serum and that can go wrong in any number of ways."

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