C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

The tears and Mitsuo's words only served to confirm Gil's suspicion. He couldnt move with Mitsuo grabbing on his legs tightly, but he believed what rooted him was the devastation in him. He had loved the man dearly, and he had never realised the depth of his feeling until now. He laughed drily at the irony. Only knowing it when he was losing it. He looked down with a blank expression, and repeated Mirsuo's words. "A mistake.... yea, it would be a mistake. I am a mistake. I wish you well with whoever that was. And sorry for not being there giving you the chance to ch... anyway. Please let go of me." He said in such a quiet voice. He was eerily calm, his mind almost blank now with the shock.

Mitsuo looked up at the man, still on the ground in a deep regretful bow...He suddenly realized that Gil thought he had cheated on him. "N-no...You don't understand.....I......" He stammered, feeling sick just thinking about it. "I did this......to myself." He said, choking on his words. He coughed, putting a hand over his mouth to try and stave off the feeling....the nausea. "I.....I impregnated my......myself." He choked out, gagging and scrambling to his feet and back into his apartment and into the bathroom to vomit. Sobbing between gags. He hated himself.

Gil still thought it to be what he thought when he heard about Mitsuo doing this to himself, but the last words confused him. Mitsuo climbing up suddwnly with his face pale as snow was something that startled him, and he chased after him for a few steps before stopping.himself. he would hate to make a fool of himself, again. He waited at the door, unsure of what to do. He waited for a while but couldnr see him returning. He sighed and finally stepped throufh the door and chase after Mitsuo. He bent down 5o smooth over his back as he puked into the toilet, pulling his hair out of rhe way.

By the time Gil got to Mitsuo's side, he was done throwing up. He coughed and spat into the toilet, sitting down on the floor and sniffling. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled, reaching for some toilet paper to wipe his mouth. "I had a crazy idea...and I was drunk...I'm so stupid." He said, putting a hand over his face.

He looked at Gil, his eyes red and puffy. One hand on his stomach, feeling the life inside protesting and kicking. "I'm afraid....terrified. I used a serum...I've only been pregnant one month." He said, sniffling again. He had no idea how this would affect him or the baby.

"I still dont think i get it. You say you did this to yourself, and that you are only a month pregnant?" Gil said releasing Mitsuo and stood up. At this angle, Mitsuo looked miserable with his eyes and nose reddened. Gil wasnt sure if he should sympathize with him though, not until he made clear of what indeed happened. "So what is it that happened...? That belly..... assuming it's just one month old. How did it get there? Who's the father?" He asked, still not getting the whole picture. He crossed his arms. Subconsciously he did that to shield himself from another blow.

Mitsui blew his nose with some toilet paper, tossing it in the toilet before flushing. He looked up at Gil as he stood, hiccuping from all his crying. "I....I'm the father. I impregnated myself...with my own semen." He said, looking away in shame. "I used a serum...it accelerated the growth....and fertility." He added, ready to hear Gil leave...so sure the man would be disgusted with him and his unnatural pregnancy.

"Y-you what?! Are you crazy? What have you done with yourself?!" Gil was so shocked he yelled at Mitsuo. "This is.... so wrong! .... you are trying to make a clone of yourself? This baby's.... this is even more insane than incest. What was it that had gone through your mind?" Gil was absolutely horrified. "And you said before you arent ready for a baby... now this." Gil stared at Mitsuo with a blank expression, finding himself not recognising this familiar face. Had he indeed been dating an insane man? Was this still the Mitsuo he had fallen in love with?

Gil stepped back. "I-i.... assuming what you said was true..... i dont know how to deal with it.... let's, let's just take a break. From each other. I need some time to think this through." He said that and silently left. He didnt know how to face Mitsuo now.

Mitsuo shied away as Gil shouted, looking away and cowering like a kicked dog. He could only whimper and sniffle, knowing everything Gil said was true. But when Gil said they needed to take a break, he looked up at him with wide eyes. "I....W-wait....I don't know what to do." He said, scrambling to his feet. "I was stupid...I had a craving....I needed a baby. A-and I did this to myself when I was drunk....Please." He said, looking absolutely pathetic standing there. "I can't go through this alone..." He said, tears rolling down his face again. "I don't know how fast this will go...I'm already this big. I'm so scared." He said, whimpering the last words. He didn't even want to think about what sorts of complications could come from this...and what would happen if he was alone.

