Rhythm and Baby Blues (closed with Gale)

Bryce shrugged. 

"I showed my former bandmate the ropes" he said bluntly. "Last night at the awards show, he thought we were supposed to be cool from all the indirect shade and attacks him and the rest of my so called "brothers" were throwing when I made the decision to want to take a break from it all."

He thought that was something well known. Didn't Link read up on news articles or were those kind of things just generally concerns he didn't care about? He explained it all to the male. He started with just a small tid bit of how they all formed on some contest show a few years ago. Like any teen phase, their popularity blew up, even though they were the second to last in the contest to get eliminated. One of the judges, also a manager like Samuel, picked up on them and things began to bloom, but some of them, their "leader" as he put it, seemed to have the Beyonce complex of the group in that he dictated what they could and couldn't do, that included choice of song styles.

"What's wrong with a little R&B" he asked to nobody in particularly, but it was mostly directed towards Link. "He didn't like it. Heck he didn't even like us dancing as he felt we would be too cliche, so did I want to be a stiff robot for the next couple of years or did I want to diversify?"

He diversified clearly and it showed, though he was still clearly angry about the situation.

"Lost a fiance because of them influencing her into thinking I was a bad decision, so I decided why not humor them?"

He shrugged, finishing the entire bottle of water. When Link placed his hand on his shoulder, he tensed a bit, but there was a mention of dancing, which made him chuckle deeply.

"Dance!? You clearly must have been in the backwoods or something" he stood up from the seat, looking out at the dark dance floor. "Maybe I should see your body in action instead!"

Introduce the male to some new things and it seemed to be working. Maybe it was his natural charm when he wasn't being pestered by the likes of Bryce, but it actually felt good to be around someone that wasn't remissive in his intents. Fife seemed to casually enjoy being told words he probably hadn't heard in quite some time. There was no hidden intent in his words, truthfully. He was a bit tired of everyone else seemingly winning in more way than once and maybe just maybe, he was hoping that could change for once tonight. If Link was going to get lucky in handling Bryce, maybe he could with the male's friend.

"I don't think I could handle the needy housewife type" he admitted with a chuckle. "You don't seem to strike me as that kind of type either way."

He finished the wine in hand and rose up from the couch. The male wanted to go try out the clothes and Samuel had no objections to that idea. From the way he implied it, they may be trying on more things later down the line. He extended a hand out towards Fife.

"Not leading you like a child, I assure you" he smirked, giving a slight warm smile as the male placed his shirt back on. "The wine just has a way of slipping up on you is all, especially when going up the steps to the second floor."

When Fife was ready, he led the male upstairs to his new room.

Link smiled at the way Bryce explained the origins of his music career. It was clear that he was proud, as he should be. Too many tabloids speculated that he was just another spoiled brat, but few of them took into consideration how hard Bryce had worked. Artists worked very hard to achieve success, and Bryce was no exception.

"Backwoods? I was something of a party boy as a teenager. You have no idea the kind of things my body can do." His grin was toothy, showing off his straight, white smile. He cocked his head toward the semi-crowded, darkened dance floor where they could physically get closer without people being able to stare at what they were doing. "I saw you dancing earlier, what's one more with me? Maybe something slow, show me a little of that R&B you love so much."

He smirked and gestured for Bryce to follow. Normally, if Bryce were an eager little twink, Link would have taken his hand and led him, but Bryce was a man. He needed to be treated like a man.

"Just one dance and I'll show you a little action."

Fife took Samuel's hand without hesitation, beaming excitedly. "Yeah, right. You just want an excuse to touch me," he teased mildly. "And maybe I'm not a housewife, but I like to keep busy. I know how to cook, too. I've learned how to do that really good. So maybe I could make you something sometime. You know, help you like me more, huh?"

He followed Samuel through the house and gasped when he saw his room. He'd only seen places this luxurious on TV! He'd never dreamed he would ever actually spend the night in a place like this! He tugged Samuel into the room, reluctant to let go of his hand, whether he realized it or not.

