C The Great War (closed w/ DarkAurion98)

Name: Aloysius
Species: Snow Dragon
Sex: Male
Gender: Omega
Age: 120 (approx. 20 or so in human years)
Characteristics: Snow dragons are rare and elusive creatures although not much is known about them because most people cannot make it into the depths of their icy biomes. Aloysius is a white dragon, like all snow dragons, although smaller because of his omega role. In human form, he takes on that of a slightly below average sized guy, retaining short white hair and his reddish eyes that he similarly has in dragon form.
Job: Scout

Aloysius' clan had gone undisturbed for years. They didn't bother any other dragons, and most dragons didn't bother to try to become social with his kind; they lived so far out in the cold and snow and freezing weather that snow dragons were the only kind that were seen for miles, if they were seen at all. But then one of their young hunters had been captured by another clan, and it wasn't taken lightly. The snow dragons left their home in search of the hunter. If there was one thing they snow dragons were, it was determined. They went together, as a clan, not expecting much save for a few exchanged words, possibly heatedly if they didn't speak right, but they had every intention of heading back home that day with the captured hunter and things would be settled.

Instead, they got a battle, one that lasted for a few days. The snow dragons were easily outnumbered, and not having their environment on their side they fell quickly. They surrendered in the hopes they might be able to leave with their tails tucked between their legs but that wasn't what happened. The other clan what little numbers of snow dragons they had left and threw them in with the single captured hunter. They were all captured now, with no one on their way to help them out of it. Aloyisus was one of them.

He'd been put in a room with the only three other omegas in their clan, separated from the alphas. The group had been bound together in their human forms. Aloysius didn't speak much, but then again none of them were. They were all wondering what might happen to them, what this other clan had in mind; they weren't an aggressive species of dragon save for when something happened to one of their own. Aloysius tugged at the rope bindings on his wrists, sighing in frustration as he was unable to get them loose. He wanted to go home, this was getting to be more trouble than it was worth.

Name: Felicrox
Species: Fire/Ash dragon
Sex: Male
Gender: Alpha
Age: 180 (approx. 30 or so in human years)

Characteristics: Fire/ash dragons are also a rare race among the scaly species, usually outnumbered in most places by peaceful lineages. They are "born" from the fiery ashes that rest after explosions of sacred volcanos, like mount Elios'k, one of the few sources of the vehement warriors. Felicrox is a dark red dragon, with crimson and golden birth marks that draw tribal lines, resembling magma streams on back and chest. His alpha role justifies his big size, and his duty as early commander of the eternal ashes clan.
In human form he is a tall man, tanned skin with black tribal marks on places mentioned before. His broad body is followed by a short, black hair with crimson touches, and almost glowing bright green eyes.

Job: Hunter - Commander.

Felicrox has been fighting his thoughts for days now, his clan reduced to a dangereous number, threatening their existance in nature. All a tragic result of infortunate events confronting clans over vengeance.

It all started with an ancient force, one day betrayed by strongs warriors, most of them fire dragons, who banished "it" from earth realm. In a dark, desolated place, the mysterious creature awaits for its opportunity. The time when thirst for revange would be sated. Centuries flew by, watching the entity gaining force day after day.

What happens in the present? A barrier breaks, a portal giving access to a thing that observed the entire realm for years. Even its distants poles, like snow dragon's home. Without delay, a plan took place, with an amorphous black essence taking the form of an innocent white hunter, flying fast to fire lands.

Where the scouting of the young, copied hunter was clumsy, the moves of the shapeshifter were fast. Thousands of killing skills covered under the image of a childish snow warrior. With strenght also superior, he reached his destiny quickly, stealthy giving end to dozens of the eternal ashes.

He made sure to be seen, he made sure to leave a trail to icy depths, he made sure to take the form of an elderly snow noble after, leading the previously duplicated scout into an easy place to be taken by hurt fire dragons. Yes, he made sure to hide in the shadows after that, planning his next move.

