C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

"Oh don't you try me Mitsuo..." Gil groaned hearing the seductive words of Mitsuo and had for a split second considered just shove into his ass. It's so close, just mere centimeters from his cock, the warm and tightness that he was familiar wtih... he bit his lips hard, almost drawing blood trying to calm that raging beast in him.

That moan of Mitsuo caused Gil's breath to hitch as well. When he put it that way, so explicitly telling him the baby's pressing into his prostate, he was finding it too difficult. The trembling of Mitsuo, unlikely only from pain, caused him to snap. "Since the baby's occupied your prostate, I think it' smy time to get to your other sweetspot... you know, i shoudln't lost to a baby in pleasuring you." He whispered when his palm that was just innocently in touch with Mitsuo, turned to find his clit that made an appearnce as his lips parted, and teased it hard.

Part of Mitsuo wished it was safe for Gil to take him from behind while he gave birth. But he knew better. He just wanted to tease the man a little more.

He panted as his contraction passed, listening to Gil before his breath hitched sharply. His hips arched and twitched at the teasing, bucking into Gil's hand. He cursed and moaned, both hands clinging to Gil's arms. It got even more intense when another contraction hit. He pushed and moaned, lips parting more as the baby's head began to crown against Gil's hand. "Oh god! It's coming!" He cried, referring both to the baby and to his impending orgasm.

Gil rubbed Mitsuo's clit with renewed vigor hearing that, his palm could clearly feel a hardness pressing against his palm. "Come on baby, come for me." He said, referring to both the baby and Mitsuo. Mtisuo was trembling so hard in his arms, water was splashing on them in waves. Gil had to hold him tight as Mituso's legs almost went useless, and he have to hold teh man upright by his belly, which, unfortunately, had unintentionally pushed one of the babies still in Mitsuo back up of his womb.

Mitsuo's legs nearly gave out as Gil tormented his clit. He cried out at the pressure added to his belly by the arm holding him up, shuddering and moaning loudly through his orgasm. But the contraction continued, forcing the baby's head against Gil's hand.

"N-need to lay down." Panted Mitsuo, still trying to push. "F-fuck, oohhh....god, it's crowning....oh, shit!" He groaned, getting an intense urge to push. And push he did, one arm reaching to hook over Gil's shoulder while the other held his hand tight. His body wasn't giving him a chance to move, the head was coming now. Mitsuo's groan grew higher in pitch as he was stretched wide, the baby's head at full crown between his legs. Then, with a hard push, it popped free, startling Mitsuo. "Oh, god! The head!" He panted, wide-eyed and too shocked to move....

Gil wasn't expecting this, at first he was also rubbing against the crack between Mitsuo's heavenly butt, occassionally his cock would poke into the head of the emerging baby as well. The moan of Mitsuo in his orgasm that wrecked his whole body fueled his dry hump. He was only half aware of what Mitsuo was doing, chasing his own orgasm, though eventually the added sphere hitting his palm was what pushed him over the edge and he cum, from the feeling of Mitsuo birthing into his hand.

The water was murky, polluted by Gil's cum, Mitsuo's cum, birth fluid and blood. GIl waved several times in the water to clear it, couldn't quite believe the touch. "You just birthed a head... like in the middle of an orgasm... woah, Mitsuo, good job." Gil teased. "I am not that far behind from you though... i did cum when i feel you birthed. Instead of laying down, how about..." he lifted a leg of Mitsuo's up, causing him to stand tiptoed in the pool, the head sticking out from between his legs.

Mitsuo panted harshly after the rush of his orgasm and the baby's head popping free. It was such a strange feeling, overwhelming. But he still had the shoulders to get passed. "Ooh, god....it feels so strange....aah." He moaned, leaning back against Gil. He made a surprised noise when Gil lifted his leg, spreading him wide so the baby's head dangled between his legs.

The doctor came in then, making a shocked noise at the scene. "Oh, god. You should have called me." She said, hurrying to get changed so she could help. She quickly returned and joined them in the pool, reaching to feel around the baby's neck to make sure the cord wasn't wrapped around it. When she was sure it wasn't, she started to guide the baby as Mitsuo strained and pushed again. Giving quiet words of encouragement.

A nurse joined them with an incubator, knowing the babies might be premature and would need it. Right as the baby's shoulders slipped free and the rest of it slid right out of Mitsuo and into the doctor's hands. She gently lifted it, not wanting to shock it too much before suctioning any fluid from the airways. The baby squirmed and started to wail weakly.

Mitsuo could only stare at the newborn in the doctor's hands. amazed that it had just come out of him. But as soon as he saw it, the cord was cut and the baby was wrapped up and placed into the incubator to keep it warm.

Things happened so quickly, and Gil wasn't at the best position to see, Mitsuo's belly was still large and essentially obscured visuals of his bottom. When Gil was aware of it, the baby's already lifted out of the water gently by the doctor. He only caught a quick glimpse as well when teh baby started wailing. It looked small, despite the head being decent size, his body was frail and fragile.