"This is incredible! What should I try on first? Can I try anything on? You wanna see me model it?!" He stopped and looked up at Samuel. "Where's your room?"

Bryce feigned a look of shock. Had he heard right? This Link fella was some kid of a party goer back in his day? Did that mean he was about as old as Samuel but just had really good genes in that he looked younger than he appeared. Either way, he was about to take this and run with it.

"Gee, I had no idea Mr. Doesn't want me to have any fun actually knew how to have fun." He looked at the booth they were sitting in and shrugged. A bit wobbly in the approach, he climbed on the red cushioned frame and then jumped on the table, stepping past some of the glass and jumping off the table, landing in front of Bryce.

"Lucky for you" he said in regards of Link telling him that he wanted some personal and slow with him. "The floor is dark and..."

He watched as his little entourage were wrapped up in their own little thing for the moment. Bryce expressed his lust for Link at last, firmly holding his hand for once.

"I've been wanting to do this all day."

He gripped Link's rear, smiling as he led the male out to the dance floor. Fortunately for them both, some slow song was beginning to play. Bryce pulled the male closer, keep his hand around Link's waist. Slowly but surely, he was beginning to do just as he said: put the dance moves on him, but he kept it extremely classy and not like most of the people there that were twerking and heaven's knows what.

"Maybe I did" he teased back with the male. "Or maybe I was being serious. The steps were recently finished, so I'm not letting you slip and slide to file a lawsuit."

That was him joking of course, but he did like the sound of having someone around that could cook for once. Much as he hated to admit it, he was quite the terrible person to cook in those regards. He cooked enough to get by and that worked just fine for him, but he did like to taste better things every once in a while. Still, it was Fife who kept on to his hand, realizing that maybe it was him who wanted an excuse to hold on to his.

"I'm glad that you like it" he stated. "It will be yours as long as you prefer. As for clothes..."

The male gave it some thought before relenting. "My room is further down the hall. I would love to see you wear something other than what you presently have on."

Bryce was quite the acrobat. That was going to be fun. Link had partied as a teenager, up until he'd been arrested. He'd used a fake ID to get him into plenty of clubs, and he'd tasted his fair share of men and women. He'd never taken a liking to the women, and he'd only ever had smaller, delicate men. Twinks. But Bryce was all man. Link could let himself go with another man. He wouldn't have to hold back.

When Bryce groped his ass, Link laughed deep in his throat. Did Bryce think he would be doing the dominating tonight?

Once safely tucked into the dancing, oblivious crowd, Link pressed closer, his hands moving over Bryce's waist, the sides of his chest, feeling the hard planes of his body through his shirt.

"Is that all you've been wanting to do?" he taunted. He inserted his thigh slightly between Bryce's legs, pressing firmly against him. His own body moved in tandem with Bryce's, keeping expert time, strong and skilled in his own right. His hands slid to the small of Bryce's back, testing to see if Bryce would let him get that close to his ass. He pressed their bodies tighter, letting Bryce feel every hot, hard line of himself. "What else has that artistic brain been cooking up?" They were so close, his warm breath moved across Bryce's stubbled cheek.

At last, Fife released Samuel's hand so he could fling open the closet, trying to distract himself from his last question. It was mostly curiosity, really, but he couldn't deny that there was something of a thrill, knowing Samuel would be sleeping only a few doors away.

"Okay, you stay here, and I'll pick something out." He dashed into the closet and shut the door.

He must have been limber indeed to manage to change inside the closet in record time. In only a few minutes, he burst out in a new outfit, grinning at Samuel. He'd gone with a pair of skinny designer jeans that hugged every last curve of him, from his ankles, up his legs, encasing his ass and waist. Then he went with a tight V-neck T-shirt and a high-neck biker jacket. Apparently, he favored tight clothes after a lifetime of scrubs.

