C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Gil's heart actually ached a little seeing Karasu in such distress and would love to be there to wipe away the sweat and perhaps, tears if he wasn't mistaken, from his face. He would love to see him under the makeup, to really reach into his heart and help him through this beautiful process. He would have pressed down on the streteched skin for him, help him guide the egg out, instructing him on pushing in sync with his contractions. He would have cradled the smaller guy in his arms, letting him draw strength from him. He wanted to whisper in his ears telling him he wouldn't tear with him being there looking after him, tending to all his other needs so he could focus solely on pushing.

He was truly afriad for the young man to tear, his vagina looked abused and tested to its limit by the egg. The two came in succession, but for Gil, it was like everything was in slow motion. He craved to record this and store it in his brain forever.

He saw the exhaustion and vent out look on Karasu and was quick to respond. "Come on little one. You have it in you. Just listen to what your body says, you are able to do it. I have faith in you. Babe, that's one huge challenge but you know you are able to get through it. take all the time you need to regain that strength, and show that last egg who's the boss around! You are such a fighter, the most beuatiful fighter in the world."

A part of Karasu craved the things Gil so desperately wished to give him. Yet at the same time, feared them. He had been hurt before by someone he trusted. And felt safer with the Internet between him and his viewers.

He laid there for a while, groaning through contractions but not pushing. Just recovering his strength. That's when he spotted Gil's comment. He lifted his head, moving to reach for the mouse, scrolling back to it to read it before hitting the like button on it. "Thank you..." he said in a quiet voice before he groaned and pushed, feeling the last egg move down.

He cursed loudly as the large egg moved lower, feeling the burn of it crowning. He could only push and cling to the sheets, inching the egg further out. It was nearly as big as a full term baby's head, making him scream as it reached the thickest point and popped free. He cupped his hands between his legs, some blood seeping between his fingers as he curled up with his back to the main camera.

"Fuck...f-fuck...nnh..." he whimpered, shuddering through a few more contractions and cramps. He had torn very slightly, but it still hurt so much. "I....I need to go..." he muttered, reaching to end the stream suddenly. But he left his message box open for anyone to leave a comment to him.

Gil was curious at first to see Karasu moving despite the great inconveninece for the mouse as if he spotted something, and the subsequent alert he received from his comment getting liked by Karasu of all people was an utter surprise. He smiled knowing the small guy had seen it and taken it, the quiet appreciatiion leaving his swollen lips also didn't go unnoticed. He heard the groans and the cursings, seeing the struggle of Karasu in pushing up his body to bear down touched him deep within his heart. He wanted to be there, now more than ever, to support the exhausted man in birthing of this last and biggest egg. He could see the gooey egg slipping out, but the redness between his fingers was alarming, as well as the subsequnet sudden cut off of the stream. He looked at the blacked out window eagerly, his hands moving before he could think. "Karasu?! Are you alright? DId you tear yourself? Do you have any disinfectant handy, are you able to deal with the wound yourself? Shall I call the ambulacne for you?" He typed frantically, very worried for the young man as the remnant of the last scene echoed in his brain. His whiper and the lost look on him, the eyes that spoke of panic and pain, and worst of all, the blood.

It was a while before a reply from Karasu popped up for Gil, not just a general reply, but one directly to his comment.

"I'm alright. It's just a small tear, I panicked. Your concern is really appreciated. Thank you." He typed, sending the message directly to Gil. He then put up a general message for all his viewers stating he would be taking a break from shows to heal.

It had been a couple of weeks since that show, he couldn't help thinking about that comment...He signed on for the first time since that day and opened his inbox to receive messages, wondering if that concerned viewer was around. If he would pop up and message him again. So he waited quietly in front of his computer for a message.

Gil was slightly relieved and quite thrilled to be receiving a private message from the man of his dreams. His wellbeing somehow had surpassed the urge to see him birth again, and he checked the page from time to time. alright, more than from time to time. In fact he had spent every waking and free moment refrsehing on the page and kept on getting disappointed. He soon started to panic a little, thinking if htis would be the end for Karasu had suffered from a real injury. Perhpas he considered the tradeoff to be too much now. Imgaine his thrill and happiness when he saw Karasu online again.

"Hey!! I was so worried about you. I imagine you are all fine now? The wound has healed? I would have advised you to stay off your feet to let the tear heal better, but.. that would be crossing the boundary i guess. " He typed, wondering if it would rub Karasu at the wrong way. He could only cross his fingers hoping he could feel the real concern behind those words. He himself, thanks to his weird kink, had indepth medical knowledge in the field, even though he wasn't a qualified doctor himself.

Karasu couldn't help the smile on his face when he got a reply from Gil, quickly replying. "It's so nice to see someone so honestly concerned. I'm all healed now. I don't know when I'll perform again...or if I can." He typed, sighing and placing a hand over his belly.

