C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Gil could hear from Mitsuo's groans that it was at leaset half pleasure. He thought it would be nice to intensify that pleasnat half so he reached under to get to Mitsuo's cock below his belly. It wasn't easy to manage, as his belly hung low and heavy now. Gil chose to sat down entirely on the floor, so that his erection would be positioned lower than Mitsuo and pointed directly into his clit, using his cockhead to nudge it while he stroked Mitsuo's barely standing cock, unable to harden just yet after the intense orgasms.

Mitsuo gave a strangled moan when Gil started to fondle his cock, shifting with him when he sat down more. His breath hitched when he nudged his clit, rocking his hips against it. He wrapped his arms around the man more, clinging to him as he moved. The gentle rocking of his hips was helping to move the gel down. He cursed and moaned, muttering things quietly.

The belly of Mitsuo was probably as low as it could get, almost dropping entirely down to between his thighs. Gil rocked his hips matching the pace of Mitsuo while pressing lightly on top of his belly. He did it mainly to feel better thr movrmrnt. The somewhat choked grunts and the whiny moans were so sexy his cock was throbbing underneath, smearing Mitsuo's clit and the vaginal opening with slick, in essence acting as lubricant.

Mitsuo's noises were getting more desperate as another orgasm quickly built, hips bucking and twitching as he pushed. The gel mass got thicker, probably from the original remaining eggs, making Mitsuo cry out as it stretched him open from the inside. "S-so big..." He gasped, feeling it ease into his birth canal, feeling like it was splitting him in half. He couldn't scream, only take sharp shaky breaths.

"Litte pushes, strong and little pushes...." Gil hold Mitsuo closer, pressing his face onto his shoulder. "If you feel like it, you are welcome to bite on my shoulder." He said half teasing, but seeing Mitsuo without an outlet for his struggle made the offer half sincere as well. "Just stop and breath when you cannot take it, give yourself time to stretch."

Mitsuo panted hotly against Gil's shoulder, legs trembling and making his whole body shake from exertion. He listened to the man speak, giving small noises to let him know he heard. He did stop pushing for a few minutes, feeling his body opening up for the large gel mass. It was a little easier since he was already stretched by the rest of the gel...it was just going slow. But as he went back to pushing, he suddenly bit down on Gil's shoulder, feeling the burn as the large shape reached his entrance.

Gil wrapped his arms around Mitsuo, kissing on his face repeatedly as he encouraged Mitsuo who's giving small whining sounds like a small animal. It hurt from where he had bittne down, but Gil was finding it very intimate, a gesture showing how connected they were. "Good job Mitsuo, continue with that push, i know it burns.... it's so large, but you are doing it so nicely.... yes keep pushing, little but strong pushes, move it bit by bit..." he said as he held Mitsuo better, quite sure that the other man would just drop onto the floor if he hadn't been there with how much his legs were shaking.

Mitsuo found biting down on something really helped, it let him ground himself as he clung to Gil. He groaned around the mouthful of Gil's shoulder, biting a little harder as the burning got even worse. He dug his fingers into Gil's back and gave one last hard push, feeling gravity doing most of the work as the thick gel mass finally slid out of him with a loud wet pop.

It pushed him over the edge, opening his mouth as he gave a loud shaking moan. He let go of Gil, wanting to lay back on the floor. Legs spread and vagina gaping...he just passed out from it all, out cold.

Gil was just in time in catching Mitsuo who just past out, his body going from rigid to jello in just a split second. Gil had him in his arms and lifted him up by his knees, and placed him on the bed. The lump of gel looked enormous, and disgusting. He could hardly believe all that came from Mitsuo. He climbed on bed and parted his legs and saw a still gaping vaginal opening. His lips were stretched so wide it just kept babbling, like a fish on land. Mitsuo would still jerk while unconscious, and a fresh ooze of fluid would come out as he obviously was still crashed with afterwaves of the orgasm.

Gil did the best he could, wiping Mitsuo down and clearing the mess, as for his bottom, he really was no expert in the field to treat. All he could hope for, while sitting beside Mistuo, quite exhaustes himself with the fiasco, was Mitsuo was experienced enough to have solution for that. He ended up collasping and sleeping soundly beside the shorter man, holding him in his arms.

Mitsuo's body twitched as Gil moved him, soft noises escaping him. His legs splayed on their own, the area between them too tender for him to close them. He groaned as his last orgasm finally faded, leaving his vagina loose and dribbling his female spunk. His lower belly was still pudgy, his womb swollen from the abuse.

