C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Gil was slightly embarrassed. There was no way he could hide the erection he was spotting after he stripped. He looked at Mitsuo with begging eyes as he turned around to strip, then got in turned sideways, hand on his crotch in his poor attempt to hide it "i, i am not a pervert! I just couldnt help it.....just ignore it, and , perhaps, if she happen to come by again, will you, er, help to hide it?" He asked . He was exceedingly embarrassed but there was just no way for it to die down when Mitsuo's robe just hugged him, almost translucent in the water, with his giant belly bare in front.

Mitsuo was momentarily distracted from his discomfort by Gil's embarrassment. He couldn't help smirking, watching the man try and hide his erection. "We played through this so many times. I would be surprised if you weren't turned on." He said, shaking his head. He shifted a bit in the water, feeling a twinge of arousal, just knowing how aroused Gil was made him nibble his lip.

But the nurse returned and Mitsuo pulled Gil close. She gave Mitsuo a shot, to which he whined and held Gil closer. He just hated needles. But it was a mild anti-inflamatory, to help reduce any swelling of his cervix.

Gil almost didnt get the time to hide behind Mitsuo, though luckily Mitsuo acted before he could be caught. He smiled at Mitsuo tensing up when Gil saw the needle. He turned Mitsuo so he wouldnt see the needle pucnhing through his skin. "Thanks. So, we would stay here until all the little ones are born?" He asked caressing Mitsuo in the water, his hand sneaking nearer and nearer his breasts which appeared to be like ceramic under the refraction of water.

Mitsuo held Gil close as he was given the shot, looking up at him and biting his lip. The nurse nodded, bringing a call button over and setting it by the towels. "Just use that to call for help. The doctor will be in soon to make sure things are alright. But we try to give as much privacy as we can." She said, giving the pair a gentle smile.

Once she left, Mitsuo relaxed his hold on gil, shifting himself on the seat in the tub. He found the controls for the jets and turned on the ones under him, giving a soft moan at the massaging feeling under his back. "Oh, that feels good...relaxing." he muttered, looking at Gil. He smirked, noticing the man was looking at his breasts...so he reached to remove his robe and tossed it out of the tub, exposing his perky breasts under the water.

Gil nodded and couldnt deny he was much relieved to have the nurse gone. He gasped when Mitsuo removed the robe, feeling like he could have nosebleeds but soon he groaned in frustration as the bubbles started obscuring his vision. "Argh Mitsuo.... you are doing this deliberately." He said that in a statement. He nibbled Mitsuo's neck, sneaking his hands down to beside his belly and started drawing circles. His circle expanded to cover his hips and also his bottom. He had enough experience to get to all Mitsuo's sore spots.

Mitsuo gave Gil a smirk. He was doing it on purpose. He purred as Gil rubbed his belly and back, leaning his head back into the pillow attached to the edge of the tub. "Oooh, so much more relaxing." He muttered.

He gasped as another contraction hit, turning the bubbles off. He arched his back and groaned, but he didn't push. He just focused on the warm water and Gil's hands. He could feel his tight womb trying to push the baby down, but nothing really moving.

"I had a feeling I am like your masseur while you are the customer of this prestigeous spa." Gil chuckled. The purs went straight to his cock and he sighed at how Mitsuo behaved like his cat, enjoying the service of "mere humans".

Gil could see from the frown.on Mitsuo that another contrsction hit, and his belly was tightening up, clearly visible as the bubbles dissipated after the turbines were turned off. He kept up with his rubs, waiting as he held his breath, looking for signs of Mitsuo pushing, but they never came and Gil was relieved for that.

Mitsuo was often told he acted like a cat, and he didn't mind. Sometimes he played it up a bit. He loved cats.

Mitsuo groaned through the contraction, hands moving to the exposed part of his belly, rubbing the tight flesh. He was focusing on his own body, paying attention to where the pain came from...the subtle feeling of the other babies still moving. And the feeling of the first baby's head pressed firmly against his abused cervix. The medicine was helping to relieve the swelling, allowing it to open up more.

He took a slow breath as the contraction ended, panting softly and looking to Gil. "Can you check me?" He asked, brows raised.

""Of course. That could become my favourite activity you know." Gil mockinly said spreading Mitsuo's legs to get to his opening. His lips stilll felt warm and swollen even undee water. He pushed through gently. Some water could have rushed through into Mitsuo as he did that, for he frowned, but didnt complained. Gil was being quick, the process getting familiar to him now as he pressed around. His cervix's swelling died down noticeably. "I am gonna say that's a 9. This is great progress Mitsuo... i think you would be rrady to push very soon."

(Would the surviving one come out first or last? For sIzes i am assuming it would be ascending?)

Mitsuo rolled his eyes and shook his head, adjusting the pillow under his head while Gil moved between his legs. He made a noise as Gil slid a finger into him, scrunching up his face while he felt around, grunting softly. He made a relieved noise when Gil said he was almost ready. "Maybe I should move around." He said, slipping into the deeper part of the large tub, purring at how warm the water was, reaching to the peak of his belly. "Come on." He said, holding his hands out for Gil to join him.

Gil happily joined Mitsuo, taking his hand and advancing to that part of the pool holdint Mitsuo from behind. He cupped the belly, taking his sweet time feeling around. Mitsuo just found himself a comfortable spot in his arms, his head on his shoulder and Gil's hands on either side of his belly. "Speaking of which.... we never really have any plays in the pool.... this sort of further deviates from our usual fun."