"Thank you for all your tips as well." He added after a moment. He had seen how much money Gil tipped him, more than most viewers. He wondered where this man was ane if he wanted to video chat.

"Do.not force yourself. A laceration at so fragile an area needed time to heal. Even it appeared to be all fine, you should rest for some time more." Gil typed back, not wanting Karasu to get into performance that quick, even.though he couldnt say he didnt look forward to it, the wellbeing of the smaller man was much more important.

"You're welcome. It is actually nothing.... and. Say, do you want to have a private chat with me? I would pay you at that rate but you dont have to do amything. We could just, chat?" He asked, his heart pounding fast.

Karasu couldn't stop smiling, this viewer was so concerned for his well being. It gave him such a warm feeling. "I had my doctor look at it. It was such a small tear she just cleaned it and told me how to care for it while it healed. No stitches. And at my follow up she said it was good as new." He typed, hoping to relieve Gil's fears.

He was a bit surprised by his offer, nibbling nervously at his lip piercings. Hands hovered over the keys as he thought about it. He didn't really do private sessions, but Gil wasn't asking for that. He just wanted to chat. "Okay, but there's no reason to pay for it. Tomorrow, around this time. I'll send you an invite to a private video chat." He typed, still nervous about meeting a viewer for the first time. Even if it was just video chat. He then signed off, saying he had stuff to do around the house.

The next day he nervously set up the private chat, sitting there dressed in a baggy hoodie, hair pulled back in a lazy bun, and face free of makeup. He was going to chat as the real him, as Mitsuo...He hit the invite button as soon as Gil came online, nibbling his piercings again. "Hello."

Gil had been looking forward to this moment for the whole day. He didnt expect Karasu to be offering a free one, part of his intention was to assist the young man a little financially guessing perhaps he had the need, but he's grateful for the offer anyway, feeling.like that showed the young man trusted him to a certain extend.

Seeing the invite he clicked on it immediately and was a little surprised - in a good way - to see the host without makeup. "Hello! You look.... different. Fresh." He said smiling into the camera. He was jist off work and not yet have time to get chabged, thus still in his suit. "Thank you for agreeing to talk to me like this. I am Gil by the way. Shall I address you as Karasu still?" He said, looking carefully the clean and young face.

He wasn't sure why he gave the chat free, but he guessed it would just be them talking. No different from a phone call or even the text chat. He wouldn't be doing anything he normally charged for. And after going back through the chat log, he had found Gil's other comments. They made him smile, and he wanted to meet the man behind the comments.

He was a bit surprised by the other's appearance. The suit and clean cut business man look. But he knew never to judge someone based only on looks. He chuckled at his comment about how he looked, shaking his head slightly. "I don't usually show people this face." He said, a small smile tugging at his pierced lips. "I've never just sat and chatted with a viewer before. I'm trying new things." He said, laughing. "No, that's just my show name. I'm Mitsuo." He said, bowing his head gently.

"It was....nice, seeing someone so concerned for me." He said, hands fiddling with his hoodie. "I don't think I'll be trying that mixture again. It was just too much." He sighed. "But, umm....what brought you to my videos?" He asked, looking genuinely curious.

"Nice to meet you Mitsuo. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to meet you like this.... really you are too kind to be willing to chat with me like this." Gil greeted the boy. Mitsuo looked young.without makeup. Gil scratched the back of his neck. "Well, i have always had that kink on birthing.... i guess i am no different from the other pervert audience that you have..." he said with a self-teasing smile. "I didnt know about.this show or anything about that mixture that you use before that day. And i certainly didnt know there's such perfromance that catered to such a niche of demand. If you dont mind me asking.... do you enjoy it or is it just for making a living?" Gil asked with equal curiosity. "I would understand if you dont want to answer that though..." he quickly added, not wanting Mitsuo to feel uncomfortable.

Mitsuo smiled softly when the other introduced himself, chuckling when he joked about the type of audience he had. "Not many people share this kink. And even fewer cater to it." He shrugged.

He glanced away when Gil asked about why he did the performance, lifting one hand to nibble on the end of his sleeve. "I...well...I'm unique. A true hermaphrodite. Everything works." He said, nibbling at his lip. "I hit that point where I wanted to get pregnant, but I didn't want a baby. So I searched and found the serum you saw me use. I....it felt so good." He said, color rising in his cheeks.

"The first time....was so intense. It hurt, of course, but the pleasure was worth it. I don't remember how many times I came. But....just thinking about it." He said, nibbling his lip as one hand shifted low, just below the camera view...and from the look on his face, it was clear what he was doing. Face flushing more before he pulled his hand away. "S-sorry. Can't help it." He sighed.