All the events lead to a now frustrated Felicrox, making his way to the chambers, prepared to spill fire from his mouth. He instead froze at the entry of the room where omegas were captive. Not by the young soldier he still thinks killed his brothers on fire, but by the breath-taking creature fighting against the ropes.


(really hope you like it) :)

(( yes! (: )

The snow dragons were relatively peaceful beings. They didn't have many enemies if any at all, and they tended to stick with trade and whatnot between other snow dragon clans, mostly in part because of where they lived; many dragons were unable to survive in their arctic biome, and vice versa, snow dragons had a difficult time adapting to envjonents that weren't their icy freezing desert of negative temperatures. This undoubtedly had put them on the less fortunate side of things as they'd never had an advantage in coming to rescuer their hunter - of whom Aloysius had yet to even catch a glimpse of - in the middle of fire dragon lands. Maybe if they'd been reasonable and had received help from other dragons, thugs might have played out differently, but as it stood they were all captured and tied up, and God only knows what happened to the alphas. Aloysius was lucky to not have been separated but there was still an uneasy feeling between he and the other omegas as they hadn't any idea of what to do or say. Aloysius had been instructed to stop his fidgeting by one of the other omegas, but he wasn't giving up that easily.

Twisting his wrists this way and that, Aloysius hoped that he might be able to get his restraints to loosen. It felt like rope but it could be something tougher, albeit for his sake he was wishing that wasn't the case. Are you guys going to help? Aloysius asked the other omegas, struggling to turn their way to see their reactions. He heard a huff from one and an annoyed groan from another and he knew immediately they they had no plans to pitch in. No one had any concrete ideas to escape this mess, but if they could at least break free of their bindings, an escape plan could always follow. Suddenly, Aloysius was annoyed that none of the others were pitching in. This wasn't a game; they'd seriously been captured. Why were they all taking this so lightly?

Aloysius continued struggling against the rope until the door to the room opened up. His gaze flickered up towards the man who entered. The small group omegas had gone completely silent, Aloysius included, but through their shock he swallowed thickly and managed to ask the fire dragon a question. Can you get these ropes off? Aloysius made a sound of surprise when one of the other omegas nudged him in his side with their elbow. It's just a question!

Feel free to ask everything you want, snow joke. Only after I get my answers, understood?

'Crox woke up from the slight spell. After all, one of the new enemies was acting livid at him, ignoring his charge as leader of the furious clan. At first it was amusing. The small omega was already thinking his way out of this.
The fire commander didn't discriminate between genders, but it was no secret omegas tend to be reserved and quiet. This one acted like a young knothead, contrasting the snow attributes of his body, making the dark dragon to raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

Now that we have someone so eager to talk, please, tell me. Why did the self-proclamed peace clan sent one of his young scouts to kill my brothers and sisters? The last words left his mouth with irony, hidding a rotten anger looking to burn the other species alive.

Give me a good explanation and I may consider to take out the bondages. He smirked.

When the slaughter took place, Felicrox just wanted the same as his brothers. Blood. But as days passed by, his roll of guide generated a light reasoning. What interests had the snow dragons, so-called guardians of silence by other creatures, to commit such horrible act?
Something wasn't right, but in order to mantain his subordinates calmed, he wanted to get all the information he could from the prisioners. He kept some fury in his veins too.

He knew intimidation couldn't be the only playing card though. Having that in mind the flaming alpha adopted his human form, silky fumes leaving his frame as green eyes focused on red ones. A black and crimson robe covering his muscled complexion.

Oh, and do the same as I, wanna be "civilized" at this, without having to see at your two forms shaping back and forth, you thread. He kept smiling bitterly, despite admiting to himself the creature in front of him was quite a sight.

(no worries for delays. And awesome pics!)

