Dragon Offering

Caleb was looking up at Acrux with curiosity as the other rubbed his cock between his legs then shoved it a bit more fully into him, the kiss captured most of his sudden intake of air when he whimpered at the feeling of tearing, his eyes closing as his nails dug into his lovers scalp. Just the tip felt full enough for him and he was pouting at the sting between his legs, turning his head away with a grimace.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Acrux chuckled with the childish act. His silent apology was expressed by way of small nibbles down his throat, around his adam's apple and then his collarbone, where he paid special attention to. Caleb was ticklish, and Acrux knew it too well to know how to take advantage of it. He caressed the soft waist of Caleb, not exactly puffy but isn't as firm as before with the recent birth. He loved the sensation, feelig like marshmallow sinking his hands in.

Caleb tilted his head back at the nibbles and sighed heavily as he relaxed at Acrux's soft teasing,"You tease."he still pouted, though less than before, as he looked away still. A laugh escaping him though at the grasp on his hips, though he thought about the second firmness at his ass while the dragon's two hands were on his waist,"Wait... What are you doing?"he asked after a moment, looking to his mate as he held the sides of his face.

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"What am I doing?" Acrux asked innocently as he raised his hands in the air. He just moved his hands slightly forward, plunging a bit deeper into Cale while his other cock made a stronger appearance, knocking against Caleb's butt. It seemed though his cock moving deeper into his vagina drew much of Caleb's attention as he moaned and threw his head back again, his hand landing on Acrux's abdomen. Whether Caleb wanted to push him away or encourage him further in, Acrux had no idea of. He would interpret it the way he wanted and therefore, pushed in even deeper.

"How are you?"he gasped when his hips moved forward and his own hips rose up off of the bed to make a better angle for the cock to penetrate him. The other cock pushed through the ring of muscle more and his face screwed up in slight pain,"Gods..."he breathed heavily again when he was pushed into so deeply, spreading like he never had before, his first time was maybe a bit too much and he couldn't breathe. "That's good..."he said in a slur finally as he relaxed himself only slightly, thoufh every breath made him tense just a bit more.

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Caleb was basically clamming down on both his cocks and the feeling was incredible. It was so rare that he had both his cocks buried in warmth. He sighed at the surreal sensation. Hearing the shaky voice of Caleb, he chuckled lightly. "You sure? You sounded..... strained." He breathed in deep himself, reigning in the beast in him yearning to just thrust and chase his own pleasure. He forced himself to focus on Caleb, to feel for his human lover, give him the time to get accustomed to his size and all. This was love, not just satisfying his primal urges.

The human looked up at the dragon with bright red cheeks and bright eyes as he bit down on his lip and nodded slightly,"I think so... Whatever you're doing is good, I like it."he said quietly, leaning up just a bit to kiss his lips softly,"The pain's over, right?"he asked him, his fingers buried in his hair as he looked up into his eyes.

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"I certianly hope so..." Acrux sighed as he returned the kiss, ruffling Caleb's hair as well as he looked at him with eagerness. Starting to lose his control, he had been shifting his hips, started to nudge against the flesh. A good part of his cock was still ourside. Acrux sighed and adjusted with his hand, then plunged a bit deeper into Caleb. He captured Caleb's mouth and swallowed his whimprr at being breached further, holding the human tight.

"This is new."he smiled,"You'll have to tell me your trick later."he hummed, tilting his head back into the hand that ruffled his hair, relaxed more or less even as Acrux pushed more of both his cocks into him. His eyes rolled back as he closed them, gasping when the dragon shoved into him so suddenly, there was so much more than he had thought. His base wasn't even pressed against him yet and he moaned softly into the others mouth when he kissed him, his arms wrapping around him in return and he pulled away,"I love you."he breathed heavily.

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Acrux smiled at the endearment. He caressed Caleb's face and kissed his cheek. "I.love you too." He murmurred crossing his finger over the features of Caleb, and somehow he still had difficulty believing that this human would be his.life partner now. He never knew he could feel so deeply for anyone, and Caleb just continuously overwhelms him and.wooed him. Acrux grunted when Caleb jerked when he touched somewhere, clenching him so tight. Acrux held tightly his fist to combat with the overwhelming urge to just thrust in. He let out a shaky breath and started nibbling.down Caleb's collarbones, then his tits that's hardened up.

Caleb watched as Acrux seemed completely infatuated with him, he smiled at the staring and his back arched when the dragon pushed inside of him deeper with the jerk. A sigh escaping him with the slight release of pre inside of him, spreading the warmth over his insides both ways and he bit his lip. Still smiling at the nibbling and gasping at how he made his way to his chest again,"Trying to simulate something there?"he asked, pressing his bottom more against the rods spreading him and his face darkened.

