C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Mitsuo just couldn't stop smiling, especially when Gil kissed the peak of his little bump. He couldn't believe he had all tbis. A wonderful fiancé, an adorable child, and more on the way. It was a dream come true.

Jun cooed and babbled when Gil ruffled his hair, reaching for his hand, but instead patted the man's cheek when he was kissed. He giggled and waved his arm, getting a chuckle from Mitsuo. The boy was just like him in every way. Even down to his behavior.

"Mmm," hummed Mitsuo at Gil's comment, nodding. "He's gonna have to be a good big brother. Having two...or maybe more....little siblings." He said, putting his hand over Gil's. "I'll call my doctor. Maybe we can get an idea of how many to expect by listening to heartbeats." He said, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at Gil.

Gil chuckled and clutched Jun's little hand and pretend to be biting his little fingers, grinding them lightly with his teeth. He smiled when the child giggled and squirmed in Mitsuo's arms.

"Jun would be a good big brother.... you would be a loving big brother. You are a good mommy." Gil said looking up, taking Jun so Mitsuo could get to his phone. "I would.come with you. Perhaps we could take this little guy with us as well? To visit the clinic and everyone?"

Jun curled his tiny fingers around Gil's, using his whole hand just to hold one of the man's fingers. Mitsuo found the image so adorable, he could only smile as a warm feeling swelled in his chest. Despite the circumstances of his conception, he truly loved little Jun with every ounce of his being. Well, almost. He really couldn't deny how much he loved Gil as well.

"I'm not sure how I would've been with a brother...I'm an only child." He said, frowning slightly. "But we'll raise Jun to be a protective and patient older brother." He said as he handed the boy to Gil. He ruffled Jun's fluffy black hair before going to call his doctor. "We're in luck. Someone canceled, so she has an opening this afternoon." He said, smiling widely. "I hope it's just twins. Four was hard on me." He said, hand over the bump as he looked at Gil and Jun.

It's not just Mitsuo, but Gil was finding his heart metl everytime he interacted with the little guy. He kissed and cooed over the baby who.so instinctively laid his warm, fluffy head on his chest upon getting transferred to his arms, still holding his finger. He bumped the baby and flet like he could do anything for this kid. And Mitsuo of course. He smiled at his lover and nodded happily. "Yep. Jun, we are gonna find out how many little siblings you are gonna get. You want a little brother or sister?" He asked the kid who just stared at him with clueless eyes before chukcling, showing the tiny teeth that he had.

Transferring Jun to one arm, Gil wrapped his other around Mitsuo and kissed his cheek. "Whatever number of babies we are blessed with, I am happy. And yea I gotta agree 4 is a little many, but you gotta admit.you are extremely attractive when you sport that huge belly."

Mitsuo smiled when he was pulled close to Gil, leaning his head against his shoulder after the kiss. "Attractive, but uncomfortable." He sighed. "Its murder on my back." He said, looking up at him with a pout. "So I would prefer less. I think I was much bigger last time at this stage, so I'm sure its just twins." He said, reaching to brush Jun's hair back off his face.

He heard a meow and turned to see Kuu, his tabby, rubbing against his legs. He smiled and picked up the feline, getting a giggle from Jun. "He plays nice with Kuu." He said, moving closer to let Jun awkwardly pet the cat.

"I am prettty sure Jun's affnity to felines in general come from you." Gil smiled at the interaction. Kuu was also gentle with Jun, he had witnessed times whrn Jun pulled on Kuu's fur and still the cat endured gracefully. "Well twins is fine. They wont be the last of Jun's siblings anyway...." he hinted eyeing Mitsuo's belly. He sighed inwardly for missing this stage of pregnancy last time.

They set out for the clinic in the afternoon, and while they are placed in the room awaiting for the doctor, Gil couldnt help but kiss Mitsuo deeply when he laid on the bed, his shirt raised up to show his bump.

Mitsuo smiled brightly. He did love cats, even acted like one sometimes. And he was glad Kuu was tolerant of the awkward baby, seeming to treat him like an awkward kitten, even curling up with him when it was cold. Of course, Mitsuo never left the two alone.