( I hope i wouldn't be taking too much liberty dwelling in this argument... just pull me back if i had gone too far for you!)

Gil couldn't deny the ache he felt seeing Mitsuo so devastated. His heart felt for the man even though his sense wasn't that forgiving yet. This was so messed up. He lowered his head and asked himself in his heart whether he could take it, but found that the answer was no. At least not yet. He shook his head slowly before telling Mitsuo. "I really need some time.... " he said and left the house. He laughed drily when he finally arrived home and collapsed down on the couch. His luggage was still stnading there, packed perfectly. He had hoped that he would be moving in with Mitsuo, or the other way round, after today. So much for that now. He stayed there for a whole long while, well into the night.

What startled Gil later was his phone ringing. At first he didn't want to move, but whoever was calling him was insistent, and once a call ended, he was bombarded with numerous messages. he finally picked up the phone. It was exactly who he was expecting. He sighed and finally hit the button picking up the call. "..... hello."

Mitsuo couldn't force himself to follow Gil out this time. He watched him leave from the hallway, tears rolling down his face. He went to bed after that, curling up around his belly as his mind raced. He couldn't do this alone, but he had no one else to turn to.

It was hours later that he felt a shift in his belly...another growth spurt...sudden and startling, he gasped and held himself. What terrified him was just how much larger he grew...another nd when he tried listening for a heartbeat with a stethoscope, he was shocked to hear at least three or four distinct beats.

He scrambled to find his phone, desperately calling Gil. The messaging him to please answer before calling again. He was relieved when he finally answered, panting harshly to try and calm himself down. "Gil, please...I....I'm carrying multiples. I'm so scared." He said, choking on his words. "I don't want to die." He sobbed.

the sobbing was making Gil almost unable to follow, but Mituso was sounding positively panicked, and Gil just couldn'tjust leave teh other man alone like this. "I am on my way now, stay calm Mitsuo, you are gonna be fine." He said as he grabbed the carkeys and rushed out of the door, not really noticing how he had forgotten about all the messy stuff that happened just hours before.

He arrived soon and ran up the stairs, staying on the line as he dashed. "Mitsuo? How are you feeling? Talk to me. I am right at the doorway." He tried the door hoping Mitsuo didn't lock it, and wasn't too surprised when the door just gave way. He dropped his phone once he rushed into the bedroom. It was too dark in the room he couldn't make out the shape on the bed, but he went forward anyway and touched him gently on what should be his back. "Mitsuo? I am here..... waht's wrong?"

Mitsuo was glad Gil stayed on the line, whimpering things into the phone. "I'm scared..." He whimpered, looking up when he heard the door. He set his phone down, rolling himself over and reaching to turn on his bedside light. His belly was obviously bigger than earlier. "I had a growth spurt....A-and....I listened for a heartbeat. I swear I heard at least three....maybe four." He said, looking terrified.

He pushed the blanket down, lifting his shirt to expose his stomach. He looked almost eight months along, but considering how many he was carrying, he was probably more like five. his belly shifted and rolled as the forms inside moved, making him whimper softly and put his hands over it.

Gil was quite startled by th3 growth spurt as well. He had seena lot of rapid growth, thanks to their birth plays, but never before was his belly as "lively". He sat down beside Mitsuo and hugged him tight. "It's alright.... i think we could make this work. Where's your stethoscope? Nah.... let's go get a doppler tomorrow. See how many heartbeats we could capture..... Mitsuo.... you really shouldnt have done that..... had I known your desire, if I had been there, if i wasnt that immersed in work and noticed signs.... it shouldnt be like this." He said rubbbing Mitsuo's back. The pregnant male was still hiccupping and Gil found hinself no longer want to scold him. He could feel the belly pressing against his side, and somehow it felt quite different from their previous encounters when it was only gel.

Mitsuo made a small noise as he was hugged, wrapping his arms around the man and nuzzling against him. 'Its on the table." He mumbled, glancing up when Gil suggested getting a doppler. He nibbled his lip and leaned against him as he spoke, sniffling softly. "I know...I just had this stupid idea...and I just didn't think it through." He sighed, closing his eyes. He moved one hand to rub the side of his belly, the movement inside being much stronger than before. "I wish I had said something." He muttered.