Aloysius was beyond confused at the words of the other dragon. He looked to the few omegas next to him, all of whom seemed to be just as befuddled as he was. Aloysius knew they probably wouldn't speak up and it would all end in them getting in trouble, so even though he had a bit of a brash mouth on him, Aloysius decided he'd be their speaker; if nothing else, he'd already spoken up before. We have no clue what you're describing, Aloysius stated firmly, eyes narrowing st the fire dragon in defiance. You all were the ones that kidnapped our scout. Why would we even bother attacking a clan that isn't on our turf and such a distance from us? We came to retrieve our captured hunter, not to fight your people.

Briefly, Aloysius wondered if this man had spoken to any of the alphas. He'd probably get a better story out of them. If Aloysius wasn't here, he wasn't so sure any of the other omegas would try to speak up. He could feel the glares from his fellow snow dragons at his sides, but they didn't phase him. He was stubborn and hard-headed - it was s good thing he didn't care what they thought. Aloysius just had to make sure they got out of this place safely, which also meant he should likely be watching his words and the way he spoke to any of the fire dragons.

Aloysius snorted in a haughty way before he swiftly changed back into his human form along with the other omegas. His hair was more or less a mess of white curls atop his head but his red eyes were blazing and determined. Wanna take these things off now? I gave you the rundown. We don't have to be tied up.

As much as I hate to admit it little one, you have a point there. The commander made a gesture, the guards taking off the ropes seconds after.

Your missed hunter is safe, and supposing your worried for your dear alphas, let me tell you they are safe too, for now. Taking seat on a big chair set by his subordinates, the alpha leaned down, looking determined at those deep red eyes, that matched the crimson lines of his own dragon form. Listen young one, I'm not dumb. I'm well aware of the peaceful behavior of your race. Taking that in consideration, do you understand the doubts I have after seeing one of your warriors killing my beloved ones, with a smug grin on his face?

He paused, retaining his exasperation, waiting for an answer.

At the other side of the fortress, you could see one of the few remaining elders of the eternal ashes, running down the halls, with dark news causing great discomfort on his soul.

(Sorry if you feel it short. I wanted to create a conversation-type rhythm)

(It's okay! They aren't short at all (: mine sometimes tend to be because I can't tell how long they are since I post on mobile )

That would be something you'd have to take up to the alphas, Aloysius commented calmly, bringing his hands around front and rubbing st the tender skin where the rough material of the rope had irritated. We were led to believe you all took him. If what you say is true, I'm sure our clan leader wouldn't hesitate to banish that hunter. Not only was attacking another species of dragon unusual from a snow dragon, but Aloysius' kind didn't take lightly to such actions. Aloysius had seen snow dragons banished from the clan after inciting violence; it was rare but it did happen. Snow dragons didn't have that fiery demeanor, although that could be argued in Aloysius' manner. He was a bit more hot headed than most snow dragons.

Aloysius paused momentarily before he made a motion to stand. He wiped off his clothes, making a face at the dirt and grime that came off into his open palms. So what happens now? I'm speaking the truth, I'm sure the alphas will speak the same. If it meant going back home sooner than later, Aloysius wouldn't mind if that hunter snow dragon was simply left here to his fate.

Before the alpha could answer to the eventually logic speech, he was interrupted by one the elders. The one running like wind down the halls just seconds ago.

Commander!!, I know you are busy with the prisioners but I think I know what happened, to our families, to all of us.

The man, an ancient dragon known by his hospitality and mental abilities, looked out of himself. His human form revealing grey hair only forged by experience. The gaze on his eyes tired, sad, but most of all, frightened. He lost two nephews on tha massacre. That wasn't the reason of his scared stare though.

Arklo! Sir!. You look agitated. Please, come outside with me. The look on the leader's face went from bitterly angry to amazingly fond. Crox was introduced to the dragon a century ago by his mother and since then he was almost part of his core family. The two stepped out, leaving the omegas under the watch of guards.

As soon as they were on a dark corner, the old beta male spoke.