He made a soft pleased noise as Gil cleaned him, shifting a bit on the bed. It wasn't much later that he started waking up. "Nnh...Huh?" He groaned, blinking awake and looking around slowly. "Ohhh.....I passed out...." He mumbled, propping himself up on his elbows and smiling at Gil. He had been laid on his bed with the camera on his crotch...He shifted his legs, making a face at how red and swollen his vagina was. Hesitant hands reaching to move his balls out of the way to see how it still gaped. "This part I hate...."

Mitsuo's movement roused the sleeping man and he cracked his eyes open to see Mitsuo ginferly lifting his own balls, which was kind of funny. He smiled and sneaked a hand up his waist, which apparently startled Mitsuo for he squealed and jerked up, releasing his balls which flapped down on his swollen clit and vagina, and the high pitched sound became a pained whimper. Gil squeezed his brows together and sat up seeing Mitsuo curled up in pain with his hands covering his crotch. "Sorry babe. ... i didnt know i would startle you that hard."

Mitsuo wasn't expecting the other's touch, squeaking as he was startled. He let go of his balls, sending a jolt of pain through his nethers and making him curl up on his side with both hands tucked between his legs. "Aaah...s-shit..." He whimpered, taking a few breaths until the pain passed. "It.....its ok." He muttered, not wanting to move. "Can....can you get some ice? Reduce swelling and numb the area....aah." He gasped, slowly rolling onto his back again. He waited for Gil to get the ice in a sandwich bag, wrapping it in part of the sheet, he gently held it between his legs. "mmh...Don't worry, it'll go back to normal....I have ointment that helps." He said, giving Gil a cute smile.

A few months passed, Mitsuo and Gil getting closer and starting to properly date. Mitsuo had fun with the man, between normal sex and more birth play, he really couldn't get over how good it all felt to share it with someone. Along with their bedroom fun, they also spent a lot of time together, even going so far as discussing moving in together....hints at starting a family. Things were going great.

But then Gil got a call from his company, they were starting a new branch across the country and needed someone to head it until they found someone local to take over....it was a long term gig. "Are you sure I can't come? I mean......I know they put up families." Said Mitsuo, frowning up at Gil. But he knew they wouldn't...they weren't married or even living together yet.

"I couldnt say I am that settled on that side. I would of course love to have you there with me, butit would be on our own cost....it'd be risky. At least we could still webcam, and I promise i would be back as frwquent as I could." Gil said not without his lamentation. He wished he had settled with living together, that way at least he would have some bargaining power with his company. He hugged Mitsuo close and rubbed his back. "I really wish they wouldbt be pulling me away now.... i would miss you dreadfully."

However, no matter how much they both wanted to delay this, Gil was gone the next month and he couls barely even have the time to talk with Mitsuo. It had been partly from work and also partly because he had been trying to work as hard as he could to shorten the time he would be needed there.

Mitsuo hugged Gil tightly, not wanting to be left alone. But he couldn't hold him back. "Alright. We'll try to communicate as often as we can." He said, giving the man a sad smile. He leaned up to give him a kiss, wanting him to remember that.

After he left, Mitsuo tried to communicate with him, but Gil was working himself to exhaustion...He just didn't have the time. That left Mitsuo feeling very lonely. He tried to find an outlet for it, going out, visiting friends. He tried solo play as well, but there just wasn't the same intensity as he got with Gil, or even when he did cam work.

It went like that for a few months, then he stopped playing. His hormones finally leveled out and he found himself craving a baby. Not just the pregnancy, but the baby itself...He tried to ignore it, but his control was slipping. One night, after a few drinks, he got an insane idea. He mixed up a serum that would shorten gestation and increase fertility. It made him incredibly horny, jerking off into a cup. He filled a syringe with his seed, attaching it to a squirting dildo....which he rode until he came, and in the throws of passion, he forced every drop of his own cum into himself. He left the mess in his spare room, going to crawl into bed and forgetting about what he had done. The craving passed, and he didn't think about it until the end of the month...when his belly just started to round out....He was terrified, mortified by what he had done. and how Gil would react...