He fell silent, only sniffling softly. He relaxed against Gil, still rubbing his belly. "It feels strange..." He mumbled after a short silence. "movement inside me...its exciting...despite the circumstances." He muttered, looking up at Gil. "feeling it growing, kicking...hearing the heartbeat." He continued. "a-and even the thought....that I made them. all on my own." He mumbled, flushing a little. His own thoughts were turning him on.

"You imbecile....." Gil could only shook his head but sighed nuzzling closw to Mitsuo. "I dont even know what to say.... you are determined to just make a clone of yourself arent you? So insane...." he said even though his voice was no longer as stern. He rubbed his belly fondly as he imagined. "I couldnt imagine it rrally.... assuming miraculously they are all alive, they would all be your twin, so basically it would be like they are genetically your brother. Gosh i am confusing myself!" He said as the babies rolled in Mitsuo. They were still too young and the kicks were weak, and it was further dampened by tbe belly in between, but Gil broke into a big smile feeling the movement. "So i would be witnessing little Mitsuos growing up and running around..... this is all messed up but somehow it could turn out to be good."

Mitsuo sighed softly, shifting against Gil. "I didn't think about it...I just wanted to get pregnant." He said, looking up at him. He looked down at his belly as the man rubbed it, nibbling his lip. "True. But they won't be exactly like me...." He said, feeling the babies rolling and kicking within him. He suddenly gasped when one kicked his bladder, making him squirm. "It could turn out alright...I hope it does." he muttered, shifting to get up with Gil's help. "This is something I never felt before...the way they shift and press against my organs....kicking my bladder." He said, making a face before waddling to the bathroom to relieve himself.

When he was done, he waddled back, stopping in front of the mirror to admire his belly from all angles. "And I've never carried it for more than a day.." He said, looking over at Gil. Not realizing that in admiring himself, he'd pitched a tent in his boxer shorts.

Gil smirked and was amused by how Mitsuo was oblivious of his tent. It must be his belly was getting big enough that it obscured his sight of it. He stood up and hugged Mitsuo from behind, reaching over to his bellybottom and stroked through the sensitive skin over the area, and "accidentally" brushed over his cockhead. Gil was pleasantly surprised by how Mitsuo just squealed and his knees gave way. "I say this pregnancy's not only making you waddle, it's also making your horny.... must be the hormones. And they say a pregnant pussy is the best you can get. Shall we test it out?" He grinned looking down at Mitsuo.

Mitsuo looked over when Gil came to join him, making a small noise at the hug and watching his hands on his belly. He wasn't expecting him to brush against his cock, or how sensitive it was...it nearly knocked his legs out from under him. "Ooh, shit." He panted, glad Gil's arms were under his own to catch him. "It is...I've never felt this horny...." He mumbled, looking up at him with a flushed face. "Mmh...I'm gonna be tight...tighter than our previous play." He said, smirking a little. He also hadn't noticed how his chest had swollen...and would continue to swell as his pregnancy progressed.

"Are you? Why's that... how come really... you couldnt possibly be tighter.... i thought you had a great time playing on your own even when i'm not around...." the jealousy in his voice was obvious but Gil said with a smile on his face. He then squeezed a leg between Mitsuo's. They were at the perfect height difference where Mitsuo was almost sitting on his thigh when Gil released his hold a little, and with a subtle movement of his leg, he was rubbing on his feminine parts. He sneaked his hands all.over his belly. He didnt recall it eveer being this heavy. With their birth plays, Mitsuo's belly was never this.... dense. He roamed his hands all over him, his arms unintentionally brushed over his chest.

Mitsuo gave a small shrug. "I haven't played much in about a week....and I feel like things have gotten tighter down there. Maybe my body is doing it to make sure everything stays in." He said, looking up at him. He gasped when Gil shifted his leg for him to sit on, moaning as it rubbed between his legs. He rolled his hips for more friction, boxers already damp. He gave a breathy moan at the hands roaming his tight belly, letting his head fall back. His breath suddenly hitching when Gil's arms brushed past his sensitive nipples. "Aaah...Ooh, Sensitive all over..." He panted softly, bucking his hips harder.

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