Crox (the long-lasting man was one of the few that actually refered to the commander with that name), I could feel it.

Feel what sir? The alpha asked, covering Arklo in a soft embrace. Yes, this commander liked to be extremly kind with his community when they most needed it. Contrary to the songs and running gossip, Fire dragons enjoy being affectionate between themselves, when not acting sternly to mantain a menacing reputation.

That......dark force. Oh son, I'm so sorry the big council didn't tell you anything of this when you assumed the charge. I'm sorry. The elder had a tear running down his cheek.

Hey, hey it's ok. Arklo it's ok. My friend, my guide, my second father. Just relax and tell me what you know. The green-eyed wipe off the drop, exhaling hot air with a spark of flame on the other's neck to comfort him.

Thank you son. I will explain you everything. That includes the possible innocence of the snow clan. I had to be sure first though. We need the first captured hunter to talk freely, without fear. What do you suggest?, my commander.

Innocence? Ok, it surprises me but not to much. I was also suspecting there's a missing piece in all this horror play. Stated Felicrox firmly. I will talk with one of the omegas, think I have a plan. Meanwhile, please wait for me in the upper library. Calm your soul my dear master, don't hurt me with your tears. He whispered softly.

Thank you my leader. They hugged again and for a second, their inner dragons shifted and offered strenght to each other.

Coming back to the interrogatory, the flame extended his arm to the frost bite.

I trust you, for now. If you help me talking with your captured brother to clear things out, things will happen. Maybe we can prove the innocence of your kind. I really hope so. I want to kneel and lash my dignity in front of all you if that means you didn't killed my family. He finished with a frown but a sincere helpful stare.

So? You choose.

(Sorry for the delay. Midterm season, end of semester. :-/ those things. Also, in this reply something might look like a relationship but it isn't. Good ears will undertsand. Sleepy )

Aloysius was unsure of what to think upon catching glimpse of the elder fire dragon that had suddenly rushed in. He turned to look towards his fellow omega snow dragons, but they were only able to offer the same befuddled expression that was written across Aloysius' own face. He was tempted to speak up and ask what was going on - no one came dashing into a room like that elder had unless it was for an important reason, surely - but he didn't get the chance to do so before the two dragons were moving out of the room. Aloysius scowled, wanting to follow but knowing he shouldn't. Instead, he shifted his focus back to the others and began untying their bonds as well. He knew they wouldn't make any attempt at escape now, not after how seemingly close they were to striking up some kind of deal with the clan leader. Aloysius stepped back after he'd untied the few other snow dragons, frowning as one of them gave him a haughty look.

Are you trying to get us killed?! the omega asked, and Aloysius didn't quite want to respond. He wasn't fond of this particular omega, known as Wicke by others but asshole by Aloysius. Wicke was considerably taller than Aloysius, a bit unusual looking for an omega to begin with,but appearances were the least of Aloysius' concerns. Snow dragons were known to be peaceful but Aloysius couldn't begin to count how many times he'd gotten into a scuffle with Wicke over stupid things. Now might even turn out to be another addition, but Aloysius wasn't going to stoop to Wicke's level... at least not at this moment. Maybe when they got back home...

I'm just trying to get you killed, don't bring the others into it. Aloysius scoffed at the anger that crossed Wicke's face; the other omegas could feel the tension, but it was all broken when the clan leader returned. He'd expected some kind of bad news, but what he heard was far from it. Aloysius' eyes widened briefly as if what he'd heard was wrong. He stepped forward alongside the larger fire dragon and swallowed thickly, waving a hand behind him to the other snow dragons in a lame indication to get them to stay and not cause any trouble.

Aloysius awkwardly took hold of the other's arm, brows drawn together as he realized, what's your name? It would be nice to have something to call you by. Aloysius was doing his best to be polite. We can talk to this hunter, sure... Another pause and then Aloysius quickly added, I'm Aloysius.

