C The Doctors Babies (With Lovebite)

"Yeah, all ten" Chris gets the baby cleaned up before passing him to Eric, still wrapped in a towel.

"There you go, Jacob. Shush now."He said softly as the boy whimpered now and laid against his chest, sitting back against the couch and kissing his head. Stroking his hair and smiling some,"See. I told you it's nicer out here. Didn't I?"He rocked him gently then turned some, reaching out to grab Logan carefully anf bring him against his chest as well,"And this is your brother, Logan."He said, holding both of the wiggling babies against his chest.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris watches Eric with the babies smiling softly. Sometime later he helps Eric into the shower, helping him to wash off before taking him back to the bed with the babies, making sure to leave a glass of water for him by the bed before he takes his leave, being gone by the time Lukas finally gets home.

Eric was up and feeding the twins by the time Lukas came home, half sleep on the bed as he rubbed their backs while they laid on his chest and stomach. "You finally made it back."He laughed tiredly, closing his eyes for a moment then opening them again as he sat up some,"Come and meet our sons."He said, adjusting himself and looking down at the sleeping infants.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lukas makes his way over to the bed, taking a careful seat before he reaches over to run a hand lightly along the babies' backs.

"This is Logan. He came first."He said gently, looking at the blonde haired baby then to the other,"And this is Jacob. He gave me some trouble, but he's a quiet one."He touched the cheek of their youngest and kissed his head,"Who do you want to hold first?"He asked, smiling and looking up at him now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lukas shrugs. "I think we should just let them sleep for now"

"Okay."He nodded, hiding his disappointment, he really didn't know how he was expecting Lukas to react, maybe even a little bit happy or excited. "Did you have a good day?"He asked and sat back against the pillows of the bed, he was waiting still for a smile from his boyfriend, he had just pushed two heavy babies out of his ass and he couldn't get one lousy smile.

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"It was alright" He gets up and heads into the kitchen before coming back with a notebook. "Have you already fed them? You know it's every 3 hours right?"

"Alright's better than completely shitty."He nodded, looking down at the boys,"They wake up when they're hungry and they're sleeping now so yeah. They're well fed."He said, smiling a bit and kissing their heads as he rested back against the headboard.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lukas nods before going to get a shower. Eric would wake up every 3 or so hours during the night to feed the boys, this same routine continuing for the next two weeks or so.

Eric had slowly gotten back up and on his feet, adjusting to his normal center of gravity now without the twins taking up space inside of him as he shuffled around the apartment, taking care of them mostly by himself. Wondering what he would do after paternity leave was over, Lukas hadn't been around that much to learn how to take care of them and probably wouldn't even have the time. That's probably what he's been stressing over the most while basically alone at home with his thoughts, since all the twins did was eat, sleep, and make messes.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Eric wakes up early one morning thinking he hears one of the boys crying only for it to go silent as soon as he rolled over. As he glances over at the clock it reads about 5 in the morning and he had just fed the boys nearly 2 hours ago.

When Eric finally does enter the living room he is actually surprised to see Chris sitting on the couch, a pillow in his lap with the boys laying on it as they cooed and made noises.

Eric jumped a bit when he saw, the other man's shadow but soon calmed down again, sighing and shaking his head,"God you scared me."He said, rubbing his eyes and heading over quietly to the couch,"I forget you have a spare key."He took a slow seat on the couch beside Chris and leant his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes some and reaching out to stroke the hair of one of the twins with a small smile,"Lukas would shit a brick if he knew you did."

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"Then it's a good thing he doesn't know, about any of this" The twins look around the dimly lit room as they flail their arms and kick their feet while laying on the pillow.

"I agree."He said softly, sighing and frowning,"He doesn't even care any more. I'm going to have to quit my job, because the asshole is barely here any more."He teared up, frustrated as he rubbed his eyes, then wrapped his arms around him careful of the twins.

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"We'll figure something out" Chris moves a arm around to rub Eric's back as they sit there.

Eric sighed, closing his eyes for a moment then turning to pick up Logan gently, leaving Chris with Jacob as he sat back with the boy on his lap while he supported him carefully. "Seems, I only got you guys. Huh?"He stroked his hair and kissed his little furrowed brow as he looked around still curiously,"How about breakfast?"He offered and lifted his shirt, laying their first born into the crook of his arm then moving him to suckle from his chest.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Logan begins to suckle hungrily, him watching Eric as his tiny hands ball into fists and begin to knead at Eric's breast.

Eric smiled softly, letting his pinky run over the small curve of the baby's ear as he suckled, sighing and kissing his head again as he shut his eyes with a few tears leaking from his eyes. "God. I feel trapped here. I don't know what went wrong, Chris. Maybe he just doesn't like me any more. Maybe he sees through my bullshit."He rubbed his eyes again with his free hand.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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