One Night Stand That Changed His Life (closed with 018Luxio)

Name: Marcus
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs
Appearance: Short blonde hair that spikes up, average build. Green eyes.
Personality: Usually flirty but aggresive if enraged.

Marcus was hugely pregnant with fetuses that multiplied almost every day. It was so rapid it was not possible to tell quite how many, although it was at least a dozen. Being barely to move, he slowly waddled to his dresser in an effort to find his maternity clothes.

Image came from a film.

Name: Ezeikiel
Age: physically 24
Height: 6'3
Appearance: Dark brown hair, short, spiky. Blue eyes, muscular
Personality: Unknown

Ezeikiel had kept a close eye on Marcus ever since that night at the bar. His human disquise had worked quiet well for him. Marcus was already quiet large, carrying at least a dozen good sized eggs in his womb. Eggs that would soon be laid, it was only a matter of time.

Marcus pulled out a pair of pants from his dresser, but immediatley dropped it after feeling something strange inside his stomach. It didn't feel like the fetuses were multiplying this time.

Image came from a film.

Ezeikiel was currently across the street from Marcus's apartment building, him sipping slowly on a coffee as his enhanced senses were trained on Marcus, listening for any change.

Marcus started to feel contractions, his water would break at any moment now. He clutched his belly as he struggled to get comfortable.

Image came from a film.

Ezeikiel continued to listen, he could hear the increased breathing as Marcus tried to keep himself calm. Quickly finishing his coffee he made his way across the street and up the stair to Marcus's apartment, knocking lightly on the door.

Marcus was unable to get up at the moment. "Urngh! It's open!" He weakly called out to ehoever was at the door. Maybe they could help.

Image came from a film.

Ezekiel opens the door and makes his way inside, closing and locking the door behind him. There would be no one interfering tonight. As he enters the bedroom he is pleased to find Marcus leaning against the dresser, one hand clutching his stomach as the other is laying on the dresser, his head laying against it as he breaths through yet another contraction.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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