College Care (with StrikerLiker)

"Yeah, I guess. I've just been doing a bunch of research about babies and birth and stuff. We need so much stuff and how are we gonna cover the cost of the hospital for their birth?!" He asks, beginning to panic again over the overwhelming amount of information he's being bombarded with.

"Hey, calm down." He chuckled petting Max's head. "Didn't I tell you stressing is not good? I can afford it. We could also do a safe home-birth if you want. I heard it's more relaxing." He said hugging him gently.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"But the midwife... Connor.. I don't think I can do this..." He admits fearfully. Connor helps calm Max down by a bunch of deep breathing exercises. Max finally manages to relax and he leans into his lovers embrace. "I don't know what I would do without you, baby. Thank you so much for being the best boyfriend in the entire world."

"Thank you for carrying my children. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being so lovable." He whispered back, pecking him on the lips gently.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He kisses back and they lay back on the bed and Max falls asleep on Connors chest with Connors hand rubbing back and forth and in circles on his belly.

5 months later, Max and Connor have finally moved in together. The nursery is all set up for their babies. They still haven't found out what genders their babies will be. Connor is in class right now with Max. All of a sudden, Max gets an odd sensation in his abdomen. He tries to shake it off but it came again about forty-five minutes later. Max grimaces softly and rubs his belly to ease the pain hopefully.

Connor was writing down notes focused on his class. An hour later class ended as he stood up from his seat walking to Max, happily. "Maxie?"
(Sorry short post)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Max looks up. "Yes?" He says, struggling to stand but lovingly Connor helped him up. He packed up his bag and Connor takes it so Max doesn't have to carry that extra weight besides the two babies.

"We have PE after this. Could you wait till it ends, love? After that we can go to our home." He explained, taking his bag. He rubbed Max's big belly, kissing him on the forehead affectionately. They walked down the hallways till they arrived at the gym. "I'll try getting out of PE early alright?"

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Max nods softly and goes to PE with Connor. He gets a sharp pain and he's in the hall alone trying to breathe through the contraction. "This can't be it... Not now..." He mumbles softly to himself.

Connor quickly changed into his PE clothes, entering the gym, asking the coach if he could go home earlier than normal. The teacher approved, but he had to play a few sets before he would let him loose. Connor nodded smiling cheerfully, walking to his teammates and went to warm up.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Max groans softly and rubs his belly. He goes into the gym and calls Connor out for a second. "Um... Connor. I'm gonna go home. I really don't feel well." He says, wincing softly.

Connor notices Max entering the gym, stopping his warm-ups, calling back. "Oh alright! Do you want be to bring yo-" The manager hit Connor lightly in the head with a notebook, reminding him that he still needs to play this set. He sighed, slumping his shoulders. "Sorry, they won't let me go yet. Be extra careful okay?" He said pouting.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He groans and texts the midwife that he's Getting contractions and that Connor will bring him home in ten minutes. Once Connor is dismissed, Max groans again softly from another contraction still managing to be able to breathe through them. He's been having these contractions since last night at
two a.m.

After finishing the set, Connor sprinted to the changing room to get his stuff, taking his phone out of his bag, running back to Max. He helped Max walk out of the school. He was worried that walking such a long distance to their home will quicken labor, or even break Max's water. Connor let him lean against him as they slowly walked, step by step, being extra careful.

"We're almost there." He reassured Max, rubbing his tummy. His phone suddenly rang which made him pick up the phone. "Hello? Oh okay don't get injured." Then he hung up as he began to support Max again. It seems like the midwife had a tiny accident by hurrying, so she will come late. He didn't know how late, but now he tried to focus on getting his beloved Max home safely.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Max stops and groans deeply and leans into him. " hurts...." He whimpers. They stop a few times so he can breathe through the contractions that hit every twenty minutes. Once they arrive home, he leans over the couch in the living room rocking his hips to help get the pressure off his back. "Connor. I'm scared. I can't do it!" He cries softly.

"You can do it.. I know you can." He said softly, taking off his jacket and Max's carefully. He begins to massage his back muscles, also rubbing his contracting stomach, feeling the babies actively kicking, wanting to get out. "They are so active and hyper. Just like their daddy." He whispered, still gently rubbing the belly.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He groans painfully trying to breathe through the contraction. "Connor. It hurts so much. I'm not sure I can do this.." He says fearfully. Once the contraction ends, he stands back up and walks around with Connor trying to get labor progressed. He gently and softly exhales as he walks. "Can you time... them?" Max asks as he tries to keep his focus on breathing and the babies.

"Alright." He answered, massaging Max's tense shoulders as they walked around the room. He had to be calm so Max wouldn't stress out more. "Would you like a bath Max?" He asked softly, caressing his hair. Since they've been walking outside from school to here, Max must of been sweaty and tired. "I'll be by your side. It will help you relax."

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"Not yet. Need to keep moving.." He moans and stops again to breathe through a sharp contraction. "OOhhhhhhhh..." He moans lowly and deeply and loudly. He rocks his hips while leaning against the wall. "It hurts so much.." He whimpers.

"I know it hurts.." He said rubbing his bump comfortingly. "Come on you can do it.." He encouraged Max, kissing his cheek. "Hee hee hoo. Like that. You're doing an amazing job." He said softly, wondering when the midwife will arrive. She sounded really scared though the phone so she was most likely not coming any time soon.

"Keep breathing, love." He said while counting the contraction which was a pretty long one.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


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