Gil had finally pushed himself enough to get all the work done, and was set to come back early. He didnt tell Mitsuo anything about it. He missed the man dearly and he was quite certain it was the same for Mitsuo - though deep down he had his insecuirty. He had been super busy lately, which cut down massively the time he could to not only cam with Mitsuo, but also phonecalls and chats in general. He coudl feel Mitsuo getting somehow more detached, even got rejected on a birthplay, which had never happenee before. He shifted at the door of Mitsuo, not knowing the reason for him to be so nervous. He said to himself "you mustnt overthink things. Mitsuo is good, you are good, and everything's only gonna go better now that he'd returned.

Clutching the bunch of flowers tighter in his hand, he cleared his voice and fixed his hair one last time through the reflection on the gate, and pressed the doorbell. He's ready to see his boyfriend after all these time.

Mitsuo was trying to decide what to do. He didn't want to admit what he'd done. It made him sick, knowing he was pregnant with his own clone...How would that affect them? How would this short gestation affect them? He already looked five or six months along...maybe more. There was no denying that round bump in his lower belly. Yet, some part of him couldn't help feeling excited....he was really pregnant, he couldn't keep his hands off his belly, knowing there was something alive, growing inside him...

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell, staring at his bedroom door. He wasn't expecting anyone today, and hadn't heard from Gil. So he got up and headed to answer it, not thinking too hard about hiding his belly...his loose shirt hid it slightly, but not enough....He opened door and stopped dead, staring at Gil. It looked like he was just surprised, and a smile quickly crossed his face. "You're home! You didn't say anything." He said, hugging the man without thinking.

Gil was very happy to see Mitsuo as well that he didnt notice the bump at first. He hugged Mitsuo tight and murmurred "i miss you too much..... surprise?" He said smiling as he pressed little kisses on his love's cheek. Though when he dwellesd on the feeling of Mitsuo in his arms again, something was awkwardly pressing at his abdomen. He was confused and released Mitsuo slightly, looking down with a frown. "You.... Mitsuo, you... you really had put on some weight while i left, hadnt you? Look at that potbelly." He said glancing at his overall. The strange thing was he didnt seem to be putting on any weight on his other body parts. He almost looked like he was at the start of their birth play, when his belly would jist start to show. "You,.... wouldnt be just starting a play, would you? Or... did you pick up your cam business again?" He asked feeling.slightly hurt. He didnt really said anything about forbidding Mitsuo from displaying.himself further on screen, but he couldnt deny the jealousy rising in his heart whenever he thought of his lover displaying himself to practically everybody. "Wait you didnt have any makeup on so it shouldnt be....." he said, releasing his hold on Mitsuo. He no longer know what to think of the situation.

Mitsuo immediately regretted hugging Gil like that...feeling his belly pressed against the man just reminded him it was there. He shifted back a bit when Gil loosened his hold, nibbling his lip nervously. He listened to the man's confusion, looking down at himself and trying to think. "I......I'm trying a, umm...long term serum..." he lied, looking up at him again.

But his lie was shattered when the baby rolled within him, making Mitsuo involuntarily gasp and place a hand on his belly. He went a bit pale, knowing Gil would feel it too if he touched it. Tears quickly welled up in Mitsuo's eyes...He didn't know what to do....

Mitsuo's surpirsed gasp and hold on his belly just prompted Gil to mimick his motion, afraid that it could be something wrong with Mitsuo. The small ripple of movement transferred to his palm was mindblowing. No matter what serum they used, this would still be impossible to create. Gil could feel blood drained from his face as the impossible crossed his mind. He was so shcoked he even stepped back a bit. Through gritted teeth, he asked. "T-that's.... Mitsuo, a-are you p-preg .. ." He couldbt even utter that word. With a now fuller view of Mitsuo's body, the belly was quite prominent. It couldnt be less than 3 months, but not as large as 6, so that could only mean....

Gil felt horrible. His lover cheating on him would be a total joke before this. But now, it seemed like the only joke was him. He turned around, his steps unsteady as he escaped from Mitsuo.

Mitsuo shifted away when Gil's hand met his stomach, feeling the baby kick under it. He swallowed thickly, trembling slightly at the way the man spoke. He lowered his head, ashamed and unable to look at him. He felt the tears falling, rolling down his cheeks and dripping to the floor. His heart felt like it was being crushed, while his stomach felt like it was doing flips. He wanted to puke...he felt sick.

But when Gil turned to leave, his head shot up to watch. "W-wait....Gil....Its not....Please." He stammered, following and grabbing his arm. He dropped to his knees, bowing his head to the floor and grabbing the leg of his pants. "Please, you don't understand...I...I've made a horrible mistake...." He sobbed, choking on his words.

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