"No! By all means, do it as you want. Dont forget i share this kink, albeit perhaps from a different perspective, so hearing you describe your feelings in fact turn me on as much as it does to you." Gil.quickly protested. He quite like the flush that gave so much color to Mitsuo's face. "Perhaps we could do it... together." He quickly added, getting excited himelf. "Judging from the crowd you attraacted, and how fast my comments get swarmed, i think there are a lot more sharing this kink than i thought. I think it's really cool for you to have such a unique body. It's a blessing you know? Makes you so.... attractive. Beautiful. One of a kind." He praised, showing sincerity with his eyes meeting Mitsuo's directly. "I didnt know anything about that serum, and I think i could assure you that i got quite some knowlrdge in this field. Is it.... safe?" He asked, concerned, stopping his strokes suddenly.

He listened to Gil speak, his face still flushed. He was surprised when he asked if they could do it together, and all his praise. He looked down, nibbling his lip again. Hearing those words felt so good. But he was glad when he changed the subject.

"It's experimental...it makes my body create gelatin eggs and also helps relax muscles and skin so it can stretch. The labor starts on its own, so I'm never quite sure when it'll happen. I do have stuff to induce labor if it doesn't start. And if I can't get something out, the eggs dissolve in 24 hours." He nodded.

He looked at Gil's eyes, biting his lip for a moment as he worked out what to say next. "You...offered to do it together. I saw all your comments. They aren't like all the horny guys posting...yours are.....different, more personal." He said, looking unsure what he was getting at. "I...umm. I've never been with another person...intimately." he said, blushing again.

Gil was quite shocked at the confession but somehow, a part of him was thrilled to hear that. He paused to choose his words carefully at this point. "I.... thank you for telling me this. Is it normal for me to be feeling relieved that no one had witnessed the beauty of your anatomy in person yet? That all guys so far didnt deserve that?" He asked with a friendly smile, but he was indeed speaking the truth, at least about his feelings. "And perhaps i should also thank you for considering me as somrone that isnt the same as your usual horny crowd? I couldnt say I didnt jerk off seeing you birth...." he confessed, shifting a bit on the chair. His hardon had actually became even more excited upon hearing Mitsuo telling him he was still a virgin, more or less.

Mitsuo played with his lip piercings with one hand as Gil spoke, cheeks still flushed slightly. "I've never trusted anyone enough to let them get that close. There was one person, but he hurt me. Emotionally." He sighed, looking away.

"I can't deny that I crave the touch of another person. But I'm afraid of being taken advantage of." He said, looking back to Gil. "I have my own fantasies that I want to play, but I can't do it alone." He added, not really ready to go as far as meeting him. But maybe talk and plan for it.

"I am sorry to hear that... i am sure that scumbag didn't deserve someone like you. Treat it like fate's intervention for letting you to see the real him before he had any chance to further hurt you." Gil suggested, indeed feeling quite relieved that someone wasn't able to hurt the boy further. "Finding someone who share the same interest as you shouldn't be that big a problem. I, per say, is someone like that." He smiled and suggested, "alright i am joking. They all say don't trust someone you met online, dno't they?" He quickly added, not wanting to scare him off.

"So, Mitsuo, are you really from japan?" He asked curiously, his eyes tracing his piercing.

Mitsuo nodded, agreeing with Gil. "I am glad I saw who he really was before I let him get too close. And I didn't delude myself into thinking it was just that one time." He said, giving a small smile. He chuckled at what he said, shaking his head. "I've met people I met online before. Just friends. I think I'm pretty good at picking out if a person is trustworthy or not. I think you might be." He said, giving him a little smirk.

"Oh, I was born there, but I don't live there. I do speak the language, for my parents. But I don't remember much of being there." He said when Gil asked where he was from. "I would like to go back, visit family. But it's so expensive." He sighed.

Gil smiled at the half complement Mitsuo gave him. "Well, glad that I earned myself a good name." He listened intently and quirked his brow hearing Mitsuo's origin. "Oh! Konnichiwa." He said, utilizing the limited vocabs he knew of. "That's quite interesting. You are certianly a long way from your homeland. Which part of the country were you born in? Tokyo?" He asked. "I had visited there a few times on business terms. Those people are really courteous. And their culture's quite unique. The food's also real good. Ah speaking of which, i am craving sashimi already..... never could find a compatible Japanese restaurant around..." He said with a longing look.

Mitsuo couldn't help the bubbly laugh when Gil greeted him in Japanese. "Except, it's not morning." He chuckled. "I'm from further north, Sendai." He said, smiling as Gil continued about his native country. "Mmm, yes, the food is amazing. There's a great place near me. Parents are good friends with the owners." He said, the look on his face saying how much he enjoyed the food there.

He shifted slightly in his chair, humming a bit as he thought about something. "I was going to do a stream tonight....but I'm not sure now." He sighed, looking conflicted. On one hand, the show brought in so much money. But on the other, it didn't quite bring in the emotional satisfaction he craved.

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