"What do you think? I can't breathe, but it feels amazing." He slid his hands up his thighs, across his pelvis, over his ass, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles. "Is it too small?"

They were both aggressive in their advances it seemed. Naturally, Bryce never had an interest with other men until recently. Truthfully, he never knew when it began or happened, but for once he could act on it with this Link person.

"Of course not" he said as he bit his own lower lip a bit. Their bodies were pressed together, Link was pressing up against him and the male had a hard time fighting a bulge from tenting underneath his pants. One of his legs were even between his own and their faces were literally close together. He didn't give much thought to Link touching his back in the matter of which he had done, the male instead planting a drunken kiss on Link's lips, pulling away from it to speak. "I may know a few more dances that works better with a bed or some other private spacing."

He kept Link closer, it finally feeling great to hold on to another man for once in the matter of which he was currently doing.

Samuel waited on Fife, sitting down on the bed. When the male had emerged out the walk-in closet with some of the clothing he wore, the male was a bit curious about the dress style. That was an interesting dress style, watching the male basically smooth out wrinkles that weren't there since the clothes seemed to hug every curve of his body.

"I don't think it's bad, but now I'm curious" he chuckled. "What came up with that idea from everything else in there if it's making it hard for you to breathe?"

This was exactly the opening Link had been waiting for. Bryce seemed curious, he was definitely tipsy, and had officially made the first move.

But that one kiss wasn't enough. He reached down, filling both of his large hands with the globes of Bryce's ass. He hauled him close and crushed their mouths together. He pulled at Bryce's bottom lip before letting go, making his intentions very clear. They were going to get somewhere private and then get naked. Link could definitely take over from there.

"Show the way, then," he said in a gravel-filled voice, almost a growl. His fingertips slipped down the back of Bryce's joggers, feeling his bare skin, but not venturing too far south yet. "Bathroom. That's close." But not good enough, if this was going to be Bryce's first time with a man. "Your car's probably too small." He was going to need plenty of room when he bred this rock star. "Or we could go back to your place."

Fife shrugged. "I dunno. It feels . . . sexy in a way. I mean, I've lived in ugly, baggy scrubs my whole life. Being in something tight feels forbidden. Plus, don't I look like a biker's boyfriend? I'd look real good on the back of a motorcycle." He glanced into the closet. "Maybe something else. Don't leave."

He was thrilled to try on another outfit. This time, it was black trousers, a long, grey turtleneck sweater, layered over with a thigh-length, black coat. "This is posh, huh? Kinda trendy. Not that I know what trendy is, stuck at the compound my whole life. Maybe it's too fancy for me, what do you think? Or maybe you oughta pick an outfit. It's not like I have any real sense of style."

He spun in a circle for Samuel's enjoyment. "Tell me what you like. Maybe I could wear a suit like you and we could be twins."

Link seemed just as eager as he was in this approach, the male gripping his bubbly butt tightly as he pulled the male closer and kept their mouths closely together. Bryce got to taste the liquor the male had before and possibly likewise, but he was finding himself into the idea of being able to get into this man's pants that he wasn't thinking straight. That and he was clearly under the influence.

"My penthouse" he said after pulling away from Link. "A home away from home when in New York. We can go there. My buddies have rides already."

Not like he came there with them in the first place. When they got out into the opening, the closeness ceased for the time being, but the male climbed into his car, but there was no way he was going to drive. The keys were tossed to Link since the male seemed to adamant about not wanting to drink as much. Clearly he was the more alert figure and so Bryce was going to give him directions on how to get there.

Driving past the insane traffic wasn't an issue. In just a few minutes, the male was on the last floor of the building ten story building, unlocking the door for him and Link both. He locked the door behind them both, revealing before them both a spacious living room with some of the latest technology, from a plasma screen television to a game system. There wooden stairs that led up to the bedroom, everything else, from the kitchen with an island to the bathroom and other places, were down on the bottom floor.