Mitsuo leaned back against Gil, gently rocking on his feet and putting his hands over the man's. "Mmh, yeah...I guess I never thought about it much." He said, giving a small shrug. He tensed and groaned as another contraction started, squeezing Gil's hands and leaning harder against him, "Aah, oh fuck..." He groaned, still not pushing just yet.

Mitsuo's belly changed shape quite obviously. It waa still large, juttimg.out far from his front, but it had shifted where the mass of it was more towards the bottom. Gil felt underneath the constricting muscle of his womb but couldnt quite make out of the shape nor the direction of the babies. He nuzzled close against the laboring man as he roamed his hands over his tight belly, feeling the globe rise and fall under his palm, like he was one with Mitsuo.

Mitsuo breathed through the contraction, relying on Gil to keep him standing. He shifted his legs apart slightly, feeling the weight inching lower into his pelvis. He groaned and panted, wincing and leaning his head back more. "I need to push...." he panted, feeling the urge getting even stronger.

His contraction seemed to get stronger, forcing the baby down without Mitsuo even pushing. He gave a shocked noise, shifting slightly. "Oh, god. It dropped ....I didn't push....it....it dropped...oh, shit!" He cried, grabbing Gil's arms as he leaned forward and pushed. He gave a strained cry, pushing as hard as he could while standing. Feeling the baby's head shift fully into his birth canal.

"What wait ... gosh you are pushing arent you?" Gil was a little panicked at the sudden development. He reached his hand down between Mitsuo's legs getting to his opening, like he would be feeling a head already, though obviously it wasnt the case, but Gil was still wide eyed and panicky. "I would press the belll.... Mitsuo hang in there...." he said wanting to move awah to the side but since they moved deeper intot he pool, he had to walk back to the side, meaning he would be leaving Mitsuo. He therrfore decided to just hold his position for now, looking at Mitsuo in a way that, even tjough it did remind him.of.their play, it felt even more intesne now seeing him.push.

Mitsuo couldn't stop himself, he needed to push. The urge was just too intense to ignore, even with how relaxed he'd been in the tub. He held tightly onto Gil's arms, curling forward as he pushed. Not even realizing the way this made his plush backside rub against Gil's crotch.

He leaned back against Gil when the contraction passed, shaking and panting. He spread his legs more, feeling the baby's head forcing it's way into his tight birth canal. It felt so intense. Nothing like birthing the soft gel eggs he'd done before.

Gil was getting driven crazy. His cock had just died down a little from the scare of Mitsuo's push, then now this. He suppressed the groan, which wouldn't be heard anyway as Mitsuo was grunting. He just watched for some time, and was quick to hold him after the push. Mitsuo spreading his legs wider didn't make things any better. Gil tried to move subtly away from MItsuo, at least his crotch, to spare his poor cock of some pressure, but Mitsuo just hummed his disagreement and pressed onto him even closer. Gil grunted again, bending his head forward to press against Mitsuo as he panted and try to will his cock to die down.

With his contraction passed, Mitsuo could feel Gil's erection pressing against his backside. He smirked a little, leaning his head against the man's. "I'm glad this still turns you on." He muttered in a low voice. "I'm aroused too....even if it doesn't seem that way." He sighed, idly rubbing his belly. He hummed and rocked his ass back, rubbing Gil's cock between those plush cheeks. "The baby's head is spreading me open....mmh, it aches, more solid than the eggs. A real human being, filling me...aah...like you have so many times." He muttered, feeling his cock stir and twitch as he rocked his hips. Partly to ease the baby down, and partly to give Gil some pleasure since he couldn't penetrate him.

The next contraction was even stronger, making Mitsuo double over as he pushed. He groaned through clenched teeth, breathing hard. His hips jerking back against Gil, feeling the baby sliding further into his birth canal. His opening starting to bulge out as he spread his legs more, cock throbbing against his lower belly.

Gil this time moaned hard hearing how Mitsuo described his feelings. "Gosh how could i not be aroused....you are so incredibly hot even when moaning in pain... would it sound too ridiculous for me to admit i just wanna thrust my way into you and compete with the baby in giving you pleasure?" Gil blurted out before he could think over. Mitsuo rocking in front of him sent thrilling waves of pleasure over him, and he had to grab those lovely cheeks of his butt.

Mitsuo's next push and groan were so enticing. Gil moved a hand under his belly, feeling the muscle contract, palming over his throbbing cock that pressed into the dome while the other hand reached down to feel his opening. It was amazing feeling the head pressing against his palm. "Mitsuo... that's the baby isn't it? Gosh this is really happening... the baby, spreading you so wide, force open your tight canal.... "

Hearing Gil's words just added to Mitsuo's arousal, just knowing how the man felt made his pain seem to fade a little. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or the pleasure. But it felt so good. "If I was sure it wouldn't hurt anything, I would let you take me in the ass..." he muttered, smirking.

He gave a moan of pleasure and pain as Gil palmed his cock, hips bucking slightly. He panted harshly, pausing in his pushing when Gil's hand slid between his legs. "Oooh, yes...it's the head. G-god....it....it's pressing against my prostate...." he moaned, eyes closed tight. He wasn't quite crowning, but he was close. His legs were trembling, spread apart as his opening bulged out more, lips beginning to part.

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