C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Mitsuo couldn't help a soft chuckle at Gil's words, shaking his head. "You wouldn't want to exhaust me, would you?" He asked, smiling up at him. He closed his eyes, one hand shifting to rest atop his belly, enjoying the afterglow and being held so close by his fiance.

He drifted to sleep, making a soft noise as Gil's hand slid lower on his belly. It was probably better to just gently wipe him clean for now. He was much too tired for a bath, but he would probably enjoy one when he woke up...

Mitsuo had made the decision for Gil with him falling sleep so quick. He smiled and tried his best not to wake his pregnant mate when he went off to get the towels and wipe them clean. It was somewhat strange cleaning Mitsuo like when he changed diapers for Jun, but all th3 same it was quite erotic when he spread his legs and wiped between his legs, where everything was swollen. His genitals were still very sensitive and would constrict like a mimosa when he wiped over them.

Gil fell asleep feeling as content as he could be. He took his fiance in his arms as he slept, resting his palms on his belly. He was sure there would be some reason for Mitsuo to wake him at night, perhaps a cramp or a visit to the toulet, but right now he would enjoy some sleep.

Mitsuo twitched and made soft noises as Gil cleaned him, but he didn't wake up. He groaned softly when Gil wiped further between his legs, shifting his legs a little. He was very sensitive, almost painfully so. But it was best if he was cleaned now rather than later when it was all dry and sticky. He slept happily when Gil joined him, nuzzling against him. He woke up much later needing to pee, wiggling off the bed and quietly waddling to the bathroom. It wasn't long before he came back and crawled back in with Gil, falling asleep almost right away.

Another week passed without any incident. They tried stretching him more, getting his body ready to stretch for the twins. His belly didn't grow much in size, but he felt the weight of it. He knew the twins were out of room and it was only a matter of time before they wanted out. He was relaxing on the couch watching TV, groaning and shifting as his back cramped up. He wasn't worried, it was mostly just an annoyance.

Gil was playing with Jun on the carpeted floor. The groan of Mitsuo made them both looked up at him. Jun soon focused back on the toy he had on his hands, but Gil was cautious enough to ask about it. "You want a heating pack for your back? Or do you want me to rub it?" He offered, glancing at the clock quietly. 3pm. And marked the time just in case. Mitsuo was officially entering his due date and Gil couldnt be too careful at this stage.

Sitting on the floor, be could see Mitsuo's legs slightly swollen. He placed his legs on the coffee table, spread out wide, and looked really like a stranded whale. Gil decided ge would get those packs anyway and got up, kissing Mitsuo's belly once before going to the kitchen for their supply.

Mitsuo wished he could play with little Jun more, but getting up and down from the floor had become too difficult. But he couldn't help the warm feeling in his chest when he watched Gil play with the boy. He adjusted the pillow at his lower back and sighed. "Yeah, one of those heating pads." He nodded. He knew he was getting close, he even felt the weight of the twins sitting lower, but they hadn't quite dropped yet.

He smiled when Gil put his legs up, shifting a little to get comfortable. His heavy belly forcing him to sit with his legs apart, resting between his thighs. He sighed when Gil kissed his belly, looking fondly down at the mound under his shirt, one hand smoothing over it. "Any time now. I think I'm ready." He sighed, trying to relax.

"I am finding it quite exciting, yet I somehow dreaded it.." Gil confessed as he went to.get the pads. "I am sure you felt it that way as well... perhaps ten times more so than me." He laughrd and came back. Sitting next to Mitsuo, he helped him.move forward so he could fit the pad at his lower back.

Jun was unmoved by his parents exchange of conversation, not even the small grunts from Mitsuo was enough to dkstract his attnetion. Gil smiled and whispered to Mitsuo. "Perhaps Jun is the calmest of us all.... i.wouldnt really be surprised if he would just stay there and sleep through it all when it's really time for the little ones to come." He said still nudging.close to Mitsuo and caressed his belly.

Mitsuo nodded, rubbing his belly more. "I'm excited and terrified." He said, closing his eyes. The painful memories of losing Jun's siblings coming to the surface. But he had been to the doctor and she said his twins were absolutely healthy. His thoughs drifted back to reality when Gil helped him with the heating pad, grunting softly before settling back and waiting for it to warm up.

He chuckled at Gil, looking down at Jun and smiling warmly. "He doesn't have any idea what's about to happen." He sighed. He slid an arm around Gil and leaned against him, groaning softly at another cramp.

