The station

Gear nodded first dimming the lights in the room. He curled up next to Jace and tried to relax him by giving him another message. He knew it would be hard for Jace to sleep, he didn't really expect him to but at least a little rest would do him good.

Jace moaned softly at the touch, and blushed a little at his reaction. He closed his eyes trying to rest as much as he could, but he found it pretty impossible with contractions rolling through him so irregularly. After another 24 hours, where he had convinced Gear to sleep for a while in between, he was absolutely drenched in sweat, he small body quivering in pain as contraction after contraction hit him, he was so exhausted and could barely make any sound, his voice quite rough from screaming with his mouth closed, he saw the doctor coming straight for him and started to freak out.

Gear stepped between them. Understandably the doctor seemed a bit surprised as not only was this out of character for gear but rarely did anyone else 'want' to go to the delivery room if they didn't have to. "I'm going with him." This wasn't a debate, or an option. Gear's words were clear, this was a demand. He said he wasn't going to leave Jace's side and Gear had meant it he wasn't going to leave.

Jace took Gear's hand gently from behind squeezing it gently before gasping and crying out in pain as another contraction went through him, he squeezed Gear's hand a little hard without really meaning too. His whole body shaking from pain and exhaustion he started to get moved to another room

Gear winced as his hand was squeezed so hard, but he tried not to let it bother him and followed after Jace, "You'll be ok." he was trying to relax himself more than Jace at the moment brushing the hair away from Jace's eyes.

Have whimpered quietly letting go of his hand quickly "Sorry" he mumbled quietly breathing quickly, unable to calm himself, he was truly terrified as he looked up at Gear. He groaned loudly arching his chest up a little at the pain sobbing brokenly "Please get them out of me" he cried desperately

"soon.." Gear said looking down at him. Once they were in the room Jace was moved to a different bed Gear sat beside him offering him offering his hand again. His free hand rested on his belly all of this had gotten the babies up and moving and he was trying to calm them.

Jace took his hand gently biting his lip a little as he tried not to scream in pain. He looked at Gear and realised that his babies were all active again and pulled his hand free rubbing Gear's stomach gently knowing his hand calmed them the prior day. He grabbed the sheets on the bed tightly crying out a bit as his hand froze on Gear's stomach for a second as he cried and whimpered through one of the biggest contractions he had had yet

"Breath, Jace.. " He ran a hand over Jace's back trying to help calm him "I know it hurts but it'll be over soon.. at least Gear hoped so and he tried to help ease Jace's pain holding his hand and rubbing his back as he labbored.

Jace started to sob brokenly, unable to keep his screams of pain inside anymore. He felt like he was dying, every single muscle was in pain and he was so exhausted, he just wanted to sleep. He tried to curl up in a ball but it was just too hard and actually hurt him more. He screamed out in pain as a long contraction hit him, making him shake violently. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Dr White entering the room pulling on a pair of gloves.

Dr. White crossed the room and bent down in front of Jace. "try to relax for a moment but we should be almost ready." He said pulling up his chair,

As Dr. white did this Gear tossed the man a glare he hated him for doing this, after all this was the man behind everything the reason all this happened.

Jace shook suddenly filled with rage as he looked at the doctor "Relax?! Relax?! You've filled me with alien children and you're telling me to relax?!" He screamed at the man, the first time Gear had ever actually seen him mad about this situation. He pulled his foot back before kicking it forward into the doctors face not caring of the consequences at the present time. He groaned loudly as a contraction ran through him again crying out.

Dr.White stood up he had fallen after being kicked grossing the room he glared at Jace. "I can make things much worse for you if you aren't careful. I have little patients now. Be quiet." The scientist growled at him. "you'll be ready to push within the hour I think." He hadn't checked Jace simply guess, of course he had become good at guessing over the years as he had delivered enough babies.

(dr.white is kind of a dark character hope thats ok. XD )

Jace glared at the man darkly "How much worse can this really get?" He growled a little before groaning in pain leaning forward grabbing at his stomach tightly screaming in pain, he panted quickly trying to get any breath into his lungs at all.

(Of course it is, I love it)

"Oh trust me." Dr. white stood waiting for the contraction to stop before he began pressing down on Jace's belly feeling for the baby's position though he was a bit rough, perhaps payback for being kicked in the face. "Head down at least." He pulled back after a moment and stepped away. "I'll be back soon." He said smirking. "Just try and relax.

Jace bit his tongue not wanting the doctor to see how much pain he had just caused him, he did squeeze Gear's hand a little tighter though and groaned as another contraction wracked through his little frame, he leaned his head back against the pillow moaning loudly

"I know." Gear said softly. "you're doing well though." The next hour or so would continue just like this, Jace struggling thru near constant contractions and Gear trying to comfort him. It occurred to Gear that in a day or so there positions would likely be switched. He tried to push such a thought away.

"Alright." Dr. white said as he came back in. "How are we doing? Ready?" He asked looking over at Jace.

Jace looked at Gear tearfully "I don't think I can do this" he whispered brokenly right before Dr White came in, he glared with all the force he could physically muster in his direction "You're the doctor here, you tell me" he almost spat out at him before groaning loudly and squeezing Gears hand tightly breathing quickly

"Yes you can." Gear said brushing hair out of Jace's eyes and pressing a cool cloth to his forehead that he had gotten in the last hour between JAce's contractions. White settled between Gear's legs and began checking him. After a moment he nodded, right think were ready then. "Jace start pushing." white ordered. Gear held out his hand for gear to squeeze.

Jace panted quickly as a contraction wracked through his body, he leaned forward grunting as he pushed as hard as he could squeezing Gears hand tightly as he cried out in pain before falling back after the contraction passed breathing heavily, unsure if any progress was even made "How many of these things are inside of me?" He asked, wanting to know now before he used all his energy on the first one.

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