"Is it alright? A boy or a girl?" He asked the doctor, though soon his attention returned to Mitsuo who squirmed in his arms. "Babe? I am lowering your leg ok?" He said to the pregnant man. He held Mitsuo by his belly again, and felt the distinct difference with one member inside evacuating the place, though from the look of it its still large and smooth.

Mitsuo was in shock, finally seeing the baby he'd only imagined and seen in blurry ultrasounds. It was real. Not just part of some elaborate play. He snapped out of it when. Gil spoke, a look of worry crossing his face.

"My nurses will examine each one. I would say it's a boy, but considering you are both mother and father, they are probably like you." Said the doctor, giving a gesture to Mitsuo's lower half. The nurse left the room with the incubator, making Mitsuo whine softly. Soon another returned with an empty incubator, ready for the next baby.

Mitsuo leaned back against Gil, shaking slightly despite the warm water. He was exhausted, and the next baby wasn't ready. "I want to lay down." He muttered, and with both Gil and Dr.Benson's help, he was moved on to one of the reclined sitting areas of the tub. He wanted Gil to sit behind him, give him both physical and emotional support. Squeezing his hand through the contractions that slowly moved the second baby down.

Gil almost chuckled at how Mitsuo looked at him in that evasive way, his eyes almost speaking his desire but his lips were too stubborn to voice them out loud, much like his cat when he wanted a good pat. He knew however, that he could never resist any real requests from Mitsuo and sat down before inviting Mitsuo down on his lap, patting his widespread thighs. He was quite grateful that they managed to vent out the accumulated sexual frustration, or the doctor would have noted his erection. He helped Mitsuo sit down on him gingerly, noting his raw opening and his further screwed up sense of balance with one baby out.

Mitsuo leaning back against him was a comfortable weight. Gil wrapped his arms around Mitsuo and half reluctantly accepted the towel Dr benson handed over. He wanted to admire Mitsuo's body for the whole time, but understood the need for it. Mituso was still shivering from fatigue and probably, from getting cold for he was still wet.

A primal instinct told Mitsuo he needed to hold his newborn, to bond with them and allow them to nurse. That alone would encourage his body to push the second baby out. But he understood his babies needed special care right now. So he would be patient for now.

He shifted slightly against Gil, getting comfortable. They were still in the tub, but back on one of the reclined seating areas. It even had a pillow for Gil, since the man was acting as Mitsuo's pillow. He winced and groaned as the doctor gently examined him, then offered a cloth to help him stay warm. His chest and much of his belly was exposed, but a warm damp cloth would help.

"His contractions are getting slower....try gently milking yourself." Said the doctor, knowing it could help encourage contractions. Mitsuo tried awkwardly, but he couldn't get the right motion so the nurse left to find a breast pump.

"I could do it." Gil suggested, flashing a cheeky smile facing the doctor's doubtful glance. "I would do good baby." He whispered to Mitsuo as he cupped the right side, flipping the towel away from the area and started massaging, smoothing over from the base of his bulging breast. His dexterous fingers also squeezed on the tit gently, encouraging the milk to flow through.

Gil apparently was met with more success, though he could hear Mitsuo's breathes coming heavier, his face gradually flushed redder. He knew his mate too well, this would definitely arouse him. His tits were one of his most sensitive parts which was why he had been so awkward at first, not wanting to stimulate them too much that he would react to the touch sexually. With one last gently push, there's a droplet of white liquid appearing on his tit. "Oh babe, you have done it." Gil praised Mitsuo, continuing to squeeze his nipple.

Mitsuo bit his lip when Gil offered to milk him, watching his hand and holding back any noises. He closed his eyes as Gil squeezed and stimulated his breast, giving a soft noise and squirming a bit. He panted softly, feeling himself growing hard and leaning his head back against Gil's chest.

Milk started to flow easier as Mitsuo grew more aroused before giving a strained moan. His contractions were picking up again. The doctor was gently pressing on his round belly, feeling and encouraging a baby to move down. She stopped when Mitsuo gave a louder noise, knowing one was in position.

"Oooh, f-fuck." He moaned, pushing hard and squeezing Gil's free hand. The baby slipping into his birth canal.

Mitsuo's milk was flowing so freely it formed a small stream. Gil couldn't brin ghimself to see all those precious milk going to waste draining down and mixing with the pool water. He scooped up some and tasted it, humming his approval in the delicious taste while the doctor was busy fondling around his belly. He didn't notice if MItsuo noticed, but anyhow he was enjoying this new beverage.

It was the pained grunt that pulled Gil back to reality. The pushing face of Mitsuo was attractive as always. Gil held his hand and endured the pressure from Mitsuo when he started pushing again. The moan and how his face flushed again was the sexiest thing Gil had seen. He murmured sweet praising words to Mitsuo while he worked to move the baby furhter down.

Mitsuo didn't notice right away that Gil was drinking his milk. He probably wouldn't have objected to him using his mouth directly. His teasing was really helping get Mitsuo's contractions going again.

He groaned loudly through the contraction, feeling the baby moving down. It was a little easier this time, even if the baby was a bit bigger. But it wasn't long before the doctor said it was crowning. Mitsuo let out a scream as he was stretched by the baby's head. Feeling it burn as the doctor applied pressure to keep him from tearing. He cursed and screamed, arching his back before giving a shocked gasp when the head popped free. He cursed and trembled, taking a break from pushing.