He was clearly nervous as they waited for the doctor, fidgetting with his shirt and looking over at Jun sitting in his carrier. He was playing with a toy dangling from the handle, giggling happily. At least he wasn't upset by any of this.

Mitsuo smiled into the kiss, making a soft noise before they had to break away as the doctor rolled the ultrasound machine in. "Alright. Time to check on this new batch, huh?" She asked, giving them both a smile. She turned on the machine and spread some gel on the wand before pressing it to Mitsuo's belly. He gasped at how cool it was, but quickly got over it as he watched the screen.

The device was moved until the movement of beating hearts could be seen. Dr. Benson moved around a little more before stopping. "Looks like just two this time." She said, pointing to the beating hearts before turning on the sound. Mitsuo stared at the screen, still in awe that this was really happening. Even Jun paused to look at the funny sound, babbling something before grabbing his toy again.

Gil clutched Mitsuo's hand tight once the doctor came in, and he was finding himself quite overwhelmed by the images appearing on screen. "Woah.... Mits..." he said staring at the heartbeats. He raised Mitsuo's hand and kissed repeatedly on it, matching eyes with Mitsuo and smiled with tears in their eyes. This was making everything so real. "Doc.. they are ok? All healthy?" He asked as an afterthought, the shadow of Jun's lost siblings crossed his face when he heard the baby's gurgling. He squeezed Mitsuo's hand hard before releasinh him and bringing Jun over, pointing to him the poundingtiny hearts on the monitor as the infant chuckled and clapped his hand at the thudding sounds. "That's your baby sisters or brothers.... you are a big boy now" he said nuzzling against the soft rosy cheeks of Jun.

Mitsuo squeezed Gil's hand back, looking at him as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. This was how it was supposed to feel. Not the fear and worry from his first pregnancy...or the loss.

He quickly looked up at Gil's question, looking to the doctor nervously. "Strong heartbeats, both look well formed at this stage. I think everything is going well. Just remember, with a sped-up pregnancy, things can go wrong very quickly. So don't hesitate in calling me if you have any concerns or questions." She said, wiping Mitsuo's stomach down and letting him sit up.

Jun didn't understand any of it, but he was excited because his parents were. Waggling his arms and giggling happily,

"Yes doc. We would keep close contact with you." Gil nodded solemnly. The bump was still small and with his shirt rolled back.down, one couldnt really see Mitsuo's pregnant, not that anyone would guess as much as he still looked musculine. Tmost just assumed Jun was from a surrogate.

While Gil followed the doctor to get thr administrative procedures done, leaving Mitsuo and Jun with the nurses and all, he whispered. "Doc... if, hmm, say Mitsuo now is entering his first trimester, correct? Is this considered a high risk pregnancy like last time? Is it safe for him to.perform day to day work, like lifting Jun up and all, and some other, hmm, domestic activities? Even, in, ere, in the bedroom?"

Mitsuo situated Jun in his carrier while Gil went with the doctor to fill out the paperwork. He followed a moment later, holding up the carrier as he walked.

Dr. Benson chuckled, shaking her head a little. "He's entering the second trimester. And right now everything is going well. He can do normal activities, but nothing too strenuous." She said as she got the paperwork for him. "Use your best judgement." She added, nodding.

"Define too strenuous." Gil persisted but caught Mitsuo's shape at the corner of his eyes, and had to drop the topic. He went on to take over Jun, already defining for himself that the baby would soon become one of the "strenuous activity" with how the bay tend to kick and fuss around. He turned to the doctor while holding Mitsuo's waist. "Any supplements? Prescription? Any advice on our diet?" He asjed, feeling more like an anxious father this time when he had to experience it from the start.

Dr. Benson just gave Gil a look, telling him to use his discretion. But she would say anything that could be considered 'heavy exercise' would be too much. So normal sex was okay. "Whatever you do, just make sure to take breaks and stay hydrated. Important rules for both of you." She said, smiling. "Mmm, no prescriptions, but here's a guide on eating healthy and some supplements you might want to look into." She said, handing them a folder. "Just do how you did with the first pregnancy. This pregnancy should be easier." She nodded, giving them both a warm smile.