"Welcome home" he chuckled drunkenly, but he pulled Link back into his arms, closing the blinds that gave a grand view of the city before them. He was a bit aggressive and that was to be expected since they were both men in this regard. He began to lift up Link's shirt, beginning to pull at him to move him to the second floor.

"No need to explain" Samuel said with a goodhearted chuckle. "If that makes you feel free, then I won't object, but I don't think I'm that kind of person to ride bikes a lot."

He didn't leave, of course. This was an interesting sight to see after all. He stepped out in a suit and that of course made him smirk at the sight. That didn't seem to fight him as well in terms of what the male seemed to be personality wise. At least, that was just his perspective. He left the bed the second the male said maybe he should pick for him.

"As appealing as twinsies sound, maybe you should think about what you want for once" he stated. " Maybe try something that isn't baggy like the scrubs and something that isn't extremely tight like the pants and shirts. Something that fits just right and remains true to who you really are and not what somebody else wishes for you to be."

Link couldn't express how good it felt to be driving again. He hadn't driven in ages, and it felt like freedom.

As expected, Bryce's penthouse was a masterpiece, but even more glorious than that was Bryce himself. He seemed to come alive. Sure, he was drunk, but he also seemed less inhibited. And Link could be a little rough with him, since Bryce was being plenty aggressive. He let his shirt be tossed aside, baring a gloriously toned chest, firm and strong, and decorated with an intricate tattoo over his heart.

He followed Bryce to the second floor, but didn't let him get far. He reached around him, hugged around his waist, and pressed his body against Bryce's back, enough for him to feel the steel erection he was sporting. "You're wearing too many clothes," he growled, reaching under Bryce's shirt to drag his fingers across his abs. He pressed even closer, his cock aligned with Bryce's backside. "I want to see every inch of you." He nipped his teeth at the crook of Bryce's neck before soothing over the playful nip with his tongue.

Fife let out a long sigh, standing beside Samuel now, so close that their arms were touching, staring into the closet. "I don't know who I really am yet, I guess. This is the first time I've had a chance to find out." He shrugged out of the jacket and hung it up with care, and then began unbuttoning the shirt underneath. He didn't bother hiding in the closet to do it, slowly disrobing right in front of Samuel.

"But I will find out," he reassured Samuel with a grin over one naked shoulder. "I'll find out what I want. It'll be awesome, and you'll be the first one I tell." He unbuttoned his fly, the pants hanging precariously on his hips, before he remembered himself and went back to Samuel. He took one of his hands, blushing and shifting awkwardly on his feet. "Look, I didn't really thank you for all this yet, and I wanna thank you. All this, I mean . . . shit, it's like I'm hallucinating or something. So I wanted to thank you. And I swear, I'll be an extra good boy, on my best behavior, just for you." And to make sure that Samuel never, ever returned him to the compound. The thought of being sent away, of Samuel finding some defect and sending him back, made his belly flip.

Bryce enjoyed the sight, especially the tattoo. He wanted to run his hand across it to get a feel, but Link had other plans. The male hugged him closely, Bryce's eyes widening a bit when he felt the huge bulge up against his back. The male didn't make it known that was something that made him panic a bit. Instead, he turned around, letting his front face Link's as he removed his own shirt off as well, taking the hat he wore with it as well.

"Oh yea" he asked with a smile. He unbuttoned Link's pants before sliding his own off as well. For just that brief moment, their own erections were touching. "I'd be careful what I ask for."

His black underwear was removed, the male revealing a slight patch of hair around the throbbing fat six inch organ. He pulled off Link's pants with enough force that it would cause the male to slightly trip. Bryce pinned the male on the bed this way.

Samuel listened and maybe that was to be expected. Fife told him he was sent back six times in a row. Samuel had every intent of holding up his end of the deal with Link, making sure Fife was released. That and personally, he was taking a liking to the male.

"I'm certain you will have plenty of time to figure that out" he said. "Those facilities seem a bit dull."