'Crox tensed at the contact, just to find himself relaxed seconds later. The touch of the omega felt cold but somehow warm. For the first time in this turn of events he smiled at the scout. I'm commander Felicrox, but on these dark moments, you can set the formalities aside. Just call me by the name. Without knowing, he was returning the touch, hand placed on the other's shoulder, looking into red eyes. I want to believe you didn't do this atrocity, I really do Aloysius.

Slowly he retreived his hand. Follow me, your partner is just one block away. The rest of you stay here. Not harm will come to you as long as you behave. He warned the other hunters, adapting his dragon form again, looking away when Aloysius followed, exposing his naked atributes. You have a remarkable body for an omega. I don't driscimate the gender, but certainly you look more like a strong beta. Commander leads the way, not noticing how his own heavy tail danced subtly, scales glistening with sweat while a calming fragance left his body. He walked gracefully with raised head, earning bows from the subordinates on his path.

Getting close to the room, Felicrox broke the silence building up. You are brave young one. I know how it feels when your pairs think you are out of your mind. He stated in a soft voice, making gestures to the guards. They unlocked the door of the interrogation room, crimson patterns glowing on the walls while a small figure rested on the ground, sweating at the heat.
Wake up little hunter.
The small, white specimen flinched at the voice, curling himself up on a corner. The faint light allowed a glimpse to his bruised face and healing cuts. Despite the bad first impression, the rest of his body was sound.

Please, help me telling him he wil not suffer anymore. That if he tells the truth I'm suspecting. Felicrox placed a claw gently on Aloysius shoulder.

Aloysius felt like he'd heard the name Felicrox somewhere before. Maybe in passing? Some of the other snow dragons who actually decided to travel to other lands had vivid colorful stories of other species. What do you plan to do if you can get this hunter to admit his crimes? Aloysius knew that some dragons would keep the offender held for years, or put them out of their misery, or subject them to a time of servitude. It was difficult to tell what the fire dragon leader was thinking and Aloysius didn't want to dig too deep into it less he become part of the same problem. Still, it didn't quell his curiosity.

As Felicrox shifted back into his dragon form, Aloysius did the same, turning easily back into his snow dragon embodiment. His body was long and slender with a pair of two feathered wings tucked neatly against his sides. His legs were long, longer than a usual dragon's; it was evolution since most snow dragons tended to run rather than fly. His red eyes were the only color visible - everything else was pure white, a beacon in the world of the fire dragons. Aloysius' tail lifted and his maw curled into a slight smile. You think? I'm actually the smallest omega in our clan, but I believe snow dragons have larger omegas in general than other species of dragons. He flicked his tail happily. But... thank you.

Upon entering the room with the other hunter, Aloysius looked over at Felicrox with a dubious expression. This hunter didn't look too familiar to Aloysius and he wondered if his clan even was right in chasing this one down. He stepped forward, claws clicking against the ground as he approached. The young hunter seemed to turn his gaze up to Aloysius and the omega sniffed at him with interest. He smelled like a snow dragon and looked like one, but Aloysius felt like something was off about this.

I did it.

Before Aloysius had a chance to speak, the hunter was already talking for himself. What..?

I did it. That's what you wanted to hear, no?

Aloysius stepped back and motioned for Felicrox to come nearer. It is but... why? The crooked smile that came over the face of the young hunter sent chills down Aloysius' spine. Is a reason truly needed? Aloysius narrowed his eyes and turned away from the snow dragon, meeting Felicrox halfway. I think something's wrong. He's not- that's not our hunter. He admits to doing what he did but that can't be one of ours.

Between the last interrogation and the moment when hunter and commander entered, the dark creature responsable of blood spilling crept into the room. It stood there, in front of a tired hunter, blamed for something he wasn't aware off. A dark smirk shines with dark light, as the black monster falls to the ground. He learns, he practices, he gets stronger.

