C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

"And that also include desserts?" Gil asked in a whisper, not daring to raise his voice afraid that Mitsuo would come to realise how he had been leaning against his palm. His face felt right, he liked how the cat-like male was showing him trust in such a simple gesture. If he could, he would love to indulge in every wish of this lovely male. He could imagine easily cuddling with him in a cold night, or how he would snuggle close at night for warmth.

Mitsuo opened his eyes and smiled, sitting up a little. "Of course." He said, looking to Yuji. He ordered some ice cream mochi, then leaned closer to Gil again. He made a small noise when the platter of different flavored mochi was set between them, looking over them before picking a strawberry one and taking a bite. "Mmmm."

"My personal favourite is greentea." Gil said. To avoid Mitsuo losing his balance, he sneaked a hand around the man's waist to held him steady. He liked the feeling of the Japanese against his body. He felt just right, they fitted like two puzzle pieces. He took the green one and nodded his thanks to Yuji. "Arigato. Oishi desu ne."

Mitsuo nodded, smiling to Gil as he put his arm around him. He wasn't all that slim, having a pretty average build. He scooted his chair a little closer, continuing to eat his mochi. Yuji gave Gil a respectful bow, leaving the pair to enjoy their sweets for now.
"Mmm, love sweet things." He sighed, reaching for another mochi. "What should we do next?" He asked, looking to Gil curiously.

"Hmm i sort of don't want this to end so soon.... any place you suggest that we could have a cup of coffee, or, as i am pretty full myself as well, just some place to talk? I hope by this time you have recognised me as a harmless friend you met online? I have past the assessement I guess?" Gil asked playfully as his hand started caressing up and down Mitsuo's waist. He was no slim man, that's for sure, though his mind kept on wander to how Mitsuo with a big belly appeared on camera.

Mitsuo looked thoughtful as he finished his mochi, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Hmm. Well, I do own a nice coffee maker." He said, glancing up to the man. He made a small noise as Gil rubbed his side, closing his eyes a bit. "I think you passed. You are okay in my book." He nodded, giving a cute smile.

"Wow.... so does it mean?" Gil's eyes light up hearing Mitsuo's suggestion. "Right.... great! thanks for giving me a pass, Sir." he saluted playfully. "Let's check the bill." He eagerly asked the waiter to give them the bill, taking out his wallet but not releasing his hold on Mitsuo at all. "Are you living alone, by the way? Would I be accdientally meeting the parents?" He asked, suddenly aware of the possibility.

Mitsuo chuckled softly as Gil realized what he offered, shifting a bit as he moved to get out his wallet. He quickly ordered another shot of sake before Gil payed, throwing it back while Yuji chuckled.

"Only family you'll meet is my cat." He said, smiling brightly. He moved to lead Gil out of the restaurant and towards a bus stop. "I take public mostly. I don't own a car, just a motorbike." He said, draping an arm around Gil's waist.

"Right. Does your cat understand english or is it strictly japanese speaking?" Gil asked moving out. He saw the rosy cheeks of Mitsuo turning a shade deeper with that last shot of sake, and tightened his hold on Mitsuo afraid he would lost his balance now that he was under heavier influence of alcohol. "Would it be alright if I leave the car here to be taken later?" He glanced back at his car as they came to the bus stop.

Mitsuo couldn't help laughing when Gil asked what language his cat knew, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure he understands words from both languages. He's a bit shy, so you probably won't see much of him." He said, feeling a bit more bubbly with the alcohol in his system. He wasn't nearly drunk enough to lose his balance, but he didn't mind the hold.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." He laughed. "We could just take your car. My apartment has a parking lot. And since I don't have a car, you can use my designated spot." He said, grinning as he steered them back to the restaurant.

"Hmm well.... how far away is your place? You able to give me directions?" Gil asked, a little skeptical of Mitsuo's consciousness. He nonetheless let the smaller male pull him back towards the restaurant and got into the car.

Much to Gil's relief, Mitsuo indeed gave clear enough directions and they soon arrived their destination. "Nice place here, very quiet but warm. You've been living here for long?" Gil said admiring the house, as he opened teh door for Mitsuo, giving him a hand as he came out in case he lost his footing.