It seemed that in the male's exictment to figure out who he wanted to be, he began dropping clothes left and right. Samuel could not deny himself for he was human. He loved the sight of men and women in almost every size, so seeing Fife like that certainy aroused him. The male held his hand, thanking him for what he had done and promising to be good.

"Where's the fun in just being good" he asked with a smirk. "If I wanted you to be good, I'd have asked for a slave or dealt with Bryce again. No. I'm looking for someone to be myself around and likewise."

He pulled Fife closer, wrapping his arm around the male's waist.

"Tell me, has any of those men before just actually took the time let you be pleasures? I have a feeling you and I both have something spent inside us for the longest that's been looking to come out. Love."

He boldly kissed Fife, not thinking about the clothes anymore and pulling the other male fully on the large bed.

It was clear that Bryce was trying to gain upper ground, and that made sense. He seemed nervous. Link grinned down at Bryce's body, his pupils dilating at the sight of that gorgeous cock. He didn't have time to react, though. Bryce moved too quickly, and soon, had him pinned on the bed. On the bottom.

Link arched sharply, used his legs, and flipped their positions. Thankfully, they didn't roll off the large bed. He laid over Bryce's body, their cocks pressed together. Link took Bryce's hands, linking their fingers together, and pinning them to the bed on either side of his head. He swiveled his hips, cocks sliding together now, providing glorious friction.

"Your body's perfect," he growled, grinning down at Bryce as he continued canting his hips back and forth. He wanted to feel him, grope at him, take in every contour of his body, but he couldn't release Bryce's hands just yet. He was too much of a flight risk for now. "Have you ever been with a man, Bryce?" he asked in that honey and bourbon voice of his.

Fife shrugged, still studying the closet. "Well, good as in I won't break any of your stuff or throw tantrums in public. You know, like--"

He was cut off, startled when Samuel grabbed him. He gripped the larger man's arms to brace himself, gaping up into that handsome face. Was this seriously happening? He thought he'd been brought along only because Link insisted! That he was going to be a housekeeper! This was infinitely better!

He let his hands roam Samuel's body, enjoying the places he was firm, but also his slight belly. It all felt so natural.

"No, no real pleasure for me there. It was mostly them grunting away and trying to knock me up." He looked up at Samuel again, grinning. If Mr. Owens was willing to be honest, Fife would, too. "There's a lot inside me that wants to come out."

He met Samuel's mouth eagerly as they tumbled onto the bed. His hands gripped his shoulder blades as his lips worked against the other man's mouth, his tongue lightly tracing his bottom lip. Already, he was spreading his thighs, wiggling closer, trying to get as much contact as he could.

"Touch me," he groaned into Samuel's mouth. "Touch me everywhere."

The two naked figures were wrestling, clearly for dominance, but presently it seemed that Link had the upper hand on the male. Bryce's hands were pinned behind his head from the other male's firm grasp, putting him in quite the position to which he could not get them free. He had to contend with being told how perfect his body was along with the fact on if he had ever been with another man before.

"No" he said a bit straight forward. It was the truth in that similar to Samuel, he had a supposed wife before until certain complications came up, but that was then and this was now. He never got "close" into that situation either, but he wouldn't tell Link that. "You would be the first."

He struggled to slip away from the grip, feeling the friction among their bodies, particularly their members both touching, which only made the male twitch down there all the more.

Meanwhile back at Samuel's mansion, things were getting tense as well. Samuel pulled the other closer onto the bed after he admittedly wanted whatever it was inside of him to come out. He would be professional and strict in the morning as usual, but now, he was able to drop his guard so to say.

His belt was undone and the short sleeved sweater vest he wore was taken off. With just a few unbuttoning and the slip of his shoes and socks, Samuel's full body was exposed, a firm broad shoulder with bits of curly blond hair protruding from it and a slight, but firm gut, not necessarily poking out, but clearly not those washboard abs that most spent forever and a day to work towards. He obliged the male's wishes, running his powerful hands across every frame he could, tugging to take off the rest of Fife's clothes. He was perfectly aroused and ready for action. As soon as his thighs were in the perfect position, Samuel tugged the underwear from Fife a bit loosely, his own underwear and pants fully sliding off from the friction.