Gil caught on with the moment of sadness crossing Mitsuo's face. He nudged close to Mitsuo, almost feeling priviledged by how Mtisuo still liked his touch. It felt somewhat like when their cat decided to grace his lap with its presence, and he wrapped an arm around Mitsuo's thick waist carefully as well, , making it as comfortable as he could offer to be.

The groan alerted Gil again, and he glanced at his watch. with the braxton-hicks so frequent, he was familiar with the drill and covered Mitsuo's contracting belly with his large, warm palm. Rubbing small circles on the side, he nuzzled against Mitsuo's head. "Yea.. though, i would still think it better to have his nanny bring him away. Just in case..... he bumped into a particularly nasty contraction, or, just at a nasty timing where we are... you know." Gil smirked.

Mitsubishi made a happy little noise when Gil pulled him closer, nuzzling against him and giving a content sigh. He felt so safe in his fiance's arms, like nothing could go wrong.

What Mitsuo didn't realize was he had been in labor for several hours now. What he assumed were Braxton hicks were just very light contractions. Things were moving slowly, which was nice. But of course he was anxious, not wanting it to take forever.

He looked down at Jun as the boy looked up at them, getting up to toddle over to them. He wanted to join in, reaching up for them as Mitsuo leaned to lift him into Gil's lap. "Maybe. No rush. He's fine for now." He said,smiling as the one-year-old patted his belly and babbled about how big the babies must be.

(Would you accept a toilet play? I am thinking maybe at this stage the babies are pressing down to the utethra so the only way for Mitsuo to go would be through his feminine parts... it would involve a bit of desperation and much rubbing from Gil on his bladder. Would you be fine with this idea?)

Gil held his breath when Mitsuo leaned forward to pick their son up, his belly pressing forward so much it looked like it would be uncomfortable, ans he had to shake his head and laugh slightly at himself for worryinf so much. Mitsuo always handled his body well, and he knew his limits. Gil ruffled Jun's hair as he crawled over Mitsuo's belly, holding th3 toddler from th3 side so he wouldnt fall off in case he missed his step in conquering the "belly mountain".

Jun wasnt exactly light now, and eventuallt Gil was too over peotective of Mitsuo to allow for any further venturing of his son. He lured Jun to move over to his lap, but in the process was unable to prevent the child from using Mitsuo's belly aa a stepping stone.

Mitsuo was very in tune with his body, well, most of the time. And Jun was just small enough for him to still lift with his heavy belly in the way. He held on the boy while he explored his large belly, leaning back slightly and smiling as Jun patted and pawed at the dome. He grunted when Jun tried climbing on it, moving him back to Gil's lap with the man's help. He gasped when Jun stepped on him, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Be careful, Jun. don't want to hurt your little siblings." He said, rubbing the spot. He sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing for a while. He turned the TV on for Jun, which the boy was happy to sit and watch while sitting on Gil's lap. It was nearly an hour before Mitsuo groaned softly, another cramp pulling at his back.

Gil nudged on Jun slightly. "Yea Jun. You should be careful with yoru little sibling... you are a big brother now, you have to take care of the babies, and momma." He ruffled his soft hair as he reinforced the idea. The last thing they needed was hostility from Jun towards the babies, and he hoped they wouldn't have that problem. "Kiss your mommy and where you kicked?" He asked of the little boy, who innocently nodded and kissed on Mitsuo's belly.

Hearing the groan, Gil quickly turned to Mitsuo and grabbed his hand. "You ok?" He noted the time, but still it was too far apart to ring the bell. He adjusted the pillows and heat pads, though little seemed to be helping. It's meant to be a difficult period of time, when Mitsuo's body was adjusting and adapting for the huge task ahead.

Jun pouted slightly when Gil ruffled his hair, but he didn't hesitate in doing what he was asked to. "Sowee babies." He muttered, patting Mitsuo's belly where he kissed. He looked up when the man groaned, frowning and moving to hug him. "Sowee mommy." He said quietly.

Hitsugi felt such a swell of love for Jun, hugging him as tight as he could comfortably while Gil adjusted his pillows. "You'll be such a good big brother. Showing the twins everything you know and keeping them safe. And give them hugs and play games. Maybe even help mommy take care of them when they are very small." He said,almost tearing up from how happy he felt.

"Mommy....twins not gonna be little." Said Jun, patting Mitsuo's belly and getting a laugh from the man.

Gil chuckled at how lovely their son was. "You are right buddy, your little siblings aren't little at all! Look at how big they made mommy become..." he smiled and kissed Jun's forehead, the toddler tilted his head, not sure what his parents were laughing at, but still smiled brightly because everybody seemed so happy.