Gil lamentably couldnt see much again, but he liked this posture where he could hold Mitsio safely in his arms. The doctor was also quick to rrlay what's going on down therr, yelling the progress of the baby's head. He had also the first hand feeling from Mitsio. Mitsuo's straining, how he tensed up and trembled when he attempted to push, the slight squirm from the burn like he was trying to escape from tbe fire on his bottom, and the eventual release of breath when the head's entirely out. Gil caught on with a bit of murky liquid expelling and rippled through at the end of the reclined chair they were on, but that's about it, the doctor's hands obscuring all chances of seeing the baby.

While Mitsuo was panting harshly, resting during this blissful break, Gil caught on the doctor's alarmed look. Her features just hardened up and Gil sensed something could be wrong with the baby. He caught eyes with the doctor, exchanging a look, but botb decided to not alert Mitsuo of tbe situation prematurely. "Mitsuo babe... that's fantastic. You are doing such a wonderful job...." gil put his attentuon back on his lover, littering him with kisses.

Mitsuo panted harshly once the head was out, eyes closed and head back against Gil's shoulder. He didn't see the doctor's reaction...All he could focus on was getting the baby out of his body. "I wish....I could see it." He panted. "See the baby come out of me...stretch me open. The way the eggs did before." He muttered before scrunching his face up and pushing again.

Dr. Benson looked worried. The baby didn't look right. Its skin was dusky, almost purple...But she couldn't be sure about it until it was out of Mitsuo. So she continued to help turn the baby, guiding the shoulders out as Mitsuo pushed. It came free with a gush of fluid and the doctor stood, cradling the baby. It didn't make noise, but she still went about clearing the airways, cutting the cord, and handing it to a nurse to wrap up and place in the incubator. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything they could do. They could only spare Mitsuo the pain right now.

"W-wait...aah..." He muttered, watching the nurse leave with the incubator. He gave Gil a confused and worried look, then the doctor.

"Its alright, my nurses will take the best care of your babies. Don't worry." She said, rubbing his belly gently.

Gil had to smile at how blunt Mitsuo was, abd hoped the doctor didnt capture that. They would have a hard time explaining themselves if the dcotor was curious enough to press on the issue. The rest was almost a blur, all Gil was aware of was indeedd just Mitsuo whimpering, trembling in his arms and clenched his jaws tight when he pushed. He could almost feel the doctor tugging at the baby, causing small jerks in Mitsuo's widespread thighs as she almost forced the baby through.

The doctor was so swift in her action Gil barely got the chance to catch a glimpse, but the baby's leg dangled for a split second out of her hold, and that color could only be described as unnatural. It didnt looj to be a healthy color for a baby. Gil bit his lips as he guessed the outcome. He felt Mitsuo's slight struggle in his attempt to have a look on the baby and calmed him as best as he could on top of what the doctor said. "The baby's in good hands, we should now focus on here first. Take this time to rest, breath, dont forget about the 2 little guys still in you. This is far from finished."

Dr. Benson knew about Mitsuo's play. She was the one who oversaw his first try and made sure everything went well. It had been a small batch and he only laid one rather small egg. But she knew about it and was okay with it. But right now she was focused on the birth and trying to get the baby out of the room as quickly as she could.

Mitsuo whined, laying back against Gil and closing his eyes. "So tired." he groaned, turning his head to nuzzle against Gil. He relaxed for a bit, but the doctor was worried about the babies not moving down. She suggested Mitsuo shifting to his knees, putting a pad under him so he could kneel in the water, leaning against Gil and groaning through each contraction.

Gil stranded through Mitsuo's wet hair, pressing small kisses on his boyfriend who was so clearly ezhausted. He felt bad suddenly, knowing the impedning breaking of bad news would probably sadden the man, who's already in so much agony now. He cleared the thought hearing the doctor's instruction, and held Mitsuo up on his chest, holding the man close and supported him comfortably, rubbing against his back.

Whwn they movef to the right positions where both felt comfortable enough considering, Gil kissed Mitsuo properly on his lips. "Two more babies, this thrill wasnt over yet." He said lightly, caressing Mitsuo's soft face.

Mitsuo made a soft noise as Gil brushed through his hair, looking up at him and smiling. It was the little things that helped him keep going. Once he was in position, he continued pushing, feeling the way the babies sat in his pelvis now. "Right, two more...mmh..." He groaned, closing his eyes and nuzzling against Gil's shoulder.

He pushed as hard as he could, crying out as the baby slid down. It felt smaller than the others, coming down much quicker. He made a concerned noise, trying to look at the doctor before wincing and groaning as he pushed. The doctor looked concerned as well, especially as the baby began to crown. It didn't look right at all, seemingly malformed...which became more obvious as the head slid free. She was just as quick to deliver the baby and hand it to a nurse, wanting to avoid him seeing it...

Mitsuo whimpered, not hearing any cries again. But he was quickly distracted by the pain of the last baby. It was bigger than the rest, Mitsuo didn't feel like it was going to fit. "Aaah, its too big!"

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