"Relax," Link murmured, his grip on Bryce's hands tightening, not threatening, just a presence. He bent to kiss him again, his warm, scotch-flavored tongue caressing the roof of Bryce's mouth with an unspoken expertise. Link may have been something of a grumbler when in social situations, but in bed, laying on top of another willing man, he was clearly a king.

He reluctantly let go of one of Bryce's hands so he could grasp their cocks together in a joint grip. He began stroking them together. He would need lube, soon, but the little bottle was lost in his jeans pocket somewhere on the floor.

He began to kiss his way down Bryce's jaw, to his neck. He sucked briefly on the point of his pulse before dragging his tongue across his collarbone.

"I know my way around a man's body." He raised up a little and tried to coax Bryce into parting his thighs. "Open up your legs a little. I don't want them to fall asleep while I'm laying on top of you." As if to add a little incentive to his gentle request, he reached down to stroke the underside of his balls, watching his face carefully for signs of pleasure.

When at last Fife's warm skin touched Samuel's, he cried out lustily. He'd always loved the feel of naked flesh pressed together, but never before like this. He'd never wanted one of his owners before, but now, he craved Samuel more than anything. He could feel his hole tightening and flexing with anticipation. Finally, he was going to be thoroughly fucked by someone he desired.

Looking down at the large man's body, so powerful, so very real, how own cock stood proud and straight, nudging against his own flat stomach, a drop of pre already glistening at the tip.

"Mmmm, Mr. Owens," he teased, parting his thighs wantonly while dragging his hands down the sides of Samuel's body, resting on his hips now. He licked his lips, desperate to taste that magnificent cock. He put that need into his eyes, kissing at Samuel's jaw pleadingly. "Please let me taste. Please, please, please, just a little."

Relax? Was he being tense about the situation? Bryce wasn't entirely sure, but the male just naturally felt that something was going to occur that probably would not be in his favor. At least from the way they were wrestling for control only for him to be pinned down. Wasn't Link some kind of Breeder as Samuel put it? He could not deny the way Link made him feel though. He began to calm down. Just as soon as he let up on his hold, Bryce probably would have thought to respond, but his hand began to stroking both of their throbbing erections. Maybe that was just going to happen. Bryce felt no need to be alarmed then.

He had never been pleasured this way before. If it needed to be spelled out at this point, he was a virgin, the male being very selective in making sure he didn't get too drunk to be able to black out or anything, always playing it safe even though he could be a very reckless individual. He was not planning on kids anytime soon, but naturally as a man, his mind process was that he was to do the breeding. This did not seem to be the case though. It seemed Link just wanted to jerk them both off and when the male began to ping him in all the right places, he moaned a bit deeply, beginning to adjust just as the male had asked, his legs parting from each other.

Samuel never experienced such a reaction before. To see this male cry out from being touched in all the right places was therapeutic in a way. It was not a situation of unrequited love for once, the male being able to be around a figure that was willing to take it to such a stage. It seemed they both were enjoying this and while Samuel never had such the concept of breeding the male on his mind, natural lust would take over as he did not prep with a condom for this.

"A taste?" Did that imply he wanted to suck on it. The male himself was already worked up into quite a fit of lustful antics himself to not allow the male to do as he desired. He nodded, looking at the way Fife hungered for it.

When Bryce part his legs, Link grinned and settled himself between them. He gripped Bryce's thighs, draped them over his hips. His hand traveled lower then, stroking the space between his balls and opening. While his hand worked, fingers now stroking over his entrance, he bent to kiss Bryce harshly, teeth scraping lightly at his lips, tongue caressing him thoroughly.