Mitsuo climbed into Gil's car, giving directions to his home. It was a modest apartment building, two bedroom apartments. "I've been here for a few years. It's nice." He said, smiling. He took the man's hand, thanking him as he got out of the car and lead him up the stairs to his door. He stumbled a little on the way, but laughed it off when Gil caught him.

He opened the door, giving them a brief glimpse of a tabby cat dart into the back room. His home was decorated in pretty traditional Japanese fashion, with a bit of his own flair. "Welcome to my home." He said, motioning to it with a grin.

"Wow... I am like getting back to Japan steppign through this threshold. This place is... you." He said, looking at the tatami and the sliding doors. He touched on the wooden furniture, finding it quite amazing for Mitsuo to be keeping such a "japanese" living style. "This must effort to build. impressive." He said looking back at Mitsuo who's just leaning against the doorframe, looking at him with a slightly dazed smile, no doubt a little tipsy from alcohol. He got back to his side and took hold of his arm, bringing him down to next to the table. "I will get you a cup of water. Or tea. And preferably a hot towel." He said, planting a soft kiss to his forehead.

Mitsuo fumbled with his shoes, offering Gil a pair of slippers before slipping his own on. The apartment owner had liked Mitsuo's idea to change the apartment, so he had helped out a bit. But a lot of the furniture was from his parents.

He let Gil lead him to the low table, sitting down and smiling up at him. "Water is fine." He said, making a happy noise at the kiss to his forehead. While Gil went to the kitchen, Mitsuo fumbled with his hair, pulling it back into a lazy bun again to get it out of his face before relaxing again.

The kitchen area was as clean and tidy as Gil had expected, like all households he had visited before in Japan. Mainly his colleagues who were too friendly to have invited him over for dinner. He just searched through 2 cabinets to locate the cups, and took out a tray to hold everything.

Returning to the living area, he sat down and folded his knees up before handing a warm towel to Mitsuo. He nursed on his cup of water as he looked around. "I bet your parenst must be proud of you. You maintain your house remarkably well." He said recalling his own bacehlors' house and was slightly blushing for how messy it was. His mother was always astounded to find the state of his flat whenever she came to visit.

Mitsuo thanked Gil when he returned with the water, giving him a cute smile as he took the towel and put it around his neck while he sipped his water. "I try to keep this area neat." He said, shrugging. "My room is a mess." He laughed "My parents pay for a lot of this, they've got money." He shrugged. He yawned softly before sipping his water again.

"I hear some hidden wealthiness. You really shouldn't be mentioning this so easily to others, you know?" Gil smiled. "Nonetheless, thanks for telling me this. And sorry if I have offended you in offering you any form of payment..." He said, scratching the back of his neck recalling how he had assumed Mitsuo had financial difficulties before.

Mitsuo just giggled, still a bit tipsy from the sake earlier. "Its alright. I use the cam stuff for extra spending money." He nodded. "Parents don't know about it." He shrugged. "They deny what I am and pretend I'm just normal." He said, tilting his head slightly. "I don't spend much time out here. I'm usually in my bedroom or my spare room." He said, humming slightly. "I could show you the setup I use for my videos." He said, grinning.

Gil was surprised to hear Mitsuo's parents having difficulty taking in their son's body. He had assumed with their strong family ties, his parents would be loving and supportive. Apparently he was wrong again. "If it means anything, i do consider you to be gorgeous and unique. And yes I would love to see your bedroom. You have a talent for putting the cams, really. Captures it all without leaking your privacy." He said recalling tbe clever lighting and positioning.

Mitsuo was glad his parents hadn't done anything drastic to make him more normal, but they didn't accept his duality. He had a male identity, but he felt more neutral sometimes. But beyond that, they adored and supported him. He was their son. "They love me, but prefer to just accept what is normal." He said, shrugging. "Its better than some people who don't fit a single identity." He said, tilting his head.

"Oh, its not my bedroom. Its the spare room." He said, motioning for Gil to follow. He got up and lead him back to the room. Gil had already seen much of it from the video, but now he could see his computer station and the entire bed. As well as the different spots he could set the cameras. "This is my setup." He said, turning to Gil and smiling.

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