Mitsuo chuckled when Gil took Jun's carrier and put his arm around him, taking the folder they were offered and going to sign some papers. "Alright.We'll do that. C'mon. I'm starving." He said, looking to Gil before leaning up to kiss his cheek.

It did serve as some consolation to know this pregnancy would be easier, and when they were leaving the clinic, Gil had become cheerful again. On their way out, Gil kissed Mitsuo holding his waist causing everybody to stare at them, earning themselves some smiles and stares from the other patients waiting. Gil.didnt mind them at all, taking Mitsuo's hand he led him out.

"Hey how about we celebrate the good news? Two little sweeties to be added.... what do you want to do? Hmm movie night?" He suggested.

Mitsuo draped his arm around Gil's waist as well as they walked back to the car, a smile stuck on his face the whole time. The smile stayed on his face when Gil took his hand, looking to him fondly before they reached the car. "Mm, celebrate? A movie sounds great." He said, leaning up to kiss him on the lips before taking Jun's carrier and moving to secure it in the back seat.

He tickled the baby's chest, making him giggle loudly before moving to get into the front seat.

"Do you want to do it at home or in the cinema? I hear there's an outdoor one tonight, you wanna try that out?" Gil asked, tracing Mitsuo's movements closely. He was still moving around with his usual agility, but Gil's cock stirred imagingin him bending over to fit the seat when he sported a belly. That would be a great sight to look at. Jun's chuckle pulled him back to reality. "And we could take Jun with us as well..... even though most likely he would be sleeping through it." He said looking into the happy baby. "If that's our plan... .perhaps we could go get some takeaway? What do you feel like?" He asked as Mitsuo got into the passenger's seat.

Mitsuo would probably be unable to put the carrier into the car once he got far into his pregnancy. But, until then, he would keep doing it. He loved being close to little Jun, making the boy giggle. It brought him so much joy to just hear it. He looked over at Gil as he spoke, looking thoughtful for a moment. "Why don't we get takeout and go home. Jun will sleep easier in his bed. Last thing we need is him waking up with a dirty diaper at a drive in." He said, shaking his head before chuckling. Looking back at Jun playing with a plush cat he took everywhere.

"'Alright, you are the boss here." Gil nodded and watched their interaction with a smile. He had a feeling he would soon be jealous. There's indeed a special bond between the child and parent, probably because they shared absolutely the same gene.

As planned they returned home and Gil.followed Mitsuo with his hands full of takeaways, while Mitsuo got Jun. Gil just felt so content and hopeful in their future together. Gil attacked Mitsuo from behind when he placed the baby in his little bed, holding his palms around his lower belly. "Is he all settled?"

Mitsuo chuckled at Gil before leaning over to kiss his cheek. He really had bonded with Jun, but since he was home with the boy while Gil was at work, that was sort of expected. It wasn't to say Jun didn't bond with Gil at all. Of course he saw the man as his father and would reach for him if Mitsuo wasn't available.

When they got home, Mitsuo headed right back to Jun's room to put the baby to bed. He changed his diaper and put him in cozy pajamas. He set him down with his favorite stuffed cat, giving a surprised noise when Gil caught him from behind. Jun giggled and wiggled, finding Mitsuo's noise funny. Mitsuo smiled and looked over his shoulder at his fiancé, putting one hand over the man's. "Just about." He said, winding up his mobile to help Jun go to sleep.

Gil had to smile at how cute Jun was wiggling around. He was a happy baby and it always made everyone around him smile. He nuzzlrd close to Mitsuo as he got everything ready, and went on to walk with him, still linked together, as they dimmed the light and left the room. "It's not just Jun likes that sound.... I like it as well." Gil commented out of nowhere and swept Mitsuo off his feet, causing him to.squeal again. He laughed as he descended the stairs to their living room. "Within tbe next few months the stairs could be a problem for you.... I am thinking i would become the human elevator for you by then." He commented with a big smile, clearly looking forward to taking up that role.

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