C The Doctors Babies (With Lovebite)

In the darkness surrounding him he didn't miss the headlights that soon passed over the car, illuminating it for just a second. He can hear the slamming of a door soon after before the driver side door of his car opens to reveal Chris.

Eric looked up at the lights, panting heavily and reaching just slightly for the door before he was bearing down and pushing again with the instinct to get his baby out, crying out horsely this time and sobbing as he kept pushing through the long intense cramp. Then he felt it, the tear and then the head slipping out of him, he had moved his hand again to hold it and was in a state of shock and confusion as he felt warmth spread throughout his hand, flinching when the driver's door opened and let in the wind and snow from outside. Squinting slightly then seeing Chris, he wasn't relieved though, far from it as he grimaced,"I-I think I'm bleeding."He managed to say before he was groaning again to another contraction, the shoulder bulging some against his hole, but there was too much blood and not enough light for him to see as Eric whimpered loudly in pain.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris states at him for a second before his training kicks in and he slides his jacket off before he comes around the Eric's side of the car, picking him up in the next second and heading toward the door, not paying attention to any of the blood at the moment.

Eric whimpered, wrapping his arms around Chris though looking back at the twins in the back seat, they were fine for now in the heated car and sleeping but he couldn't help but worry. What would happen to them if he was gone, Chris wouldn't let anything happen to him. He looked up at him then soon cried out at the start of another contraction, sobbing and biting his lip as he was carried, moaning and trying not to panic too much as he gripped onto Chris.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris unlocks the door before heading inside. Eric finally gets a look at the dog he had heard, a large golden retriever that followed them through the house and upstairs to the bathroom. Chris shifts Eric in his arms before he turns on the hot water, letting it warm before turning on the cold, letting the water get to a decent temperature before he begins to disrobe Eric.

Eric was a bit light headed now at all that had happened, turning his head and watching the dog for the moments between the sharp dragging pains, barely aware now as Chris pulled the rest of his pants then the soaked sweater he was sporting and whining as he moaned,"Chris... Chris, it hurts..."He shook his head, voice quiet before he tossed his head back and cried out once more, trembling and gripping onto Chris, trying not to push as he was lowered into the warm water. Moaning at the sinking, yet floating feeling he got, and sobbing softly into his arm as he leant against the tub. He was scared.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris splashes some water on Eric's back as he placed a light kiss on his head. "I know, I know" He kisses his hair again before he stands up. "I'm going to get the boys, I'll be right back, I promise" He turns and leaves then, heading back outside to get the boys out of their seats and carrying them inside before he lays them down on the couch and places some pillows around them so they won't roll off. Thankfully they continued to sleep as he made his way back up to Eric.

Eric laid his head against the cool edge of the tub, holding his belly and whimpering quietly into his arm still, tears leaking from his eyes and down his cheeks as he tried closing his eyes and relaxing but the pain was too great. He was tense and gripping onto the tub as he tried pushing again, he cried out, trembling as the first shoulder emerged slowly. There was even more blood in the water, but he didn't want to open his eyes,"Chris!"He sobbed, shaking his head and gasping for breath as he couldn't stop himself from pushing with the tight pains.

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Chris enters the room soon after before coming back over to him.

The baby was now halfway out of him and he was exhausted already, panting as he leant against the side of the tub, he had gone silent now as he flinched and grimaced with the next few contractions, forcing himself to bear down just a couple more times to deliver the baby. He whined and gasped when he felt the baby slip into the water, falling back against the tub and blinking wearily, now just wanting to slip from consciousness as his body went limp but he looked to Chris still.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris quickly picks the baby up, moving to lay it on Eric's chest as his arms moved to weakly wrap around it. After being sure that Eric had a good hold on the baby he begins to let the water out of the tub, seeing if he can find the source of the blood underneath the now red water.

Eric held the baby carefully, turning his head to look at them and tilting his head as he stroked their hair,"Chris."He looked up some, then leant his head back against the tub,"I-I..."He shook his head weakly, he could see the baby but he couldn't hear crying, he wasn't sure if he was just imagining it,"Something's wrong."

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Chris turns to look at the baby before going to pat the babies back. Soon enough it did start crying and Chris went back to checking Eric over.

Eric grinned albeit in an exhausted way as he kissed their head, he hadn't checked for a gender yet and was sure he couldn't even lift a finger to check as he breathed softly,"Hi..."He closed his eyes and held them, this one was Lukas's, he could tell from the eyes they looked at him with even if it was only for a split second,"I thought I was going to die."He said, turning his head just a bit to look at Chris,"Thank you."He closed his eyes again, stroking the wet hair of his newborn's head and kissing their head softly, tears leaked from his eyes again and he sobbed softly,"What a shitty first day, huh?"He laughed quietly through his tears, cradling the baby close as they whimpered,"Though, I guess it could be worse."

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"If you insisted on driving in this weather you should have drove to the hospital, it would have been safer" Chris continues to check him over.

Eric looked at him,"I'm sure it would have been, but the hospital was in the other direction and even farther away than your place. No one would have found me- us."He corrected,"No one would have found us."He repeated with more certainty, looking down and gaining enough strength to check between his newborn's legs now, grinning and laughing softly,"Guess what."He laid his head back, resting the baby on his chest fully again and rubbing their back.

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Chris glances up at him "Boy" He runs his hand over Eric's stomach a few times. "Push a few times, not hard, just normal, we still gotta get the placenta out."

Eric laughed softly and nodded as he looked down,"Another boy."He sighed, smiling softly as he rubbed his thumb over the softness of his hair, then looked down,"Is that where the bleeding is coming from?"He asked and grimaced just a bit at the feeling as he pushed softly,

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Not sure yet" Chris lightly pats Eric's knee before he moves to tie off the umbilical cord before cutting it.

"Well, that's not fucking reassuring."He shook his head, looking at Chris,"Is it stopping at least?"He asked and tried to push himself up, but gasping and whimpered as he fell back against the tub, the baby was startled and had started crying once more. He held the baby, but his grip faltered a bit as he blinked and almost dozed off. Head rolling back before he regained consciousness once more after a few seconds, adjusting his hold on the baby and groaning softly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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