He shifts into a human guard, then into Felicrox, then into a satyr, then into an eternal ash priest, then into an alpha snow dragon and finally into the prey before its eyes. All the forms with a wicked smile and a lost voice running through its throat. Getting closer, it mixes with the innocent scout.

When the two came in, he acts scared, just to show off its audacity.

I'm the one who prays in the shadows. The possesed hunter sings with dark eyes. That's what I was afraid off. Says Felicrox, protecting Aloysius behind his extended wings. Pray? To whom were you praying when you killed my family? Why do you bother that innocent son of the snow? Leave him. He growled, spitting fire on every word with the prior guards supporting him.

Aloysious, now I know your kind is innocent but there's not time for apologies. Guard, lead him to the upper library. He was interrupted by the snow dragon charging at them. Go, now! Tell Arklo to follow the noises!. He bared his fangs, sinking in the flesh of his opponent, hard enough to throw him against the ceiling, soft enough to not kill the innocent body.

The omega ran with the soldier side by side, alerting the other warriors about the danger. Both males released their wings, flying the last stretch to the refered library.

Aloysius isn't sure what to think when he sees how the demeanor of the young snow dragon has changed. He's never known anyone in his clan to act like this one, but when more words pour from the mouth of his supposed kindred, he suddenly realizes that this isn't anyone from his clan but the work of some kind of dark power. It made him angry to think that this entity decided it would have fun and wreak merry havoc on this poor fire dragon clan; at least Aloysius hadn't lost anyone close, but he knew the same couldn't be said for Felicrox as he explained his own predicament to the possessed hunter.

He was hesitant in leaving the clan leader here by himself despite his status which clearly was an indication of his own strength. He begrudgingly followed the guard when instructed, figuring he shouldn't get himself into anymore trouble than the snow dragon clan already seemed to be in. Still, he couldn't help the weird feeling of dread upon leaving Felicrox to his own. The guards and other warriors might help, or maybe they'd just make sure that everyone else was alright, but when they got to the library, Aloysius paced nervously to and fro as he considered how dangerous it might be for Felicrox to fight alone.

The guard that had escorted him approached the one titled Arklo and explained the situation, but before Aloysius had any chance to seriously consider what he was doing - what he should be doing - he was rushing off again, back in the direction from where he'd previously flown from. He'd never be at ease if he didn't know the outcome firsthand of Felicrox, and that wasn't to mention that he could help. He might be an omega and he might not be a warrior, but he could fight and he could help and he thought he owed the fire dragon clan at least that, a bit of help.

Sneaking back into the chambers where the hunter and Felicrox had been, Aloysius pushed his way inside, wings tucked tight against his body and claws and teeth at the ready. Maybe he'd get in trouble, but at least he could say he'd helped. Felicrox! I can fight, let me help you!

The dark creature controled his vessel at ease, avoiding direct hits from the guards and furious commander. His scales were not keeping up though, submiting to the scorching heat emanating from flames. Felicrox backed up, locking the vicious smirk of the beast as his goal, launching himself at him with extended wings. The bodies flew though a wall, leaving the innoent snow reptile fairly hurt.
While the alpha found his balance, a black smoke left the trembling scout, slowly shifting into one of the killed eternal ashes.
The smirk was permanent, never leaving a face with eyes always dark no matter form.

How dare you? Whispered the bigger dragon, digging his claws into the floor, surrounded by his crew. Another two soldiers appeared behind the sobbing ex-prisioner. You!, quick, take our white brother to the nursery and protect him. He yelled, blasting flames onto the dark copy. It just jumped and crawled over the ceiling, landing on his reinforcements.

That's when Aloysius showed up with Arklo. The elder beta stopped the omega for a second. I'm going to cast a spell, keep that thing busy, please. At the approval, the red and silver scalie covered himself in an aura.