His free hand fished through his fallen jeans pocket before he found the bottle of lube. Hoping to keep Bryce distracted by pleasure, he suckled down his throat and across his chest, teeth scraping at the hard muscles there. Meanwhile, he applied a dollop of lube onto his fingers and began massaging at Bryce's entrance.

Link didn't want to be too forceful, didn't want to hurt him in any way. This was supposed to be a good thing, help teach Bryce about the pleasures that two strong men could have together. He really wanted to flip him onto his hands and knees, eat at his glorious hole, before plunging inside him. But this was Bryce's first time, and he needed a bit of coaxing.

With his mouth still on his chest, one hand pumping his cock, and the other stroking his entrance, Link grinned. "That's it. Deep breath, Bryce." He kissed him once more, just as one slick finger slid into him.

Fife was smirking when Samuel gave him permission. He'd been forced to suck his other owners before, and he'd hated it. He was talented, but he'd hated it. Now, looking at his new owner, all he wanted to do was pleasure him, make sure Samuel never, ever gave him away.

He slid off the bed, knelt between Samuel's knees, and stroked his hands over his hard chest and belly, already adoring his new owner. He licked once at the swollen head of Samuel's cock before slowly swallowing it down. He had to ease into it, but eventually fell into a rhythm, breathing through his nose as he began bobbing his head back and forth, loving the taste of him. His blue eyes lifted to Samuel's face, wanting to see the pleasure, wanting confirmation that it was Fife that was pleasing him.

He slowly pulled back, gazing up at Samuel with lust-filled eyes. "I've never wanted anyone like this," he said, voice almost drunk with pleasure. "I've never wanted anyone this much before." He crawled up Samuel's body, tried to crawl into his lap. "I belong to you, Samuel. I think it's high time you bred me properly," he teased.

Bryce was new to this concept, taken away at the pleasures he was experiencing because Link was otherwise goading him into thinking otherwise. It made him completely oblivious, the male not aware that by opening his legs up even more would lead to a decision he could not reverse. His legs were now brought around Link's waistline and while he felt something nearing his hole, or rather around it, he didn't think too much of it as whatever Link was doing felt great when paired up with all the other ways he catered to his body. He was relaxing so to say, compelled by Link's words to otherwise do so. When the finger slipped in, the cold gel that was around it made him practically jumped, but the male now realized what was going on and was now in a position to where wrestling loose would get him nowhere. He moaned deeply, covered from Link's mouth connecting with his.

Samuel felt relief. This was something he usually denied himself from at times, mainly because he had nobody else to do this with. The concept of porn never interested him since he wasn't the person getting involved and it was the same thing with random hookers in that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. Hearing Fife though, he thought that for once this was interesting. Nobody else had ever touched him because he wouldn't let them get that close. What was the reason asides from what he stated? Either way, Samuel gasped with deep breaths when feeling the lips and innards of his mouth wrap around his longer and proud organ. That pleasure did not last for long though. Fife had stopped with something else in mind as he crawled into his lap. He wanted to be bred and Samuel did not think otherwise of the situation. He firmly held Fife, particularly by his rear as he spaced it appropriately, his bearded face kissing the male passionately as he did just as Fife wanted. What they both wanted.

Link could feel the moment Bryce gave into the pleasure. He could feel Bryce's moan vibrating into his mouth, and it made him growl in satisfaction, proud that he could coax the man into desire. And Link suddenly wanted the gorgeous, strong man more than he'd ever wanted anyone.

He wedged his hips deeper against Bryce's core and took his cock in hand. He pressed the blunt head against his opening and began pushing in. Now he had proof Bryce had never done anything like this. He was so tight. Link groaned out his pleasure and let his forehead rest against Bryce's, all the while continuing to push into his virgin opening. And who knew? Maybe Bryce was already fertile and receptive? Link found himself hoping his child would be conceived this very night.

His hands moved down Bryce's body until they gripped his hips tightly. "How's that?" he asked, his voice like a growl, muffled slightly as he kissed along Bryce's neck and across his collarbone.