Gil noticed Mitsuo's tears and thought it cute as well. "Cute baby from a cute mommy..." he muttered and kissed Mitsuo as well. "I got the cutest family in teh world." He could understand why Mitsuo was getting so touched. He was finding his heart bursting with joy himself. The family interacted some more, soon Jun was nodding his head, his body tilting sideways as he tried hard to keep his eyes opened.

Jun's giggle was infectious, making Mitsuo laugh as well. The boy rested on Gil's lap,leaning against Mitsuo slightly and putting his tiny hands on the man's belly. He seemed so fascinated by the pregnancy, often asking awkward questions at the worst times. But it was alright.

Mitsuo was dozing off with his son, leaning against Gil's shoulder more. He gave a louder half-awake groan, feeling a stronger cramp pull at his back. Still not a full contraction, but they were getting there. The cramp and his own shifting made him aware of his full bladder.

He gently adjusted Jun more onto Gil's lap before heaving himself up to waddle to the bathroom down the hall. He needed to sit to go...aiming was just out of the question. But for as much as he needed to go, nothing was coming...."oh, come on.....what did you two do to me now? First you make me nearly wet myself....now I can't even go." He whined at his belly as the babies shifted within.

Gil could guess from Mitsuo's slightly more awkward - if that's even possible - walk down the hall and could guess where his fiancé was up to. The toilet was somewhere that he still wasn't allowed. In his own words, it would be giving his lover his privacy. In truth, Mitsuo wasn't too happy for him to be following him everything and make him looked like an invalid.

He looked at Jun with affection for some time, before realizing Mitsuo had been disappeared for a little too long. He glanced at the clock and confirmed his suspicion. A trip to relief himself shouldn't have taken as long as 10 minutes. He wondered and went on to search for him. Jun was more or less completely asleep now. He lifted the child up as gently as he could and laid him on the couch, pulling over the blanket to cover his small body.

At the door, he knocked. "Mitsuo? You ok in there?" He asked with worry.

Mitsuo liked having privacy in the bathroom. He wouldn't even let Gil in to use the sink while he showered in the morning. It was just a quirk of his.

He was trying to bear down on his bladder a little....but he didn't want to risk his water breaking....so he was stuck. He even tried lifting his belly up, hoping to shift the mass off his bladder enough for him to empty it. But nothing was working. He groaned when he heard Gil at the door, looking over and frowning.

"I can't pee....somethings blocking it." He muttered, sounding embarrassed about his situation....and how he looked. Sitting on the toilet, legs spread by the girth of his belly, puffy chest filling out his shirt. It was hard to tell he had any masculine traits right now.

Gil tilted his head and thought he heard wrong. "You can't pee....?" He asked, then something spark through his mind. "Oh!" The doctor had given them both a little lecturr as Mitsuo got bigger about potential everyday problems that they might experience, so he had a vague idea what that's about. He knocked on the door again. "Let me in first Mits..."

It took quite a bit of time , and he was hearing some grunting and struggling, with clothes ruffling before the door could finally open. In his haste, Mitsuo had barely pulled up his pants, and his huge belly was almost on full display. Gil kissed Mitsuo's red rimmed eyes and asked. "Let's get you back down.... " he helped lower Mitsuo down to the toilet. "So, you have tried rubbing around?" He asked and placed his palms on where his bladder should be, low in the belly, and rubbed in circles, putting slight pressure in it.

Mitsuo whined softly when Gil asked to come in, shifting to try and tug his pants up first. He gave up after a few minutes and let Gil in, glancing away from him out of embarrassment. He sighed and did as he was told, sitting carefully back down on the toilet and leaning back. "Of course I tried rubbing." He mumbled,making a soft noise as Gil rubbed and pressed below the swell of his belly.

"I feel pressure....but I only got a little dribble..." he mumbled, looking down at Gil. He didn't realize the pressure from the babies starting to drop had caused his prostate to swell and block any urine from getting out...

It was a surprise that wasnt unwelcome when he saw Mitsuo coming without his pants tugged up,and his fiance still looked embarrassed by it was beyond adoarble. He tried to hide the smile as he knew Mitsuo was going through some quite intense misery, and wanted to be supportive instead of teasing.

Hearing what Mitsuo said, it just confirmed his suspicion. "I am thinking this could be a problem from the babies dropping.low ajd causing things that shouldnt swell up, well, swell. Can you put your legs up?" He asked of Mitsuo, helping him put up his legs and sort of hold them up behind his knees, exposing the whole of his genitals.

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