Aloysious, just help keeping distance, ok? 'Crox and his soldiers laid fangs and claws in the harsh skin, fighting away the illusion of one of their dead fellows. Ancient words left Arklo's lips, draining the thing's strenght bit by bit, causing a displeased growl from it.

There was so much going on that it was hard for Aloysius to focus on any one thing. Felicrox was fighting with the elder beta, and the soldiers around them were fighting off other illusions that made Aloysius' skin crawl just seeing them. Briefly, Aloysius wondered if he should fall back and release some of his fellow snow dragons. He wasn't so sure that they would come here to help - in fact, knowing them, they'd probably flee before they helped, wanting to avoid violence as much as they could - and he wasn't about to find himself in more trouble for letting them go. At the same time, this would be the perfect time for an escape. All the fire dragons seemed to be distracted, and those who weren't here fighting were being rounded up and taken to safety which left Aloysius and his kind an opening to run if they so wished, but... Aloysius couldn't find it in him to abandon the fire dragon clan. Both sides had lost members of their clan, and all over a stupid entity who appeared to want nothing more than to simply incite some trouble.

Standing in the middle of chaos, mind racing to figure out what to do, Aloysius was unaware of the figure rushing towards him, only pulled from his slight trance when he was slammed onto his back against the cold floor under him. Wings spread in a panic, Aloysius' eyes widened as he was able to get a good look at the figure; it was some kind of fire dragon body, clearly possessed by whatever dark energy was around. Before he could think too much on it, Aloysius tumbled with the dragon across the floor, hissing in pain as the thing raked its razor sharp claws into his side. Omegas were small, purposefully made not to fight, so it was no surprise when Aloysius found it difficult to get an upper hand on the larger fire dragon. If it hadn't been for another soldier, another fire dragon that Aloysius would probably be eternally in debt to, he probably would've been sliced up right on the spot. The soldier rammed into the possessed fire dragon on top of him and Aloysius quickly scrambled to his feet, wincing at the claw lacerations that had spliced open his sides. Red marked his snow white scales, but despite how bad the wound was, Aloysius knew it would heal fast. He just had to get to somewhere safe first.

Aloysius made his way around the other fighting figures, skirting in and out between the dragons and finding a place in the corner holed up to himself. He sat awkwardly on his side, maw curling into a frown as he took in the gashes on his side. Those were going to be a pain to deal with...

After twenty minutes of claws digging and opening wounds, the illusions faded, leaving alone the dark creature. Arklo finally channeled enough energy to strike the vicious shadow and bring the chaos to a halt. It didn't surrender though. Instead it found escape on burnt ceiling. Felicrox is melting in anger, still craving for dark blood to run down his claws, revenge being his north. That's why the elder beta and a bunch of guards had so much trouble stopping him. The commander extended crimson wings, but there was no point. The poisonous demon is far gone.

I will find you piece of crap. I will avenge my brothers!!!!. He screams, more like a pained lament than a battle call. Arklo finally calms him, making sharpened claws fold back. 'Crox regains his composture, sending groups in different directions of the region.

You, fly to the Eastern coast and look for our enemy. Captain Vorak! secure the perimeter. Orders fly as fast as the dragons. When the crowd dissipates, he sees him. Aloysius, still curled in a corner, using his planted face to hide the pain and bleeding. It's odd, a strange sensation. The alpha, despite running in fire and rage, hears something break inside him. It's a quiet noise, more like a hunch or a sob. Why does it hurt to see the young omega hurt, when clearly the thought of the murdered eternal ashes should come first? It doesn't matter. All he knows is that he's crouching along Arklo, softly stopping the red stream. The beta doesn't have healing spells at hand, but he can take some pain away.

This wasn't your fight young one. I'm so sorry. The leader's voice is raspy, low with a rumble on his chest. You and your friends can go. We will request help from your alphas though, but they aren't obliged after our false accusations. Felicrox lowered his head, bowing, while almost touching the silky scales of the omega's neck.

Be safe. He prepares to take fly.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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