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"Dont you try to tease me Caleb... " Acrux smiled. Caleb was somehow telling him he was ready and Acrux could no longer hold back as well. He sucked the nipplr that's just beside his mouth as he finally started thrusting. Caleb was so tight he was he was almost sure he would tear him, but then he had once again underestimated Caleb. From the sweet moans he was hearing, caleb couldnt be in that much pain.

"I would never!"he gasped in shock as if he was surprised that Acrux would think such a thing about him, the stimulation to his nipple brought his mind back into a haze of pleasure again and he moaned loudly at the thrust. Looking to make as much noise as he could, this was their castle now and the eggs weren't hatched so they had each other all to themselves as loud as they wanted and as much as they wanted. It was like a dream, an amazing dream.

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It was vigorous and Acrux opened Caleb gradually, working through him and guided him through to the path of ecstacy. Their sounds made even the elves serving around blush. By morning, Acrux woke up first under the sunray. They hadn't closed the window and the wind was blowing on the white drapes, playfully caressing the couple with their gentle strokes. Acrux smiled even before he opened his eyes, and his arms tightened around Caleb who's sleeping soundly on his chest. he pressed a light kiss on his forehead and muttered. "Morning love."

The sunlight felt amazing against his skin, the wind was cool and he remembered that it was beginning to become spring time as he counted the time spent with the dragon, it hadn't been long and yet it felt like a lifetime ago that he was an outcast. Caleb hummed lightly in his half sleep when he was woken up so gently,"Morning."he murmured gently in reply, his eyes opening as he looked toward him once, then back down as he shifted on his chest slightly, groaning at the burn between his legs. It felt good... He liked it actually,"Is it early?"he said quietly, then turning his head toward the fireplace when he heard a faint noise, almost like scratching or a cracking from the direction of the nest.

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"Nope not exactly early. It's almost noon if I am to make a guess. Usually it wouldn't be this bright until past 11." The dragon also quickly turned to the nest as the faint sound reached his ears. He leapt off bed to rush to the nest, turning around to wave Caleb over. "Come love. Our babies could be hatching. Don't you want ot be the first one for them to see once they open their eyes?" He said, showing an enthusaism that was unusual for him, oblivion to the difficulty his mate was having to get off bed.

The human would have done the same if it wasn't for the burn between his hips,"Of course I do... It's your fault I can't walk right."he said with a small pout as he turned himself slowly to then push himself up to his feet. Caleb looked just as excited though, the six eggs he had given birth to might just be finally hatching, he slowly sank down onto his lover's lap. The scratching was louder and then a crack came, exactly like opening eggs for an omlet and yet, this was happening without anyone else's help. Their welps were strong.

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Acrux held Caleb in his lap comfortable as he muttered a laughing sorry, before both held their breath and looked at the crackling eggs. Acrux was more touched than he would expect of himself, this being the first of his children. It was an amazing process, almost more so than the birth itself, for this time the babies would be making an appearacne. Thinking ofwhich, he gently placed his hand on Caleb's belly. He could very well be pregnant again, with the amount he had deposited deep in his womb. His smile widened as he thought about it, when the first tip of a nose become visible on one of the eggs.

Caleb watched with unending anticipation as he watched the nose poke out, he noticed and remembered that they would all be in their dragon form. He loved them all so much, before he even made eye contact, his heart swelled in pride at the sights of all the cracks made on the shells of the eggs, besides the largest one. The human reached out to touch that one, which seemed cold and light, unlike the others that wiggled and even seemed to produce steam when it was cracked open from the inside by the welps. Though the touch to his belly distracted him and he looked up at Acrux, noticing the look in his eyes and smiling lightly,"I suppose we're aiming for a big family?"he mentioned and then turned back toward the hatching eggs, the first dragon welp climbed out of it's shell slowly.

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Acrux grinned. "Yes you have an acute observation. I do hope for a large family.....as large as it could go." He eyed the largest egg as well. How unresponsive it was had sparkled concern in him, though he knew the mortality rate of eggs were high for his type. It was very possibly that, the egg could be a twin at some point. It just hadnt been able to divide properly, resulting in its abnormal size. Both feti could very possibly be lost as well in the process.

The first little one was all black, the lizard like infant happened to opened his eyes on Acrux, and the baby happily squealed as he greeted his father by nudging his tiny head on his palm.

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