C Incubation (PreggySergal and Hyenadog, 18+)

Anjuste looked out over in the savanna, into the tall grass that his cinnamon brown fur tended to blend into. He had a simple spear in hand, with its tip made of a very strong ceramic stone. His turquoise eyes watched carefully at a beast that lurked in the brush. With a hooting cry, the sergal charged at it, hurling his spear and hitting his mark. The beast was felled, the spear lodged in its throat. He went over to his kill and hoisted it up, lugging it back to camp.

Anjuste was one of many sergals that belonged to a primitive, savanna-roaming nomad society. They had temporarily set up a camp in a clearing. They would be staying in this area for many months. Not only was it where there was a large game trail in this season, this was also the time of the year the egg bearing members of their tribe laid theiir eggs and incubated them in their nests, thus forcing them into one place so the young could hatch after incubating. Otherwise, they could not move around with many incubating members of the tribe without risking the danger of predators that roamed the tall grass that were able to take out a sergal if they were on the move. He flopped the fresh carcass in his hut, awaiting for his other half to make themselves known.

Tarik was a fairly recent addition to the tribe, found some time ago wandering alone. It was pretty clear by his gray fur and tall heavier boned stature, he was a half breed. Mixed between northern and southern Sergal types. But that gave him a small advantage and made him an asset to his tribe. Being taller than most of the others made him a great lookout, especially if he climbed a tree. And his stronger build made him great at dragging home heavy kills.

He had just finished his lookout shift and was heading back to his hut. He shook the dust out of his longer fur before ducking slightly to enter, only to grin when he saw Anjuste had brought back a kill. "Nice." He purred, moving to examine the beast

Tarik was unique among his species, being neither fully male nor female. Instead, he was somewhere in the middle. His anatomy modified to form a pseudopenis much like female hyenas on earth, which allowed him to play both roles in mating, But, this time of year he knew he would be playing the female role....however he had come up with a plan to pull Anjuste in with him.

Anjuste smiled as he heard the sound of a larger Sergal enter the tent. "Thank you. He took me on a bit of a chase through the tall grass." He had a filleting blade in his hand, carefully shaving the hairy outer flesh from the precious, juicy meat on the inside. He was careful not to harm the hide, either, as it could prove useful as well. He did not mind becoming close with Tarik, despite him being both a hybrid between his own people and their brutish northern cousins. He also did not mind Tarik's....unusual anatomy, as Anjuste was one to have a philosophy of love as you please.

"Kind of nice to stop in one place for a while." He said to his mate, slicing off a piece of raw beast and offering it to him, "Especially since it's this time of the year. I know we've tried before and nothing came of it, but I really think that it's going to be out year this year to start a clutch."

He was one to love family and so desperately wanted to start his own. Yet, he did not want to force it upon his beloved Tarik. He only promised that they'd try once every cycle, and if no eggs were bore, no foul in his mind. Children would happen when they happened, all was in the will of the spirits of nature.

Tarik chuckled softly, moving aside so the other could begin to prepare the beast. He sat on a roughly made chair to watch the way his mate worked. Anjuste was much more precise with the blade than he was. Tarik thankfully had only inherited the physical traits of the northern breed, not the temperament. Though his face was clearly that of a southern Sergal, which made the longer fur on his ears much more impressive.

He yawned softly, closing his pale blue eyes for a moment. "Yeah. Too bad it can't be like this all year." He sighed. He opened his eyes to see his mate offering him a prime cut of the beast, tongue darting across his lips before he took it and popped it into his mouth. He savored the flavor for a moment before simply swallowing the chunk whole and making a pleased purring noise. "Mmm, that one is healthy and well fed. Good clean meat." He said with a firm nod.

He paused when Anjuste brought up starting a family, ears drooping slightly. While Tarik had laid clutches before, they had always been duds. And some years he didn't even come into season. This year, however, his scent had changed and was stronger than before. He was coming into heat.

Anjuste leaned up and gave Tarik a soft, assuring trilling sound when he saw his ears go flat. "Don't blame yourself. I do not." He said to his mate in a calm voice, before sniffing the air, "Besides. You smell...stronger than any of the other years. I am certain of this year will the right year."

He continued his word on the beast, finally removing hide from flesh. A few minutes later the same case was said from flesh from bone. Anjuste looked over the bones and hide and smiled. "From these I shall make a gift for you. The parts of a strong, and tenacious beast to lend its power over to my already strong mate." He then began placing the meat over a spit they have above the fire pit in their hut. Lighting the fire, he began to dust the meat in salt and spices, in order to make the meat less likely to expire during their time here, essentially making jerky. He watched as the orange light danced in the pit.

Tarik made a soft noise in response to Anjuste's, closing his eyes for a moment. He blinked when the other mentioned his scent, tilting his head gently. "Really?" He asked, ears perked. He didn't feel any different, but soon he would notice some changes.

He got comfortable, watching his mate clean and prepare his kill. Idly picking some prickers out of his tail fluff. Having the longer fur of a northern Sergal was quite annoying sometimes, but it was mostly feathering and his mane. The fur on his main body was shorter and denser, like a southern. He smiled when Anjuste said he would make a gift for him, purring softly. "I look forward to that." He sighed.

He closed his eyes and rested as his mate began to cook the meat, shifting in his spot. He felt a little different, the first sign he was receptive.

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