When Samuel finally took him, Fife cried out in wild pleasure, responsive and engaging as he was bred. He braced wrapped his arms around Samuel's shoulders, kissed across his face, as if he were worshipping him.

He'd never been taken by anyone he desired before, and the feeling was intoxicating. Even though he was tight, and already a little sore, he began riding Samuel's lap, eager to bring his own pleasure. Still, he grinned flirtatiously and tugged on Samuel's lower lip with his teeth.

"Do I please you?" he asked through his own panting breaths. His hands moved through Samuel's hair, pausing briefly to moan out his erotic pleasure. "You feel so perfect inside me, Samuel," he purred.

Unfortunately, for Bryce at least, he was very much fertile. It was only a year to a few months that he was considering a life with his fiancée. The male gasped, feeling his hole open to accommodate the erect organ that was now entering his hole for the first time. When Link asked him, deep down Bryce was mixed with thoughts. A bit frightened that another man was taking comolete control of the situation, but was he also satisfied? He wasn't sure and clearly a bit intoxicated with both pleasure and liquor to think otherwise on how this was going to change his future. Who cared about thinking presently? He was having fun!

"I uhh..." he still wasn't sure how to feel until he felt Link tease him further. "...feels great..."

Samuel was turned on all the more, the male wrapping his arms around Fife's lower back while the other had used his own on his firm shoulders. Rhythmically, he moved through the male which was twice as pleasurable given how the male moved his hips as well. It made Samuel want the male more.

"I think I should be the one to ask you that" he retorted, his hands moving lower to Fife's rear as he grabbed his cheeks tightly among the kissing, parting them to have more access.

Finally, Link had verbal confirmation of Bryce's pleasure. He groaned himself now, feeling Bryce's tight walls gripping him. Definitely a virgin, and that thought turned him on even more. The animal inside him came to life at the thought that he could very well plant his baby in the big, strong man under him.

"That's it," he growled, teeth raking over Bryce's skin, tasting and savoring him. His hips thrust back and forth in a measured rhythm and he groaned again. "You're so fucking tight."

He kissed Bryce harshly once more before leaning back on his heels. He gripped Bryce's hips and tugged him forward, changing his position, tilting his cock in such a way, he knew he would find Bryce's inner sweet spot. He thrust his hips upwards while bringing Bryce's hips down to meet him, fucking his new lover thoroughly, filling him completely.

It had been too long since he'd been inside another person's body, and he could already feel himself approaching climax. Any minute, he would be flooding Bryce's body with his seed, and he could only pray the fertile male's body took it.

He gripped Bryce's cock in his free hand and his thrusts got harsher, making the bed slam loudly against the wall. "Tell me how much you love it, Bryce," he ordered roughly, thumb moving over his leaking slit. He bent to kiss him again, hard. "I'm going to make you cum on my cock."

Fife let out a wailing scream as Samuel parted his ass and sank even deeper into him. It felt so full from this angle, with him riding Samuel. It felt like Samuel's cock was in his belly.

He braced his hands on Samuel's shoulders, then gripped his jaw, his cheeks, hands sliding into his hair, unable to get enough of him. "Yes, you please me," he panted mindlessly, eyes rolling back in his pleasure. "I'm so full . . ."

He didn't even need to touch his cock, wasn't even mindful of it. All he could focus on was that magnificent cock plunging into him, spearing him open, breeding him.

"I want . . . I want . . ." He couldn't catch his breath, his mind hazed with pleasure. He wanted Samuel's baby. Maybe that was irresponsible, even downright stupid, but maybe, if Samuel's baby was growing inside him, making his body swell and grow with new life, Samuel would keep him forever. This could be his life forever, in Samuel's bed, birthing his children.

He cried out in ecstasy, now bouncing even faster on his cock, desperate. "Samuel, please! Samuel! Fuck, it's so good!"

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